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Chapter nine: Day one: part one: A “Tiny” addition to the team.

It was like any other typical day back at the facility in Paris.


The sun was shining.


The birds were singing.


Miu was beating up Andrew.


All in all, it was as plain of a day as any. Sat down at one of the tables in the lower cafeteria area in the Eiffel tower, I tried to clear my head on the things I needed to do that day. Not only did I have to create more homes for civilians, But I was also helping the capt’n try to hoist the entire frame of “Nessie” out of the ocean so that the armour could be improved.


After thinking for a while, Atsuko came over and sat beside me. With her, she carried two coffee cups, one for me and another for her.


I had agreed to join her for lunch that day, since we hadn't spent much time together that week. In fact, I hadn't really spent time with anyone other than the capt’n and Kiri’s group.


Atsuko Viola: (Skittish at the amount of people around, but with a smile) ‘I d...didn't know how s...strong you liked it, so I got a m….medium one. I hope it's ok.’


X.D: (Thanking her, then taking a small sip) ‘Don't worry, it's the first drink i've had in the last few days. It could be the worst coffee ever and I would still love it.’


Atsuko Viola: (With a worried expression) ‘ should r...really drink r...regularly Xyro. it's not g...good for you n...not too.’


X.D: (Smiling under the faceplate, patting her on the head) ‘Your one to talk! How many times have you been out of your workshop this week?’


She responded with nothing but a blush.


X.D: (Finishing off the coffee fairly quickly, standing up) ‘Well, I hate to do this, but I need to get going Atsuko.’


Atsuko Viola: (looking at the time, disappointed) ‘Oh….ok….. W...will you be later?’


X.D: ‘I think so, but I….’


As I went to respond to her, Miu waltzed in.


Miu Shizuka: (To me specifically) ‘Ahh, there you are Pumpkin. On a date I see?’


I stared with burning eyes at Miu, whilst behind me Atsuko blushed brighter.


Miu Shizuka: (Smirking, but remaining composed) ‘Well, Yuuto needs us outside. Now!’


With that, she walked out, expecting me to follow.


Which I did. Atsuko too.


Outside, Everyone was gathered around Yuuto, who was projecting a hologram of his head from a laptop carried by Kiri.


X.D: ‘What's this about Yuuto?’


Yuuto Ito: ‘Ahh, Xyro, I got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we have an IWEC ship a few miles away, and it's coming into dock. The bad news is that there are five people on board, so we aren't sure yet if it's your brother’s team or an IWEC scouting ship.’


I looked out at a distance and surely enough, I was able to see an incredibly small, rusted ship. To be honest, it looked as if it was about to fall apart at any given moment.


As it came in to land, It swayed a bit as the landing gears struggled to release properly, but eventually it came to a hard stop on one of the landing pads, shuddering as it did so.


Once the ships thrusters shut off, Ronnie, Crystal, Davis and Ryu all stepped out onto the landing pad.


Dakota way: ‘Yo dudes! You made it back!’


He held up his hand for a high five, although everyone passed him coldly. Except Ronnie, who gladly took the high five. Then, he and Dakota walked off in deep conversation.


Yep, we didn't see them for the rest of the day. Thats Dakota and Ronnie for you!


The other three walked over to where we were standing.


Lewis sterge: (Happy to see them all) ‘It's good to see you all made it back alright.’


Miu Shizuka: (Poking at Ryu’s face) ‘What happened to you? You look more disgusting than usual.’


Knowing full well what Miu was like, he chose to ignore her.


Ryu Jianar: (To me) ‘Xyro, can I just say something. I'm never doing that again.’


I laughed, Then patted him on the shoulder.


X.D: ‘Im glad your back safe.’


He gave a slight smile, but squinted a bit as Miu tried prodding at his nose again.


Kiri: (Chewing on some gum, but with a concerned look on her face) ‘What about the fifth person?’


Ryu turned his head to face the ship, then looked back at me.


Ryu Jianar: ‘Well, we may have had a little help from…..’


As he was speaking, a rather charismatic Pint jumped out of the vehicle. He was holding his detached arm in his hand.


Pint: (Stretching out his back) ‘Let me tell ya something, I don't get the fascination with these flying excuses for cars. Their just uncomfortable to sit in.’


While he was talking, I watched as Anti-collective guards began to take position around him, aiming for the right spot.


Crystal: (Noticing this) ‘Wait, don't shoot him, he's with us!’


There was silence for a while as nobody knew what to do.


So, taking initiative, I walked towards him


X.D: ‘Pint…’


Pint: ‘Ahhh,let me guess…. Xyro, isn't it?’


X.D: (still walking towards him) ‘...When we first met you shot us with a rocket launcher..’


Pint: (Scratching the back of his head) ‘Yeah, that wasn't a great introduction, wasn't it?’


I was now standing directly next to him.


For a split second, I could see a very small amount of fear in his eye…


X.D: (Holding out my arm for a handshake) ‘Welcome to the team.’


He looked at me, let out a relieved sigh, then shook my hand.


Kiri: (With her rifle still drawn, pointed at Pint) ‘How can we trust him?’


Ryu Jianar: (to Kiri) ‘He saved our lives after district one blew up.’


Kiri lowered her weapon.


Not because of Pint saving them, but at the fact that District one of new Japan was no longer a thing.


Kiri: ‘Wait, what? How did that happen?’


Ryu Shrugged, but stared at Ronnie, who was half way down the road with Dakota.


Knowing full well what Ronnie is capable of, she just nodded.


Pint: ‘If I could interject, I would like to apologize about everything before hand. Trust me, it was nothing personal…’


X.D: ‘...You were just doing your job.’


He looked up at me and noded.


Lewis Sterge: (With his weapon already lowered) ‘Apology accepted I guess. Welcome to the team.’


Pint: (nodding with gratitude) ‘Thank you kindly.’


Yuuto Ito: (Sternly) ‘Xyro, a word please…’


Kiri handed me the laptop and allowed me to move out of earshot from the others.


Yuuto ito: ‘You and me both know we can't just let him walk straight in. What if he can't be trusted? Hmmm? Or what if he has a bloody virus in him? Then what?’


X.D: ‘Relax will you! I already have a plan to justify everything.’


Yuuto Ito: ‘Oh yeah, and what would that be?’


X.D: ‘I suggest we allow him to stay here until we can have a conference meeting with the capt’n. In the meantime, i'm sure Atsuko could get him repaired and tested for any kind of tracking devices or bugs.’


Yuuto didn't seem too keen, but he knew he didn't really have an option anyway.


Yuuto ito: ‘Fine. I should be able to get a meeting set up for tomorrow. Just don't let him out of your sight!’


I agreed (Since it meant that I didn't have to do any of my previous tasks that day, A win-win situation for my lazy ass!).


Joining back with the group, I was already able to see that Pint and Davis were getting along rather fine. In all my time knowing the guy, Davis only really seems happy when he is with Crystal or Pint. To the rest of us, he's just a pretty miserable git!


X.D: ‘Atsuko, Pint, you're with me. Everyone else, Do whatever it is you have to do.’


As Pint was finishing off his conversation, I turned to Ryu.


X.D: (Looking at the bags under his eyes) ‘Ryu, Get some rest please. You really need it.’


I went to walk past me, but a horrid smell had to make me turn back to him.


X.D: ‘...And maybe have a shower too.’



With Pint and Atsuko By my side, we stood in the elevator in silence.


Atsuko, even with her recent breakthrough from her original timidness, was still struggling to talk with a complete stranger next to her.


Knowing full well that she felt uncomfortable, I tried to lighten the mood.


X.D: ‘What exactly did happen to your arm Pint?’


Pint: ‘Well, If I said that my sargent has a greater temper then a shaved bear, would that give you a mental picture?’


I chuckled, which in turn made Atsuko smile too.


X.D: ‘What about the others?’


He tried to say something, but stopped himself.


X.D: ‘You can speak your mind Pint. I don't judge.’


Pint: ‘It's just… They've all changed. When we first all met, everyone was lively, with their own way of handling things. Now, they can’t even sit down without having the fear of getting shot for sitting out of place.’


Again, he paused.


Pint: ‘I guess what I'm trying to say is that they are good people. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, you know lad?’


X.D: ‘I know Pint. I know.’


The elevator came to a stop.


X.D: (Stepping out the way for Atsuko) ‘Ladies first.’


As soon as we got to Atsuko’s workshop, I could see that it had been changed allot since last time I visited.


Not only were there many, many more machines, But also a variety of different weapons and armour pieces sprawled about the place. What peaked my interest the most however, Was one of the table with a large white cloth drawn over it, which was labeled *Project for Xyro*


Atsuko Viola: (Stammering allot more then usual) ‘C...C..Could s...sit over t...there p...please.’


Taking a seat, Pint smiled at her.


Pint: (Trying to be reassuring) ‘Listen lass, I know I’m really a complete stranger and all, but you don't have to feel so nervous around me. My bite is about as strong as the weapon that's in my hand…..’


He held up his dismembered arm.


Pint: ‘...So unless you think I’m deadly in the art of bitch-slapping people, i'm not exactly a threat, am I?’


This seemed to break any kind of tension Atsuko had, since she let out a rather adorable laugh.


Atsuko Viola: ‘Well Pint, l….let's g...get your a...arm back on.’


Turning around, Atsuko had equipped a welder's mask and a blowtorch.


