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Chapter Two: Day One: The Surface 

The light from the world above was blinding. Pulling myself out through the hatch, I got to my feet and gathered my bearings.


When my eyes eventually focused, I found myself completely stunned. The world had never looked as beautiful as it did in that moment of time. The sun was fully ablaze in the sky and shone down upon the snow-covered mountains in the distance. The cold winds that followed were a welcome feeling, especially since the air was so fresh. I suddenly felt as if I was dead the entire time, and only now, had come back to life.


One by one, the others also came out. Like me, they were stunned at the sight. For Lewis and Atsuko, this was the first time they had been out in years.


Lewis began to shed a tear, but when we questioned him on it, he blamed allergies.


X.D: ‘It's good to be home…’


Dakota Way: ‘Home? We are in the middle of a field dude!’


X.D: ‘Dakota, The wilderness is my home!’


Dakota Way: ‘Oh. So you don't live in a house or something?’


X.D: ‘...’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Dakota, shut up!’


Atsuko Viola: ‘'s so beautiful!’


Atsuko was focused on the sunset. Her eyes were glistening in the sunlight. She too began to cry with happiness.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I...its been so l...long since I h...have seen the sky…’


Lewis Sterge: ‘I know. It's amazing, isn't it!’


We watched as the sun slowly began to disappear behind the mountains. The sight was one to behold.


As it receded, it cast a red shade upon the Field we were standing in. Then, all went dark.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I...I'm cold…’


X.D: ‘We should really set up a campfire for the evening.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Don't worry, I have this under control.’


Miu pulled a lighter out from her boot. She then proceeded to create a circle of stones. Me and Dakota gathered some leaves and sticks. Once we ordered them nicely into a tent shape in the middle of the rock circle, Miu flicked on the lighter and set the fire alight.


We all sat around the burning blaze. The warmth from the flame was just enough to counter the cold night air.


Lewis Sterg: (Picking his nails with a knife) ‘Here's a question. What do we all do now? Let's be honest, The government are probably going to be looking for us.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘The timid one already has a plan.’


Miu gave Atsuko an expectant look.


Atsuko Viola: ‘W...well, I h...have an i...idea, but it's not g...going to be easy…’


Dakota Way: ‘Anything is more interesting than sitting around and doing nothing dude!’


Atsuko began explaining her plan to get the teleportation devices.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Wait wait, so there’s thousands of places like this? Then we aren't the only ones getting screwed around.’


Dakota Way: ‘Dude, we should totally go and break into those facilities. Who knows what else we can find in there!’


Atsuko Viola: ‘That's the p...problem….’


She let out a small sigh.


Atsuko Viola: ‘...We have no i...idea what they c...can contain. So it w...will be incredibly d...dangerous.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Well, I think I can handle at least one more. After all, it sounds rather exciting, does it not?’


Everyone had the same expression of excitement on their faces. Even Atsuko seemed excited and ready to go.


Then, I remembered something.


X.D: ‘Atsuko, didn't you say that the facilities weren't accessible from the outside?’


She gave me an incredibly guilty look.


Atsuko Viola: ‘That's the other pr...problem. I do k...know how we can g...get in, but…’


X.D: ‘What's the catch?’


She sighed.


Atsuko Viola: ‘We n...need to find an o...old f...friend…’


Lewis Sterge: ‘No, you don't meen….’


Atsuko nodded at him.


Lewis Sterge: (Sighing) ‘I hate that guy! Can't we find another way into facilities!’


Atsuko Viola: ‘I h...hate him as much as do Lewis, but he is our o...only hope…’


X.D: ‘Would you mind explaining who your talking about!’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Well, ages ago, we had a guy with us called Ronnie. He was a complete nut case! He once tried to fight one of the mechs with nothing but a spoon and a pair of underwear!’


Atsuko Viola: ‘He w...was the only one of us w...who was able to slip past and leave the fa...facility…’


Lewis Sterge: ‘The brothers are the only ones who kept in contact with him using their laptop. But, he went silent a few months ago.’


X.D: ‘So we have no idea where he could be?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘U...Unfortunately, n….no.’


Lewis Sterg: ‘The brothers did, but I don't think there coming back anytime soon!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Ironic you should say that…’


Miu looked at me expectantly. I only just remembered about Yuuto’s chip. I opened up my arm, took out the small piece of circuitry, and gave it to Atsuko.


Atsuko Viola: ‘Is t...this….’


X.D: ‘It's his brain, I guess.’


A flash of excitement spread across her face.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I can Yuuto into the!’


She took the chip out of my hand and plugged it into her laptop. She then began to type frantically, until a familiar voice was heard.


Yuuto Ito: (Crackling) ‘W...where am I? Why can't I feel my body!’


X.D: ‘You're on Atsuko's Laptop!’


Dakota Way: ‘We made it out man!’


Yuuto Ito: ‘We did! That's …. That’s brilliant!’


His laughter crackled through the laptops speakers.


Yuuto Ito: ‘So, where's Y…’


He went silent. I knew what he was about to ask. My stomach felt like it was being clenched.


Yuuto Ito: ‘... *sigh* At least you are all ok. I guess…’


Atsuko Viola: ‘Yuuto, we n...need your…’


Yuuto Ito: ‘...What do you need?’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Do you remember that Ronnie guy?’


Yuuto Ito: ‘That weirdo? Why?’


Lewis Sterge: ‘We need him to get into other facilities.’


Yuuto Ito: ‘Other facilities? Why in hell's name would you want to go anywhere near them!’


Atsuko explained to him our plan.


Yuuto Ito: ‘You do realise how crazy that is, right?’


He let out a small laugh, over his already demoralised tone.


Yuuto Ito:  (In a typical grumpy fashion) ‘Since I'm basically a fucking laptop now, I have access to the internet, so I can track him anywhere on earth. Just give me a sec.’


He went silent for a while.


Yuuto Ito: ‘Found him!’


Dakota Way: Awesome! Where is the dude?’


Yuuto Ito: ‘We are located in Alaska at the moment. You better all be ready for some traveling because he is currently in London!’


Everyone let out a large groan.


Lewis Sterge: 'How did he...'


Yuuto Ito: 'I don't know. And frankly, I don't care. All that matters is that we get to him as soon as possible.'


X.D: 'Welp, I'm going to sleep. I'd rather travel to London well rested then now.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘He is right. We should all begin to travel in the morning. Have a pleasant rest everyone!’


Miu sat on the floor and watched us intently as we all began to sleep.


Her gaze was rather off putting to the others, but I was already used to her shenaniguns.

The sensation of the cool wind was enough to put me into a deep and comfortable slumber.

Day 2

Chapter Two: Day Two: The Days Ahead...

I woke up to a beautiful sight.


The sun was directly above us, shining down on the area, accompanied by a  bright blue sky, with a few white clouds dotted around like dabs of cotton wool floating carelessly in the air.


Then, the smell of burning flesh hit me with full force.


Sitting up, Miu was roasting what appeared to be a rabbit over the fire. The Others were nowhere to be seen.


X.D: (With a yawn) ‘Good morning Miu.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Ahh, Xyro, it's a pleasurable morning, is it not?’


X.D: ‘Yeah. Hey, where is everyone?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Just seeing what they can gather. Although we tried to wake you up, you are an incredibly heavy sleeper.’


She is right. I have always been the kind who can fall asleep anywhere, and when I am out, it's a task and a half to wake me up manually.


X.D: ‘The sky’s a welcome change.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘I never knew I could miss such a simple sight.’


She giggled.


Noticing that the rabbit had crisped completely over, she took out a knife from her boot (Again, don't question it) and poked at it to see if it was cooked.


Miu Shizuka: ‘I found this little thing last night on a stroll around the area. I'm not exactly sure what rabbit tastes like, but i suppose it will have to do for breakfast.’


With a few small cuts, she handed me one of the rabbits haunches.


X.D: (taking it from her hands) ‘Thanks. Rabbit tastes alright, but it's not my prefered meal, considering how hard it is to catch them.’


Pulling down the faceplate, I dropped the whole piece of meat into my mouth. It was gone in a matter of seconds.


Funnily enough, even with my new body, it tasted just the same as I remembered.


X.D: ‘What method did you use to catch it? Did you use a snare or chase after it with your, you know…’


I gestured at her ability.


Miu grinned at me.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Neither. It was dead when I found it.’


I do sometimes wonder if Miu truly is a friend, or if she’s secretly trying to poison us all.


Stretching, I stood up.


X.D: ‘When is everyone going to get back?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘The boys went off to gather food, since Yuuto told them to grab as much as they could for the journey ahead. I think Atsuko has gone off to look for equipment. I trust that they will be back soon.’


Knowing that they would be back soon, I took a small amount of time to sharpen my hand blades. Although, when I went to attempt it, My blades simply sank into the flint with complete ease.


Eventually, Atsuko returned with a huge pack of items. She was carrying Yuuto, as well as a bunch of logs, flint, and what appeared to be a couple of chain links.  She was struggling to carry it all, so Miu and I lent her a hand.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I...I gathered a b...bunch of stuff for the j...journey.


She dropped a few things on the ground accidentally.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I'm sorry, it's all very h...heavy and most of it doesn't fit in my r...rucksack , so....’


X.D: ‘You could always go through and organise it. I can help you with that if you want!’


Before I was able to touch her bag, she snatched it back from me.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I...its ok Xyro, I can o...organise it m...myself…’


For a second there, sheer panic spread across her face. Yet, after, she blushed brightly.


Atsuko Viola: ‘(Blushing brightly) ‘S...sorry, it's j...just that I ha...have a few things i'm working on t...that you can't s...see yet.’


X.D: ‘Understood.’


I winked at her. All she did was blush.


The two boys returned, carrying a bundle of fish.


Dakota Way: ‘Hey, check it out dudes! Look what we grabbed from the lake!’


The fish were fairly large in size, yet seemed to all be still alive.


X.D: ‘Nice work guys! That should keep us feed for a day or two.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Since everyone is back, can we please proceed with the journey? I am rather bored of this area.


Lewis Sterge: We have to travel to london after all. I think it's safe to say we should start leaving now. Everyone alright with that?’


Although Atsuko's Laptop was closed, I could still hear Yuuto's voice through the speakers.


Yuuto Ito: ‘see that mountain over there? Well the only town with an airport near here is over it, so we need to start heading there to get a flight.’


I knew full well which town he meant.


Although my family lived in a village with two houses, I would always go down to the town in order to get sweets or to trade in meat and hide for money.


It was one of my favourite places to visit. And now, we were heading back there.


