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Chapter ten: Day one: Prison sucks

It's still strange to me to think that a group like the IWEC would consider designing a high security prison out in the middle of nowhere.


It’s difficult enough to imagine the IWEC keeping hostages, let alone prisoners.


Nethertheless, I had to go there, no matter what.


If it meant saving them, I had no other option.



We had been flying for over six hours.


It got to the stage where the two of us stuck the aircraft onto autopilot so that we could play a song.


He played the flute, whilst I used the hull of the ship as a set of drums.


That took up a few more minutes before we got bored again.


I think in the end, we both just chilled out in the front seats and questioned life.


Jamie Eruu: (Mid thought) ‘...But, if colors can only been seen through our eyes because that's how spectrums work, then what do colors look like to you? Your eyes are made of something different after all!’


X.D: (Shrug) ‘Nothing seems any different to me.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Yeah, but that's the thing! What….what if your seeing completely different colors to me, but your brain just perceives them now as the same colors it did before when they actually aren't?’


X.D: (Hand on chin) ‘….didn't think about that…well, either way, I haven't seen any colors that look amazing, so it's not like I have super vision or something.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Thats a shame.’


X.D: ‘Yeah.’


We sat there in silence for a while, pondering at other life questions.


X.D: ‘I have one. What's the point in having small wooden railings next to cliffs?’


Jamie Eruu: (BBluntly) ‘To stop people falling off.’


X.D: ‘Yeah, but how? They only come up to your waist, and most of the time they have holes through them anyway.they're useless!’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Ehh, well, I guess it's better than nothing?’


Silence again for a few minutes.


Jamie Eruu: ‘Xyro, do you ever…. Go to the toilet?’


X.D: ‘What? Why?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Well, you eat and drink things…. But you've never gone on a toilet break….so where does it all go?’


X.D: ‘(Stroking my chin) ‘....good point….hmmmm….’


At that stage I hadn't even questioned it myself.


X.D: ‘...whatever weird process goes on in there, I don't really want to know.’


Jamie nodded in confirmation.


X.D: ‘...why didn't people evolve to fly.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Yeah, I wondered that. Guess we are a bit too heavy though.’


X.D: ‘But we would have evolved to be lighter.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘True….then again, why would we need too?’


X.D: ‘Easier to get places?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘But we have vehicles to fit that gap.’


X.D: ‘Would you count that as evaluation?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Well, we invented them with our brains, so yeah, of course!’


X.D: ‘Huh, never thought of it that way.’


Jamie Eruu: (Smiling) ‘If we didn't have our brains, we wouldn't have been lazy enough fuckers to make transport to get to places without the effort.’


X.D:  ‘Speak for yourself!’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Oh yeah, then why are you in this ship then huh?’


X.D: ‘Because if I swim there, how am I meant to transport the others? On my back?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Yeah yeah, excuses.’


X.D: ‘...’


Jamie Eruu: ‘...’


X.D: ‘...Any other questions?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘...hmmm….let me think….’


X.D: ‘....’


Jamie Eruu: ‘....Xyro?’


X.D: ‘Yeah?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Why do you talk to yourself so much?’


X.D: ‘What?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘You talk to yourself allot. Whenever you're out doing work, I see you talking to yourself all the time. Not in the creepy way, but just, you know, about the work and whatnot. I mean, Dakota does it too, but that is weird….’


The image of Dakota screaming encouragement at himself whilst training nearly made me laugh out loud.


X.D: ‘I find it easier to talk to myself about things rather than to just think it. It's easier to get the point across that way. Do you understand or?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Not really, no.’


X.D: ‘*sigh* I guess it's just easier for me to say it out loud rather than to think. I get muddled up allot in my own head.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Fair enough.’


X.D: ‘Yeah.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘...’


X.D: ‘...’


Jamie Eruu: ‘(Looking out the window) Hey, there's the defense grid.’


Surely enough, as I peered down at the ocean, the defense grid sat dormant in the waves below.


X.D: ‘ Were not too far then.’


Jamie Eruu: (Stretching) ‘Good, my legs have gone numb.’


It only took five more minutes before our destination fazed into sight.


As far out to sea as it possibly could have been, was a rather large island. Built not only around it but using it as a foundation, was a gargantuan prison.


