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Chapter six: Day one: back into the flow of lies… wait...

That was good for a change, right?


I hope nobody’s lost track already! Makes my job harder in the long run!


Right, back to us!


That evening, after leaving my mother's locket on the roof of the tower, I made my way back to “The one stinger”.


Although I tried to sneak my way in through the window, my plan to go in without drawing attention failed miserably.


Kiri: (Waiting by the window) ‘Seriously, again Xyro?’


X.D: ‘What? I had to take care of something, that's all.’


I removed Atsuko’s hoodie, placing it on the coat rack.


Kiri: (Tapping her shoe with her arms folded)  ‘I wouldn't mind, but you're the one who told us all to stay in here in the first place!’


X.D: ‘Shhh, you're going to wake everybody else up…’


Kiri pushed the living room door open. Standing just behind it, everyone had their arms folded.


X.D: ‘.....ah….’


Miu walked over to me.


Let's just say that she didn't welcome me back with a hug. More of a high five… to the face.


X.D: (Rubbing cheek) ‘Yeah, I kind of deserve that.’


Dakota, who was the only one not present, made his way in from the bathroom.


Dakota Way: ‘Yo, Xyro, dude did you get them?’


I threw him a bag of red jelly sweets.


Casually, the boy sprawled himself out on the sofa, placing the small gummies into his mouth.


Miu Shizuka: (Eyes glowing red) ‘You knew where he was going, and yet you said nothing about it to us!!!’


Dakota Way: ‘*Chewing*...what?...*Chewing*...Oh, right, my bad.’


She stared intensely at him, before subduing her anger.


Miu Shizuka: ‘....right, well, it doesn't matter now, doesn't it? You are well and safe, so there is no need to worry anymore.’


Miu departed to her room, without another word.


I could tell that she was still mad at me.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Give us a word of warning next time kid. Ok?’


X.D: ‘Yeah yeah, I will.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘(Whispering) So, what did you find out?’


I looked at him in confusion.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Oh, come on! Don't you think I knew what you were up to? Tell me, find anything interesting about the IWEC?’


X.D: ‘All I found out was that we have a group of assassins after us now. That's about it really.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Well no shit! It's not as if we knew they'd do that already!’


He chuckled out loud.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Well, at least we are heading out of this dump at dawn. I really can't stand this damn smell.’


X.D: ‘Yeah, it doesn't help that we have Dakota here as well.’


We both looked over at the sloth we all know and love, lying like an old sock on the sofa.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Well kid, I'm going to catch a few Z’s. talk to you at dawn.’


He gave me a fistbump, before retiring to his side of the room.


I was kind of hoping to talk to Atsuko, but she was already fast asleep. She had curled up with a fairly large teddy bear that was left in one of the storage crates.


Instead, I was wondering more about what my brother and Crystal were up to. Both of them were near the back of the room. They had a large light dangled over a bunch of pages.


X.D: (Walking over) ‘Do you mind if I sit with?’


Ryu Jianar: (Not looking up, still working) ‘Yeah, just don't touch anything!’


Crystal: ‘Hey Xyro! We are just trying to match all the archive up with pictures.’


After taking one simple look, I could see exactly what they were doing. Each piece of information that Ryu had jotted down, everything from the wildlife to individual people, was being paired up with a drawing that Crystal had made. In fact, for the pieces that Ryu had written when she wasn't around, she tried to draw with the information given to her.


Imagine watching the last few weeks of your life being turned into a wonderful masterpiece. Both in literature and art.


And to be honest, I'm still amazed to look back on it today, and to see how far it has come since then.


Crystal: ‘We are kind of stuck at the moment, though. Do you know that little robot that you guys faced?’


X.D: ‘Oh, the little red one?’


Ryu Jianar: ‘Yeah, what did he say his name was?’


X.D: ‘Pint.’


Ryu Jianar: ‘...Are you sure? That seems like a stupid name…’


X.D: (Smiling internally) ‘I'm pretty sure.’


Ryu Jianar: ‘Alright then...’


He jotted down his name above a picture of Pint (Which looked exactly like a normally IWEC bot, but tiny and red, which didn't match Pint at all. Well, except the short part.)


Davis Drafter: (Laying on his mattress) ‘They have been doing that for five hours.’


Crystal: ‘Shhhh, get your sleep, Davis!’


With one of His typical stares of death, Davis grunted, and rolled onto his side, facing the wall.


After showing me a few more pieces of their work, I had to call it quits. Even with my new eyes, I still couldn't stand the industrial light. Something about the glow made me feel dizzy.


So, taking a step out of the living room, I went off to see what the others were up to.


Sitting around a makeshift table made of old storage containers, was Kiri’s group. (Excluding Ronnie. He seemed too busy playing with one of the doorstops. You know, the spring ones that make an obnoxiously loud twang.)


The group were playing some card game or another. To be honest, I never really play card games, but I find it fascinating to watch.


As soon as I walked over, Jamie placed his cards on the table, receiving a mass of deep sighs from the others, before dragging a bunch of money his way.


Andrew Weber: ‘This isn't funny anymore Jamie, I'm skint!’


Jamie Eruu: (Casually) ‘I guess I'm just the luckiest guy alive. Either that or I'm just too good for you!’


As he leant back into his chair, he raised his arms and placed them behind his head. Because of the positioning of his arms, only I could see the abundance of cards stuffed up his sleeves.


I didn't want to be “That guy” and call him out on it, so I didn't.


Christian Baraster: ‘Hey, Xyro, care to join us?’


X.D: (Pulling a small box over to sit on) ‘Naa, it's ok. I don't gamble.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Fair enough. More wins for me!’


Kiri threw her cards down on the table.


Kiri:(Chewing a piece of gum) ‘Ronnie, do we need anything else for the trip?’


He didn't answer. The spring was just too fascinating.


Kiri: ‘Forget it then. I'm heading to bed.’


Spitting her gum on the floor, she went into the living room.


As soon as she was out of earshot (I didn't want another bruising) I whispered to the group.


X.D: “What's up with her?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Ehh, she’s just not on very good terms with our boss.’


Andrew Weber: ‘Aren't you forgetting something?’


He said this with a huge, smug smile on his face.


Jamie Eruu: ‘Oh, right, yeah…. She's kind of afraid of the ocean.’


Andrew tried to stop himself from laughing.


Christian made sure to put a stop to it by jabbing him hard in the throat.


Andrew Weber: (Agitated, rubbing neck) ‘What the fuck? Why?’


Christian Baraster: ‘Firstly, it's inappropriate to make fun of other people's phobias. They have them for a reason. Secondly, she is your commanding officer. You treat her with respect.’


Andrew Weber: (Still rubbing throat, sarcastically) ‘Yes “Mum”, I will behave next time.’


Jack Jenkings: (Silently) ‘At least the ships going to be safe.’


Andrew Weber: ‘Yeah, what can possibly go wrong inside a ship carrying shipping containers.’


X.D: ‘Well, it's the only safe way to travel. Unless you want to be riddled with bullets before you can even approach an airport.’


Ronnie Manning: (A large grin was plastered across his face) ‘Ahh, so once we get there, when is the meeting taking place?’


The four boys faces went pale white.


Something was not right here.


X.D: ‘What meeting Ronnie?’


Ronnie Manning: ‘Oh, haven't they told you already? We’re meeting up with the Anti-collective fighters once we get to Paris.’


X.D: ‘Oh, right. Well, what's the point in your group anyway, if I can ask?’


I think for a split second, the boys were completely silenced. They just couldn't say anything.


Jamie Eruu: ‘...Look, Xyro, let me give this to you straight. We are apart of a group called the Anti-collective fighters, and we have been organising for years a way to get the IWEC out of power…’


Christian Baraster: ‘Our organisation had stumbled across Ronnie, and because of his ability to access facility logins, meant that he was valuable to us. Your team are also incredibly valuable to us…’


Andrew Weber: ‘To cut the crap, we were basically roping you in to join us. Look, we are sorry, but we just thought that if we told you straight you wouldn't want to jo…’


X.D: ‘So you decided to take matters into your own hands and spring it on us there and then?’


I stood up, with my eyes ablaze.


X.D: ‘You deceived me and my friends…’


I lunged my arm forwards…


...for a handshake.


X.D: ‘You know, if that's truly it, then you should have just said. Why do you think we are here for. I want to see the IWEC crumble for what it did more than you could ever imagine.’


I could see the sweat on Andrew's face as he let out a very large sigh of relief.


X.D: ‘Look, you're going to have to run through this with the whole team first, though. I can't really make decisions for everyone.’


Andrew Weber: ‘W...wait, now?’


X.D: ‘Of course!’


The boys took to action at once. Awakening everyone, the boys went into depth about their plans and apologised. I couldn't see the guilt on her face, as her mask covered it, but I could tell by the way that she didn't reject any of the statements.


Lewis Sterge: (folded arms) ‘So, you deceived us a little?’


Kiri: ‘Yes… and we are sorry, but we thought we had no choice…’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Well, at least your honest when it matters. Count me in.’


Slowly, everyone agreed.


Well, except a certain someone.


Davis Drafter: ‘Great, so another secret organisation group that wants to use us for things.’


He stared deeply at the group.


Davis Drafter: ‘I hate it, but I guess I have no choice in the matter. Just don't treat us like drones. I didn't come this far to become another soldier on a leash.’


Again, he rolled onto his side.


I tried to get Atsuko’s attention, but as soon as the meeting was over, she was out cold.


In this situation, the only thing I can do really is sleep. It's the best kind of time waster in my opinion.


As I walked off to find a nice place to rest, Miu took me to one side.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Keep a close eye on them from now on Xyro. We still don't know if they can be trusted yet or not. For all we know, this could be a trap.’


X.D: ‘Yeah yeah, as if anything like this hasn't happened before.’


Miu simply smiled, before taking a slight bow.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Sleep well Pumpkin.’


As she closed the door, it shut away most of the light. I was left alone with a few crates and the night sky out the one stinger’s broken windows. Even in a city polluted with so much light, stars were still able to pierce through.


That was the last thing I saw that evening, before drifting into a warm sleep.



You know, up until this point, I always had thought that people had run away from me because I was a robot. You know, like those people did when we were making our way to London in the first place.


I can't believe I have only just realised that the reason they were running was because they had seen my ugly mug and everybody else's on wanted posters. Hmmm, and there was me thinking that people were ok with cat girls, robots, halfe-cyborgs and weapon-wielding teens, but not alright with me.