So, we packed our things and began heading towards the mountains.


Traversing the treeline, I found it incredibly beautiful. I had never been on this side of the mountains before, since the steep hillsides were a big preventative when hunting.


As we were walking, Miu suddenly stopped in front of me.


X.D: ‘Hey, what's wrong?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Look up there!’


I gazed upwards. Attached to one of the trees, was a small bird. It was a bright color of purple and seemed to have no place in its moss and bark filled environment.


Lewis Sterg: (Unimpressed) ‘So what? It's just a bird, Miu!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘I know that, but isn't it pretty!’


X.D: ‘It is….’


I had never seen that kind of species before. With it's shape and size, I could easily tell that it was a robbin, however the correlation was completely off.


Yuuto Ito: ‘We don't have time for this. Everyone keep moving. I'm sorry, but we can't be taken off task by simple distractions!’


We carried on walking.


The further along we walked, the thicker the treeline became. Eventually, both I and Lewis had to start cutting our way through the bushes and shrubs, since there were no other pathways.


We walked on for a couple of hours. I must admit, In all my time living in the wilderness, this was the toughest challenge I had ever faced. Trying to climb up a steep hill whilst cutting through thick vegetation may not sound tiring, but trust me, it really takes the kick out of you. Luckily for us, the vegetation began to thin out and lead to an open meadow.


This is where we set up for the evening. The time was already four thirty, and the sun was slowly setting behind the mountains.


For the time being, We were all intent on wresting for the evening. Yuuto agreed to our notion.


Finding a small spot with very patchy grass, Miu prepared the fire, the boys went off to gather supplies, and Atsuko and I fixed any damaged equipment.


Atsuko Viola: (looking over one of Lewis’s knives) ‘Lewis re...really s...should take more c….care of these. L...look how chipped th...they are.’


X.D: ‘*shruging* I cant exactly blame him. I mean, look how many he has! Imagine trying to keep every single one of those clean?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘He c..could at least give them a li...little polish…’


X.D: 'Yeah, but he would look like a bloody sardine in the sun!'


Atsuko giggled.


Looking at her, I had a strange feeling of deja vu. I felt it back in the facility as well, but couldn't quite put my finger on it.


Then, I had a question that popped into mind.


X.D: ‘Atsuko, can I ask you a question?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘S...sure.’


X.D: ‘What made you so fascinated with being an engineer?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘Oh.. well… when I was younger, I …’


She paused and checked to make sure that Miu wasn't listening in to the conversation.


Atsuko Viola:  ‘...I s...spent allot of time a...around my father, s...since I wasn't really a...allowed to go outside that much. He t...taught me allot about engineering as a p...pass time, so I picked u...up a lot from him.’


X.D: ‘He must be proud of you.’


She smiled a faint smile.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I...I hope he is. He...p...passed away before I w...wound up in the facility.’


X.D: ‘Im sorry for your loss.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘'s fine Xyro. B..but thank you.’


Sitting beside her, we both stared up at the black canvas of space. Each star seemed like a flickering firefly in the midnight air.


Atsuko Viola : ‘It's so beautiful...’


X.D: ‘....yeah…’


Just before atsuko was able to say something again, Miu was now standing over us.


Miu Shizuka: ‘May I accompany you two?’


Before we were able to reply, She wedged herself between the two of us.


Miu Shizuka: (Also looking up) ‘I always wondered what the stars looked like This late at night. It's magnificent that such a quantity of galaxies exists beyond ours. Yet, soon, we will be exploring the vast quantity of space itself.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘Hopefully, w...we can f...find the d...devices s...s...sooner than later.’


Yuuto Ito: (from beside the log, where atsuko placed him) ‘We have a shot at it anyway. There are thousands of the facilities out there, and by the looks of things, only one of them has the devices we need.’


X.D: ‘This is going to be a long haul. But hopefully, your friend can help us out’


Yuuto Ito: ‘I wouldn't count on that….’


Appearing from the treeline, Lewis and Dakota returned almost empty handed.


Lewis Sterge: ‘We didn't find much, just some pieces of scrap.’


He threw them onto the fire.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Finally, we can eat now.


She moved over to the fire and took the fish off. We all were handed one each, except Yuuto, obviously.


The evening was rather pleasant again. Unfortunately, I could see where we all had to go next.


We were directly at the bottom of the mountain. The day ahead was going to be an excruciating climb, but I was determined to get to the other side. We all were.


X.D: (Laying down upon the old log) ‘Good night everyone.’


Yuuto Ito: ‘I would advise everyone gets up early tomorrow. It will save us time in the long run.


Miu Shizuka: ‘And if they oversleep?’


Yuuto Ito: ‘Trust me, they won't.’


His town was a little concerning, but then again, he was a laptop. What was the worst he could do?

Sprawling out on top of the log, I fell asleep gazing upwards at the sky.

Day 3

Chapter Two: Day three: ...Aren't set in stone..

I would like to give everyone reading this some friendly advice: Do not sleep on an old log for more than two minutes, let alone nine hours. My back felt like it had been crushed!


What made matters worse, was the droning noise that Yuuto was making. It was the alarm, Which I was somewhat relieved to hear.


Yuuto Ito: ‘Get up! We have to get going!’


Dakota Way: (Groaning) ‘Seriously! Stop shouting man, you're giving me a headache.’


As soon as everyone got up, Yuuto turned off the alarm.


X.D: ‘We have a long day ahead of us guys…’ I took a glance behind me at the huge mountain. ‘...A long day…’


Without loitering, we packed our equipment and began to climb.


For the first few hours, the climb wasn't actually that bad. The mountainside wasn't steep, to begin with, so it was a relatively easy climb, exempt from loose pieces of rock, which caused us to slip numerous times.


We eventually reached a steep rock face. There was no other way around it.


Miu Shizuka: ‘So….do we start climbing or…’


Atsuko Viola: ‘We s...should really prepare a rope, or something…’


Yuuto Ito: ‘We don't have time Atsuko!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘What do expect us to do then?’


I couldn't handle watching the group argue over something so simple.


X.D: ‘Someone, hand me a rope.’


Yuuto Ito: ‘I said we don't have time for a safety line Xyro. Weren't you listening?’


X.D: ‘Just shut up for a second!’


Atsuko took the rope from the bag and handed it to me. I tied it around my waist and shoulder, making sure that it was on tight.


X.D: ‘Everyone, get a good grip on the rope. You're going to need it.’


Lewis Sterg: ‘Ehhh, what's the plan here?’


X.D: ‘Watch.’


I turned to the rock face. Unsheathing my blades, I swung hard at It. The blades dug deep into the stone.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Are you seriously going to climb this mountain with us in tow.’


X.D: ‘Yep.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘And you're sure this is safe?’


X.D: (Climbing further up) ‘Nope.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘So why would I even think of holding on!’


X.D: ‘Just grab the rope! We don't have time!’


Reluctantly, everyone took ahold of the rope. I began to climb higher, making sure that every time I pulled myself up, that my handling was perfect before going onto the next.


Occasionally, I would stop to check on the others. They were all clinging on for dear life. Especially Dakota, who was trying to curl himself up into a ball.


Time went by. I noticed that the higher we climbed, the colder it got. The wind got even stronger too. This caused the rope to swing frantically at times. Luckily, nobody slipped or let go, so I pushed forward.


Yuuto Ito: (Shouting) ‘Xyro, you should really rest for a bit. I know I said we don't have much time, but we are half way up, and it's getting dark!’


I would have pushed forward, but everyone looked like they needed a rest. Especially Atsuko, who was shivering immensely from the cold.


I stopped at the beginning of a small cave if I could even call it that. It was more of a small hole in the side of the mountain than anything. Luckily, It housed all of us comfortably. As everyone got settled in for the evening, I decided it was best to set up the fire near the entrance of the cave, just to prevent the smoke from smothering us in our sleep.


Since Atsuko packed all the items we needed for the fire, it was pretty straightforward, and only took a few minutes to set up and light.


The wind outside seemed to pick up. It howled as it shot past the entrance. The snow was being thrown around so much, that it looked like the rest of the world was being engulfed by clouds. I sat next to the fire, staring out at the snowstorm. Everyone else was either eating cooked fish or chatting about the days ahead.


Lewis Sterg: ‘Hey kid.’


Lewis sat beside me. We both stared off into the outside world.


Lewis Sterg: ‘The weather is crazy out here, hay?’


X.D: ‘This is only a mild snowstorm. The higher we get up, the worse it will get.’


Lewis Sterg: ‘So we should expect worse weather? Got it!’


He gave me a nudge on the shoulder.


Lewis Sterg: ‘Hey, chin up kid. We have a bright future ahead of us!’


X.D: ‘Yeah, and another day of climbing!’


Lewis laughed and went over to talk with Dakota. It was good to know that everyone was thinking positively. After all, I still had doubts in my mind. Atsuko said that these teleportation devices can get us off the earth. But what if they don't exist in the first place. Then what would we do? That being said, even if they do exist, we may never find the exact facility that they are located in. But, I had to stay positive. Not for me, but for everyone else's sake.


Everyone began to rest for the evening. All except me and Miu. But, unlike most evenings, Miu chose to stare into the fire than to talk to me.


A loud clang of metal startled me. I turned to find that Atsuko was hammering a thin sheet of metal. She had taken a bit of the fire and was heating the sheet of steel with a small burner.


X.D: ‘What are you working on?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘Oh, i...I'm trying to make a b...blade so that I can help you f...fight!’


X.D: ‘Atsuko, if you can't kill anything, or even hurt a fly, then how are you supposed to help us in a fight!’

As soon as I said that I knew I had made a mistake.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I just d...dont want to hurt anyone. B...but if someone wanted to hurt any of us, t...then I want to be able to!’


X.D: ‘Listen, Atsuko…’ I sat down besides her. ‘...I know you're not the type of violence. I know that. What you have to understand is that your attitude towards others fighting is what makes you, you.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘I d...dont understand…’


X.D: ‘What I'm trying to say is that unlike some others, you understand that murder is not just a game, that fighting is not just a sport. Don't fall into the trap of believing that fighting is the only way to prove your strength to others. Trust me, I know…’


I had flashbacks to my old home.


Atsuko Viola: ‘B...but I don't want to fight. I just w...want something to protect e...everyone with!’


X.D: ‘You know, you could just ask lewis for one of his knives. You don't have to make your own.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘I k...know, but they are too h...heavy for me to s...swing them properly.’


X.D: ‘Fair enough. Just know that if you need help training, I will be around when you need me.’