Atsuko got to work with the welding process.


After two hours of working and light conversation between the three of us, his arm was back in the right place.


Atsuko Viola: ‘T...that should hold it in, but I still need to do a b...bit of wiring. Just…..g...give me a s...second.’


She disappeared into another room for a few minutes, and returned with a large toolbox and a huge bundle of wire.


Atsuko Viola: ‘ this may t...take a few t...tries, but I should be able to r...reconnect your arm b...back to the way it was. B..but please try and keep still, because as s...soon as I reconnect the wires to your a...arm, it will sting a bit…’


Pint: (Like a man) ‘Trust me lass, I've felt worse pain in my life then a few reconnected wires. I'll be fine!’


I have never known someone to be so wrong in their whole life.


For the first few minutes, he seemed completely fine…


...upon inserting the first out of many wires, He let out a loud yelp of pain. Like a baby, he seemed like he was about to cry...if he could cry, that is.


So, he remained like this for a few more hours, yelling after every wire was replaced.


Even Atsuko, who at first was willing to stop because she felt bad, was now at the point of not even caring as she re-calibrated and attached wires.


Once she was done, She stood up and smiled.


Atsuko Viola: ‘T...that should d….do it. Just give it a b..bit of a light t...test please.’


Slowly, he moved his arm around, the wiggled his fingers.


His arm was back to normal.


Pint: ‘Hey, it's as good as new! Thanks lass!’


He went to give her a fist bump, which caught a still mildly timid Atsuko off guard. So, as she flinched, he moved his arm back and apologised.


Pint: ‘Alrighty then, where too next?’


X.D: ‘We still have a few things we need to test you for Pint.’


He looked up at me, this time with a more serious tone on his face.


Pint: ‘Oh, I see. Well, let's get this over with, I could really use a drink right about now.’


He walked over to Atsuko, then stood there, waiting for her to tell him what to do.


Atsuko Viola: ‘O...ok...erm….this way.’


She walked him over to the other room in the lab, sat him down on a chair, then walked out and closed the door behind her.


Peering in through a glass window, both I and Atsuko were looking into the room at Pint.


Atsuko Viola: ‘R...right, I w...will just do a q...quick scan on’


She paused, then typed a few things in on the computer next to her.


After a brief moment, I heard a light ding, and she smiled.


Atsuko Viola: ‘Done.’


She opened the door for him.


Pint: ‘Well that was quick. What was my results?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘'re all c...clear.’


X.D: ‘In that case, anyone up for diner? I haven't eaten for a few days?’


Atsuko Viola: (Excitedly) ‘S...sure! Let me j...just get my coat!’


I smiled internally as I watched her skip out of the room.


Pint: (looking up at me with a smile, poking fun) ‘Ya know, you two make such a sweet couple!’


X.D: ‘Not you too. I already have one person making relationship jokes, I don't need another one.’


Pint: ‘Hey, Just saying. If ya need any advice, I'm also known as the master at picking up the ladies.’


He said this as he shuffled his eyebrows.


X.D: (my turn to jab fun at him) ‘I know. I still remember seeing you with that toaster in London. What was her name again?’


As soon as I mentioned it, Pints memory of that day came flooding back.


To my surprise , He pulled the toaster out of a compartment in his stomach region.


Pint: (Looking at the toaster with a really disappointed look on his face) ‘....I'm really not proud….’


Funnily enough, all Atsuko came back to was me and Pint Laughing our heads off.


When I finally stopped laughing, I noticed that Atsuko not only had her coat, but she had also tidied up her hair, as well as washed all the dirt and grime from fixing Pint.


Atsuko Viola: (To me) ‘A...are you r...ready to go Xyro?’


X.D: ‘Yep, lead the way!’


Again, she darted out of the room with a smile.


I went to follow her.


Pint: (This time being more genuine as opposed to poking fun) ‘If you want, I'll be more than happy to sit away from the two of ya. You know, give you both some privacy.’


I looked back at him.


X.D: ‘Thank you.’


With that, the two of us left the room. We caught up with Atsuko in the elevator and descended to the ground floor.


Chapter nine: Day one: Part two: Bothering and caring are two different things!

I do sometimes wonder why I bother!


Upon arriving at the ground floor, as soon as the elevator doors opened, we were greeted by a rather happy Dakota.


Dakota Way: ‘Yo! Xyro! Atsuko! Wanna hang? Everyone's in the restaurant if you want to join?’


I looked down at Atsuko, who sighed in disappointment, but then smiled at the irony.


X.D: ‘Sure, we were just heading there anyway.’


Happily, he punched me in the arm.


Pint: (Happily, in a friendly manner) ‘You're the tall bastard who ate my rocket, ain't ya?’


Funnily enough, due to Dakota’s height, he hardly noticed the small mech standing beside us. So, when Pint, he jumped.


Dakota Way: (Realising the voice was from the floor, looking down at Pint) ‘Oh, yeah, don't sweat it little dude!’


He gave Pint an incredibly light poke with his fist, before heading on over to the restaurant alongside us.


We arrived on location a few moments later.


The inside of the restaurant was rather fancy. Along with all the tables being neatly aligned around the center of the room, on one side was a rather delightful bar, and on the other half of the room was the kitchen area.


As I looked around, I noticed a that the evening was going to be….


Well, let me put it this way. It was both good news and bad news.


The good news was that the restaurant itself was rather barren.


The bad side was that everyone in the restaurant was part of my team.


Yep, thats right. Sitting at the bar area was Davis, over in one of the corners was Kiri’s squad (including Ronnie) and alongside them was Lewis, Miu and Lucia.


Dakota took no time in taking a seat next to the others the moment he entered.


Pint: (looking over at Davis, talking to me) ‘I'll just be over here lad, don't worry about me.’


I simply nodded in approval. With that, he went over to one of the stools beside Davis.


For a few seconds, I admired as the small mechanoid tried his hardest to climb to oak stool like a jungle gym. But, in the end, Davis grabbed him by the top of the head and placed him down on the seat.


With the two of them drinking away, Both Atsuko and I took a seat with the others.


Lewis Sterge: (In the middle of a conversation with Miu) ‘...But that's not how it works. You can't expect him to just hand you it on a silver platter!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘And why not? Im royalty after all!’


X.D: (Just sitting down) ‘What are you after this time Miu?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘(Smiling, clasping her hands together and resting her chin on her fingers) ‘I've had a small complication with acquiring a rather…. Valuable object from your brother recently.’


I looked at Lucia for justification.


Lucia Ais: ^She’s been trying to steal Ryu’s Journal.^


Miu Shizuka: (looking at Lucia with a smile, then back at me)  ‘I wouldn't phrase it like that. Lets just say, I would like to “borrow” it without him knowing.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘That's Not how it works Miu.’


X.D: ‘(Cutting in to stop the endless cycle) ‘Where's everyone else?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Crystal is currently outside and your brother is taking a shower.’


As if on cue, Atsuko's stomach let out a rather loud growl. She blushed in embarrassment.


Atsuko Viola: ‘S...sorry….’


Dakota Way: (With an overwhelming smile) ‘Don't worry man,i'm starving too!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘I had the feeling the two of you were going to arrive, so I'm glad I placed two extra orders.’


(What she actually meant was that she placed the two orders in case Ryu and crystal showed up. But we took their place instead)


Lucia Ais: (Happily) ^Well, if you would excuse me, I have a few things I still need to attend to this evening. Have a pleasent meal.^


We wished her a good evening as our food arrived…



It was still early evening outside. The sun had only just started dipping over the horizon, setting a burning trail of orange and white across the sky above Paris.


Yet, even with the blazing inferno above, the bitter wind stung Crystals already tearful eyes.


Even with her skills as an artist, she was struggling to get every brush stroke right. Both black and blue ink formed into spirals and patterns of flowers and animals alike. The shading, the coloration, even the minute details, all ended in their own flare as Crystal painted.


This was not just an art piece to her.


This was her final goodbye and respects for Edmund.


The old graveyard just outside the border of the black pyramid was a sight to behold. Filled with many tombstones, the site was disguised in the beauty of the trees and wildflowers that grew there, accompanied by climbing vines and leaves that held the same blazing color of the sky above.


On her knees next to the newly placed gravestone, she painted with such passion even when her eyes filled with tears and her fingers went numb.


Upon finishing the patterns he had taught her, a weak smile formed across her face.


Crystal: (Thinking out loud, struggling to form her sentences) ‘I'm sorry it all ended like this. I….I’m so sorry.’


Every word was followed by a sniffling cry. Trying to fight back tears with all her might, she found that she just couldn't.


The old graveyard gate creaked as it was pushed slowly open.


Quickly wiping her eyes, Crystal turned to look back.


There, with a book under one arm, was Lucia.


Although Crystal tried to pretend as if nothing was wrong, Lucia saw right through her.


Lucia Ais: (Going over and sitting beside her) ^It hurts when you lose someone close to you, doesn't it?^


Crystal looked at her in confusion, as she couldn't understand sign language.


Realising this, Lucia thought about the best way to communicate.


Standing up again, she began wandering around the graveyard, picking many different flowers along the way.


As soon as she had gathered a sizeable bouquet, she returned to Crystals side.


Placing the flowers down next to the tombstone, she gave an understanding smile to her.


Crystal: (Not normally one for hugs, but hugging her nonetheless) ‘...Thank you….’