Anyway, enough rambling. Onto the next one, shall we?

Day 2

Chapter six: Day two: Did somebody order the dragon-brand boat?

I awoke that morning to a light tap on my shoulder.


The sun hadn't even started to rise over the horizon and it was already time to leave.


Although it was pitch black in the One Stinger, I could still make out Dakotas figure.


Dakota Way: ‘Dude, we gotta go!’


X.D: (Grouchily) ‘Yeah, I know.’


Grabbing my equipment bag (Yeah, I know, we all packed bags full of useful equipment. It's just a resource management thing.) I headed to the front door, where everyone was waiting in silence.


Stepping out into the streets outside, Ronnie locked the door and we were on our way.


The city started to shrink behind us as we walked along. The spires of light and hovering cars growing distant to the point where only small buildings remained.


Everyone seemed too tired for small talk. Well, all except Ronnie of course, who kept singing about the things he saw as he walked.


To be honest, we were all too tired to complain.


The journey must have lasted for at least two hours just to get out of the city. Of course, we couldn't just walk out the gateway, so we found a nearby building against the wall to climb over it. Our ropes made light work of the task.


To be fair, I'm not a city guy. Finally returning back to a land fueled with more natural sources was a relief to me.


The light breeze passing through the trees was more than amazing to feel. Dawn had finally passed, and a very small sliver of light was shining. It gave a bright orange tinge to the treeline. Almost as if every tree had caught fire.


Miu Shizuka:(Smiling) ‘You really have a thing for landscapes, don't you?.’


X.D: ‘Of course.’


Raisen swooped down onto Miu’s shoulder. The bright purple bird nestled itself against her neck.


Yuuto Ito: ‘Do we have to remind you all that we don't have time? The ship leaves soon.’


In my trance, I hadn't realised that everyone was already over and ready to go.


As we walked along, I couldn't help but mildly admire the group we had made.


I was stood behind them all. Their silhouettes in the morning sun looked like something you would see in an action movie.


Even so, the walk was still mildly boring. It was all dirt roads and trees.


After another hour of walking, we could finally see the outline of the ocean appear off in the distance.


Yuuto Ito: ‘We are approximately twenty minutes from our destination. As long as we walk straight from here, we should arrive at the dock on time.’


Kiri; ‘Good.’


As she was walking along, she turned towards us whilst walking backwards.


Kiri: ‘Ok, so, we have a crew member on the ship that knows we will be boarding. He has prepared a small boarding platform near the back entry of the ship. We need to get on there without anyone seeing.’


Ryu Jianar: ‘And how are we supposed to do that?’


Kiri: ‘We have timed it so that our agent will deliberately sabotage the ship’s carrying arm to drop one of the containers. Whilst everyone is distracted, we will be able to get on undetected.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘And are you sure this will work?’


Kiri: ‘I'm more than certain of it.’


X.D: ‘Good. just don't hurt anyone with it please.’


She gave me a confused look.


Kiri: ‘Why would I try and get people hurt?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Well, your track record of plans has always seemed to end in someone getting killed. May I remind you of the security guards?’


Kiri: (Crossing arms) ‘Yeah, but that's different.’


The two girls argued for a while until we finally arrived at the port.


Although smaller than expected, the port was still stacked high with shipping containers. There was only one main building on the site, but trust me, each individual container made it seem like an entire town.


Kiri: (Whispering) ‘Alright, follow my lead.’


Keeping low, Kiri lead us through the maze of steel. Going down many twists and turns, we tried our hardest to maintain stealth.


Eventually, we reached the clearing to the side of the port. The ship we were meant to be boarding had just arrived. And believe me, it was huge.


Kiri:(Whispering) ‘See that small doorway near the back of the ship? That is where we are boarding. Just wait for the signal.’


Ryu Jianar: (Whispering) ‘Yeah, just wait for the extremely loud gunshots.’


Kiri kicked him in the shin.


We waited for around two minutes in silence.


Eventually, a large crane arm started rotating from the ship. Just like Kiri said. It picked up a container, started bringing it in, then dropped it.


Kiri: ‘Go, go, go!’


As we ran towards the door, it flung open, with a wooden board being pushed out by one of the crew members. Quickly, we all boarded, thanking the man, before he went back to his duties.


Kiri: ‘Ok, In here.’


Entering a green container, we all sat down, before Kiri shut the door.


Again, we were back in the darkness.


Kiri: ‘Phew, just on time.’


Yuuto Ito: (Providing the only light, other than Mr Wiggles) ‘Yep, we have two minutes left for departure.’


Dakota way: (Giddily) ‘This is gonna be awesome. I have never been on a boat before man.’


Ryu Jianar: ‘As if we will see anything from the inside of a box Dakota.’


Dakota Way:(Smiling, I think) ‘I don't care bro. Still on a boat.’


A large shudder caused all of us to have to balance ourselves.


Jamie Eruu: ‘Whelp, that's us departed then.’


X.D: ‘Hey, what does Paris look like now?’


Andrew Weber: ‘Same old same old, although the tower thingy has been turned into a facility.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Tower thingy? How can you possibly forget the name of the Eiffel tower? Idiot.’


Kiri: (Rolling her eyes)‘I can agree to that.’


Andrew remained silent.


Atsuko Viola: (Silently) ‘ smells w...weird in here.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘It's probably just Andrew. Don't worry about it.’


Andrew Weber: (Moodily) ‘If you're going to pick on me the whole way, I will jump overboard.’


Miu Shizuka: (Laughing) ‘I can give you a hand with that.’


Andrew Weber: ‘Yeah, thanks!’


Mr wiggles, who was sat on Crystal’s shoulder, began to pulsate with a faint blue.


Crystal: ‘What's wrong little guy? Cold?’


The mushroom nodded, so she took a small piece of cloth and covered him with it.


Lewis Sterge: ‘It's going to get a lot colder soon.’


Yuuto Ito: ‘According to weather forecasts, we don't have any storms coming our way, so the ride will be smooth at least.’


Kiri: ‘Ermmm, Yuuto…’


Yuuto Ito: ‘Yeah, what's the problem?’


Kiri: ‘... The laptop battery’s on 1%.’


For a few seconds, Yuuto said nothing, until he eventually sighed.


Yuuto Ito: (Ranting) ‘Well, isn't this just typical. I can't remember the last time this happened. Oh, wait, noooow I remember. You bl….’


The laptop shut itself down before Yuuto was able to finish his sentence.


Ryu Jianar: (Trying to write) ‘I Can't believe we packed everything but a flashlight.’


Dakota Way: ‘Yo, Lewis, don't you and Miu have lighters?’


The two gave him stern looks.


Dakota Way: ‘Oh, Right…’


Again, silence.


I will be fair, it's kind of awkward, sitting in a dark, enclosed container for five hours. There is nothing more you can do other than sit and wait.


After about the two-hour mark, a huge crash caught us all of guard. It sent the shipping container sideways, making all of us fall over one another.


Before any of us could even ask what the hell was going on, we were sent rolling again. The clashing of steel against boat was heard, until a large splash from outside.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Crap, this is bad.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘I know! My dress might get ruined!’


X.D: ‘Look, everyone just stay calm.’


The density of water outside caused the metal outside of the container creek from the pressure. Small trickles started leaking into the container. Everyone was preparing to have to make a dash for the surface of the water.


All of a sudden, the crashing of water sounded as the container was lifted out of the ocean. However, I could hear a completely different motor than the one the ship was using.


Kami, (Who had scrunched herself up into a ball in the corner when we went into the water) tried to look through the small cracks in the container, to no avail.


Christian Baraster: ‘Do you think it's an IWEC escort?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘It can’t be. They don't use motorized engines.’


Jack Jenkings: ‘It sounds super familiar…’


Kiri: ‘Look, let's keep our heads and voices down. We will find out soon enough.’


We sat in the darkness for a rather nerve racking while.


Eventually, whatever was now carrying us stopped. Soon after, our container was being raised up into the air. The container was brought down onto a solid land in no time.


Preparing our weapons, we waited in ambush.


The latch on the crate opened. Both doors were pulled open slowly…


All at once, we raised our weapons through the doorway, startling the two armed soldiers outside.


Soldier: (Waving arms) ‘Wowowow! Hold your fire!’


I can tell you now, the sight we saw was nowhere near what I had expected.


We were not on solid ground. We were on some kind of seaborn robot monster!


Kiri: (Shouting) ‘What the hell!’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Wait, you know these people?’


The two soldiers saluted.


Kiri: ‘Yeah, this is the group we were talking about.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘W..where are w...we?’


Soldier: ‘We were given orders to bring you back to HQ, so we did.’


Kiri: (angry) ‘We never agreed to this! You knocked us off the ship to bloody drag us here! Why not just meet us at the designated area like normal people.’


She seemed like she was going to punch the guard, but she held her anger.


Kiri: ‘*sigh* idiots. All of you.’


Soldier’s: ‘Right this way please.’


The “ship” was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was just one huge robot in the middle of the ocean. It glided along carelessly like a dragon on the water's surface.


We were escorted inside, where we navigated through countless numbers of rooms filled with military units.


eventually, we reached what appeared to be a control room.


Inside, we were told to take a seat in the chairs provided. Although uncomfortable, they weren't that bad.


A man with a red hat walked in through one of the doorways opposite. Like Davis, he wore a trench coat, however, his was designed for sea voyages. He had rather similar features, except the fact that half his face was robotic.


Kiri: ‘Is this your idea of a joke Capt’n?’


Capt’n: ‘I gave direct orders to bring you all here. It turns out IWEC already know that you are all heading to France, so they have blocked off all available ways into there without a scheduled check.’


Kiri: (Crossing arms) ‘You should at least have told us…’


Capt’n: ‘We did! We sent a message to your companion Yuuto!’


Everyone sighed.


Capt’n: ‘Anyway, allow me to introduce myself to you all.’


He tilted his hat at us.


Capt’n: (Cheerfully)  The names John Esgate, but you can call me Capt’n. I'm the commanding officer of this vessel and the leader of the Anti-collective fighters.’


He sat on one of the chairs next to the “ship's” main console.


Capt’n: ‘I have a feeling you already know why you're here, so let me get straight to the point.’