I let her get on with the “blade”. I knew that she wasn't making a blade for herself, but I didn't want to question her on it. After all, Atsuko would never harm a bug, let alone others.


So, Atsuko hammered away, and Miu stared blankly into the fire. The others were sound asleep. It was about time that I got rested too. At least the cave floor wasn't as hard on my back as that old log was.


I went soundly to sleep with the orange glow of the fire behind me.

Day 4

Chapter Two: Day Four: School life

The obnoxious beeping of an alarm stirred me. It was a sound that I had to get used too.


Yuuto Ito: (Shouting) ‘Rise and shine people!’


Pushing myself off the stone ground, I felt cold since the fire from the night before had already been extinguished.


Outside the entrance to the cave, I noticed that the wind and snow had picked up substantially from its previously terrifying state.


X.D: (Staring) ‘That's something I hoped not to see.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘The winds have picked up over the course of last night.’


Yuuto Ito: ‘But we have too keep pushing forward Xyro. We might not have enough time to get to the airport before the first flight goes.’


X.D: (In a serious tone) ‘The safety line will flail around in that kind of wind yuuto. You're all likely to be slammed into the cliffside and shredded to pieces.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘Xyro, I m...made some s...shackles to….’


She began to pass everyone a well crafted safety shackle.


Lewis Sterge: ‘It looks to me like the winds going to be our biggest concern.’


X.D: ‘Its not the winds you need to be concerned about. It's the rocks. There is a greater chance of us being slammed into them the falling, even without the wind.’


Yuuto Ito: ‘Health and safety are not a priority at the moment Xyro. Getting to Ronnie is!’


He said it in such a way that struck me as a rather pathetic request. He was asking me to put everyone's lives into my hands just to get us over the mountain.


X.D: (Slightly agitated) ‘Fine! Everyone get ready. We are moving out in the next five minutes.’


Tying the rope around my waist tightly, I allowed the others to clip on to small knots with their safety shackles, then I proceeded out into the relentless wind.


With every swing of my arm, I felt as though I was trying to push myself through water. The air was so thick I couldn't even imagine how the others were faring, considering the wind was throwing them around mercilessly in the air.


Pushing forward with all my might, I was closing in to the top of the mountain.


The only reason I aimed to go as high as possible was to give us all a vantage point in order to plot out our exact root to the town, considering Yuuto had lost the satellite connectivity.


The peak of the mountain came into sight. It was still a long way away, but at least I could see it.


X.D: (Shouting) ‘Is everyone fine?’


None of them wanted to reply. They were all freezing from the cold.


But, we couldn't stop to rest. The day was only halfway through, and we weren't anywhere near our goal.


So, I pushed forward. One painful stab at the rock at a time.


I got into a rhythm, placing one hand after another in time to a song I once knew. I couldn't sing it for you, but the thought of it was there.


As I climbed higher and higher, the snow began to thicken on the rocks around me, forcing itself into thick blankets of ice.. Snow began to pile itself on my face, as I had no time to wipe it off.


Then, I saw it. The bottom of the peak was only a few minutes away.


X.D: (Shouting) ‘We're nearly there!’


Everyone was frozen stiff. The cold had really gotten to them. No one replied.


I finally reached our goal.


The bottom of the peak was rather flat and open. There was a small crevice in one of the walls leading to the tip. It was the perfect place to set up for the evening.


I pulled everyone up with me. They were all motionless and covered in small pieces of ice and snow. I realised that they had all gone into a deep sleep. Except for Miu, who helped me drag them all to the crevice.


I set up a fire, and covered the entrance of the crevice with a boulder, to stop the cold wind getting in. I could barely see, but at least everyone was beginning to warm up. I waited as everyone woke up from their sleep.


Lewis Sterge: (Yawning) ‘W...where are we?’


X.D: ‘We have made it past the waypoint.’


Atsuko and Dakota were awake by this point. Both let off a loud yawn and stretched out.


Atsuko Viola: ‘D...does this m...mean that we will be going d...down the mountain’


X.D: ‘In the morning. For now, you should all get some rest, and warm up a little. For second there guys, I thought I lost you all.’


They stared blankly at me.


Atsuko Viola: (Incredibly tired) ‘I...I'm cold…’


None of them were paying attention. They were all way too cold to think straight. I’m just happy that nobody got frostbite.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Would any of you care for a cup of tea?’


That seemed to get their attention. Miu handed everyone a small cup of the dark warm liquid.


Although it was dark in the crevice, a small crack in the top let a small amount of light in. But, we were suddenly aware of a small shadow, which blocked out the minimal amount of light we had.


Miu Shizuka: (Happily surprised) ‘It's that purple bird!’


It still amazes me how that bird was able to fly through such a storm. The tiny bird fluttered down and landed on Miu’s finger.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Isn't it just the most adorable thing!’


The bird then flew onto her shoulder. Miu had made a new friend.


After a while of talking, eating and drinking, everyone was too tired to stay awake. Although she never normally sleeps, even Miu seemed to be nodding off. Once everyone was sound asleep, I decided to leave the crevice and make my own way to the peak.


It wasn't a very far climb, so it only took me a few minutes to get there.


Although I was incredibly high up, the white curtain of snow made visibility impossible. It was as if I was standing directly on top of a white canvas. So, I sat down and began to meditate.


The strong winds and constant screams from the wind began to envelop my being. Every ounce of stress seemed to leave my body.


After a few hours of the storm, the winds seemed to die down, and so did the mass amount of snow in the air.


The parting white carpet revealed a sky of color. It was one of the most breathtaking sights I had ever seen. Especially looking down upon the rest of the world, which appeared tiny at this height. I could even see the runway from here.


Atsuko Viola: (Shouting) ‘X...Xyro!’


I looked down at Atsuko. She had come out of the crevice, and was looking for me.


X.D: (Shouting) ‘Up here!’


Atsuko made her way up to where I was. Soon, she was up and sat beside me. Her boots were covered in snow.


Atsuko Viola: ‘ I was w...worried that s...something had h...happened to you.’


X.D: ‘Im sorry. I just wanted some time to meditate.’


We both sat in silence for a while, staring off into the distance.


X.D: ‘...You know, it's funny. I would never have thought that my life would have come to this. Becoming a weapon, climbing a mountain in two days. None of it I would have ever dreamed of.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘It's w...weird how life t...turns out….’


Atsuko was staring off at a small parting in some trees near the town, and next to the runway. Even from this height, we could see the small glistening lights.


Atsuko Viola: ‘That u...used to be my v...village, until the I met I’jnh.’


X.D: ‘...Same...’


Atsuko gave me a strange look.


Atsuko Viola: ‘ l...lived in the s...same village me?’


X.D: ‘You really don't remember me, huh?’


Atsuko gave me a really puzzled look.


X.D: ‘I had a feeling it was you when we were back in the facility. We went to the same primary school when we were younger. You were the one who was always sat at the back in class. You always had a big red bow in your hair, remember?’


Suddenly, a look of realisation spread across her face.


Atsuko Viola: ‘….you w...were the white h...haired boy who lived next d..door to me, weren't you? You s...sat at the front of the class but n...never talked to anyone.


I nodded. In all honesty, I felt rather flattered that she even remembered me, considering that nobody ever even wanted to talk to me.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I …I d...don't understand why e...everyone was so m...mean to you…’


She was right. Since I mostly stayed mute as a kid, everyone that was in my class tended to pick on me. So from the moment I was in primary school to the moment I died in my late higher education, I was always shunned for being different, yet was never really bothered by it.


After all, when you feel broken, things like bullying tend not to feel like anything.


X.D: ‘People don't like anything different from themselves I guess.’


She looked down at the ground with guilt.


Atsuko Viola: ‘Yeah….’


Atsuko was shivering. The cold was getting to her.


X.D: ‘Atsuko, go back inside. I don't want you catching a cold.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘W...what about’


X.D: ‘I will be fine. I'm going to sleep up here for tonight. Have a good rest Atsuko.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘G...goodnight Xyro.’


It was incredibly weird to talk about my past to her.


I still remember the time she went missing. I was in school when she just stopped turning up. I asked and asked, yet nobody seemed to notice or care.


Except me.


I went to school every day, wondering where she was. I even tried to ask the teachers. They just told me to forget about her. I never did. I still remember when I found her small bow on the floor in the woods. It was right beside the place my father and I would visit to see the sunrise, right next to our old vantage point.

However, with the long day ahead of us, I fell asleep under the watchful gaze of the sky above.

Day 5

Chapter Two: Day five: The starlle tree

I woke up to a very strange sensation. A warm feeling began to envelop my body. It started at my head. And began to trickle down my back. Opening my eyes, I realized it was Miu, slowly pouring hot water over my head.


Miu Shizuka: (With a wry smile) ‘Good morning sleepy head.’


X.D: (Not impressed) ‘What are you doing?’


Miu Shizuka: (Sarcastically) ‘We had some leftover water in the kettle, so I thought you would like to have it poured over you for warmth.’


The water began to freeze. It was about as warm as ice could be.


Miu Shizuka: ‘We can't just sit around here all day Pumpkin! We need to start descending the mountain!’


X.D: ‘Ok…*sigh*... tell me when everyone is ready.’


Great, I wake up to get soaked in water and rushed off down a mountain. What more could a boy ask for!


I waited for the others to get prepared. For people who wanted to move on so quickly, they sure took a long time. Eventually, they all came out of the crevice prepared for the long climb down. Well, I say climb….


Lewis Sterge: (With an incredibly unsure look in his eyes.) ‘...And you're sure this is going to work?’


X.D: ‘I have never been so sure of something in my entire life!’


I had come up with the idea of attaching everyone to a safety line, jumping down the mountain by myself, sticking the line into the ground, and allowing everyone to zipline there way down. To me, it sounded practical at the time.


So, without thinking, I attached the rope to one of the cracks in the mountain and gave a leap of faith.


I landed gracefully at the bottom, without a single graze….




Yeah, that was a lie.


I fell flat on my face, rolled halfway down, hit a boulder, and kept rolling until I hit the bottom.


It hurt surprisingly less than I would have thought, so once I was at the bottom, I gave everyone a thumbs up, but they were so far way that I didn't expect them to see it.


The bottom side of this mountain was very similar to the one we were at before, as there was an open field in a small clearing. So, I dug up a small hole, placed the rope inside, and prayed that the plan would work.


X.D: (Into the headpiece from earlier) ‘Ok, the line is set up. Remember to go one at a time, and to slow down near the end.’


Lewis attached himself first, and began hurtling his way towards me. Because of his knives, he glistened like a strobe light at speed.