The two sat in embrace for a while, Until eventually they separated.


All the while, Davis watched from the window.


Pint: (To Davis, a bit tipsy) ‘She'll be fine! Girls of that age normally are after a while!’


To that, Davis smiled, then returned to drinking with his new companion.



It was much later before everyone decided to retire for the evening.


Since Kiri had direct orders to take Pint out of my hands, I was able to walk Atsuko back to her lab in relative peace.


X.D: ‘(While walking) ‘Well, that was nice for a change.’


Atsuko Viola: (Rather distant) ‘Y...yeah, I guess…’


X.D: (Stopping just before the doorway to her lab) ‘Look, I know things didn't exactly go the way they should have, but once this whole war is over and done with, I promise you that I will book an evening for just the two of us.’


Atsuko Viola: (Glowing bright red from blushing) ‘I l...look forward it. But….’


She seemed to want to say something so badly, but she just couldn't. Instead. She waved it off with a smile.


Atsuko Viola: ‘...W...well...I better… know, g...get to bed…’


X.D: (Awkwardly) ‘Yeah...same….’


Atsuko Viola: ‘....’


X.D: ‘....’


We stared at one another in an awkward silence for a short while.


Atsuko Viola: (Awkwardly) ‘G...good night!’


She turned, walked through the door and closed it behind her.


After a few seconds, I heard a loud sigh from behind me.


Appearing from around the corner with a pair of binoculars and popcorn was Miu. I had a slight feeling the popcorn was to take the piss more than to be consumed.


Miu shizuka: (Agitated) ‘You two are getting on my nerves now!’


X.D: ‘What do you mean?’


Miu Shizuka: (Yelling) ‘Why don't you just kiss already!!!’


I responded with silence.


Miu Shizuka: (Storming off) ‘Hmph, fine, kiss in your own time, see if I care!’


I remember thinking to myself that it was none of her business. Then again, Now that i'm more acquainted with Miu, I have realised that everything is her business.


Still, at the time, I just decided it was best to head on up to get some sleep.



Just below the top floor, a few of us had decided to move into the office-styled rooms for more privacy.


Sat in his small, cramped room, was Ryu.


The room was so tiny that it could only fit a single bed, and a very small pocket of space for equipment. In fact, it was so small, that anyone could sit on the bed and close the door without even needing to move.


With his door closed, He lay sprawled out along his mattress. With the moonlight beaming in through his window adjacent to him, he felt relaxed, even with the throbbing pain from his newly fixed nose (Treated by Lucia of course).


Just as he was about to fall asleep, a quiet knock kept him from doing so.


Ryu Jianar: (Opening the door, rubbing his eye) ‘Yeah, what is it?’


X.D: ‘Hey Ryu. Do you mind if I come…..(looking into the room) ….ahh, nevermind. Do you mind if we talk, or?’


Ryu Jianar: ‘Yeah, sure.’


Stepping out of the room in nothing but pajama bottoms and a robe, he accompanied me by the large open windows of the black pyramid.


Ryu Jianar: (Jumping the gun) ‘I suck at leading people Xyro.’


I went to respond, but he was already too engrossed in talking.


Ryu Jianar: ‘I've never been able to lead people. It's never been my strong point at least. Not only that, but we wouldn't have been able to get out of there if it wasn't for fluke luck!’


X.D: ‘Ahhh, but there's the thing. Being a leader doesn't always mean you must know what you're doing at every turn.’


I placed my hand on his shoulder.


X.D: ‘Sometimes, you just have to weigh your options and chose what you think is right. Now, I'm not saying you will ever be wrong. In fact, I'm wrong around ninety percent of the time. But what really makes a good leader is the ability to take responsibility for those actions and move on.’


I removed my hand from his shoulder.


Ryu Jianar: ‘(Chuckling to himself) Who would have thought you would have gone from mute to such a motivational speaker.’


X.D: ‘(Shrugging) Who would have thought I would end up becoming a cyborg?’


Ryu Jianar: ‘(Smiling) Well, you got me there.’


We both said nothing for a few minutes as we stared out of the window at the dark streets below.


Ryu Jianar: (Yawning) ‘Anyway Xyro, I really need to get some sleep. ‘


X.D: ‘Yeah, me too.’


We both began to part our separate ways for the evening.


X.D: (Arriving at the bottom of the stairs) ‘Oh, and Ryu, it's good to have you back.’


Ryu Jianar: (Saying it as he closed his door) ‘Trust me, it's so good being back!’


After ascending a floor, I made my way to my bed, then crashed on it with a loud thud.

As the soft lining of the mattress engulfed my back, my mind had no option but to give in to sleep.

Day 1: Part 2
Day 2
Chapter nine: Day two: Preparing for a fly-by

There are many things I would rather be doing than standing around for two hours straight , but on this occasion I didn't really have a choice.


At least I wasn't the only one that felt the same way though. All of us had gathered in the top room of the black pyramid. The meeting was meant to take place a few minutes before, However Kiri’s group, along with Pint, hadn't arrived yet.


The Capt’n: (On holo projection) ‘They should be here by now.?’


Dakota Way: ‘*Shrugging* Beats me.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘(Impatiently, tapping her fingers on the windowsill) ‘They better arrive shortly, I have more important things to attend too…’


X.D: (leaning against one of the walls, arm’s folded) ‘Like what?’


Miu Shizuka: (Shrugging) ‘Anything better than this!’


Kiris group walked through the door, with Pint taking the lead alongside Andrew.


The Capt’n: (Agitated) ‘What took you so long?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Ronnie got his head stuck, no big deal.’


I looked passed Jamie. Surely enough, standing behind him was Ronnie. It looked as if the top half of his head had been sunburnt.


Crystal: (In the same kind of pose I was standing in, next to Davis) ‘Stuck? In what?’


Andrew Webber: (Smiling) ‘He got it stuck in a construction pipe! You should have seen his face! Awe, it was priceless! I wish I had a camera….’’


Christian punched Andrew in the arm to shut him up.


Crystal: (So confused, to Ronnie) ‘How did you….why did you….’


The Capt’n knew not to question anything Ronnie ever did.


Capt’n: (Cutting through everyone’s conversations) ‘On to the matters at hand.’


Through the screen, I watched as the Capt’n started flicking through a few files Atsuko had sent him the day before, regarding Pint.


Capt’n: ‘I see you've come back negative for any kinds of bugs or spyware, so you're clear in that regard. However, I still don't like the idea of a lower ranked IWEC officer being involved in our base of operations.’


Pint: ‘Well, you got the lower part right. But I ain't ever been keen on slaughtering innocents.’


Capt’n: ‘Aren't we all?’


Pint: ‘Huh, you'd be surprised!’


Capt’n: (Going back to the conversation at hand) ‘Well, in any case, you answer to your team. If any harm comes to them from your mistakes, then you will be the one to blame. Did I make myself clear?’


Pint: (Doing a half arsed salute) ‘Understood!’


Capt’n: (Addressing everyone) ‘As you all are probably aware, we have currently been able to take back many western countries. Almost all IWEC troops have been cleared out, and we have been able to mostly secure these areas from any other stray units….’


He showed a weird tactical map of the world and rambled on for about thirty minutes about tactics and other boring things that I didn't really remember or pay attention too.


Capt’n: (After a while of talking) ‘...however, we have currently reached an impasse. Although the IWEC are unable to fight back against us without having to risk sending out tactical fleets, but we are unable to attack them due to that defense grid…’


As he spoke, I could see Pint’s robotic eyes flicker.


Pint: ‘Ahhh, I see the great wall of “Fuck you” is causing a problem huh?’


(I wish I had thought of that name for it.)


The Capt’n watched as the small droid approached him with a smug look on his face.


Pint: ‘Well I have never been much of an engineer myself, but I do get to hear allot that gets said in the pubs. Trust me, some stuff you never want to hear!’


Miu Shizuka: (Staring at Pint in disgust) ‘Your point?’


Pint: ‘Shhh, i'm getting to that part!’


He went over to the computer beside the holo projector and placed in some co-ordnance. On the screen, the map went straight over to a sharp cliffside off the edge of an unmarked island.


Pint: ‘Right, so you know that the IWEC headquarters is in Russia, right?’


The Capt’n noded.


Pint: ‘In that case, I got an idea on how we can win this war. You see, this island right here is the central control tower for the defence grids around Russia. If you're able to get in here and “deactivate” it, then you've got a straight line to winning.’


The captain looked over the coordinates, then had a rather lengthy discussion with Yuuto, before returning to us with a verdict.


Capt’n: ‘How do we know you're not lying?’


Pint: (Getting mildly annoyed) ‘Oh come on! Whats a mech gotta do around here to get some trust!’


X.D: (To the capt’n) ‘He’s part of my team now, Capt’n. I trust him. As should you.’


The tone in the room completely changed. Nobody wanted to speak against my word.


Capt’n: (Attempting to challenge) ‘Very well. What would you suggest then Xyro? How do you suppose you get close to that grid without getting anyone killed?’


Pint: (looking back at me) ‘I still got my ship outside. Ya think that rusty old piece of junk would do?’


X.D: (Clapping hands together) ‘Perfect! How many can it hold?’


Pint: (Shrugging) ‘Five at most.’


As he said that, I looked around the room.


X.D: ‘Well i'm going. Anyone want to take down a grid of cannons?’