He brought up a screen of a bunch of IWEC facilities. Each had labels describing in-depth the entire floors of each.


Capt’n: ‘We have been planning for a while now to try our hardest to locate the main IWEC HQ, which has proven incredibly difficult to do, as each line of coding has been set to each individual facility as a kind of network code. We need to access each key facility remotely in order to extract information.’


Hundreds of different facilities flashed on the screen.


Capt’n: ‘However, since your group seems to be capable of extracting information with ease, we have realised that we only need to assault a few facilities in order to gain the whereabouts of the HQ. So, let's strike a deal.’


He turned to us with a serious look on his face.


Capt’n: ‘You provide your services to the Anti-collective fighters, and in turn, we will lay our lives on the line in order to secure whatever it is you are looking for. Deal?’


He gestured to shake on the deal.


I found it rather typical that everyone was staring at me.


X.D: (Shrugging) ‘Agreed.’


We shook hands. His grip was as firm as a Captains should be.


Capt’n: ‘Well, Let's get you all settled in!’


Kiri: ‘Right, follow me. Rooms are this way.’


Leading us down through the back of the control room. Inside was a lot different than the rest of the robot. It was a rather large room, which led off into different sections rooms. Like I’jnh’s facility, this one also had our names on each door.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Wow, they really planned this out well. What would happen if we refused? Would they have just taken down the nameplates?’


Jamie Eruu: (Jokingly) ‘Naaa, they would have just executed you.’


He had a large, almost manic grin on his face.


Andrew Weber: ‘Yeah, right. As if we could dent this lot.’


X.D: ‘Never underestimate your team Andrew. Even Atsuko could bring down a tower if she put her heart to it. So why can't anyone else?’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Well said kid.’


Atsuko was now looking at her hands. I could tell that she was wondering if my words were literal. To be fair, even on that day, I knew everyone was going to get much, much stronger.


I had a hunch.


Kiri: ‘You might want to get some rest. We will have a briefing in the morning.’


She quickly remembered something


Kiri: 'Remember to charge Yuuto, Atsuko!'


Atsuko Viola: 'I w...will do that r...right away.'


Everyone went to their rooms, wishing each other goodnight.


I, on the other hand, was more focused on the amazing view out of one of the windows.


Although the glass was incredibly thick, I could still see the ocean with ease. We must have been on the bottom floor then, as we were fully submerged in the ocean. Many different types of aquatic life whizzed past, almost camouflaged by the deep reds and oranges of the corral that dotted the rustic ocean floor.


Still, the silence made me realize how much I missed being alone. Yeah, it's great to be with friends, but sometimes, it's great to just be in isolation.


Eventually, I did end up retiring to my room… which seemed exactly the same as the one that I’jnh had me in, except this time there was no TV.




Still, as I was laying there in the dark, the light from the moon reflected through the water and into my room, leaving lapping waves of moonlight dancing over my being.

I was out cold before I could even get into a comfortable position.


Chapter six: Day three: Part one: Transmitting freedom!

Day 3 (1/3)

Now, here’s a thing for you all to try at home.


(Obviously, there are a few exceptions. Mainly all of you living on gas planets.)


Wait until it gets pretty dark out. I mean really dark (don't do this when it's a pretty bright season. It just won't work.) then, grab a chair or something, and just sit under the stars.


I know it sounds simple enough, but when is the last time you had done this? Hmmm?


Now tell me, what do you see?


Obviously, you can't really answer that, so I'm going to assume what you see is the night sky. Each one of those individual stars has planets rotating around it you know! Nine times out of ten, those planets are baren. But that one time out of ten, it would be colonized. So as you're looking up at the stars, imagine that number, and times it by, hmmm, let's say one million.


Done that? Good!


Now, take that number, and times it by another million.


Yep, done that?


Now do this until you die from old age.


Basically, what i'm getting at, is that there are so many stars in existence, that you couldn't possibly count them in your head before you would die of old age. In fact, nobody can. Even immortals will never be able to visit every star, since they expand for eternity and beyond.


Yeah, try telling that to any scientist on any lowly developed planet. They will probably brainwash you into thinking the universe was made by some kind of “Big bang”


Ha, classic!


I mean, seriously. Even if it was true, it would be less of a “Big Bang” and more of a “Big _____”


Yep. literal silence.


Ever been in space? Can you hear anything out there? No?


Then there's your answer then!



It must have been super early in the morning since it was still pitch black when I received a knock on my door.


Grouchily, I lifted myself out of bed in order to find out who it was.


Undoing the latch, I found Kiri and Christian in my doorway.


Kiri: (Silently) ‘We need to talk.’


Unwillingly, I let them in.


Kiri: (Closing the door behind her) ‘Look, Xyro, we know you're trying your hardest to look for those teleportation devices, but just know that we won't get them unless we fight for them.’


X.D: ‘Yeah, I kind of already gathered that.’


Christian Baraster: ‘What she is trying to say Xyro, is that we could all potentially die.’


The gnawing pain in the back of my mind shot itself forward again.


“We could all die.”


Kiri: (Noticing me going deep in thought) ‘Just remember to look out for your team, ok. I'm telling you this because I know how much they mean to you. No matter what Capt’n orders, don't take it as a set in stone motion.’


X.D: (Still in thought) ‘Ok…. Thanks for the heads up…’


The two left, shutting the door slowly behind them.


After that, I couldn't sleep.


All I could think of was Keeping the others safe. Truth is, I was scared more than anything. I had never been able to help anyone. My whole life as a child was pretty selfish in fact. I mean, I couldn't even save my own family.


But I knew I couldn't let thoughts consume me like that. Keeping a level head over these kind of situations is a necessity.


I would keep them all safe, even if it meant sacrificing myself.


Soon, the bright morning sun arrived, casting large rays of light into the water, reflecting a dazzling display throughout the lower part of the…. Well, I'm just going to call it “Nessie” from here on out. How does that sound? Good?


By now, everyone was awake and raring to go. Loitering around in the lobby outside, Everyone was waiting for the meeting.


Finally having a chance, I sat beside Atsuko, who had just finished fixing one of the soldier's radios.


X.D: ‘Morning Atsuko. Sleep well?’


Atsuko Viola: (Nodding) ‘Yeah. It w...was nice to watch the fish s...swim past my w….window.’


X.D: ‘It felt a bit like sleeping in a fishtank though.’


Atsuko Viola: (Smiling) ‘A l...little bit.’


A sudden thought sprung to Atsuko's mind.


Atsuko Viola: ‘Oh, that r...reminds me, can you h...hold out your a...arm please?’


Even with a bit of caution, I held out my arm.


In almost an instant, Atsuko began measuring my arm, jotted down a few notes, then she was done.


Atsuko Viola: ‘Ok, I….I have everything I n...need. Thanks!’


X.D: ‘Is there any point in me asking what this will be for.’


Atsuko Viola: (Giggling) ‘Nope. can guess, but I w...will never tell you until it's d...done.’


X.D: ‘*Sigh* Yeah yeah. So, do you…. I don't know… want to grab a coffee or…’


The booming sound of an announcement came in through the wall speakers.


Announcement: ‘Can all pending members for the french assault mission please make their way for a briefing.’


Atsuko Viola: (Confused)‘French….assault?’


Kiri: ‘That's us. Let's get going!’


(Yeah, I know. I failed. Stop laughing.)


Again, we let Kiri take the lead. She led us back to the same control room as before. There, Capt’n was waiting for us.


Once we were all seated, we were given the rundown.


Capt’n: ‘As you all are probably aware of, we have plans to assault France….’


Before any of us were able to argue the point of civilian fire and whatnot, he cut in.


Capt’n: ‘Unlike a normal military assault, this one is different. Citizens are already unhappy with the living situations, so most of the public around our mission objective are friendly. We have arranged on the day to evacuate any citizens out of the area.’


Miu Shizuka: (Curling her hair with her finger) ‘So what's the objective?’


Capt’n: ‘Your mission is to infiltrate the IWEC mech facility, then set up a broadcast program from the top. Once activated, the broadcast will deactivate any IWEC drones local to the main hub, whilst giving us control of the entire country.’


Ryu Jianar: (A little weary of the plan)  ‘We go into the Eiffel tower, set up a broadcast, and take over the country. Then what?’


Capt’n: ‘From there on out, it's a case of control, looking after citizens and using Paris as our own central hub. Of course, a certain level of bloodshed will be inevitable, since the IWEC are bound to send in a few external bots, or worse. Be on your guard people.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘W...who will be in c...control of the b...broadcast?’


Kiri: ‘Don't worry about that. Miu and I took care of Yuuto, and uploaded him to a memory stick with the relevant sequences.’


Miu Shizuka: (Dark smile) ‘He was rather “Pleased” to be involved.’


Davis Drafter: (Crossed arms) ‘You do realise this is more of a death sentence, right?’


Everyone remained silent.


Davis Drafter: ‘If anything at all goes wrong, then the IWEC will not only murder all of us, but any citizen’s evacuating will be killed too.’


X.D: (Sternly) ‘That's why I won't let anything go wrong.’


I couldn't help but stare him down. For someone who is apparently strong on his own merit, he really lacked belief as well as moral support.


Capt’n: ‘Again, once the code is placed, we will be able to take full control of the area. Since this is one of their primary sources for mechs, we may be able to rebrand and wire some up for our own use.’


I didn't even have to look at Atsuko to tell that the simple idea of re programming and modifying mechs was making her feel all giddy.


Capt’n: ‘You will all be sent out in an hour. Get yourselves prepared and come to the top of the vessel. We will launch your squad separately from the others. Make sure you try to get to the facility as stealthily as possible. We can't afford to screw this up.’


With the briefing over, we received an hour to prepare. Instead of returning to our rooms, we were sent directly to the ship's landing bay.


There, we were issued a number of different protective clothing, similar to what the soldiers were wearing. However, many of us refused them. Either because they would restrict our movement, not suit with our clothes (guess who had this issue) or because they were too heavy. In fact, I think the soldier issuing them to us just took them all back.


Just goes to show you how important we find health and safety.


As the hour struck, we were all escorted to a highly armored hovercraft, in which we were placed alongside a few other troops. Without as much as a commotion, we dispatched from Nessy, along with hundreds of other troops in similar vessels.


Ryu Jianar: (Reloading his gun) ‘Any idea on how to remain stealthy?’