Luckily, he got the message, and began to slow down before the end. One by one, everyone made their way across. Finally, it was Atsuko's turn.


But, she didn't seem to be moving.


X.D:(Into the headpiece) ‘Atsuko, whats wrong?’


Atsuko Viola: (Through the headpiece to me, timidly) ‘I...I don't h...heights…’


Even from this distance, I could tell that she was shaking. The poor girl was helpless up there.


X.D:(Into the headpiece) ‘Trust me Atsuko, you will be fine.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘B….but….’


X.D: ‘You will be fine! I'm here at the bottom to catch you!’


She went silent and began making her way down. But, she didn't slow down either. She just kept speeding her way to the bottom.I  had to intervene, otherwise, she would have hit the ground at full force.


Just before she reached the end of the rope, I shielded her from the ground with my body. She collided with me, sending the both of us sprawling to the ground.


X.D: ‘Ughhh. Are you ok?’


Atsuko looked slightly dazed, but fine nonetheless.


Atsuko Viola: (Excitedly) ‘I w...want to go a...again!’


We both began to laugh.


Yuuto Ito: ‘(Through the laptop) We’ve already surpassed our two day goal. Nice idea Xyro. Credit where credit is due.’


He was right. The small town was in sight and only seemed to be a few hours away.


Yuuto Ito: ‘I suggest we start walking now, camp out and then make our way into town tomorrow. We will then have enough time to rest and explore a little bit before going off to London.’


X.D: ‘That's if we can get the plane. After all, we don't have any money for tickets.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Who said we didn't?’


She rummaged through her boot and pulled out…


X.D: (I was already passed the point of being surprised) ‘Is that a gold bar?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘It's only 0.644oz, but it should get us there.’


Dakota Way: ‘Only! Dude, that's gotta be worth a lot!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘As I just said, Dakota, it will be enough to get all of us out of here.’


Lewis Sterge: (With crossed arms) ‘Shouldn't we be moving?’


Yuuto Ito: ‘Thank you, Lewis. At least someone agrees with me!’


We all began making our way towards the town.


Just like I remembered, this side of the mountain was much easier to traverse. But, the snow on the ground seemed to thicken the closer to we got to the town. At one stage, The snow came directly up to the tops of my waist, and for Atsuko, it reached the bottom half of her skirt. Atsuko was struggling to walk through the snow, as her legs kept getting stuck.


X.D: (looking back at her) ‘Need some help?’


Atsuko Viola: ‘, I'm f...fine...’


She took one step forward and face planted into the snow.


I couldn't help but smile behind my faceplate.


X.D: ‘Would you like some help now?’


Atsuko Viola: (Muffled) ‘...Yes.’


I helped her to her feet. The others left us behind. So, I walked in front of her, kicking the snow out of the way so that she wasn't able to get herself stuck again.


After a few minutes of walking, we passed under a fairly familiar tree. The entirety of its branches was covered in small icicles, which glistened with a dazzling light. As the wind shook the tree, the icicles chimed a soft melody.


This was the starlle tree. I remember the days when I would sit under the tree, and listen to the beautiful chimes it would make.


Sadly, this was also where i buried my family.


Surely enough, the four wooden crosses were still there.


Before moving on further, I bowed onto one knee and gave my respects. Atsuko understood, and gave a silent prayer. She didn't even have to ask.


Somehow, she just knew.


Everyone was getting further and further ahead.


Atsuko Viola: ‘X...Xyro, we n...need to go now…’


I said my goodbyes.


As we walked away from my family's final resting spot, I turned back and smiled to myself.


Atsuko Viola: ‘W...what's w...wrong?’


X.D: ‘I made a promise to my mother. I told her that when I had enough money and a sustainable job, I would take her and my family back to britain with me. Apparently, we only moved out here because of the simple lifestyle my father wanted. She never really wanted to leave.’


I held my mother's pendent in my hand and tucked it away into my arm.


X.D: ‘I will take her there. One way or the other.’


Atsuko didn't say anything to me. So, I began walking ahead again, carving out a small trail in the snow for her to follow.

We eventually caught up with the others, who had set up a large camp this time. Lewis was carving a wooden stick into… something. Dakota was eating the last of the fish, and Miu was throwing pebbles into one of the lakes. As soon as me and Atsuko arrived, Lewis gave us an aggravated look.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Taking your time, I see?’


I gave him an evil glare and sat besides the fire. All I had on my mind at that moment was my family. I missed them so much.


But, life is not always such a straightforward and easy path. Sometimes, you have to take a few knocks before you can get anywhere.


Miu came strolling over and sat beside me.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Tea?’


I didn't reply. But, she still handed me a tiny cup.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Hey, no need to be so miserable! Lighten up a little Pumpkin.’


I poured the molten liquid down my throat. I had no interest in talking, and yet Miu seemed insistent on conversing with me.


Miu Shizuka: ‘It's better to talk about things then to keep them to yourself.’


She placed her arm around my shoulder. I think it was to try and comfort me, But personally, I found it more creepy than caring.


X.D: ‘I just have doubts about the future. That's all.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Doubts? Arent you were supposed to be the positive one?’


She gave me a half smile. I tried to form a response, But I just couldn't bring myself to do it.


Yuuto Ito: ‘You should all rest. Remember, we have a flight to schedule tomorrow.’


I tried to fall asleep, but couldn't for a good amount of time. I don't understand why, but I tend to think too much.


Most of the time, it just keeps me up at night, thinking.

I sprawled out on the floor, and stared up the stars, before eventually falling asleep.

Day 6

Chapter two: Day six: Old friends

I woke up to yet another strange feeling. I felt as though I was being repeatedly tapped on my forehead.


Opening my eyes, I was welcomed to the waking world with the sight of miu’s bird, pecking my face.


X.D: ‘*Yawn* Miu, tell your bird to stop…’


I looked around. Everyone was still asleep, but Miu was nowhere to be seen.


I didn't want to disturb the others, so I began to search for her on my own, with the help of the small purple robbin.


I knew she couldn't have wandered too far, so I patrolled the area around us.


Soon, I found her next to a river, writing something into her small black diary.


X.D: ‘Mind if I join you?’


I startled her slightly.


Miu Shizuka: (Distracted) ‘Sure.’


She was sat with her legs crossed, and back straight. But, I could tell That she had been crying, as small black lines were covering her eyelids.


As soon as I sat down, she started talking.


Miu Shizuka: ‘...Xyro, this may seem a little out of the blue, but how do you cope?’


X.D: ‘Cope? With what?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘....With losing family. I never….I never thought that I would never get to see my mother again…’


She began to shake, trying her hardest to keep tears back. It was the first time I had ever seen her get this upset.


X.D: ‘truth is, you don't.’


I stared out across the lake.


X.D: ‘Losing a loved one is never easy, especially when it's not their time. You keep wondering in your mind if you could have done something to save them, but in reality it's not as easy as that. Thing is, you won't really forget about them. It's hard Miu, it always will be…’


I paused again, then tried to smile, forgetting that my face plate was in the way.


X.D: ‘....But the thing is, you keep on living. Keep on pushing forward for them. I wouldn't want anyone close to me to close themselves off just because i died. I would want them to live happily in my absence.’


By now, her shuddering seemed to have seized. Although i could see small black tears in her eyes, she smiled.


Then, she hugged me.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Thanks pumpkin.’


X.D: (Hugging awkwardly back) ‘Your welcome.’


After a few awkward seconds, i broke out of her arms and stood up.


X.D: ‘We should go back to the others. They may be getting worried.’


I gave Miu a helping hand off the ground.


It always hurts me to see anyone else upset. After all, nobody deserves to suffer. Not if I can help it.


We arrived back at the fire. Not surprisingly, everyone was up, and packing their things.


Dakota Way: ‘Dude, where did you go to? You got me, worried man!’


Dakota slapped me on the back.


X.D: ‘I'm fine.I was just having a discussion with Miu.’


Dakota Way: (Jokingly) ‘Oh. Don't worry Xyro, I understand.’


He winked at me. I knew what he was trying to suggest.


X.D: ‘, it's not like that…’


Dakota Way: ‘Dude, i know you and Atsuko have a thing man, it's fine!’


My face started going warm from embarrassment. Luckily for me, Atsuko and the others weren't listening in at the time, so I barely got away with it.


X.D: ‘Dakota, please don't say anything about it...’


Dakota Way: (laughing) ‘Don't worry, my lips are sealed bud.’


He did the action of zipping up his lips with his fingers.


X.D: ‘Dakota, I'm being serious. Please don't say anything. I'm…. i'm still not sure if she…. You know…’


He nodded, and mumbled, just to show me that his lips truly were sealed.


Lewis Sterge: (Walking over)‘Hey, Kid, We're going into town now. You better get ready. We don't know how the locals will react to a tin-man waltzing around.’


I was wondering the same thing.

Although it still took a few hours, the walk wasn't as difficult as it had been, as the roads to the town were paved, meaning Atsuko wasn't caught up in a bunch of snow all the time.


Upon arriving, the town was just as I remembered. Since it was so small, there were only a few residential buildings, accompanied by a select few shops and the old multipurpose school.


For those of you who wouldn't know, since the tow was relatively small, the school was used for the primary, secondary and higher education students, as well as the social hall later on at night for the parents and locals to get together.


Strangely, there seemed to be almost nobody around. Only a few of the houses seemed to have lights on, which was strange considering this time of year was the time where every family stayed inside together to enjoy the winter.


Yuuto Ito: ‘Come on, let's get over to the airport and get this ride booked.’


Although everyone started making their way towards the airport, I hung back for a moment.


As soon as they were out of sight, I went across town to a small open bar, just on the corner of one of the roads.


Unsurprisingly, the bar was still open.


Pushing the door open, the tick smell of tobacco and beer wafted up my nose.


(Female voice): ‘Didn't I tell your boss to leave us the fuck alone! We don't want your stupid offer.


The woman behind the counter was holding a hunting rifle in her arms. She was trembling in both fear and anger.


X.D: (laughing) ‘This is just like the first time we met, huh Wendy?’


She lowered her rifle.


Wendy Jianar: ‘X...Xyro? Is that you?’


I took a seat on one of the bar stools.


Wendy Jianar: (Obviously concerned) ‘What happened to you?’


X.D: ‘That's a long story. I was hoping you could fill me in on the beginning though.’


She placed the rifle down on the floor next to her.


Wendy Jianar: ‘They said you were dead! It was apparently an accident of some kind, but….’


She paused to look me over again.


Wendy Jianar: ‘My god, it really is you Xyro!’