Miu Shizuka: (Walking over to us happily) ‘You didn't even need to ask’


Dakota Way: ‘Dude! I'll go too!’


X.D: ‘Great, that's four. Anyone else?’


Ronnie’s hand shot up into the air.


Miu Shizuka: (To Ronnie) ‘No.’


X.D: ‘Sure Ronnie.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘(To me) No!’


X.D: ‘Why not?’


Miu Shizuka: (Crossing her arms) ‘If he goes, I don't go.’


Dakota Way: (To Miu)‘Why so harsh bro?’


In typical Miu fashion, she ignored us by turning around with her arms folded.


X.D: ‘Fine. Sorry Ronnie, you cant join.’


Ronnie put his hand down with such disappointment.


Atsuko Viola: (With such confidence) ‘T..then I will g...go!’


I looked at her blankly for a second.


X.D: ‘On second thoughts, you're on the team Ronnie!’


He ran over to us and fistbumped Dakota.


Miu Stared me down with peircing eyes.


Atsuko Viola: (Disappointed) ‘W...why Xyro? W….why can't I g...go?’


I didn't really want to say it, but I was worried for her. I didn't want her to get into harm's way. Not again at least.


Atsuko Viola: ‘Xyro, P...please let go, I can with…’


X.D: (Trying to avoid the conversation) ‘Right, Everyone, we have allot of packing and preparations to do! Let's get to it!’


With that, I rather quickly left the room, accompanied by the others.


Lewis Sterge: (Patting Atsuko on the back as he passed) ‘Don't worry, he's just looking out for you, that's all.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘I k...know, but… *sigh* I know….’



With the five of us eager to get going, We sat around one of the tables in the restaurant to come up with a plan and to create list of the things we need…. And have a bite to eat.


What? Work smarter, not harder!


Miu Shizuka: (Whispering in my ear) ‘Why….why these three idiots?’


I smiled underneath my faceplate.


Dakota Way: (Ignoring me and Miu, mainly to Pint and Ronnie)  ‘Yo, what stuff will we need?’


Ronnie manning: (Professionally) ‘Spoons. Large ones at best. Preferably wood. No, metal. No, wood. Ehhh, just grab any kind, they are just for cannon fodder anyway.’


Dakota Way: (Taking down the notes in a small scrap book) ‘Right, what else?’


Pint: (Joining in on the excitement) ‘Weapons! Lots and lots of weapons!’


Dakota Way: ‘Dude! We need rocket thingys!’


Pint: ‘Rocket launchers?’


Dakota way: ‘Yeah! That's it!’


Ronnie manning: ‘ I got another one! We need a ladle!’


Dakota way: ‘What the hell is a ladle?’


Ronnie Manning: (In a slow and silent tone, as if you were describing a relic of extreme power) ‘it's like a spoon….but bigger!’


The look of extreme excitement and fascination spread over Dakota's face, as he scribbled down the ladle as a major priority.


As the three stooges plotted more and more, I began to regret my decision. Yet, at the same time, I was interested in seeing how the whole thing would pan out.


Miu Shizuka: (Pulling out a small notebook from her boot) ‘Shall I make the real list Xyro?’


X.D: ‘You don't have too. We only need food and water for two days.’


She smiled as she tucked the notebook neatly back into her boot.


Miu Shizuka: (Pushing herself up from her seat) ‘In any case, I need to get ready. See you tomorrow Pumpkin!’


She winked, then left the table.


As she walked away, Dakota placed the list onto the table in front of me, with a rather serious expression on his face.


Dakota Way: ‘We will need all of this !’


I looked over the list:


  • Ladle (Need)

  • Spoons (any type)

  • Guns (They literally gave a list of gun sizes, not types.)

  • Food and drink


That was the list, although I was unable to read most of it due to Dakota’s horrible hand writing.


X.D: ‘(looking at the list, then at the three of them) ‘Yeah….looks…. Great I guess.’


Ronnie Manning: (rising slowly up as he spoke) ‘Damn right it does! Dakota, short guy, follow me!’


The three hastily marched out the room, list in hand.


I looked around and realised I was the only one left in the restaurant.


So, I sat there….



….Yep. Gotta love waiting, right?

Day 3
Chapter nine: Day three: Jazz anyone?

So, did you expect me to eventually do a few things and go to bed?


If that's the case, then you are horribly wrong.


After the others left to get ready, I sat there…


Then fell asleep.


Yep, had nothing else to do. I knew Miu would get everything soughted out on her own whilst the others spent their time searching for guns and cutlery, so I figured it was safe for me to laze around a little.


I say a little.


I woke up the next day in the same seat as before. After asking the members of staff in the restaurant, it turns out that they decided it was ok to let me rest there.


That explained why I woke up with a blanket on me at least.


After thanking them for allowing me to sleep there, I headed on out try and find the others.


It didn't take me long, as the four of them were loading the ship with crates of different sizes and shapes.


Miu, Who was holding a bird cage with Raisin inside, looked over at me.


Miu Shizuka: (Sarcastically) ‘Up early I see?’


X.D: ‘Would help if someone actually woke me up.’


I watched as Dakota tossed a box labeled *handle with care* into the back of the ship. I heard shattering as the box landed.


X.D: (looking over the huge amount of cargo) ‘What is all of this?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Weaponry. I'm not quite sure where they plan to store all of this junk.’


I went over and tapped Pint on the shoulder.


Pint: ‘Ahh! There ya are lad! Wana give us a hand with this stuff?’


X.D: (Grabbing one of the crates) ‘Do you think all this stuff will fit into this pile of junk?’


Pint: ‘That's what I told the other two! We decided on filling up the cargo as much as possible, then leaving the other stuff behind.’


X.D: ‘Ok…. but do you know exactly what we have?’


Pint gave me a concerning shrug.


Miu Shizuka: (From behind me, to Lewis) ‘Ahhh, there you are Sterge, I have a task for you!’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Oh yeah, what kind of task?’


She forced upon him the bird cage.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Don't feed him more then twice a day, and remember to shower him behind the ears, but ignore the tail feathers. And please don't even consider using the cheap brand of conditioner!’


Lewis Sterge: (Looking down at Raisen, sarcastically) ‘Great. Anything else you need ma’am?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘(Waving her hand) ‘No, that will be all servent.’


Lewis sterge: (With slanted eyes)  ‘Don't push it.’


Miu Shizuka: (Smiling) ‘I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing.’


Lewis opened the door to the cage and allowed the tiny bird to flutter out onto his shoulder.


Then, As Raisen always does with people he likes, he pooped on Lewis’s shoulder.


Miu walked away with a huge grin on her face as Lewis went the opposite way grumbling.


Miu Shizuka: (To Dakota, trying to get onto the ship) ‘Excuse me, professor brain dead, Would you mind getting out of the way please?’


Dakota Way: ‘(Holding crates) Can't man, got to load all this stuff!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘For a man who knows a lot of math, you still haven't figured out that there’s no more room to put anything more into the ship.’


Dakota Way: (Smiling) ‘Exactly! Thats why Im strapping stuff onto the outside of the ship. That way, we can carry everything!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘I know I joke about it, but you truly are a dumbass, aren't you.’


Dakota Way; ‘Stop calling my ass dumb!’


X.D: ‘Stop arguing you too and get on the ship. Were heading off soon.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘X...Xyro, w….w...wait!’


Atsuko came running up to me from the pyramid. Out of breath, she handed me a small bottle. It was designed in such a way that it fitted into my arm perfectly, just like the pistols that I’jnh issued to me.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I d...dont w...want you to get dehydrated… so...just...t...take care please?’


X.D: ‘(Inserting the bottle into my arm, then stroking her hair) ‘I will be fine. And thank you! This must have taken a while to make!’


Atsuko Viola: ‘(With a bright smile) W...well I h...had to give you s...something!’


Pint: (With clear excitement in his voice)  ‘Can ya lovebirds hurry it up please? We got a grid to settle a score with!’


X,D: (climbing up into the ship cockpit, awkwardly) ‘I will see you soon Atsuko. lov...See you soon!’


Even though I could see the worry in her eyes, we both knew that I would be fine. After all, I haven't really had a problem of getting shot at before. Most bullets don't even get the chance to go through my armour anyway.


But, I do the same to her. I know she's safe, But I do get worried at times.


Guess that's what loving someone really is.


As the ship started, the engine stuttered into action.


Rising up from the landing pad, it jarred a bit, but eventually stabilized.


As Pint put it into first gear, I gave my typical two fingered salute as Atsuko faded into nothing but a small shape.


Dakota Way: (To Ronnie) ‘Dude this is gonna be awesome!’


Ronnie Manning: ‘No need to tell me!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘How can the two of you be so excited to destroy a grid? It's childish!’


Pint: ‘Oh yeah, then why did you come along lassy?’


She stared forward at him with bright red eyes.


Miu Shizuka: ‘I felt a bit…. peckish…*giggle*’


Pint: ‘(to me) …..she's not going to eat us, is she?’


I shrugged.


X.D: ‘I wouldn't put it past her.’


I wasn't joking.


Ronnie Manning: ‘Right, who wants to listen to a song?’


He didn't give us any time to respond. Instead, he instantly pulled out a small hand radio and turned it over to a channel.