Soldier: (Sarcastically) ‘I can give you a free tip if you want. Keep your mouth shut and watch where you step. It's simple but effective.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘(Slowly clapping) ‘Bravo sir, thank you for explaining the most blatantly obvious plan of action. I commend you!’


Dakota Way: ‘(To Lewis) Yo, how do you reload this thing?’


Whilst lewis was trying to teach Dakota how to reload his weapon, Kiri’s group were working on the tactics and layout of our root.


I felt kind of useless since everyone seemed to have something to do. Even Ronnie was polishing a pair of wooden spoons.


I realise that I spend most of my damn time waiting. And to be fair, there was nothing else to do in that moment. That is until our crafts pilot gave us all a heads up.


Pilot: ‘(Shouting over the engine) Were arriving at our destination. Get ready to move.’


As he said this, we all tensed up.


The speed of the craft seemed to slow until we stopped. The bay door flung open.


As quickly as possible, we all made our way onto dry land. More specifically, the underside of a port.


Once the soldiers who had joined us were finally out, our vessel dived deep out of sight.


Kiri: ‘Right, you all know the drill, let's get a move on.’


I had only just realised that kiri and her group were now wearing black armor. The armor itself came with a very tight fit mask, which I think was designed to stop bullets.


Kiri pressed a button on her chest armor and disappeared into the backdrop of ports grey walls.


Dakota Way: ‘Yo, why don't we get camo suits!’


Kiri: ‘Because you don't need them.’


She placed ammunition into her rifle.


Kiri: (To everyone) ‘Remember the plan. We will try to remain as stealthy as possible until you all get the transmission setup. Once that is in place, expect a heavy gunfight within the hour from IWEC situation units.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Try to stay out of the residential area when you start approaching the facility. We are already extracting citizens from Paris, so drawing any attention to the town could end up screwing us all over.’


In a hurry, the group wished us all goods luck, before disappearing entirely at a distance.


I'm just glad that they took Ronnie with them.


Crystal: ‘Are we going yet or?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Well Xyro?’


I hate being in the lead of these kind of things.


X.D: ‘Let's get a move on.’


With haste, we made sure to start approaching our location. I could see the newly made Eiffel tower at a distance. Trust me, it looked just like you would expect: a giant, black triangle.


Keeping to the shadows of backstreet alleys and corners, we moved in silence around numerous numbers of patrolling drones, as well as Simple IWEC recruits. It has always been weird to me to see so many people wanting to work for such a vile government.


Then again, did any of them really get a choice?


Still, I think we should skip the whole “Walking to location” Bit.


Sound good?

Great! Let's do that then!

Chapter six: Day three: Part two: Infiltration at it's finest!
Day 3 (2/3)

After a while of sneaking, climbing and waiting, we eventually made it to the bottom of the black triangle.


Towering above us, the tower seemed as if it was designed to be intimidating. Covered in black-plated metal, it was truly a feat of engineering.


We, on the other hand, were taking cover in a nearby alleyway. This time, we didn't have the veil of night to protect us.


Lewis Sterge: (Whispering) ‘What's it look like out there kid?’


I took a quick scan of the area.


X.D: ‘We have a few guards covering the front entrance, including two cameras. One at the front door, the other just off to the left. The only entrance I can see is that front doorway though.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Then how are we supposed to get in If there’s only one entrance?’


Ryu Jianar: ‘Because, there isn't just one.’


I could see the confidence burning in his eyes as he spoke.


Ryu Jianar: ‘Look, if there was only one functional entrance, then nobody would be able to get out in the case of emergency. That would mean that there are bound to be some kind of underground circuits to get in.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Even if you're right, how are we meant to find them?’


Ryu Jianar: ‘Every tunnel has an exit. We just need to find the other end.’


Crystal: (looking up from her drawing) ‘But we don't have time to find one. We have to get the signal online as soon as possible.’


Ryu Jianar: ‘Thats why I have a plan. Xyro, Atsuko and Miu, you will go through the front doors and infiltrate from that point onwards. You are the stealthiest out of the bunch of us, whilst Atsuko is probably the only one who will be able to upload Yuuto to the tower anyway.’


A sudden realization sprang onto Miu’s face, so she tossed the memory stick at Atsuko.


She caught it, but struggled in the process.


Ryu Jianar: ‘Dakota, Lewis, stay here and look out for anything suspicious. We can't afford to have anyone catch us. As for myself, Crystal and Davis, we will try and find another entrance. Remember to keep in contact using the headpieces.’


We all agreed on this plan.


Ryu, Crystal and Davis departed, leaving the rest of us to come up with a plan.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Any bright ideas on how to pass, minus shooting the guards?’


Lewis Sterge: ‘We cannot draw any attention, otherwise it could ruin the whole mission.’


I sat there, thinking about it.


I couldn't draw any attention or make a commotion, and yet our only entrance was a small doorway. And let's remember the two cameras as well, just to give the “walking up and trying to sneak in” option a boot up the arse.


That's when a tiny, but grand plan struck me.


X.D: ‘Lewis, Do you think you can hit each of those cameras from here?’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Ermmm, yeah, kinda.’


Trying his hardest to concentrate, he slipped two blades into his hands.


With immense procession, he sent both of them flying towards their targets.


He hit both, disabling them entirely in silence.


X.D: ‘Ok, we won't have much time before someone will come and investigate. We need to slip past the guards somehow.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Don't worry, follow me...’


She began advancing towards the building wall. Without the ability to question her, Atsuko and I followed.


She arrived at the side of the building, and started shimmying along the side.


That is, until we arrived.


Placing herself in front of the two of us, she shifted entirely into a black mass, just like a shadow, covering us against the wall.


Trying my hardest not to ask, we crept past the guards against the wall, before diving through the front doors.


As I expected, the inside was simply a single reception, with a few elevators and stairs leading up and down.


Luckily, it must have been lunch, as nobody was in the building.


Miu Shizuka: (Heading towards the stairway) ‘This way.’


X.D: (Following) ‘What the hell was that Miu? Since when could you turn into a freaking shadow!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘*Giggle* You don't know much about me, do you?’


X.D:(Sarcastically)  ‘Oh, because you're a “very” open book, aren't you?’


We headed up the stairs, which seemed to twist for ages, until they ended at a solid metal set of doors.


Miu cracked open one of the doors, just to get a peek through.


Cautiously, the three of us walked into a large set of white tiled corridors.


Atsuko Viola: ‘W...we aren't even near the top yet…’


Unfortunately, she was right.


Although the metal of the tower was pitch black, you could see right through it on this side. The panels must have been a one way set of mirrors.


When I looked down, we hadn't even gotten halfway up the colossus of a building.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Come on! Let's go.’


We went on for a while, passing many different rooms, each labeled for different types of mech model.


Just before turning around a corner, Miu’s arm shot out to stop us passing.


Two guards were standing next to another elevator and this time, it lead directly up.


Miu Shizuka: ‘How do you suppose we approach this?’


X.D: ‘Can't you just turn into a shadow and get them?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘I can only shroud myself in it Xyro, I can't morph into one. Besides pumpkin, the walls are all white.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘I d...don't think we can get past them u...unless we distract them s...somehow.’


Ronnie Manning: ‘Yeah, we're all stuck in a right pickle here.’


We all almost jumped out of our skins.


Miu Shizuka: (Angrily) ‘What the hell is your problem!’


X.D: ‘How did you get here?’


Ronnie manning: (Stroking his head, as if he had hair) ‘I can't remember…’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Can you do something, rather than being a nuisance?’


Ronnie manning: ‘Righty’o!’


Still cloaked, Ronnie snuck around the corner towards the guards, spoons at the ready.


At first, I thought he had a genuine plan, a plan so cunning, it would get us past the guards and into the elevator.


Then, I remembered...


It's Ronnie we are talking about here.


Ronnie manning: (In the guards ear) ‘Psst, what do you get if you mix a spoon with an egg?’


As hard as he can, he smashed both the spoons down onto each of the guards heads, sending them crashing hard to the floor.


We all stared at him in disappointment.


Miu Shizuka: ‘*Sigh* Well, looks like we have less time to do this in…’


I patted a rather happy looking Ronnie on the shoulder, then entered the elevator.


Although plain white, with a single button panel on the side, the elevator played some rather catchy music.


I began to hum along to the song, whilst Ronnie snapped his fingers to the beat.


Before we could get into the rhythm, Miu put an end to to our fun by slamming her claw into the speaker.


The elevator came to a stop.


When the doors slid open, we assessed the situation before we entered.


We were now in a large room, filled to the brim with wires, cables, monitors and screens, all leading back to a single block in the middle of the room. Although dark, the dim screens filled the room with a grey light.


Sitting at the computers, were a bunch of IWEC mechanoids.


Without a moment's hesitation, Miu was already at the other side of the room, her claws embedded into the skulls of the machines.


She made light (And messy) work of them.


Atsuko Viola: ‘A...alright, lets h...hope this….’


She searched the rather large box, then placed the memory stick into one of the smaller ports near the top.


Yuuto appeared on all the monitors.


Yuuto Ito: (Grumpily) ‘I'm already tired of saying it, but here we go again. Just a program used to do your bidding, nothing important about me whatsoever.’


X.D: ‘Look, Yuuto, i'm sorry about this but….’


Yuuto Ito: (Rolling eyes) ‘Yeah yeah, This wasn't directed at you. Let's get this bloody signal up and please get me back into something a bit more comfortable than a memory stick. It's cold in here.’


His face disappeared for a split second, before reappearing again.


Yuuto ito: ‘You might want to sit back. This will take a sec.’


With that, he was gone, replaced with many different flashing files and binary code.


I took this time to report back to the others.


X.D: ‘Guys, were uploading the signal right now. Everything good on your side?’


Lewis Sterge: (Over the headset) ‘Not exactly. Nothing has happened, but that's the point. It's too silent.’


Ryu Jianar: (Over on the second chanel)  ‘He’s right. We haven't found a second entrance, but we have found a large convoy of trucks coming in from the south. I don't like this a single bit.’


Another sudden voice shot through my earpiece.


Jamie Eruu: ‘Guys, we have a big problem.’


X.D: ‘Let me guess, trucks?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Exactly. Each of those trucks has at least twenty soldiers inside, not to mention whatever other weaponry.’


X.D: ‘Well, how many are there in total?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Trust me, you don't want to know.’