I nodded slowly.


Wendy Jianar: ‘They didn't go into any kind of details about your death. I knew something was wrong about it, I knew!’


X.D: ‘Who told you?’


Wendy Jianar: ‘Some men came into town two years ago with a bunch of weird robots… they told us that you had died in some freak accident with allot of the other people around town. I think they called themselves the “IWEC” or something like that.’


So whatever the case, my “Accident” was faked. I had been murdered for a reason.


More to the point, I had been there for two years!


So I was now technically eighteen. Great.


Then, I thought back to the room i woke up in. All those bodies, where they…..townspeople?


I shook my head to try and shake the memory out.


Wendy Jianar: ‘Please, xyro, what happened to you, why are you…that?’


I began to explain to her everything that had happened.


Meanwhile, she poured me out a small cup of coffee. It was weird to see wendy after so long. She had always been so nice to me. At least she looked no different. She was rather tall and had incredibly sharp features. She was wearing jeans and a red blazer. Her hair was a dark shade of onyx and was tied back.


Before I was killed, Wendy was one of the only people I had. After the death of my parents, I didn't really have anywhere to go. I lived out in the countryside and hunted just to keep myself fed.


But, one day, She caught me stealing from her bar. Just like that moment a second ago, she threatened me with the rifle. However, I apologised and placed the food back. I thought she was going to hurt me, but instead, she welcomed me in with open arms.


I caught glance of a boy sat on the other side of the room. He was reading a book with a pair of earphones in, completely oblivious to the world around him.


So, I went over and nudged his shoulder.


When he looked over at me, he sat there in complete frozen fear, then slowly removed the headpieces.


???: ‘Y...yeah?’


X.D: ‘It's good to see you again Ryu.’


Realising it was me, he seemed to turn from scared to incredibly calm.


Ryu Jianar: (Standing up) ‘You know, it's been boring around here. I haven't had anyone to teach in a while.’


He smiled and gave me a pat on the back.


Ryu was Wendy’s son. When she took me in, Ryu became almost like a brother to me. At first, he picked on me because of my handwriting. I didn't really know it at the time, but it turns out i'm dyslexic.


So, with his help, I started to improve on my hand writing.


He too looked no different than before. He was about the same height as me (which was strange to me, considering he is two years older than me), had the same dark blue hair and the same smart uniform. His voice was relatively deep, and he spoke with a rather subtle american accent, which confused allot of people when the two of us would go to school, since everyone assumed we were actually brothers, but the mixture of an american and british accent was rather peculiar.


Being the younger brother, I also looked up to him. I even remember trying to pull of his clothing. Problem is, I could never pull of the hairstyle, since my hair was a snow white in comparison to his raven black.


X.D: ‘I don't think I will need any more lessons, Ryu.’


Wendy Jianar: (Calling over to me) ‘I don't suppose you know what to do now? I mean, you can't stay here! What if they come back?’


X.D: ‘Don't worry, we are getting a flight out of here as soon as possible.’


Ryu Jianar: ‘We?’


Atsuko, Dakota, and Lewis walked through the door.


Dakota Way: ‘Hey, Xyro, don't run away like that man. We thought we lost you back there.’


The three of them walked in. Lewis and Dakota took a seat. I offered Atsuko mine, But she refused to sit.


X.D: ‘Did you all find a way to get the plane ride?’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Miu is over there now. She's making a deal with the pilot.’


Miu barged in through the door. She was covered in snow from outside.


Yuuto Ito: ‘Well?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Our flight is officially booked.’


Everyone smiled happily. We were going to London.


Ryu Jianar: (Cutting in out of the blue) ‘Could I join you?’


Everyone turned to face him.


Wendy Jianar: ‘No, Ryu!’


Ryu Jianar: ‘Mom, I'm not letting Xyro leave without my help. Not again.’


Everyone was silent.


X.D: ‘It will be incredibly dangerous.’


Ryu handed me my old writing book.


Ryu Jianar: ‘And you would be a fool to think I would sit back and watch you leave.’


Wendy Jianar: ‘Ryu…’


Ryu placed his book on the table.


Ryu Jianar: ‘Please mom.’


Wendy Jianar: ‘...Fine.’


She walked around the bar and hugged me and Ryu.


Wendy Jianar: ‘Just promise me you will both stay safe.’


She let us out of her embrace and went back behind the counter.


Miu Shizuka: ‘The plane arrives in two days, so we have allot of time to prepare for the journey ahead.’


Ryu Jianar: (Excitedly) ‘Good, then I'm going to pack my luggage.’


To be fair, I always knew my brother wanted to go and explore the world. Yet, I think he didn't what would happen.


He ran up the stairs.


Miu Shizuka: (watching him run up the stairs, giggling behind her hand) ‘Is he a freind of your Xyro?’


X.D: ‘More like a brother.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘I can see which of you is more attractive pumpkin.’


She winked at me in a strangely flirty way.


Miu has always tried to wind me up. Strangely, it's her way of being a good friend.


People. They're always so damn confusing.


Wendy Jianar: ‘You can all safely stay here for the next two days. After all, business has been incredibly slow with the loss of half the town.


As the evening went by, we had small discussions, before eventually retiring to the spare rooms upstairs. I sat in my cubby hole like i used too when I was younger.


But, I couldn't bring myself to sleep.


It was my first time seeing Ryu and Wendy again, and after all this time, after two years of me passing away, They looked no different than they did before. I truly felt like I was back home. But I had to leave so soon. The cruel irony of the world, I guess. What worried me the most was that Ryu was joining us on the quest. I know that he is strong minded, But he always comes across the wrong way to people, no matter how hard he tries.

Sure, it will be difficult, but isn't that the fun of it all. Besides, I can do allot in two days. There are still things I need to do in this town. Things I should have done a long time ago...

Day 7

Chapter Two: Day Seven: Ashes of the past

Meditation has always been a hobby of mine, ever since I was young. It helped me pass the evenings when I was unable to sleep.


I used to sit there, hours on end, wondering what my future had in store for me. I guess I now have my solution.


The sun was slowly rising out of the window, Its rays casting light throughout the dark room. I could hear everyone waking up from the other rooms. Especially The loud thump of someone falling out of bed. I didn't expect anyone to knock for me, But surely enough, they did.




Ryu Jianar: ‘Xyro, are you awake?’


X.D: ‘Yeah’


Ryu Jianar: ‘Well, mom’s prepared breakfast for everyone. Do you remember those muffins we used to have?’


I opened the cubbyhole door.


X.D: ‘Of course! The apple ones?’


Ryu Jianar: ‘You bet!’


The familiar smell of apple wafted up from downstairs.


For those of you who don't know, apples have and always will be my favourite type of food. No matter what, I love any kind of apple-based product.


Ryu Jianar: ‘Everyone’s just gone down. I really hope they have left some for us!’


I stepped out of the room and descended the stairs with Ryu. They creaked with every step we took, as the wooden plyboards were old and cracked.


I followed Ryu through the hallway and into the main bar. Everyone was sat around a bunch of tables, eating a small meal prepared by Wendy. They seemed too involved with their food to great me or Ryu.


Wendy Jianar: ‘Good morning sleepy heads! Ryu, you were snoring all night again.’


Ryu Jianar: (embarrassed) ‘Well, I can't help it!’


Wendy Jianar: (Giggling) ‘I was just teasing, Ryu.’


Wendy smiled as she passed me and Ryu a small cup of coffee. I don't normally drink the stuff, as it does not agree with my tastes, but for the time being, it was acceptable.


Wendy Jianar: ‘Anyway, what are you and your friends going to do today? You could go and take a look around town if you want…’


X.D: ‘I have plans already.’


Wendy Alyssa: ‘Oh, well, just don't draw too much attention to yourself, ok?’


She smiled and rubbed my head with her hand. Although my horn did get in the way.


We both went back into the main room. Everyone had finished breakfast and were enjoying a good conversation. Atsuko ran over to me.


Atsuko Viola: ‘X...Xyro!’


X.D: ‘Hey Atsuko. Did you have a good night's sleep?’


She nodded.


Atsuko Viola: ‘The o...others are teaming up to go look a….around town! Guess w...who your p...partner is?’


She pointed at herself with her thumb.


X.D: ‘Actually, I need to show you something later Atsuko.’


Atsuko Viola: (Excitedly) ‘What is it?’


X.D: ‘I can't tell you! It's a surprise!’


I winked at her.


The other partners were as I had expected. Lewis and Dakota had formed one team, and Miu and Ryu had formed another. The two boys seemed glad to be together.The other two were stood back to back, trying their hardest to avoid eye contact.


Ryu Jianar: (Shyly) ‘H...hi…’


Miu Shizuka: (Blushing) ‘Don't even talk to me!’


Yep. They were definitely the *dream team*.


Atsuko Rushed over to the door and Put on a winter coat and boots that Wendy had kindly lent her.


Atsuko Viola: ‘H...hurry up Xyro! I want to l...look around!’


I had never seen Atsuko so excited. I was wondering what Wendy had given her for breakfast!


We walked out the front of the bar, and into the snow covered town. Although it was nearly mid-day, the sky was covered with a thick white sheet, blocking the majority of the sunlight out. This didn't seem to mind Atsuko, who was dancing around in the snow, trying her hardest to catch snowflakes.


After a few minutes of trying, she eventually fell back onto a pile of snow and began making a snow angel. Realising that we weren't going to be going anywhere around town soon, I accompanied her in making them.


Atsuko Viola: (Laughing) ‘T...this is fun!’


X.D: ‘Yeah.’


I sat up and looked at the snow angel I had made. It was completely out of shape.


Atsuko Viola: ‘That l...looks more like a s…snow fish!’


I wasn't too impressed.


We made our way around town to visit a bunch of shops. Atsuko's favourite was an incredibly small woodwork shop off the corner of town. She stared in awe at the vast amount of small gadgets in the display window.


X.D: ‘Hey, Atsuko, do you want to see that surprise that I mentioned?’


Atsuko viola: ‘Of course!’


We both started making our way to a special place of mine. I was hoping after all these years, it would still be intact. Making our way off the main road, and onto a small path that wound off into the woods. The trees seemed to have grown taller and thicker than I had remembered. it was almost unfamiliar to me.


Atsuko Viola: ‘W...where are w...we going?


X.D: ‘You will see soon enough.’


The walk wasn't too far from that point onwards. As soon as we arrived, I felt my heart move into my throat.


Atsuko Viola: ‘T...this…’


I remember in the past, me, my family, and our neighbours lived in this small area. Each of us in our own little cottage. It was incredibly peaceful, except the occasional clatter from the old metal worker who lived in the cottage opposite to us. Atsuko's father was a kind man, and a good friend to my father.