(Presenter voice): ‘...With the fall of sector one, IWEC officials have blamed the destruction on the Anti-collective terrorist group. Although no major culprits have been found, IWEC police have taken Ben O’neil and Jerry Brian into custody on the source of creating the explosive device. As more evidence comes in, we…’


Ronnie Manning: ‘Oops, wrong channel, let me just….’


He twiddled around with the switches, until finally he found a music channel that suited his preference.


The songs were all incredibly old jazz hits.


Miu Shizuka: (Cringing) ‘What is this horridness?’


Ronnie Manning: ‘Jazz.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘It sounds…. Awful, Xyro, tell him too….’


She stopped when she realised I was snapping my fingers to the rhythm.


X.D: ‘....What? It's a good song!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘....’


She started subconsciously tapping on the window in rhythm with the song, although she stopped herself immediately upon realising.


Pint: ‘Ahhh, This is the life. Open sky, good company and good music!’


Ronnie Manning: (Holding up his water bottle) ‘I will toast to that!’


Dakota Way: (holding up his drink too)  ‘Same here bro!’


Pint: (Holding up his beer can) ‘Me three lads! Me three!’


I said nothing as I raised the bottle Atsuko gave me.


Then, the four of us looked over at Miu, who still had her arms folded.


Miu Shizuka: ‘....Fine….*raising her mug of tea*’

We all took a swig, then went back to relaxing as we crossed over the stunning ocean, setting the sky alive with the sound of old Jazz and rusty clanking.

Chapter nine: Day four: Angels inevitably fall

I don't see why some people have such a problem with flying.


Although I never truly experienced a plane ride as a kid, I have always loved being up in high places, looking down on the open world.


I remember the first time that I ever tried climbing a tree with my father.


It was a late summer night, so my father wanted to get a good vantage point to see the stars.


At first I felt anxious, but feeling so close to the sky sparked that childlike wonder in me. It felt like I could just reach out and grasp the vast emptiness above.


Now, sat here as our ship flew seamlessly over the open water, I felt the same kind of peace.


We had been flying for so long, that it was now early morning. Although the others had gone to sleep, I was too busy admiring the view.


The full moon casted a silver glow onto the slow moving waves. Dancing elegantly in the moonlight, overlapping one another in a rhythmic swaying motion, the water put me into a trance.


The vast emptiness, the ocean, the open sky.


And then there was us.


Nothing but tiny specks in a grand open world.


Miu Shizuka: (Sitting beside me, with a calming tone) ‘...My mother told me once that the ocean could be compared to a silken cloth in the wind. Elegant... Beautiful….’


She paused to think.


Miu Shizuka: (Staring off into the void) ‘Xyro, have….have you ever wondered what you would do if… any of us were too…’’


X.D: ‘No. Yes. I try not to think about it.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘...’


We both said nothing more, as we gazed out at the ever expanding silken cloth.




I'm not sure how long it took, but I remember Dakota nudging me from my sleep.


Dakota Way: ‘Yo, dude, we're almost there!’


Awkwardly, I stretched out my arms and raised myself up from the passenger seat of the plane.


Pint: ‘(From the front seat of the ship) There it is!’


Poking my head out the side, I saw exactly where we were heading.


On what looked to be a fairly large island, the wall closed in from the sea line onto a sheer cliff face. Obviously embedded into the stone, a gargantuan cannon sat dormant, pointing directly up at the sky. The closer we started getting, the bigger the wall seemed to stretch across the ocean.


Pint: ‘Makes ya think, they could have spent allot of money on funding for better mechs. But no, they decided to stick slabs of concrete up to block of the ocean. Jackasses.’


X.D: ‘Ok, so Pint, what type of layout are we looking at?’


He blinked at me.


X.D: ‘Where is the core?’


Pint: ‘Listen lad, I've never been in one of these places. All I know is it's here. Your guess is as good as mine for everything else.’


Miu shizuka: (Not sure if sarcastic or genuine) ‘Splendid. This should be fun.’


Approaching the island, We received an automated message through the radio on where to dock. Setting the ship down on top of a landing pad, we immediately gathered our weapons.


Pint with an LMG,


Dakota with his fists,


Miu with….herself,


And Ronnie with the most terrifying ladle you have ever seen.


Stepping out onto solid concrete, I quickly scanned the area.


Although this was a simple open field, There were many different landing pads, along with other ships that had also been docked. The only entry way into the wall that I could see was a bunker doorway in a dome-like blob of concrete.


Going through the doorway and down a flight of stairs, we found ourselves in a long hallway, which lead in two different directions.


Dakota Way: ‘Which way dudes?’


X.D: ‘I would say right.’


Pint: ‘But what if it's left?’


X.D: ‘We can always come back, right?’


Pint: ‘Good point.’


Dakota Way: ‘Can't we just, like, split up or something?’


Miu Shizuka: (Letting out a swift laugh, then straight to a serious face) ‘With you and Ronnie on this mission? No!’


Ronnie Manning: ‘What's that supposed to mean?’


I rolled my eyes and followed the corridor right.


The end of the hallway lead to a door, which opened up into a rather large room. At first, with all the computers and machines, I thought that it must have been the control room.


I was wrong.


This was the security barracks.


As we walked in, I noticed three security guards, all sat watching the monitors. (Although none were actually watching security footage. Instead, they seemed pretty intent on watching some weird sports game.)


Ronnie Manning: (out loud to the guards) ‘Hey, we’re looking for the main control room. You guys know where that is?’


Miu sighed at Ronnies incompetence at stealth missions.


One of the guards: (Not looking away from the screen) ‘About time you showed up. The main pipes leaking again. Just go back down the hallway, take a left, then keep going straight. Should be the third door on the left. Hard to miss really’


Ronnie manning: ‘Alright, thanks!’


Guard: ‘Don't mention it.’


Once we were back to where the stairs were, Pint gave Ronnie a rather large grin.


Pint: ‘You're one lucky fella, ain't ya?’


Ronnie Manning: ‘Hmm, how come?’


Pint: (Laughing) ‘Nevermind!’


Miu Shizuka: (With crossed arms) ‘His fool's luck sickens me.’


X.D: ‘Right, here it is…’


The entrance to the core was protected by a set of completely sealed blast doors. The only way to enter was by scanning through a key card.


Miu Shizuka: ‘How are we meant to get in now?’


As she spoke, Ronnie and Dakota rushed back down the hallway.


Dakota Way: (Poking his head through the door) ‘Yo, do any of you dudes have the keycard to get into the core-thing?’


Guard: (Still not looking, focusing mainly on the game) ‘Yeah...erm… here you go…’


With his eyes still fixated to the screen, he took the pass of his neck, then handed it backwards to Dakota.


The two came running back to us, keycard in hand.


Dakota Way: ‘Got it!’


Miu Shizuka: (Head in hand, with an obvious headache)  ‘How did these morons manage to overthrow the world?’


Placing the keycard into a scanner, it beeped with a green glow, then the doors slowly slid open.



(Meanwhile, just down the hallway)


Andrack: ‘...So if you want to keep your head, I would suggest shutting it. Got that?’


A rather battered and sore looking Kamy nodded.


Andrack: ‘Right, get out of my sight the lot of you. And don't be late to leave, or this time you will end up like that short piece of shit.’


With that, Andrack opened a door to his right, and slammed it shut behind him.


As soon as he did so, the others went straight over to Kamy.


Kuro Chi: (looking over her face) ‘The wounds aren't deep. They should be fine in time.’


Kamy Falvey: (Painfully) ‘This sucks.’


Muco Ufthen: ‘Tell me about it.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Ms Kamy, w...what happened to mr Pint?’


Viro: (Interjecting, with a smug smile) ‘The traitorous coward probably died. Who cares anyway?’


Muco grabbed Viro by the shoulder and pushed him up against the wall with a loud thud.


He didn't say anything, but his stare meant he didn't have too.


Metrol: ‘Come on guys, can't we just get along?’


Viro: (Smirking like an asshole) ‘Yeah Muco, can't you just be nice to me for once?’


An alarm caught the team off guard.


Andrack: (Bursting back through the door, staring daggers at the group) ‘Come on! Dont just stand there! Go!’



Inside the core, things may have gotten out of hand.




Ronnie Manning: ‘Hey, what does this connect too?’


That's why.


So, with Ronnie pulling out all of the main circuitry, the defence grid for that area did in fact power down. However, in order to stop any kind of repair, Miu tore every part of the circuitry and other mechanical components to absolute shreds.


Pint: ‘That should do it. Come on, let's go!’


Dakota Way: ‘That was way easier then I thought!’


Andrack: ‘Well well well! Look who it is!’


I looked over to see the whole IWEC special task force standing in the doorway.


Kuro Chi: (confused) ‘Pint?’


Pint simply waved at them with a reassuring nod.


Andrack: ‘(Shouting) ‘Don't just stand there! Kill them!’


The look of despair spread across the team as they looked back and forth between us and Andrack.


None of them wanted to harm us, yet Andrack’s very presence seemed to force them to do so.


The thing is, we would have stayed to fight…


If it weren't for the hundreds of other guards we could see rushing in from behind them.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Run?’


X.D: ‘Run!’


We turned and pegged it out of there.


With no option to go back up the stairs where we had first came in from, we were running blind.


As we kept on sprinting down unfamiliar hallways, I noticed that we were beginning to lose almost everyone.


The only people able to keep on our heels was Leilei, who came pounding after us on all fours.