Kiri: ‘We have warned the Capt’n, and he has had all available units move to the outskirts of the building. We need you to eliminate all inside, so we can move in safely. Once the building is clear, give us a signal and we will all enter at once.’


I switched off the headset.


Miu Shizuka: ‘For a headpiece, it's rather loud.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘I k...know it's a bit o...out of place but c...can I stay up here p...please? I don't w...want to fight…’


I went to reject for her own safety, but Miu had already read my mind.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Don't worry Xyro, I will stay here with her.’


I tried to come up with an excuse for staying to keep guard, but nothing popped to mind.


Ronnie Manning: (Slapping me hard on the back) ‘Come on Donut, we have work to do!’


Walking with his hands on his head, I stepped into the elevator with Ronnie.


Ronnie Manning: ‘You don't have to worry about her you know. She will be fine.’


X.D: ‘Yeah, I know, it's just….’


He looked at me with curiosity.


Ronnie Manning: ‘It's just what?’


X.D: ‘...No, don't worry. It's nothing.’


He smiled, and began whistling.


When we arrived on the floor we were on previously, we realised all too quickly that the building's security had arrived.


The elevator doors hadn't even opened properly before lead started hammering towards us.


Ronnie quickly handed me a pistol, fitted with a single clip of ammo.


He drew his spoons, smiled with a nod, then charged forward.


I watched as the guy dodged a bunch of bullets by bounding on the walls, before using one to backflip over one of the guards.


With a swift motion, he brought the spoon hard down onto his neck, sending the guard’s limp body to the floor.


A second one tried to stab Ronnie in the back, but a single bullet passed through his head before he could do it.


Even with the two eliminated, we had no time to rest, as a large group of mechs rushed down the right hallway, firing towards us.


X.D: ‘(Reloading) ‘ Don't rush them this time. The hallways too tight to dodge that many bullets….’


I looked to my left, yet he had disappeared.


X.D: “*sigh*”


I didn't even have to peep around the corner to know what Ronnie had done.


A loud clan from the air vent above the group of mechs sounded, as he dropped with force ontop of them. Within a few seconds, they were all scrap.


X.D:(Picking up a machinegun) ‘How many more do you think are coming?’


Ronnie manning: (Laughing) ‘Not enough.’


From there, every hallways was met with a different fight. Bullet after bullet was fired. Spoon after spoon was swung.


The body count increased every time we moved.


It wasn't long before we had cleared almost every floor.


Ronnie was moving much slower now, since he had gathered a rather large collection of weapons and armor.


We turned a corner, and bumped into a small group of soldiers. I drew my pistol straight to one of there heads.


Ryu Jianar: ‘Whoa whoa whoa!’


X.D: ‘(Holstering) ‘I'm guessing you found another way in then.’


Crystal: ‘Yeah. It wasn't easy though. Most of the troops were trying to escort materials out through the tunnels, but Davis took care of most of them.’


Davis grunted.


X.D: ‘Have you eliminated everyone bellow?’


Ryu Jianar: ‘It's all clear.’


X.D: ‘(Over the headset) Ok, it's all clear.’


As soon as I gave the signal, I could hear the abundance of soldiers storming through the door downstairs.


Within the hour, the building was completely ours. The area was evacuated into the safety of homes, and the IWEC trucks were slowly on there way to our location.


I hadn't even realised, but the day was slowly turning to night.

And the pending battle, was yet to come…..

Day 3 (3/3)
Chapter six: Day three: Part three: Covering the back, middle and front.

Sometimes, the waiting is worse than the actual thing.


I was sat besides one of the windows, staring off at the long stretching road, where the enemy were slowly advancing to our location. With every passing minute, I was yelled at to start preparing myself.


Yet, I was already prepared.


I could sense the fear of failure all around me. The look in every soldier's eyes was one of disappointment and fear.


I, on the other hand, just wanted to get it over and done with.


Let me tell you, war isn't a nice thing. Never has been, never will be. Even those of us who enjoy a fight, never enjoy the loss of hundreds of lives.


However, this was necessary to our success. Otherwise, what would be the point.


Many of our soldiers were directly ordered to set up barricades around the building.


Since the signal was finally active, many of the IWEC central mechs around the area were completely offline, so many were being dragged back to the facility in order to be re-programed at a later date.


I was sat there, watching, for a very long time. I only knew this since Atsuko had been searching for me, and was out of breath from running around.


Atsuko Viola: (Panting, Placing both hands on her knees) ‘ are….’


She sat besides me to recover her breath.


Atsuko Viola: (Excitedly) ‘I w...was searching e...everywhere for you! We the signal online, and Yuuto f...found out m...more about the teleportation devices!’


I said nothing back to her. I couldn't bring myself to look at her.


Atsuko Viola: ‘....What's w...wrong?’


X.D: ‘... I just…*sigh*.... It's just , this whole thing is a war, And….. now, to get anywhere, we need to lay down our lives.’


Atsuko grabbed ahold of my arm, and placed her head against my shoulder.


Atsuko Viola: ‘It's ok Xyro. W...we will get t...through this. W...we all will. Together.’


Although I had much more to say, I still couldn't bring myself to speak.


The truth is, I was scared. Not for myself, but for the others.


Yes, they were all strong, and together, we were stronger.


...But there was a doubt in my mind. I just… didn't want to let any of them die.


But, the warmth from Atsuko nestling her head against my arm simply took all that worry away.


We were sat there in silence, admiring the night as it slowly folded over the bright orange sky, masking it with a dark veil.


Atsuko silently broke the ice by continuing with the message she originally wanted to tell me.


Atsuko Viola: (Staring out the window) ‘The t...teleportation devices we need are currently b...being transported to and from f...facilities. So this will m...more than likely be a of tracking down a t...transporter rather than a f...facility.’


X.D: ‘Really? How are we going to track it down then?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘I d...don't know yet, but Yuuto s...said he can t...think up plan.’


Lewis sterge: ‘Hey, kid, Kiri needs you.’


I went to go with Lewis, but Atsuko wanted to tag along.


Lewis Sterge: ‘You can't Atsuko. Your needed down in the engineering department.’


A look of excitement shot through her eyes, and she was off in a hurry.


Lewis took me directly to, what looked like, a conference room.


Inside, Kiri and her team (Including Ronnie) were seated around a table with a couple of the soldiers sergeants. Each of them were waiting with a projection of Capt’n, who was still seated inside nessie.


As we entered, he spoke.


Capt’n: ‘You got him? Good, let's begin.’


I took a seat next to Kiri, who was too busy painting her nails to care.


Capt’n: ‘So, we accounted for retaliation, but not at this level. Scans show at least three thousand troops are heading towards your location, and that's not including any mechs. I know this will be a hard fight, and many will die. But we will not let this battle go to waist. We will win, but we must try.’


Most of the sergeants cheered, whilst we sat there in silence.


Capt’n: ‘As far as things are concerned, you have already been issued your positions. Sargents, you are all dismissed from this meeting.’


All the sergeants walked out (With Ronnie trying to, but Jamie dragging him back onto one of the chairs.)


Once they were gone, he spoke directly to us.


Capt’n: ‘I have high hopes that you will all make this mission a success. I know that you are new to this. But we are all counting on you.’


He paused, before going back to the mission.


Capt’n: ‘Kirry, you need to take your squad to the 50th floor. There, you will act as scouts, whilst eliminating any targets offering a threat.’


Kiri’s team: ‘Yes sir (Saluting)’


Capt’n: ‘As for you Xyro, I want you to keep your team near the backlines, and only engage high level threats. Look, I know how much your team means to you, and let's face it, you're not soldiers. But at the end of the day, you are all built to fight.’


He paused again, then looked at Kiri and laughed.


Capt’n: ‘Just don't do anything stupid, ok?’


With nothing more to say, he signed off.


Kiri: ‘(Standing up and stretching) God, when did he get so soft.’


Christian Baraster: ‘He has chosen to keep us all on the backline. There must be something deeper to this…’


Jack Jenkings: ‘Do you think there is something he’s not telling us?’


(To be honest with you, up to that point, I almost forgot that jack even existed. He’s just too silent.)


Andrew weber: ‘He’s always got something he's not telling us. That's the point of being a captain.’


The group started arguing as they left the room. Only Lewis and I remained.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Sitting on the backline, huh?’


X.D: ‘Something just doesn't feel right here.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Well, Kid, we got two possibilities. A: he's just being a nice guy and trying to keep us back. Or B: he’s saving us for something else other then this fight.’


X.D: (Standing up) ‘Doesn't he know that this is our fight too?’


Lewis Sterge: (Raising an eyebrow) ‘What are you suggesting then?’


I drew one of my hand blades.


X.D: ‘I'm saying that we do as the capt’n says, but if we do see a high priority target, we give it our best shot.’


He nudged me over the shoulder.


Lewis sturge: ‘And that's why we're not on the frontline kid.’


He laughed to himself as we were leaving the room.


X.D: ‘Hey, what's that supposed to meen?!?!’



The waiting resumed. With everyone in position, nerves were sent high, and tension was making breathing for many heavy.


Sitting directly at the backline of fire, we were all waiting to watch the pending fight.


Although we were huddled together behind a bunch of sandbags,we could still see the frontline.


I looked over my team: Miu, Dakota, Lewis, Atsuko, Ryu, Crystal, Davis and myself. (I refuse to count Mr Wiggles and Raisen as team members)


Just as I expected, everyone was tense. They were either preparing their weapons, staring into the void, Drawing (Won't give you any hints as to who), or, in Atsuko’s case, listening to music.


Nobody talked. Not even a little.


We all had nothing to say.


That's when the first barrage of rockets started firing.


With no time to react, our frontline soldiers were surrounded by high velocity explosions, and charged from the front by IWEC soldiers.


We watched in dismay as basic mechs began tearing limbs off allied soldiers, while in turn getting shredded to bits by bullets.


All of us tried our best to provide cover fire, sending many IWEC troops to the grave. Atsuko sat beside me with her hands over her ears and eyes closed shut.


If anything, I couldn't let any of the IWEC get close. Not just for her, but for everyone.


As time went by, we began holding the middle line with ease. Even with there bombardment, the cover fire we gave from the backline meant that nobody could charge forward, as there was too much of a risk of us mowing them down.

Everything seemed to be going fine, until we got a message from Kiri….

Day 3 (4/4)

Chapter six: Day three: Part four: Sly and steady.