I still don't understand why my sisters hated Atsuko so much. I remember the time when I went to play with Atsuko as a very young child, but my sisters had scared her that day, so she didn't want to come out, ever. That's when I became lonely, So I went out hunting with my father.


We would always return to the happy smiles of the village. Now, I was returning to a bunch of burnt down cottages.


I honestly expected this to have happened, but I didn't want it to be true.


Atsuko was staring at the rubble of her old home.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I remember…’


X.D: ‘I'm sorry you have to see it like this. I honestly didn't know that the village had ended up this way…’


Atsuko viola: ‘'s fine X….Xyro.’


She walked over to the remains of the cottage and began rummaging around. After a few seconds, she pulled out a small silver object from the ashes.


Atsuko Viola: (To herself) ‘I r….remember that my dad told that one day, I will n...need this.’


She turned to me. She was holding a small silver box, which had the carvings of arachnids covering it. She placed the small box into her pocket.


Atsuko Viola: ‘A...anyway, i'm s...sorry that the s...surprise turned out this…’


X.D: ‘Oh, this wasn't meant to be the surprise…’


I was really hoping it was still there. Just like Atsuko, I began rummaging through the rubble of the building that used to be my house. Surely enough, my safe was still intact.


I had forgotten the code for the lock, so I simply wedged my blades in the door And ripped it off. The safe contained a little bit of money, a few pictures of my family, and…


I took out Atsuko’s ribbon. As soon as I held it up, her eyes locked onto it. She remembered it all too well.


Atsuko Viola: (In disbelief) ‘W...where did you f...find that?’


I walked over to Atsuko, brushed a few flakes of snow off  her hair with my hand, then placed the bow onto her head.


X.D: ‘On the day when you went missing, I found it on the floor. You must have lost it when they took you.’


Atsuko blushed.


Atsuko Viola: ‘Xyro, I w...want to tell you s...something so b...badly. I…’


Miu Shizuka: (Shouting, Distant) ‘Well, maybe you should just get fitter you lazy piece off…’


Ryu Jianar: (Shouting, Distant) ‘I don't see you holding anything!’


Miu Shizuka: (Shouting, Distant) ‘Are you honestly this useless!’


We could see the two taking a walking back from the main road. They appeared to be going back for the evening, as it was already late.


So, me and Atsuko began making our way back as well.


X.D: ‘Atsuko, what were you going to tell me anyway?’


Atsuko Viola: (looking down) ‘Oh, don't w...worry. It's n...nothing i...important...’


She was silent for the rest of the walk to the bar.


Once we arrived, Atsuko took off her coat and placed it onto one of the pegs. The others were already here. I decided to talk to Dakota and Lewis for a change.


X.D: ‘Hey.’


Lewis Sterge: (With a smile) ‘Good to see you, kid. Did you and Atsuko have a good time out in the snow?’


Dakota Way: (Muffled laughter) ‘Yeah, Did you?’


X.D: ‘...I hate you guys at times.’


The two broke out in laughter.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Ahh, we’re just messing with you. So, you looking forward to going to London?’


X.D: ‘Definitely! I haven't been on a plane in some time!’


Dakota Way: ‘Me neither man! I'm so pumped!’


Atsuko was holding her laptop in her hands. She came over and sat on the stool next to us.


Atsuko Viola: ‘I h...have never b...been in a p...plane before.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Don't worry about it. It's Just a small flight. You never know, you might enjoy it!’


Atsuko was staring at the desk in front of her.


Our train of thought was disturbed by Wendy.


Wendy Jianar: ‘Did you all have a good day?’


Lewis Sterge: ‘I can't complain!’


Wendy Jianar: ‘Of course you two can't! You stayed in here all day!’


The three began to laugh.


After a few more conversations, and a balanced meal, we all retired for the evening.


The scenery outside was beautiful. I watched the evening tick by as the moon shone down onto the snowflakes that were being thrown around by the wind.


For once in my life, I felt at peace.

Well, except the sound of Ryu snoring…

Day 8

Chapter Two: Day Eight: Bullied to bits

The morning sun appeared over the distant mountains, casting a large pillar of light over the end of my bed.


When I say bed, I mean the thin carpet in which I was wrapped beneath.


The rays of light were warm against my feat.


The sensation stirred me from my slumber. I must have fallen asleep after all. I couldn't remember much about last night, as I was so tired.


The smell of cooking food wafted into my room. Being a rather heavy eater, i knew this was my calling.


I opened my room door and made my way downstairs. Nobody seemed to be up, so I tried my hardest to make no sound on my way down, which was hard, as the creaking of the floorboards seemed amplified in the silence.


The downstairs section of the bar was a whole other story. Miu and Wendy were the only two awake, working hard in the kitchen.


Miu was rushing around the room, wearing a small apron around her usual clothes. Wendy was the same, wielding a frying pan and a spatula. The two were barking orders at one another, trying their hardest to out do the other in a war of words.


They were both too busy to notice my entry, and with the two shouting at each other like maniacs, I thought it was safer to just take a seat and avoid eye contact.


I sat on one of the leather seats near the back of the room and watched the two from afar. Although Wendy was a calm and gentle woman most of the time, when it came to cooking, she was always right.


But, whenever Wendy told Miu to add a certain ingredient, or turn up the heat on certain foods, or even just check to see if they were cooked, Miu would disobey her entirely and do her own thing.


The kitchen was more of a war zone than a place to prepare food.


After a while, the two finely seemed to calm down, as the food was all prepared and ready to go. One by one, trays of cooked meals and pastries were placed onto the large oak dining table in the centre of the room. The two seemed happy with their work.


Only then, I decide to make my presence known.


X.D: ‘I'm surprised that nobody else is up yet, especially with you two at each other's throats!’


Wendy jumped, sending a few plates she had in her hands across the floor. Each of them shattered into pieces. Miu just smiled towards me.


Miu Shizuka: ‘A healthy debate is natural, Xyro. Especially with such a fine cook.’


Wendy was in the middle of picking up the shards of ceramic from the floor. Miu’s words made her pause.


Wendy Jianar: (Blushing, shocked) ‘You really think I'm a good cook?’


Miu Jianar: (Smiling) ‘Certainly! Your taste in food and ingredients is impeccable.’


Wendy Jianar: ‘Thank you so much!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Your welcome.’


The two exchanged awkward smiles for a short while. The three of us then helped clean up the shattered pieces on the ground and I apologized for scaring Wendy.


The others began making their way down the stairs. I could tell, as the creaking gave them away. The first to come through was Lewis, who seemed to be in a joyful mood. Soon after, we were joined by Dakota and Ryu.


Dakota Way: (Talking to Ryu) ‘...And that's why bodybuilding is so much better man!’


Ryu Jianar: ‘As if! I refuse to believe that mindless exercise is hardly better than simple studying and reading.’


Dakota Way: ‘Oh yeah bro, well why don't you shove a book up your…’


Miu Shizuka: (Cutting in) ‘Ryu is right Dakota. It is sometimes more important to keep a healthy mind than a healthy body.’


Dakota and Ryu stopped. The two boys gave her polar opposite looks.


Ryu Jianar: (Shyly) ‘Miu, you…’


Miu Shizuka: (Shouting) ‘Shut up Ryu! I wasn't talking to you!’


Like a dog to its master, he went silent.


Dakota Way: (Laughing) ‘Yeah dude. Do what your girlfriend tells you.’


The two shouted at the same time.


Miu and Ryu: ‘Shut up you orangutan!’


Both Miu and Ryu faced each other, blushed, and turned away. They both stood with their backs to each other and crossed their arms.


Wendy Jianar: (To me) ‘Are you kids always like this with one another?’


X.D: ‘Sadly, yeah.’


The three stopped, and sat around the table. We were still missing one more person.


Wendy Jianar: ‘Is Atsuko ok up there?’


Ryu Jianar: (Eating) ‘I didn't hear her getting up.’


X.D: ‘I’ll go check on her.’


I began making my way over to the stares. Before I could even get to the bottom, someone let off a wolf whistle. I turned to see Lewis and Dakota trying to keep back laughter.


X.D: ‘Real mature guys. Real mature!’


As I ascended the stairs, I could hear the loud clanging of metal. I approached her room slowly to see what she was doing, without looking in immediately just in case she was working on the “Surprise”.


Atsuko was sat by the end of her bed. She had a hammer and a small chisel in her hand. By the looks of things, she was trying to break into the small silver box from the day before, but to no avail.


X.D: (Peeking my head in through the doorway) ‘Do you need any help with that?’


Startled, she swung around, thrusting the box into her pocket.


Atsuko Viola: (Shocked) ‘ with w...what?’


She knew that wasn't going to get her out of the situation.


X.D: ‘Ok, Atsuko…’


I walked into her room and closed the door behind me.


X.D: ‘...I know that whatever in that box is important to you. Why won't you let me help you!’


She gave me an uncomfortable look.


X.D: *Sigh* ‘I promise not to look inside the box. Just let me open it for you.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘...’


She handed me the box


Atsuko Viola: ‘ p...promise?’


X.D: ‘I promise’


I levered the box open with one of my hand blades. The lid came flying off. I closed my eyes in order to Maintain my promise to her.


X.D: ‘Here you go!’


Atsuko took the box and stuffed it into her backpack. I could tell because of the sound the zipper made.


Atsuko Viola: ‘T...thank Xyro…’


X.D: ‘Atsuko, remember that you can always talk to me about anything. Understood?’


Although a minute ago she seemed upset, she was now joyful again. She nudged me in the shoulder, with a huge smile on her face.


Atsuko Viola: (Cheerfully) ‘And remember that I m...make better snow a...angels!’


We both laughed.


Atsuko Viola: ‘A...anyway, w...what's for b…breakfast?’


Before I could answer, she started running down the stairs.


Atsuko Viola: ‘R...race you d...down!’


I didn't keep up with her. I was sat wondering why such a shy, caring person, could switch to being energetic and excited, to being a secretive and dark in thought. It all wasn't adding up to me. Something about Atsuko seemed odd, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it at the time. I feel really stupid now, but back then I just couldn't understand.


Anyway, I joined everyone downstairs for breakfast. I had a couple of apples for breakfast, whilst the others seemed to prefer cooked meals.


The only person who wasn't eating was Miu, as she seemed more focused on her pet bird more than anything else.


When breakfast ended, everyone began to split off from the bar and start heading around town together.


I didn't.