Strangely, I could sense the desperation in the young felines facial expression.


She wasn't chasing us to kill us by choice. She was doing it out of sheer fear.


Yet, just as we turned to leave out the back entrance, I watched as the huge blast doors began to slowly close.


Andrack: (Shouting from down the hallway) ‘Don't lose them! Or else!’


With the fear of what Andrack would do, Leilei sprinted at full speed after us as we left through the exit.


Upon striding up the stairway, a loud yelp of pain stopped me in my tracks.


Leilei, who had almost been able to reach us, had gotten her tail caught in the door mechanism.


As the blast doors inched further and further down, the tighter the cogs begun to crush her tail.


Yelling in utter agony, she began to panic as the heavy metal doors came crashing down...


But, much to her surprise, she wasn't crushed.


With all my might, I had wedged myself underneath the doorway.


X.D: (In allot of pain trying to keep the door up) ‘’


Realising the situation, Dakota took the door out of my hands and held it aloft.


Even with his supreme strength, he was struggling to keep it from pressing down.


By now, Muco had arrived. Yet, instead of fighting, he began to aid us.


The way the cogs in the door mechanism worked, every time we pulled, her tail simply lodged deeper into it.


Andrack entered the room, along with the others.


Andrack: (Shouting orders, looking at Metrol, who was holding a rifle.) ‘Shoot them! Now!’


Metrol aimed, but I could see how reluctant he was to pull the trigger.


I realised that I had to do something drastic, fast.


Taking in a deep breath, I shoved my left arm into the door mechanism. Making a cup shape, I pushed my hand underneath her tail, allowing for her to have just enough of a gap to pull the tail out.


Once she was out safe, Dakota dropped the door, just in time for the metal frame to block the bullet.


With all his might, Muco was able to grasp Leilei out of the way, into complete safety.


Recovering from hyperventilating, Leilei looked down in agony at her tail, which was clearly bent in many different ways.


Even after coming this close to death, Nobody in that room was in the clear by a long shot.


Andrack: (Delivering a steady blow with his fist to metrol’s face) ‘You bastard! How could you let them get away!’


Andrack went to impale the droid with his javelin.


Kuro Chi: ‘(Through gritted teeth) ‘That's enough!’


Slowly, Andrack lowered his weapon. Slowly, his head moved to greet his stare. Andracks eyes seemed ablaze.


Kuro Chi: (Shouting through gritted teeth) ‘This ends now. I have suffered through your anarchy long enough. Putting those you command under threat, beating us if we step out of line. That's not the way a leader should be.’


Andrack said nothing. Instead, he dropped his javelin. Walking towards Kuro, he cracked his knuckles.


Muco Ufthen: (Standing by Kuro’s side)  ‘He's right. I'm not dealing with any more of this bullshit.’


Kamy Falvey: (Alongside them)‘Me too.’


Leilei stood tall beside them, even with her tail bleeding heavily.


Shrugging, both Matchbox and Yukio stood beside them too.


Andrack: ‘....Viro…’


Viro looked at the team with a blank stare.


Yet, slowly, that blank stare turned into a disgusting smile.


Viro: ‘Yes boss?’


Andrack: ‘...Kill the winged one.’


Viro: (Mechanical eye glowing red) ‘With pleasure!’


With two swift steps, Virop was able to close the gap between him and Kuro. Bringing his sword down, Kuro was then able to block the immediate attack. However, Before Muco and the others were able to join in, Guards began to swiftly enter the room.


As the others fought hard to keep back guards, Viro and Kuro Dueled, trading blows furiously.


Viro: (Bringing the sword down swiftly upon Kuro, who blocked it) ‘Are you ready to die yet, traitor?’


Kuro Chi: ‘You fight for a lost cause. You left your friends behind. You turned your back on them, Yukki!’


After the incident in Paris, Kuro simply had to look into Viro’s previous files.


He knew everything.


With the simple mention of his old name, Viro went berserk. Stabbing to his heart's content, Kuro blocked to the best of his ability, until finally, he was struck in the left arm.


Although the gash was rather small, It gave enough time for Viro to weigh his options.


Realising that Kuro was a much more skilled fighter than he was, Viro had another thought in mind.


As soon as his back was turned, Viro lunged at Muco, aiming for his head.


Yet, as the blow was about to strike, Kuro leaped into the way.


The sword entered through Kuro’s chest, and narrowly avoided piercing into Muco.


Muco’s eyes began to fill with tears as he watched Viro pull his sword with a sickening laugh out of his best friend's body.


Collapsing to one knee, Muco held Kuro under one arm.


Muco Ufthen: (Stuttering, unable to speak) ‘No….No,...Kuro, stay with me...stay with me!’


Kuro’s eyes grew heavy. Yet, even then, he smiled. Silently, Without any sign of fear, the life slowly drained from the boy's eyes, until nothing was left. His wings slowly unfolded as the rest of his body grew completely limp.


Andrack: ‘(laughing, then picking up Metrol) ‘Ahhh, and as for you….’


Andrack looked around the room, then noticed something quite to his liking.


Picking up Metrol by the throat, the bot tried his hardest to kick his way out of his grasp, but all attempts were futile.


Andrack pulled open one of the walls active vents, revealing one of the large vented fans.


With yet another toxi laugh, Andrack slowly moved Metrols head into the fan.


Muco, even being outnumbered by guards, couldn't hold back his rage anymore.


Charging full speed at Andrack, he jumped, bringing his bat down hard.


Yet, this attempt ended in him being taken out of the air, by a still power hungry Viro. stabbing him multiple times in the legs, Viro raised both duel swords above his head and prepared to finish the job.


Andrack: ‘Wait! We can still use that one!’


All Muco was able to percieve as he blacked out was the howling screams of agony and screeching metal as metrol got torn apart by the spinning vent…



Outside, things were different.


Where Dakota had dropped the door, the metal had narrowly avoided crushing my arm. However, my hand still seemed in a pretty poor condition.


Miu Shizuka: (Squinting at my pain) ‘That looks painful!’


X.D: (Holding my own hand, which was bleeding black and white blood profusely) ‘Yeah, no kidding!’


I found though that my wounds healed incredibly quickly. It was only a matter of seconds before all the blood wafted away, leaving my hand completely unscathed.


Although I found this amazing, the others simply shrugged it off.


Arriving at the ship, we quickly activated the engine and escaped with no trouble at all.


With the wall a fair distance behind us, both Ronnie and Dakota began to congratulate themselves on a mission well done.


Yet, up in the driver seats, things were different.


I sat next to pint, who wouldn't say anything for a while. When he spoke, he did so rather sternly.


Pint: ‘...Somethings wrong… Somethings very, very wrong…’


X.D: ‘...I heard screaming as we left….’


Pint: ‘...I hope they're all ok….’


X.D: ‘...likewise…’


Miu Shizuka:(Poking her head into the cockpit) ‘Hey, you two having fun up here?’


We both gave her stern looks.


Miu Shizuka: (Going back into the passenger side) ‘Fine, I will talk to these morons instead.’


X.D: ‘....Well, in any case, we did it….’


Pint: ‘....yeah….’


I reached back behind the side of the chair and pulled out a beer for Pint and a can of soda for me.


Pint: ‘(Taking the beer, still sternly) ‘....Just a matter of time before we find out….’


X.D: (With confidence, reassuring Pint) ‘If anything happens to any of them, I will annihilate Andrack and anyone who gets in my way.’


Pint: (Finally smiling) ‘I'll drink to that!’


The two of us guzzled down our drinks in one sitting.


Now, all we had to do was wait to get back to base.

Now, we had to wait to start the end of this war.

Day 4
Day 5
Chapter nine: Day five: The past is in the past

It was late in the next evening when we finally arrived back in Paris. Tired from our journey, We slumped out of the vehicle as if we were all sleep deprived.


Kiri’s group were the only ones there to greet us.


Andrew Webber: ‘You guys did it! Great job!’


Jack Jenkins: ‘(Enthusiastically, yet a bit shy) ‘Yeah, great job!’


Jamiu Eruu: ‘It's all over the coms. The defence grid surrounding Russia is completely compromised.’


Christian Baraster: ‘The capt’n has plans to get everyone organised and ready to move out in three days time. He will probably fill you all in on it at tomorrow's meeting.’


Although Dakota and Ronnie stayed for small talk, I could tell Pint had the same thought I did.


Although we were worried, we held our tongues.


Instead of talking to anyone about it, I decided to pay Atsuko a visit. After all, I bet she was worried sick about me, as I was worried sick about her.


Reaching the doorway to her workshop, I went to knock on the door.


Atsuko Viola: ‘...B...But I w...will have to tell h...him eventually. You m..must. But what if… he d...doesn't talk to me again?’


Curious, I peered through the doorway.


Sat on the table, Atsuko was fiddling with the same silver box from her old home. What I found so sad, was that she must have felt that she couldn't speak to anyone, so she sat there, alone, with her own mind for solutions.


Atsuko Viola: ‘*sigh* I j...just…'re p...pathetic…’


X.D: ‘(crossed arms) Thinking that way only makes you feel bad you know?’


Quickly, she jumped and tried to hide the box behind her back. Yet, she knew it was too late to hide it.


Atsuko Viola: ‘W...well…’


I went over and sat beside her.


X.D: ‘Look, it's been long enough Atsuko. Tell me what's on your mind.’