(Two hours before their arrival)


The inside of the heavily armored transport truck seemed more like a tin can to Muco, as they drove along the road towards their destination.


Although dark inside, a few dimly lit bulbs illuminated the truck just enough for the group to see one another clearly.


Leilei couldn't help shifting about. The hard surface of the seat was slowly crushing the end of her tail.


Unfortunately, she knew she couldn't say anything about it. Andrack had held a firm grip on the group up to this point. Barking commands and insults with any opportunity he could find.


This was one of those moments.


Andrack: (Aggressively) ‘Stay still! Can't you sit down normally without fidgeting you stupid brat?’


Taking a deep breath, with tears of pain in her eyes, she sat down slowly, the end of her tail digging into her back.


Muco could sense her pain but could do nothing about it.


Andrack: ‘Listen up you lot. The terrorists have taken control over facility 44729. We don't know their exact cause, but we do know that they activated some kind of disruption signal that stops any hardwired mechs from ticking. We have to go in blind and stop it!’


The overbearing sound of gunfire and explosions could be heard from outside the vehicle. It shook violently after the loud whistles and bangs.


Then, the vehicle stopped.


Andrack: (Shouting over the gunfire) ‘Right rookies, get a move on!’


Sprinting as quickly as possible, the group charged towards the first set of sandbags they could see.


Although he tried, Andrack couldn't shout over the immense amount of firepower coming from both sides, so he used hand gestures in order to keep the group moving. (He also used a few violent kicks just for good measure.)


Advancing towards their position, they slipped directly behind enemy lines, arriving around to the back of the building.


Unlike the pending war zone, it was fairly quiet here, give or take the screams from soldiers trying to sneak in through the back, only for the terrorist group's forces to quickly eliminate them.


But, as every IWEC Sargent knows, every facility has many, many ways in.


Just a bit further from the building, Andrack lead the group to a sewer drain.


With a single pull, he popped it out of the ground and sent everyone down before closing the way behind them.


Andrack: (Shaking his head) ‘Alright, we made it. For rookies, that weren't that bad, but you still need a lot of fucking work.’


Kuro removed a flashlight from his armor in order to see in the dark sewage way.


Pint: ‘Uck….. It smells like my ex down here….’


Andrack: ‘Don't speak unless spoken to soldier! This is a stealth mission, not a social gathering.’


Viro: (Under his breath) ‘Well, you're making a very fine example of keeping a mouth shut…’


He took two steps forward before Andrack turned.


Placing a knife to Viro’s neck, he glared deep into his eyes.


Andrack: ‘I have no problem with taking care of useless pieces of shit like you. I have taken more lives than you have seen in your lifetime, boy. Do you think you will be any different? Hmmm?’


He stopped pushing the knife against him and continued walking through the tunnel.


Although ordered to continue walking, Leilei helped Viro to his feet as soon as Andrack wasn't looking.


Even with their past, Viro appreciated the help.


After all, they were now both in the same boat.


Even though Andrack knew the root, he took the longer way around in order to avoid any unwanted attention.


That is until they reached the final bend.


Kamy was able to spot and shoot it in time, the security camera had already seen them.


Andrack: ‘Damn it! Move, now!’’


Andrack quickly led them up through the ladder and into the bottom floor of the facility.


Andrack: ‘We need to split up to cover more areas. I can take the central hub myself, so decide amongst yourselves on where to go. We meet back here when the mission is done, got it?’


With their command, the group split off individually, slowly attempting to claim floors.



Viro and Kuro had started out on the tenth floor of the building.


Even though the floor was tightly compact, the hallways seemed barren to the crew.


Covering each other's backs, they edged their way past every room, checking once and giving it a clear.


Viro: (Bored) ‘This is pointless. There’s no one here…’


A sudden smash caused the two to fly into a panic, spinning around quickly and preparing to open fire.


But nothing was there.


Kuro Chi: ‘Keep your eyes open, we can't afford to let anyone…’


Before he could finish his sentence, a blade went whizzing past his head, just barely skimming his cheek.


Lewis, who had been following the two from behind, began throwing to his heart's content.


Unfortunately, the tight corridors and awkwardly made rooms meant that the two could easily slip behind cover, whilst giving themselves some suppressing fire using their rifles.


Viro: ‘Why the fuck is everyone so good with weapons? I can't even shoot straight for god sake!’


Kuro Chi: ‘Then don't….’


Kuro stood, allowing Lewis to take the opportunity to throw a dagger flying towards his chest.


With a single, effortless swipe, Kuro reflected the knife with one of his falcon blades.


Lewis Sterge: ‘So, you arseholes know how to use blades, huh?’


A timid Viro stood out from behind his cover, dual black-blades at the ready.


Kuro Chi: ‘You have a nerve to call us anything, terrorist scum. Surrender now or face your demise.’


Viro: ‘....Yeah, what he said.’


Lewis clenched his teeth hard together.


Lewis Sterge: ‘First you take us away for inhumane tests, then, you take away one of my friends and turn him into this reject. If you think I have a nerve, then I hope you all rot in hell…’


With a flurry of swiped, Lewis immediately tore Kuro’s blades to pieces. With disbelief, Kuro stood, wide-eyed at his opponent.


Although he expected the final blow to come swiftly, it never did.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Your lucky I have other orders. Run.’


In a panic, Viro grabbed ahold of Kuro’s shirt, before making a swift getaway.


All the while, Kuro could only think of Lewis's words.



On floor sixteenth floor, Metrol and Pint had trouble working the mechanical doors, so they hadn't even entered a single room.


Metrol: ‘And you said you can use keycodes….’


Pint: ‘It's just this model lad. It's nothing like the good old ones we used.’


Metrol: (Shaking head) ‘They haven't changed  code locks for over ten years, you….’


Suddenly, the door beeped, allowing the two inside.


Metrol: (Surprised that he got it open) ‘Oh, good job, I guess.’


Pint: ‘.......that wasn't me lad……’


With a sudden surging look of panic, the two both drew their weapons. Metrol with a handgun, Pint with his LMG.


Pint: (Shouting across the room) ‘I ain't a great lover of hide and seek you know! Come out with your hands way up high!’


From behind an upturned table, Ryu walked out with his hands in the air.


Pint: ‘Oh, look who it is! Bet you never thought you'd see me again!’


Ryu Jianar: (Saying it with a small smile) ‘I bet you never thought you'd see him again either.’


He nodded for the two to look behind them…..


Before they could turn their heads fully, Dakota delivered two incredibly strong punches, directly to their skulls.


They collapsed onto the ground.


Ryu Jianar: ‘Great job! We got told not to kill them, idiot!’


Dakota kicked Pint slightly, and the mech twitched, before grunting.


Dakota Way: ‘Ehh, not dead, just out cold bro.’


Ryu Jianar: (Sighing) ‘Well, stick them on the elevator and send them down. That way their group won't spend an hour trying to find them…’




On the twentieth floor, Xiil and matchbox had begun their silent assault.


Unlike Pint, matchbox had “other” ways of getting past a locked door.




The two stepped into the main room. This was the testing for the mechs hydraulics.


For these two, this was perfect.


Taking a bag, they began to ransack individual parts, mainly to make weapons for Matchbox, or to sell them off later at the black market.


Davis Drafter: (Standing in the doorway, unimpressed) ‘For a bunch of soldiers, you're not very loyal to your command, aren't you?’


The two looked at Davis, looked at each other, looked back….. And shrugged.


Davis Drafter: ‘.....want me to leave you to it, or….’


Both of them nodded, before returning back to their plundering.


In the end, Davis watched as the two took a few more parts, before waving him goodbye, then they ascended a few floors.



The fiftieth floor was exactly where the snipers providing the terrorists cover fire were located.


Knowing this, Muco and Leilei proceed with caution along each hallway.


Then, out of the corner of her eye, Leilei Spotted her prey.


Sitting by one of the windows, was Andrew, who had a pair of headphones in as he sniped.


Without assessing the situation, Leilei charged towards him, claws poised at the ready.


She couldn't have ever expected to get tackled to the side by Crystal.


Kicking her off, Leilei clambered to her feet, before flailing wildly at her.


Still poised, Crystal kicked Leilei in the shin, before roundhouse kicking her directly in the face, sending her soaring through the air down the hallway.


Muko stepped in just in time to stop crystal cleaving Leilei around the neck.


Placing his bat just under her chin, he pushed up, sending her into a backflip.


Luckily, she landed it, even with a slight amount of blood in her mouth.


Spitting the blood on the ground, Crystal went to raise her cleaver, but remembered the whole plan.


Quickly, before Muko could react, she kicked him hard in the face, causing him to stumble backward. With the momentum, she tripped him up directly into the elevator. Leile went after him to make sure he was ok…..


….and the trap was perfectly set.


With one press of a button, the two were sent down to the bottom floor, whilst Crystal jammed the mainframe to prevent them from using that elevator again.


Taking a moment to breathe, the girl sat with her back against the wall, wiping the last specks of blood away from her mouth.


Andrew Weber: ‘(Just removing his headset, oblivious) ‘…..What the hell happened to you?’




Just before the main console room, Andrack and Kamy had arrived via the single available stairway.


Andrack was going rouge, but Kamy was available in case of an emergency situation…


That is, until the main hallway door closed behind Andrack, shutting Kamy out.


The door closed so suddenly that Kamy walked directly into it.


Stepping out of the shadows with a remote in her hand, was Miu.


Miu Shizuka: (Twirling her hair) ‘Oh, I'm sorry. Did I bump your nose? Nawh, poor buby.’


Kamy Falvey: (Clicking her fingers) ‘At least my nose doesn't look like it has spent too much time in a closed door.’


Being the subconscious girl she was, Miu covered her nose, before getting angry.


Miu Shizuka: (Eyes glowing red) ‘That's it! You're dead meat!’


She started slicing towards kamy with her bladelike claws.


Kamy blocked each swipe with her guitar, then started it up and done a few swipes of her own.


Whilst the girls were locked in combat, Andrack slipped off up to the next floor.




Atsuko was sat next to the vast amount of monitors, attempting to type in binary code in order to keep the signal strong, along with the help of Yuuto.


The door behind her slid open.


Atsuko Viola: (Turning around) ‘H...hey Xyro, c...could you p...pass me the…’


Her eyes locked with Andracks. All of a sudden, she could feel her heart in the back of her throat.