It was about time I did what I wanted to do most of all in this town.


Get my own back.


You see, When I was a lot younger, I had a “Friend” who decided it would be funny to lodge my old hunting rifle into the town's central statue.


I wanted to go and get it back. Not to use, but just to put it beside my father's grave.


With no hesitation, I headed straight for the old statue.


On arriving, I found it strange to see people out and about. Three young men in hoodies were sat around the statue, smoking something that didn't really smell like tobacco to me.


As I approached, their conversation ceased.


All three men seemed to be wearing the same thing. Each of them had a set of combat trousers, followed by a rather thick jacket to keep the cold out.


The first man walked over to me with a harsher look about him.


Man (1): ‘What kind of fucking joke is this?’


I didn't respond. Instead I walked past him to the statue.


Both of the men who were sat at the statue stood up and blocked my path.


Man (3): ‘Don't think your getting through us you piece of shit.’


Man (2): ‘Check him, might have something of value.’


With a filthy smirk, the third man pulled out a knife and pointed it at me.


X.D: (Under my breath) ‘....don't make me do this.’


I could hear the man behind me clock a pistol of some kind.


Yet, somehow, as he started pulling the trigger, my body reacted on it's own.


Ducking backwards, I grabed the gun just in time and moved it towards the other man. As he pulled the trigger, the bullet traveled and went straight through the other man's arm.


Then, Drawing my blades, I stabbed backwards through the man's chest. Pulling the blade out at speed, I swiped upwards in an arc, Killing the other two in mere seconds.


Upon regaining control, I fell to my knees in absolute horror. I had no control of myself, I just….


I noticed the others, who had been watching the entire time. Although, to my surprise, nobody apart from Ryu seemed to be phased.


Miu Shizuka: (walking towards me with a very wide smile) ‘Nicely done pumpkin. You surely showed them.’


She put her hand out in an offer to help me up.


X.D: ‘(Taking her hand, standing up) ‘But...I didn't mean to…’


Yuuto Ito: ‘Yeah, this may be my fault…..Atsuko, could you give us a second?’


Atsuko passed me the laptop. Then, I walked a few steps away and sat propped up against the wall. I felt silk from guilt and adrenaline.


Yuuto Ito: ‘You know about the parasites, right?’


I had nearly forgotten about them.


X.D: ‘Yeah, Miu has the “X” one, doesn't she?’


Yuuto ito: ‘Well, you know what they do to you right? Take over the blood cells and become them?’


X.D: ‘Yeah, what about it?’


Yuuto ito: ‘Well, the parasite works in symbiosis with the body. It tries it's hardest to keep the host healthy, as well as give them added bonuses such as speed, regenerative abilities, exedra. However, if the parasyt feels as though the host is in any immediate danger, it tends to take over…’


X.D: ‘I have a parasite?’


Yuuto ito: ‘No Xyro, you have two…’


X.D: ‘ does that work? If they take over blood cells….’


Yuuto Ito: ‘funny thing is, they really shouldn't work. And they don't. However, your different in the fact that your body has technically been halved. Any blood cells carry oxygen around your body contain the white “Y” parasite, while those without oxygen are the “X”. Since they don't combine, they seem to just neutralize themselves for the other parasite to use. In other terms, they are also working in symbiosis for some reason…’


He paused to look at something.


Yuuto Ito: ‘look, i'm not a great with this kind of thing, but you know that you have unlimited ammo and that kind of thing? Well it's because the two parasites seem to combine to form an unstable compound. In other terms, your blood is also highly explosive…’


X.D: ‘...So i'm unstable?’


Yuuto Ito: ‘You are stable, and you can learn to control when the parasites prock. After all, your their host, they will obey you if you command them. It's just going to take a very, very long time to learn how.’


In a way, I felt a little better and worse at the same time. On one hand, I had the ability to learn to become better, however, in the meantime, I was likely to hurt someone if my life was threatened.


With nothing more to say to me, I returned the laptop to Atsuko, who tried to give me a comforting smile.


Ryu Jianar: ‘Well, what do we do now? We can't just leave the bodies….’


He turned to gesture at them, but they had already disappeared.


Standing next to the statue, miu was dabbing her mouth with the napkin, since she had a little blood left over.


We all could put two and two together. We stared at her in disgust.


Miu Shizuka: ‘What? My mother told me never to waste a meal.’


With our number one concern out the way, I reached around the back of the statue. Wedging my hand between a small opening, i was able to split the stone in order to retrieve the rifle.


Luckily, it was almost completely intact, apart from a large gash down the side of the barrel.


Before returning to the bar, I went up to the starlle tree alone. Without any words, I placed the hunting rifle beside my father's grave.


Once i got back to the bar, I was greeted by a rather sympathetic look from wendy.


THing is, she already knew about the time I revenged my family’s death. In her mind, this was no different.


After all, Ryu had explained to her about them threatening me. Out here, if anyone even threatened Wendy in the bar, she would have the right to put a shotgun shell through their skull.


Without causing more grief, she simply hugged me, then we had diner.


That night, I was restless.


It's weird how I could feel guilty about killing known murderers, and yet Miu could eat their corpses and then sleep happily.

That's just a life thing I guess.

Day 9

Chapter two: Day nine: moving on out!

Well, today was interesting. I was just about to start writing parts to this backstory when Atsuko came in with Lucia to show me...


Oh, wait. This counts as a *spoiler*, doesn't it?


Damn it!


I can't wait to get further into the story already. It sreally hard to keep looking back on the past and not write on a daily life basis.


Damn you Ryu, why do you have to be so picky.


And yeah, I know you read this over to check my mistakes, but you know it's true!


Anyway, Today was the day that we were Flying to Britain!


But, the day started for me at three A.M, so I had plenty of time to get ready.


Miu told us all that the plane leaves at eleven, so I had allot of time until we were scheduled to take flight.


That didn't mind me though. I had my own priorities for the morning.


The window in my room was locked with a bolt. It was easily removed.


Making sure not to make allot of noise, I climbed out the window and dropped down to the street below.


It was unusually dark for three in the morning, But that was not important. The last thing that I wanted to do in this town, quite simply, was to watch the sun rise over the town with my family.


The walk to the tree was long, dark and cold. It felt like an hour before I could finally hear the faint chime of the icicles in the trees branches.


Arriving, I took no time to recover from the walk, and instead I climbed to the top of the Starlle and sat on the old perch me and my father had made.


I remember the times that me and my Father would sneak away from home on special occasions, and just talk on the top of this tree. Sometimes, we even used to stay up for so long, that we were able to watch the sun rise over the distant town and villages. I wanted to experience this memory one last time.


I was so caught up in the moment, I didn't notice the pair of glowing red eyes bellow me.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Do you mind if I join you, Xyro?’


I jumped so much, that I nearly fell from the perch.


X.D:(Shouting) ‘Miu! How did you….’


Miu Shizuka: (Giggling) ‘I watched you jump out of your window this morning, so I followed.’


I recovered and sat back onto my original spot. Miu took a seat beside me.


Miu Shizuka: ‘What are you doing all the way out here anyway Xyro?’


X.D: ‘I wanted to watch the sunrise one last time before we leave. It's just something me and my father used to do…’


I looked down through the branches at the grave markers bellow. Miu noticed what I was looking at.


Miu Shizuka: ‘I am so sorry for your loss, Xyro…’


X.D: ‘You don't need to feel sorry. As I said, it was a long time ago.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Even the past is worth grieving over. It's what makes the future stronger for us all.’


For reasons I still don't understand to this day, Miu took a small knife from her boot and sliced the tip of her finger. The black blood came swirling out from the cut in circular motions in the wind, and within a few seconds, the wound was completely healed.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Just remember, we’re all here for one another. In a way, we are family now. Don't ever forget that.’


Her red eyes pierced through the morning Darkness.


Miu Shizuka: ‘Tea?’


She poured me a small cup of the…cold...liquid.


Time seemed to pass by. The two of us sat there in silence, waiting for the sun to rise.


The ball of light slowly crawled over the horizon. It brought life to the frozen landscape, which all at once, seemed to form into a valley of mirrors. As the sun sat there in the sky, I realised that the blinding light no longer burned my eyes. I was able to stare into the large sphere, without having to look away in pain.


Miu Shizuka: ‘We should get going now Xyro. We will be flying soon, and I don't want to keep the others waiting…’


She took a stand and helped me off the seat.


Miu Shizuka: ‘And besides, If I was to stay here any longer, I don't think I could find the heart to leave.’


We descended the tree and made our way back to town.


X.D: ‘You know, I'm not really going to miss this place that much.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Really? Why would that be?’


X.D: ‘The landscape is nice and all, but it's rather boring here. The only things I used to do was either go hunting or go to school. It's not exactly the most exciting life, isn't it?’


Miu’s purple bird fluttered down and landed on her shoulder.


Miu Shizuka: ‘I hope you don't mind, but I'm taking this little guy with me. I am not exactly sure what his name should be, though.’


She placed a small crumb of bread into the bird's beak. Instead of obliging, the bird spat the bread out and pooped on her shoulder. She wiped it off with the back of her hand in disgust.


X.D: (Laughing) ‘He's a polite little guy!’


She didn't seem to impressed.


As we arrived back into town, We found that everyone was waiting outside the bar, fully equipped with their belongings.


Wendy was combing Ryu’s hair with the back of her hand.


Wendy Jianar: ‘...And you promise me that you will stay out of danger whilst you are gone...’


Ryu Jianar: ‘Yes mom…’


Wendy Jianar: ‘...And remember to eat healthy, and brush your teeth thoroughly…’


Ryu Jianar: ‘Yes mom…’


Wendy Jianar: ‘...And don't talk to any strangers…’


Ryu Jianar: ‘OK, mom, I understand!’


His anger seemed to make Wendy smile.


Wendy Jianar: ‘Good, then take care, sweetie. And please stay safe.’


She wrapped her arms around him. Ryu rolled his eyes and hugged her back.


Lewis noticed Miu and I arriving.


Lewis Sterg: ‘Here they are!’


Everyone seemed to let out a sigh of relief.


Wendy Jianar: ‘And where did you to go off to so early in the morning?’


X.D: (Mumbling) ‘To the Starlle tree…’


Wendy Jianar: ‘Awwww, Xyro!’


She hugged me the same way she did Ryu.


Wendy Jianar: ‘Stay safe, please. And keep an eye on Ryu for me. I know that he needs to go and explore, but make sure he stays in one piece, ok?’


I peered over her shoulder. Miu was staring at Ryu, who was reading a book. As he looked up at her, she angrily shouted at him for looking at her without permission.