She stared down at the box. But, as she tried to speak, tears filled her eyes.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I j...just...don't w...want you too...I just don't want you to be m...mad at me…’


X.D: ‘I promise I will not be mad at you.’


Atsuko Looked up at me. Her face was streaming from the tears that she had been trying to fight back for a while.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I….Im the r...reason all of this h...happened in the f...first place. Im the r...reason your and my father is d...dead.…’


I couldn't take watching the most Important person in my life cry their heart out. Wiping the tears away, I placed her head onto my shoulder.


Atsuko VIola: ‘(Sniffling, weakly) ….I…I did this…’


X.D: (In a softer tone) ‘How could you have possibly started all this Atsuko?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘(Still sniffling) ...W...when I was still not born, my f...father and my mother were in h...hard times. My mother was a...always sick, so my f...father was working h...hard to try and pay for her m...medical bills and also to p...provide for the house. However, they always w...wanted a baby girl…’


She paused, but a very weak smile formed on her face.


Atsuko Viola: ‘My f...father told me that he and my m...mother were so p...proud when they f...found out I was going to be born. He s...said it was one of the h...happiest days of his life…but…’


Her small smile turned back into a tearful stuttering.


Atsuko Viola: ‘...My m...mother was d...diagnosed with heart c...cancer….’


Atsuko gripped my hand tightly. Tighter than she ever had before.


Atsuko VIola: ‘O..on the day of my b...birth, my M...mother was too w...week to go through with it… so the d...doctors had to make a hard d...decision…’


Again, she paused, giving herself time to calm down.


Atsuko Viola: ‘When I old enough, my father t...told me how wonderful my mother was. He w...would always go on about much she would have been p...proud of the young w...woman I had become, and how m...much of an amazing d...daughter I was.’


She started twiddling with the silver box in one hand.


Atsuko VIola: ‘...So w...when my started to d...deteriorate when I w...was, My f...father began to break d...down when he f...found out that my m...mother's heart c...cancer was hereditary…’


She cried for a while after. So I waited and tried to support her as much as possible.


Atsuko Viola: ‘(Finally calming down enough to talk) ‘....It w...was all my fault. A...after realising that I didn't h...have long, my father q...quit his job to on m...making an artificial heart. I r...remember being bed bound, and him s...sitting beside me, t...telling me so m...many stories. He even taught about robotics, but at the time I was still so weak that I couldn't e...even hold a few wires….’


To this, she smiled, remembering the good times. Yet, just like before, her smile returned to tears.


Atsuko Viola: ‘...My f...father lost e...everything for me. H...he spent so long t...trying and trying to make me b...better that he lost the At one point, we w...were living on the s...streets of London. He c...carried me around in a b...backpack because I was too w...weak to walk on my own…And that's w...when your f...father helped us.’


X.D: (Taken aback) ‘My father?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘Your f...father at the t...time worked for the IWEC Xyro. he was of the lead scientists w...working on genetic e...experimentation. W...when my f..father pleaded him for help, he d...did so out of the g...generosity of his heart...even though that m...meant….It meant t...that he would l...lose his way of life...’


I stared at her in disbelief for a while. I had never known about my father's past. He never wanted to talk about it.


Atsuko Viola: ‘K...knowing that it was a...against the law, y...your father c...created an artificial heart. But, he was c...caught just b...before he was to complete it, so your and my father fled to Alaska. There, our fathers c...completed the heart to the best of their a...abilities…’


As she said this, she lifted up the back of her jumper and top, revealing a fairly large metal hump in between her shoulder blades.


Atsuko Viola: ‘...They w...were scared that if t...they tried to r...replace my heart, it w...would end up k...killing me. So, my father c...created a metal c...chassis on my back, which holds my artificial one. Although my old h...heart no longer works, this one did. But, in order to s...stop the cancer from s...spreading, your father created the parasites…’


X.D:  ‘My father invented...he made the parasites?’


Atsuko nodded weakly.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I h...have the same k...kind as Lewis. But j...just know that your father d...did it for you and me both Xyro. You….you had…’


She seemed so torn to tell me.


Atsuko Viola: ‘You were b...born as an a...albino Xyro. Y...your father just w...wanted to let you live a n...normal life….’


I had spent my childhood not knowing my father's past. Not knowing why we had moved out to alaska in the first place. Not knowing why my mother seemed so sad to be out there.


And yet, they did it all for us.


My family pushed themselves to fix Atsuko and myself. They dedicated everything to let us live a happy life.


They gave everything.


Seeing the sheer sadness in my eyes, Atsuko, even in her deep emotional state, tried to steer back on topic.


Atsuko Viola: ‘O...once our fathers w...were able to see that I w...was getting healthy again, they p...promised never to talk about it a...again. Xyro, that's the r...reason why I never left the house apart from g...going to school. It wasn't be...bcause I was scared, it was b...because my f...father was worried of anyone f...finding out…’


I brushed her hair back with the palm of my hand.


X.D: ‘But how does this make you the reason any of this happened in the first place?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘...A...after a while, I started to q...question everything. Until e...eventually, one night, father told me the t...truth. At first, I felt h...hopeless, but in the e...end I started to e...embrace it. In fact, I e...even started to learn m...mechanics so that I could hopefully one day be j...just like him… So I a...asked if I could go to school.’


With a gentle smile, she leant back on me so that her hair was pushed right up against my cheek.


Atsuko Viola: ‘...but that's w...when I saw you again. I remember you not b...being very social, and everyone s...seemed to either I...ignore or pick on you…’


She looked up at me with a bright glint in her eyes.


Atsuko Viola: ‘...You were like me…’


She smiled to herself.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I r...remember one night I was s...sitting on my bed l...looking up at the stars, when I saw you sneaking out the house. I knew I wasn't s...supposed too, but I just had to follow you. I r...remember you going all the way out to the s...starly tree and climbing to the very top. You just sat there, perfectly still as the sun c...came over the horizon. You d...didn't move, you just stared at it….then t...that's when I r...remember being grabbed….that's w...when they took me to the facility..’


As she teared up again, she threw her hands over her eyes in shame.


Atsuko Viola: ‘That's why I started everything. T...they b...brought my f...father in and k...killed him. He told not to tell them a...anything about the project, but they said that if I didn't they would have k...killed your family too. I tried to h...hold my tongue but...they killed them….and I t...thought they k...killed you too….Im so sorry….’


She began to break down again.


Atsuko Viola: (In a large fit of tears, without taking any breaths) ‘A...after that I...I d...didn't know what else to do…. I s...sold out everyone that meant a...anything to me… I just didn't want to get c...close to anyone else e...ever again… the r...reason you are like this now Xyro…. They used the parasites… then they t...tested on so many people…'s all my fault…’


I grabbed her hand before she was able to hide her face and squeezed tightly.


X.D: ‘Atsuko, listen to me. None of this is your fault. None of this is on your head.’


Atsuko Viola: (Still crying) ‘B...but...I’


X.D: ‘Your father protected you through thick and thin, and my father helped even though he knew he was in the wrong, but for the right reasons. The IWEC are in the wrong. All they cared about in the end was to control the world. Just because you told them what they wanted, doesn't make you the villain here. They used you Atsuko. You did nothing wrong.’


The poor girl, who was stuck in her own head for so long, with nobody to turn to, now had somebody.


Wrapping her arms around me tightly, she cried and cried for so long.


Until finally, after an hour or so, she went quiet. All her tears dried up all together. She finally felt free.


Atsuko Viola: ‘....T...thank you X...Xyro….thank you….’


X.D: ‘.....Im still curious…’


Atsuko Viola: ‘A...about what?’


I pointed at the small metal box.


Atsuko Viola: ‘...well, as know, i'm f...fairly short, and my f...father was r...really tall, so as a kid I s...struggled to reach things when I n...needed them….so….’


She stood up for a second, and pulled up the back of her shirt. With a rather subtle pop, she opened the lid of the box to reveal a small microchip.


Atsuko VIola: ‘(Inserting the micro chip into a socket in her hump) ….I m...made a few m...modifications to the p...pack so that I c...could do more things at once…’


After a few seconds, six equal holes on the hump opened up. As they did, six robotic arms emerged, three on each side. Unlike normal arms, these were tubelike in appearance, leading to a three pronged end. The ends themselves didn't seem too complicated, however each one had a small hole leading through, which was obviously used as blowtorches.


At first, the arms took me by surprise, however, after a while, I was more fascinated by them then anything.


Atsuko Viola: ‘(incredibly embarrassed) ...I haven't u...used them at all for a w...while, b...because I d...don't like it when people s...stare at me. B..but I want to start using them again so that I c...can help out more.’


She gave a command, and the chip popped out of the hump. Placing it back inside the silver box, she gave me a flustered smile.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I f...feel kind of s...silly now….I'm so s...sorry about k...keeping all of this f...from you Xyro…I just….’


X.D: ‘It's fine. We all have secrets we feel are too important to tell anyone. But it's best not to let them build up for too long.


I then remembered something else.


X.D: ‘Another question. How were you able to eat that poisonous fruit back when we first met Davis and Crystal?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘Well, p...partly due to the parasite, b..but mainly because I need the a...acid to power my a...artificial h...heart. I need to d...drink allot of water w...water and have enough, or I get really t...tired and I can't move.’


X.D: ‘You really should have told me this earlier Atsuko. I would have been able to help!’