Andrack: ‘Hmmm, typical. Escape and start a riot, huh? Is this your idea of justice?’


He drew his lance from the inside of his arm.


Andrack: ‘I swear I watched you bleed out before I’jnh stepped in to send you all back to your rooms. Back from the dead, are we…’


He took steps towards her and tried to grasp her throat.


A pitch black streak struck him directly in the jaw, causing him to stumble to the right.


Miu Shizuka: (Deep breathing, eyes still glowing) ‘Nobody hurts her.’


Andrack: (laughing to himself) ‘…. Monsters with a heart. How sweet.’


She lunged towards him, cutting deep into his arm.


But, he sent his lance straight through her shoulder, making her collapse onto the ground, leaving a large black streak of blood on the ground.


Andrack: (Placing his foot down hard on her neck) ‘It's a shame really. For someone so pretty, it's going to be an absolute shame to kill you.’


He started pressing down harder, slowly crushing her windpipe.


Atsuko tried to stop him, but he swiped her across the face with the back of his hand.


Yet before he could finish her off, A single punch sent him into the wall on the other end of the room.


I helped Miu to her feet.


Andrack: (Holding his head a little) ‘Arghhh, you're supposed to be the new model, huh?’


I didn't want to hear him speak again.


I punched him hard in the stomach about three times. He sat limp against the wall.


X.D: ‘I could kill you now, But I won't. Leave and don't come back…’


I left him against the wall and turned around.


That's when he tried his hardest to stab the lance in my head.


With another quick flash of black, Miu shadow-formed into him, pushing him into the elevator at the entrance of the room.


Miu Shizuka: (Claw against the cable connections of the elevator) ‘You heard him. Dont. Come. Back.’


With one swift swipe, Miu cut the cords, sending the elevator screeching downwards.


Andrack was tossed around inside, clanking against the sides.


As the elevator came to a crash, he pulled himself out of the wreckage….


Kuro and Viro helped him to his knees.


Andrack: (Swiping at them to stop) ‘What are you idiots doing down here?’


He then realized everyone was there, even Kamy.


Kamy Falvey: ‘We tried to beat them, but we can't.’


Everyone seemed disappointed with their skill, but Andrack Just seemed angry.


Andrack: ‘Were going to need to retreat, regroup, and attack them when they are in a more vulnerable position….’


Agreeing, the team slipped out undetected from the backdoor of the building.


Again, they circled until they reached the trucks.


Andrack issued the command and the soldiers slowly retreated.


All the while, Kuro stared hard at Viro.


In his mind, all he could think about was what Lewis had meant when he said….


Day 4

Chapter six: Day four: Reform and regroup!

A day had gone by since the IWEC troops had retreated.


Although we had taken heavy casualties, we had well and truly won.


Soldiers had started burying the dead, rebuilding homes for civilians, and setting up militarized walls and boundaries to protect our newfound base of operations.


Meanwhile, on the inside of the facility, Anti-Collective scientists were studying the mechs, as well as producing a few of their own, with their badge stamped across their left shoulder (It looked like a hive with a cross going through the middle)


Trying my hardest to help out, I started doing the heavy lifting work with Dakota and Lewis, setting up the posts that the walls would be built around.


Since the day before, everyone had been giving me the silent treatment, including Atsuko. They still couldn't understand the reason I ordered them not to kill any of the IWEC group since they did almost kill Miu….


But let's be honest, I'm not going to tell you just yet. That would be a bit of a spoiler in amongst itself. If you're like me, you will understand already. If you're not…. Well, wait and see!


Dakota handed me a segment of a pole, which I slammed deep into the ground, in order to act as a support to the main frame of the wall.


Dakota Way: (Handing me another pole) ‘You know, bro, We could have handled them yesterday.’


X.D: ‘I know.’


Dakota Way: ‘Then why didn't you let us Kill them, man? I know it's still people and all, but now they're going to come back after us again.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Have some trust in the Kid Dakota. He has gotten us this far, so just trust him on this one, and drop it.’


Dakota Way: ‘....fine.’


The three of us worked hard that morning. Raising wall after wall, we finally had the last one around the facility up just before lunch.


With our job done, we returned back to the facility in order to rest up.


We had all decided to use the main console room as our dorm, separating it into sections for each of us to rest in.


Lewis Sterge: ‘I don't know about you two, but I'm heading up to get some shut-eye.’


Dakota Way: (Surprised) ‘Dude, it's just coming up to lunch!’


Lewis Sterge: ‘And? I'm knackered.’


He went to enter the elevator but realized it was completely destroyed, so he disappeared up the stairs.


Dakota Way: ‘Xyro, wanna get some food man?’


X.D: ‘Nahh, I'm going to check on Atsuko.’


Dakota Way: ‘*Nudging my shoulder with his fist* You really are one love sick puppy, hey? Catch you around bud.’


I glared at him as he left.


Still, I went off to look for Atsuko.


Even as a hunter, I still quickly discovered that I couldn't navigate the facility. Every room looked the same, and yet there was no Atsuko to be found.


That is until I found the mech hydraulics room.


The place was an absolute mess, with pieces of scrap thrown about and the door blown to shreds (I wonder why)


Atsuko seemed happy sitting on a chair in the middle of the wreckage, tinkering away at a mechanoid arm.


X.D: (Going to knock, but then not, since there were only pieces of door left) ‘This place might need a bit of hoovering up.’


Atsuko Viola: (Jokingly) ‘I it. It looks kind of r...rustic…’


She giggled to herself.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I think it was s...someone in the IWEC who did this. They m...must have planted an explosive on the d...door. Funny though….’


X.D: ‘How come?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘Well, the d...door wasn't even locked, and w...whoever did it only took the little r...rubber bands that fit a...around the ends of the hydraulic cases.’


X.D: ‘But, why would anyone do that?’



(Flash to Matchbox and Xiil)








Viro: ‘(Shouting) ‘Will you two stop pinging those fucking elastic bands!’






(Back to Xyro)



Atsuko Viola: (Using a screwdriver on the metallic arm) ‘Well, W...whilst you were b...building up the wall, Yuuto f...found out where we should go next. The facility is apparently l...located in Germany, and it has the i...information needed on the travel l...locations of the trucks.’


X.D: ‘(Excitedly) Great! Have either of you told the capt’n yet?’


She went silent.


X.D: ‘...What?’


Atsuko let out a large sigh.


Atsuko Viola: ‘Look, Xyro, after w...what happened y...yesterday, I have r...realised that, w...well, some of us are less of an a...asset to the group and are, W...well, a hindrance.’


I knew what she was hinting at. And I also knew her other motive as well.


X.D: ‘I think splitting up the group is a good thing too. After all, keeping a few of us back here will help in the long run anyway.’


She smiled.


Atsuko Viola: ‘Thank You for u...understanding Xyro.’


X.D; ‘So, did you tell the captain? Or no?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘Oh, right, y...yeah, we told him that you, M...Miu and Lewis would be t...taking this mission.’


She had jumped the gun. Already knowing I would accept, she had sent me, lewis and Miu together as a group.


X.D: ‘What about everyone else?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘Capt’n s...said for us to start doing around here. We n...need to make sure it's and secure before we can m...move people b...back into their homes.’


She smiled at me.


Atsuko Viola: ‘D...Don't worry, we will fine. Besides, Yuuto has a s...satellite link to your headpiece, so h...he can guide you.’


Yuuto Ito: (In my ear) ‘And don't you forget it!’


I almost jumped out of my skin.


X.D: ‘How long have you been listening to me Yuuto?!?!?’


Yuuto Ito: ‘Long enough.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘A...anyway, Lewis and Miu went up to get some rest, will be getting on the ship to go tomorrow. I w….would do the same if I were you Xyro.’


X.D: ‘Right…. Well, good afternoon or whatever.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘*giggle* ok, good afternmornight Xyro….’


As I was about to leave, Atsuko called for me again.


Atsuko Viola: ‘Oh, Xyro!’


X.D: ‘Mhhm?’


Atsuko Viola: (Blushing) ‘I…..Just…..S...stay safe please…’


X.D: (Thumbs up) ‘I will try my best.’


Leaving her to work, I started climbing the stairs to the top floor.


Yuuto Ito: ‘Hey, Xyro, I know you better than you think I do. You're not ok with this, aren't you?’


X.D (Stopping on the stairs) ‘...of course I'm not….’


Yuuto Ito: ‘Hey, chin up man. None of us will let anyone hurt her. If anything happens out of the ordinary, I will keep you posted on it. Deal?’


X.D: ‘Deal. Remember to stay out of trouble yourself. You are a computer after all.’


Yuuto Ito: (With attitude) ‘A computer with one large fucking attitude. I would like to see anyone try it!’


X.D: (Ascending the stairs again, Jokingly) ‘I could destroy you with a cup of coffee Yuuto.’


Yuuto ito: ‘If you did, I would make your life hell!’


X.D: ‘Oh yeah? And how would you do that?’


Firstly, that was a mistake.


Secondly, never mess with Yuuto.




Well, The inside of my head was blasted with a high-frequency sound, which reverberated around my skull for a few seconds, before inevitably fading.


I took the headpiece out and placed it back in again.


Yuuto Ito: ‘If you were ever to kill me, I could set up a rig so that would activate at four times the volume. You would be dead right now if I wanted you to be!’


(He was wrong. Turns out I can't actually die to high frequency. Still hurts like hell, though.)


After yapping in my ear about the many different ways he could kill me, I eventually got to the top floor.


Yuuto Ito: ‘....and that's why you could never get rid of me. I'm more deadly than you could ever imagine, im….’


X.D: ‘*Yawn* Goodmornaftnight Yuuto!’


I Put him on mute and removed the small headpiece.


Miu Shizuka: (Still lying on her mattress, facing the wall) ‘Finally someone shut him up.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Atsuko tell you then kid?’


X.D: (Sarcastically) ‘Yeah. Thanks for the heads up.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Don't mention it. Now, get some shut eye. We need as much sleep as we can get since we won't really get any for at least a week.’


I went to my segment of the room, and face planted into the mattress.


Yeah, it was a long time to sleep.


But let's be fair, this was one of the best things ever.


Nineteen hours sleep?


Come on, it's paradise!



This is my attempt at a song. Atsuko wants me to add music, as well as hers, so I might as well set the bar pretty low in order to make her look better. Anyway, here goes nothing….