X.D: (Whispering) ‘Don't worry. I think Miu already has him covered.’


We both broke from the embrace.


Yuuto Ito: ‘Hurry up people, we have ten more minutes until we go!’


So, with our last goodbyes to Wendy, we made our way over to the airport. Surely enough, there was a large cargo plane waiting for us.


The pilot seemed like a nice enough guy. He showed us into the cargo bay of the plane. It wasn't first class, but at least it had seats, windows, and was rather spacious. Within an hour and a half, we were loaded and ready to take flight.


X.D: ‘Whelp. This is it. We are finally leaving for Britain.’


I whispered to myself.


X.D: ‘...I finally did it, mum…’


Ryu Jianar: ‘I can't wait to see Britain. I have heard rumors that it is one of the nicest places on earth. The weather can be a bit unpredictable, though.’


The plane's engines fired up. The craft began to rattle as it sped up along the runway. It shuddered as the wheels of the plane lifted up from the ground.


We were airborne.


As the ground seemed to grow distant, I turned from the window to see how the others were doing.


Everyone seemed to be as they should. Ryu was reading, Miu was playing with her bird, Dakota and Lewis were staring out the window, and Atsuko was huddled on the floor of the plain in a safety position.


X.D: ‘ Atsuko, what's wrong?’


Atsuko Viola: (Shaking a little) ‘I...It's just that w...we are so f...far off the ground.’


I then remembered her fear of heights. I knelt beside her.


X.D: ‘You know, having a fear of heights is natural, but just remember that You really are safe at the moment Atsuko. If the worst comes to worst, and something bad does go wrong, remember that I will do anything in my power to protect you all.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘Y...yeah, I know. J...just don't make me l...look out of of the windows.’


She gave me a timid smile.


X.D: ‘You can always listen to music if you really need to. I don't think anyone would mind.’


The sudden realisation and excitement spread across her face. She reached into her pocket, and pulled out a small cube, which was covered on one side with buttons, and on the other a screen displaying music titles. All of the songs had been made by Atsuko herself.


She plugged the headset into her ears and sat back against one of the chairs at ease.


Just like the majority of plane rides, It seemed to last forever, and was rather boring. The most excitable thing that happened on that day was the whole lot of us singing a song together.


I can't really remember the words, as it was a boredom song, but I do remember that it made everyone laugh near the end, as Dakota had fallen asleep, so we all shouted it into his ears to wake him up.


He jumped so hard, that he hit his head on the roof of the plane.


As soon as night came, the sky began to darken.


Visibility through the black veil outside was useless. It was like trying to see anything through closed eyes.


I decided to wait until everyone fell asleep before turning off one of the small oil lamps that lit up the cargo bay.


I can't believe I actually tried to blow out the oil lamp for the first five minutes until I realised that a huge plate of metal blocked any kind of air from leaving out the front of my face.


Instead, I pinched the light out with my fingers.


I must admit, as I laid down on one of the chairs to go to sleep, I would never have realised how Peaceful the sound of engines could have been.

I fell asleep to the soft rumble they excreted.

Day 10

Chapter two: Day ten: Arriving in one piece...

The sudden shudder from the plan stirred me from my rest.

Assessing the situation, I realised that we must have just hit a bit of turbulence, since nothing bad seemed to be happening.


However, a little bit of shouting was coming from a little further in front of me.

Miu Shizuka: ‘I swear to god Dakota, if you poke me one more time, I will tear you in half!’

I looked over to the two of them. Surely enough, Dakota was poking Miu in the back. But, he didn't seem to take her warning seriously. He extended his arm one last time, and poked her.

Miu’s turned, grabbed his finger, and snapped it back. A loud crunch filled the cargo bay, followed by girlish screams of pain.


Dakota rolled around on the floor for a while, as Miu remained seated on her chair with her arms folded.

I was surprised to find that Atsuko was still fast asleep. She was curled up into a bundle against one of the seats, using her hoodie as a blanket. A small ray of light was shining through the window onto her face. However, Miu’s bird flew over, and began pecking at her shoe.


As Atsuko got up, her eyes seemed to glisten in the sun.

This is the part where I realise that I was staring at her like a complete idiot.

In an almost involuntary panic, I threw myself back against the seat, and tried to act cool.

“Way to get them Xyro, acting cool. It's not as if you're a hideous robot, with the head of a potato or anything. Its also not as if you are technically a murderer now. Nothing gets the ladies hotter than that!”

Yeah, sarcasm overload.

Atsuko walked over and sat beside me.

Atsuko Viola: ‘W...what t...time is it?’

X.D: (looking out the window) ‘By the looks of things, it's about twelve-ish.’

Atsuko Viola: (Wiping her eye with the back of her hand) ‘ long do we h...have until we get t...there?’

X.D: ‘I have no idea.’

Atsuko was still rather sleepy. She yawned loudly, stretching her legs and arms out. I did the same.

That's when she looked out the window.

Instead of going into a panic, she just stared out into the golden laced sky.

Then, her eyes drifted away at something else.


Atsuko Viola: ‘W...what’s that?’  

At first, I couldn't see what she was looking at, but then I saw them. Five aircraft, arranged into an arrow formation, were aiming directly for us. Each of them werent planes, considering that they all seemed to be powered by some kind of rocket-linked system.


They were in fact low orbit spacecraft….


...And they were not friendly.

Lewis Sterge: (Also looking out the window) ‘Get ready. We have a fight on our hands!’

Everyone scrambled out of there seats, and began to grab equipment. We Didn't know what to expect.

Suddenly, the plane was thrown sideways by the impact of something against the tail end of it. One of their interceptor ships had latched onto the back, and was preparing to send breaching troops in.

I signaled for everyone to get down, and stay silent.

About ten armed troops dropped through into the cargo bay with us. They were all heavily armoured, with what seemed to be some sort of machine guns.

One of the armed troops began to speak.

IWEC trooper: ‘We have direct orders to either capture or eliminate you all. If you don't stand down immediately, we will be forced to fire and take down this plane with you all inside!’

I looked over to Miu, who had her claws at the ready. We exchanged a glance, and noded.

I unsheathed both of my guns, and fired. At the same time, Miu advanced, slicing into the neck of the closest soldier.

They all began to fire, but me and Miu took them all out rather quickly.

Noticing the death of the breaching crew, the ship instantly dislodged itself from the plane, then rejoined the other ships.

Yet, a loud bang and the smashing of glass drew us all over to the pilot seats.

Spending no time at all, Dakota grabbed the door and ripped it off the frame.

Inside, we could see that the pilot had been shot through the head, as his limp body sat head first on the controls.


With no time to lose, Miu ran into the cockpit, grabbed the pilot, and threw him out of the window. She then placed a pair of the pilots sunglasses on, and took control of the plane.

Ryu Jianar: ‘Do you know how to fly this thing?’

Miu shizuka: ‘Unlike you, peasant, I had my own private jet when I was younger. My butler taught me the basics when I was three!’

She paused, and grabbed a small lever.

Miu Shizuka: ‘Here goes nothing. Grab onto something, if you wish to live through this.’

She pulled the lever upwards. The entire craft ascended straight up, causing two of the smaller IWEC ships to crash into each other.

The rest of us were thrown about inside of the cockpit.

As soon as it went to the right distance, Miu stopped, pulled the lever down, and rotated the plane in spiral motions back into the direction of Britain.

Off in the distance, we could see the small country. It was about a thirty minute flight away.

But, the IWEC were persistent.The three remaining ships began to fire at us. Their bullets tore through one of the wings, Throwing the plane completely off balance.

A loud bang caused Miu to go red with anger. She looked at me through her shades.

Miu Shizuka: ‘I think they just took out our left engine. We need that repaired, now!’

Unfortunately, we only had one person who was able to repair it.

X.D: ‘Atsuko, we need you to get that fixed, now!’

Atsuko Viola: ‘B...but, but…’

X.D: ‘It's our only shot. Don't worry, I will cover you.’

I handed her a small line of rope, and tied it around my waist and her’s.

Atsuko began crawling across the left wing of the plane until she reached the engine. She lodged herself between a piece of scrap and began working. I joined, by moving out onto the wing besides her. The wind was so strong, that I was surprised that Atsuko was still clinging on.

One of the ships swooped down besides us, and dropped two of the IWEC troops onto the wing. The two seemed to have some kind of strong magnetic-release boots, as they were able to stay upright without slipping off.

The one on the right to me tried lunging at me with some kind of black blade, which hissed as it passed my ear. I retaliated by punching him straight in the stomach, and extending my hand blade. The guys body slumped off the plane, but his boots remained firmly attached.

The other one tried the same thing, but to Atsuko. I blocked the blade with mine, which caused sparks to fly. In order to make It easier for me, I shot him instead by quickly drawing one of the revolvers.

Atsuko Was now finished with the engine. We began moving back into the plane.

One of the ships passed over us. My reflexes took over.

I extended my arm upwards, and my blade passed straight through it's lower engine. The ship went spiraling downwards.

But, the falling scraps clipped our plane, rocking it to the right.

Atsuko lost her footing, and flew off the wing. Luckily, The rope caught her fall. She screamed as she was suspended in the air, and passed out.

I pulled her up and into my arms, then carried her inside.

I placed her onto one of the seats and went to check on Miu.

Miu Shizuka: ‘She did it! The engine seems stable now! I think we are going to make it!’

A voice came in through the plane's intercom.


Strangely enough, the voice was deep and robotic.

???: ‘Don't think you're getting away that easily! We have ground troops with a lock on you all! Say goodbye!’

We watched helplessly as a barrage of rockets began speeding towards us from the ground.

Miu span the plane around just in time for all the rockets to impact the wings instead of the main hull.


The plane now longer had any wings or back, and was hurtling straight down.

Lewis Sterge: ‘Were going to have to jump!’

Dakota Way: ‘We only have four parachutes though! What are we going to do!’

X.D: ‘Don't panic! You four take one and jump! I will join you with Yuuto and Atsuko In a second. Good luck on your way down.’

I watched as the four of them grabbed a parachute, and jumped.

I went over to where Atsuko was unconscious, grabbed her and her backpack.


Just like a typical action movie, I jumped.

The final set of missiles impacted the hull above me. I had made it out just in time.


As I fell, I made sure to hold Atsuko above me in an embrace, so that I would hit the ground first. I didn't really care If I died, as long as Atsuko was ok.

The sensation of falling caused my head to grow heavy.

I blacked out before I hit the ground…

(End of chapter 2)

© Copyright 2016-2017 james Coventry
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