She blushed and gave me a guilty look.


X.D: ‘Well, at least that's all over now. Please don't feel like you're to blame here Atsuko.’


She went to say something, but we were interrupted by Lewis.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Xyro, we have a problem.’


I took a stand and followed him.


Upon walking out, Atsuko tried to follow as well.


Lewis sterge: ‘Xyro only. Sorry Atsuko.’


X.D: ‘Don't worry, I will be down in a minute.’


With that, I went to see what the problem was.



Up in the meeting room, things were a lot different than before. As I entered, I rather quickly realised that it was just me, Yuuto and the Capt’n.


Yuuto Ito: ‘Xyro, you're not going to like this…’


Yuuto put up on screen a video message that was taken a few hours back.


Andrack: ‘Hey, are you there Xyro? It's a nice evening, wouldn't you agree? Well, I wouldn't, considering you just made half my team turn against me! But don't worry though, The winged one and the other mech are dead.’


He said this with such a happy note, that I physically felt ill. I had to clench my jaw just to stop myself from lashing out at the screen.


Andrack: ‘So, I see you have gotten quite attached to my little team, huh? Well, let's make a deal then. I currently have your little friends locked up in a high security prison on an island just a bit out from Russia. You know, the place where we take prisoners to execute them slowly and make sure they suffer for their crimes. You have a week to get here for a little discussion, otherwise, I have a very big craving to watch blood drip slowly, and I think I will start with this little furball here…’


He held up a rather beaten looking Leilei, who whimpered in silent agony.


Andrack: ‘That's seven days Xyro. see you soon!’


With that, the message ended.


Capt’n: ‘Xyro…’


X.D: ‘...I'm going to save them…’


Capt’n: ‘No your not! This is clearly a trap.’


X.D: ‘And what do you suppose I do, huh? Wait on my ass until he kills them? I'm not sitting around!’


Capt’n: (Angrily shouting) ‘You go and you will die. Not only can I not send in troops after you, but i'm not risking the lives of good people to save a bunch of IWEC trained officers, who could very well be working against us as we speak!’


I remained silent for a while, then, without another word, I left.


As I walked past Lewis, he tried to talk to me, but I ignored him.


That, was the last time anyone saw me that day, for I climbed out the tower window and just sat there….

….Once again, I had a plan.

Day 6
Chapter nine: Day six: High security for the traitors

Groggily, Muco clenched his head.


As he tried to stand up, terrible shooting pains overtook his entire body. After his vision began to clear, he realised he was now in an old prison cell.


Although the walls were quite clearly worn from age, the bars seemed brand new. Apart from the small mattress he was laying upon and a makeshift “toilet” in the corner, there was nothing else inside of the cell.


With all his effort, despite the pain, Muco raised himself up.


Looking down at his legs, he was hit with the remainder of Viro’s actions. With a few large holes, there was no way Muco would have been able to walk.


Kamy Falvey: ‘(From the adjacent cell)  Muco, your finally awake!’


He looked across the hallway at Kamy, who was in no better shape.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Where are we?’


Kamy Falvey: ‘I don't know.’


A loud clang caught Muco’s attention. In the cell next to Kamy’s, was Matchbox and Yukkio.


Matchbox had used a metal cup to draw Muco’s attention. As soon as he got it, the small boy threw over a rock that had been covered in paper.


Upon unfolding the paper, Muco soon discovered that it was a map for one of the IWEC high security prisons.


Muco Ufthen: ‘....Shit….’


He paused to think.


Muco Ufthen: ‘(In angered realisation) ‘Where's Leilei?’


Kamy Falvey: ‘(Gritting her teeth, looking down) I don't know!’


Muco covered his face with his hands. After exhaling, he punched the wall next to him hard and kept repeating the same vulgar words over and over.


Kamy Falvey: (With clear desperation in her voice) ‘....What do we do now?’


Muco remained silent.


Kamy Falvey: ‘....Please Muco….’


Muco Ufthen: ‘...Im paralysed from the waist down Kamy. What the fuck do you think i'm supposed to do?’


Kamy Falvey: ‘...’


Slowly, she left the bars of her cell. She sat down on the bed, with her arms crossed.


It was a while before anybody spoke.


Muco Ufthen: ‘....I'm sorry….’


Kamy Falvey: ‘About what?’


Muco Ufthen: ‘...Everything…’


Kamy Falvey: ‘ too..’


Again, silence.


Yet the sound of boots brought more attention than it should have.


Stopping out the front of Muco’s cell was Viro.


Viro: ‘Rise and shine morons. Got some gifts for you!’


With no care at all, Viro through a bottle of water at each of them.


Viro: ‘Enjoy! That's what you get for the whole week!’


He laughed to himself, then turned full attention to Muco.


Viro: ‘So, how are the legs holding up? Back to being a useless cripple again?’


Muco’s teeth clenched in anger. But, he remained facing the other way from Viro.


Viro: ‘Hey, I'm sorry about your winged friend. Took him to hospital after all that, but the doctors couldn't save a dead man. Don't worry though, we gave him a good sendoff…..*bursting out laughing* awh, just kidding, we just dumped his body into a compactor. Easier that way, you know? Now he’s with the trash where he belongs.’


Muco Ufthen: ‘....When I get out of here, I will kill you Viro…’


Viro: ‘Wow, was that….was that a threat? Because if that was a threat, I would be more then happy not to feed you today either.’


Muco remained silent.


Viro: ‘...that's what I thought. I see why you two were best friends now. Useless and Pathetic.’


Kamy Falvey: (Shouting at him) ‘What are you monsters doing with Kitten?’


Viro: ‘Hmmm? Oh, you mean the cat thing? Oh, Andracks waiting for our good friend to pop in for a visit.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Good friend?’


Viro: ‘Remember that cyborg you were all meant to kill? Turns out he has a soft spot for you. So what better way to kill him then to lure him here with your poor little kitten as bait. Don't worry, we haven't hurt her…. Too much.’


To that, he smiled and walked away.


As he went, Kamy tried her hardest to launch a rock at him, but sadly it fell short.


Kamy Falvey: ‘(After Viro was completely out of sight) ‘...Asshole…’


Muco Ufthen: ‘....We have to wait.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Wait for what?’


Muco Ufthen: (Sitting up) ‘Wait for Xyro.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Who?’


Muco Sighed.


Muco Ufthen: ‘The cyborg.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘You really think he will come to save us? We tried to kill them!’


Muco Ufthen: ‘But he saved her before from getting crushed. Im certain he will come back. After all, Pint was with them.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘And if he doesn't?’


To this, Muco didn't respond.


Instead, he rested his head again and closed his eyes.



Meanwhile, back in Paris.


It was late in the evening, and once again I was prepared to leave without the others knowing.


Just like before, I had “borrowed” a ship, and downloaded the coordinates to the prison.


The only stop I made was to leave a note In Atsuko’s lab, just in case she got worried. However, as I entered, I noticed that she was fast asleep at one of the desks. Gently, I made sure to carry her over to her room. As soon as she was tucked into bed, I placed the note on the side and made my way out of there.


It strikes me as Dumb that The Anti-collective tends to leave all of the ships unattended, but oh well, it made my life easier.


Leaving the main walls surrounding the pyramid, I went back to the same place I had parked the ship the first time around….


...And as expected, I turned the corner to find Jamie sat on the front end of the ship.


Jamie Eruu: ‘(Sat with his arms crossed behind his head) Lovely evening out, hey Xyro?’


X.D: ‘Yep.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Love the note you left me.’


Jamie Peeled the sticky note I had left on the window to the ship's cockpit off.


Jamie Eruu: ‘Ahhh, let me see here…..“Jamie, Don't cut the engine, you're coming with me. Signed, you know who, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to stop me again because you're annoying.”...’


Internally, I smiled.


Jamie Eruu: (shrugging)  ‘Whelp, Guess I have no choice then.’


X.D: ‘Nope. I locked your sniper rifle in the cockpit. So you have to go.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Hmmmm, is that bribery I sense?’


X.D: ‘No, just gentle motivation.’


He laughed.


Jamie Eruu: (Jumping off the front, going to the cockpit door) ‘Man i'm going to be in trouble for this.’


X.D: ‘Oh yeah, no need to question about that.’


So, he sat in the passenger seat and I sat in the pilot seat.


To be completely honest, i'm just glad that he was a such a chilled out individual. Any other person would have just either mocked me or turned me in.


Jamie Eruu: ‘Oh, and I packed a stealth device, just in case.’


X.D:(Excited for a second) ‘Did you bring me one?’


Jamie Ruu: ‘Do I look like I'm made of money?’


X.D: ‘....No….’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Well there's your answer.’


I started the engine.


X.D: ‘(Putting in the coordinates, pulling up on the steering wheel) ‘Lets get this show on the road!’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Yeahyah!’


With a flash, We headed on our way to save them….








Well, ermmm…..


This chapter seems rather short, doesn't it?


That's what happens though I’m afraid. Can't make stuff up now, can I? Otherwise Ryu Would get annoyed at me.


Oh, I know, how about some jokes instead!


Ok ok, so there once was a….


(Side note: Ryu has banned me from making unnecessary jokes. Boooooooooo! Don't worry though, he can't stop me from trying!)




End of chapter ladies and gentlemen! See you in the next one!

(End of chapter nine)

© Copyright 2016-2017 james Coventry
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