(starting off slowly, and building up speed at the _1_2_3_ mark)


It's hard sometimes, to stare at a positive world when your eyes are closed.


When vision’s faded by the night sky, try holding you too close.


It may feel safe in their grasp,


But let me show you, how warm the light can be….




So stand here, and let go,


Of the broken promises from years ago,


It's over now, you can step out,


Into the light, And please shout,


So the angels above can receive your song,


*dun dun dun*


So scream loud your war cry,


It's time now to say goodbye,


Of the misdeeds and worthless sins,


That attempt to drown your every whim,


So rise up and sing with me,


It's the time we all set ourselves free!





Now that I have more or less murdered your ear drums, let's move on...

Day 5

Chapter six: Day five: Messing with the big guns

*Kick, Kick*


Miu was standing over me, kicking me softly but continuously in the back.


X.D: ‘(Turning over) ‘Why can't you act like a normal person and just tell me to wake up?’


Miu Shizuka: (Arms crossed, still kicking me) ‘Maybe because I'm not a normal person?’


I pushed myself up from my mattress.


It was only Miu and Lewis and myself awake. Everyone else was fast asleep.


Lewis Sterge: (Putting on his jacket) ‘Don't worry kid, we have a few hours yet. We were just planning on getting an early breakfast, and…. Well, Atsuko whipped up something extra for us.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘She told us to go to that broken lab She was in yesterday. But only when we are about to go though.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Right, let's head on down. I'm starving.’


The three of us descended the stairway until we reached the ground floor.there, we Made a B-line straight for the cafeteria.


Since the battle, the soldiers were able to completely rebuild the bottom floor, making the cafeteria seem spotless. Out of the vast option of foods, I decided to stick to two waffles.


Lewis went for a bunch of toast, and Miu….


Drank tea.


Lewis Sterge: (Swallowing some toast) ‘We leave at nine-ish. We better be ready by then.’


X.D: ‘Whats going on exactly?’


Kiri and her group had just walked in through the doorway and had overheard me.


Kiri: ‘You three are heading out to Germany with a small fleet of ships. This whole mission is strictly for you, so we are trying to keep a low profile to make sure you all stay as undetected as possible.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘We will be leaving at nine on another one of those ships Xyro.’


Kiri: ‘Precisely.’


Lewis sterge: ‘Mission wise, we are heading into the facility, uploading this chip into the main computer, letting Yuuto access it, then getting out of there. We will have three ships scattered around on location, so we have more than one way out.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘*sip* They are being a bit too motherly for my taste, but nevermind. Let's hope we get a little bit of blood spill.’


We all gave her the look of disapproval.


Miu Shizuka: ‘What? A girl has to have her fun sometimes!’


Kiri and the others grabbed some food, before joining us at the table.


Jamie Eruu: (Staring in horror at Andrews food) ‘Andrew, how much?’


Andrew Weber: ‘What? I'm hungry!’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Yeah, but you have at least a whole fucking pig on that plate!’


Andrew Weber: ‘Nobody gave us limits on the bacon. Besides, it's going to be a busy day today, so back off!’


The two went silent as they tucked into their food.


Miu Shizuka: ‘*sip* You are what you eat after all.*sip*’


Under the table, Miu exchanged a fist bump with Jamie.


Andrew Weber: (Sulking, taking a bite out of his food) ‘........whatever…..’


Christian baraster: ‘Our workload today may be slim, but we need to complete the tasks before midnight. Capt’ns orders Kiri.’


Kiri: (Placing her fork down): ‘*sigh* fine, Let's get going.’


Andrew Weber: ‘But I just started eating!’


Kiri Grabbed him by the collar, pulling him from his seat.


Kiri: ‘Good luck you three. Stay safe.’


We thanked her and the group as they bid us good luck. Although jack did come in a few seconds after to grab a waffle and ran back after them.


Miu Shizuka: ‘*sip* what's the time Xyro?’


I checked the clock. It was eight thirty.


Miu Shizuka: ‘We better go get what Atsuko has prepared for us, then go down to the dock.’


Tidying our plates up, we made our way up the stairs and to the hydraulic floor.


Lewis Sterge: ‘*Panting* Damn, These stairs are going to kill me one day….’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Well, She fixed the door at least.’


She was right. Atsuko had replaced the door with a large, bulky metal one, which was locked with a fingerprint scanner.


Lewis Sterge: ‘She wouldn't tell us to come here if this was the surprise. Let's go in.’


Pressing his thumb against the scanner, the door beeped, before sliding in three directions.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Ha, what do you know, it worked!’


Miu Shizuka: (sarcastically) ‘Wow, it's just like magic!’


She winked at him.


Stepping inside, we were happy to find that Atsuko had completely cleared the place of rubbish.


Although completely void of machinery, the tables located in the center of the room had three large bundles on top of them, each covered in a large white cloth.


Each bundle had a label with our names on them.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Well, let's see what she’s been up too…’


Lifting the sheet, Lewis's eyes widened.


Atsuko had fashioned Lewis two bandoleers, each made of a thick black leather, that houses a set of sixteen blades, each made out of a solid, thick glass.


Placing it under his jacket, both bandoliers fitted him like a glove.


Lewis Sterge: ‘You know, I think I'm going to need to give her a damn hug after this mission.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘I wouldn't do that if I were you. You would crush the poor thing!’


Miu Flipped over her piece of cloth, to reveal something she loved, even to this day.


Now in her possession, was a black and red dress, stitched from back to front with lacing, but the entire inside of the fabric was coated with stab proof and bullet proof paste.


There was also a little tiny helmet for Raisen.


Miu Shizuka: (Giddy) ‘Oh my…… Raisen! Here boy!’


The tiny bird fluttered into the room. As soon as he landed on the shoulder, the helmet was placed.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Who’s a handsome boy? Yes, you are, you are!’


He swooped onto the table, allowing Miu to assess her dress.


Miu Shizuka: ‘I Must say, she did some fine work.’


Miu’s eyes began to glow with excitement.


Miu Shizuka: ‘I'm going to try it on! Lewis, if you may accompany me.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Me?!?! Why me?’


Miu gave him a stare, before nudging her head at me.


Lewis sterge: (Sudden realization) ‘Oh, right, well, we will be back in a moment kid.’


With the two of them staring at me with a grin, they disappeared around the corner.


X.D: ‘Whelp, I guess this is for me then.’


Unlike the other two, my piece of cloth had a letter on top of it.


Obviously, it was from Atsuko. Her handwriting was rather messy, but not as bad as mine.


“Hey Xyro,


I know this isn't that much, but this is the project I have been working on for you. I really hope you like it, but please tell me if you don't, because I can always re-do it….”


She seemed to have another sentence formed, but she had crossed it out entirely.


The message continued.


“...Anyway, Yuuto said I can't keep in contact with you because the IWEC could pick up the signals. I just really hope you stay safe…”


Again, there was a whole paragraph formed, but she had completely scribbled it out with a pen.


“...Just come back safely, ok. We will miss you.



Although covered in ink, I folded it carefully and placed it inside one of my arm compartments.


Taking a deep breath, I pulled the white cloth from the table.


At first, I don't think my eyes were able to register exactly what I was looking at, but as they focused, I think I almost began to drool.


Sitting on the table directly in front of me, was what I like to call the Plus one.


Just like my hand blades, the weapon’s attached to my arms as a modifier rather than a disposable weapon.


What were these weapon’s, you ask?


Well, imagine a minigun. Then, imagine three miniguns taped together into a triangle shape. Then, imagine if you could have one set of each on both arms.


Yep. some might call it overkill. I, call it plus one.


Anywho, The process was a bit more than painful, though. In order to install the weapons, I had to place both my arms in a machine that basically crushed then, inserted the weaponry, and remade them. (Atsuko made this machine, so it played a few of her songs, just to try and make the pain a bit more bearable)


As soon as the installment was done, I tried to use the weapons, but they didn't seem to work.


Miu And Lewis had arrived back at this point. Miu had slipped into her new dress.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Surprise! Atsuko told us about them ages ago.’


I was still trying my hardest to activate them, but they just wouldn't work.


X.D: ‘Why isn't this working?’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Atsuko said that you have to let your body get used to them first. Remember, your blood needs to imbue with them in order to make the bullets necessary.’


X.D: ‘Wait, what?’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Wait, Atsuko didn't tell you? The reason you have unlimited ammo is because you're just firing hardened blood. Why did you think you could fire forever?’


I remembered the fact that my parasitic blood was the reason I had unlimited ammo.


Then, I realised something: If my blood was ammo, and I were to use too much….


X.D: (Now incredibly confused, and worried) ‘Wait wait wait! Isn't this dangerous then!’


Lewis Sterge: ‘For me or Miu, yes. For you, not at all.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Xyro, your blood replaces the water in your body. Since you have both blood types, they are constantly colliding, allowing you to regenerate crazily fast. So you get your blood back almost instantly after using it.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘But just so you know, that doesn't make you anywhere near immortal. You will still die to a well-placed shot or stab, just like any one of us.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Oh, I didn't know that. Well, looks like I can kill you after all Pumpkin. You know, if you get annoying.’


X.D: ‘....Why am I always the last one to know about these things?’


Lewis and Miu Shrugged.


Checking the time over, we now only had ten minutes to get to the dock.


With no time to spare, we rushed there, before boarding the tiny vessel.


The pilot told us to strap in and get ready for a long ride.


As the building slowly disappeared out of sight as we dove deep under the water, I could see a very faint outline of everyone standing just outside, waving….


Then, the ocean embraced us.


(End of chapter Six)



Atsuko’s message (Full):


Hey Xyro,


I know this isn't that much, but this is the project I have been working on for you. I really hope you like it, but please tell me if you don't, because I can always re-do it. I know it's not much, but I wanted to give something back after you have done so much for us, for me.


Anyway, Yuuto said I can't keep in contact with you because the IWEC could pick up the signals. I just really hope you stay safe.


I know we haven't known each other for very long, and I know we have a big mission ahead of us, but I haven't been able to find a way to say this to you in words, so I wanted to write it out. Xyro, Without you I would have never broken out my shell. I hated myself, well, I still do, but, you make that pain feel so much better. Without you, I don't think I would have ever seen the sky again, and never in the way you see it. Truth is, I lov...


Just come back safely, ok. We will miss you.


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