The old stone walls of the place, combined with the apparent wear and tear against the rock from where the waves had worn away at them for centuries, lead me to believe that this place was not going to be fun.




Well, on principle, places that seem rather worn out and hostile tend not to be “Fun”.


Jamie Eruu: ‘...on second thoughts, I think I will stay in here…’


X.D: ‘Use your stealth before we land.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Wait, what?’


X.D: ‘He said for me to go, not you. Use the stealth and follow. If anything goes wrong, your my backup.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Alright.’



As we approached the prison, we received a direct call onto the ship's con.


The person on the other end was obviously a guard, but he simply told me to land the ship on one of the landing pads in the courtyard.


Complying, I set the ship's landing gear on.


X.D: ‘Cloak, now.’


Jamie hit a switch on his device and he fazed quickly out of existence.


Upon setting on the ground, I hopped out of the cockpit.


Peering around, I was quickly greeted by a familiar face.


Viro: (Approaching, accompanied by a bunch of guards) ‘...Xyro.’


X.D: ‘(Nodding politely) ‘Yukki.’


Viro: ‘(Turning aggressive instantly) ‘It's Viro!’


X.D: ‘Whatever. Where are they.’


Viro: ‘Who?’


X.D: ‘Don't play like a smartass with me. Where are they.’


Viro: (Grinning) ‘Someone's a little impatient!’


His cybernetic eye was glowing a bright red. His grin made me feel uneasy.


Viro: ‘I'm sorry to say, but Andracks not here right now. But don't worry, we will send for him soon enough.’


X.D: ‘He’s not here?’


Viro: ‘Nope. Went offshore for….reasons… for now, welcome!’


X.D: ‘I don't have time for this. Where….’


He stopped me from repeating myself.


Viro: ‘All in good time. Now, I have ….work….to be doing. Show him to his room.’


X.D: (Aggressively) ‘Room, or cell?’


Viro: ‘Don't worry, we know well enough not to cage you in like an animal. You have one of the guards rooms for now.’


I weighed my options.


X.D: ‘....Alright.’


I followed the two guards, whilst Viro went off in the opposite direction.


At this point, I had a better chance at looking around.


Just like I imagined, the courtyard seemed the exact same as any other: Open, filled with dirt and swarming with guards.


Although the experience was short, it only really seemed to get worse inside.


With no signs of ever being cleaned, the floors and walls were lined with dirt and mold. The stone bricks acting as the foundation appeared cracked, allowing for rather cold gusts of wind to pass through with ease.


Each cell I passed was the same. Rusted, old, abandoned.


This place seemed less like a prison then a ghost town. Well, that would be the case if it weren't for the countless amounts of roaming guards.


After ascending a floor, I was lead into a more subtle looking airea. This was clearly the guards quarters.


X.D: ‘This place seems way too abandoned for guards.’


Neither of the two spoke to me.


X.D: ‘Ahhh, you’re those kinds of guards. RIght.’


The two stopped at a room. Opening the door, I was politely shoved in. Once I was inside, I heard the door behind me lock shut.


X.D: (Going up through the door, looking through a large open hole) ‘Hey! What the hell!’


Guard: ‘Relaxe. Your locked in here for the evening.’


X.D: ‘Oh really?’


Guard: ‘Yep. Just for the evening though. You know, boss's orders.’


X.D: ‘Right. Well then, at least give me my privacy!’


The guard rolled his eyes and pulled across the cover to the hole.


As soon as I heard the two leave, I took a seat on the small bed in the centre of the room.


Peering around, the room was incredibly plain. White painted walls, a single bed and a window. That was it.


I leant back on the bed and let out a huge yawn.


X.D: ‘You can turn your cloak off in here you know.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Don't worry, this thing lasts nearly forever anyway.’


X.D: ‘I meant out of principle. It's weird talking to thin air.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘But you do it when working! How’s this different?’


X.D: ‘For starters, your talking back!’


Jamie Eruu: (Going back to the main concern) ‘So….what now?’


X.D: ‘Now? We wait!’


Jamie Eruu: ‘....but….’


Before he could respond properly, I rolled over to get some sleep.


Jamie Eruu: ‘Xyro? Xyro! This isn't funny! What am I supposed to do!......I need to pee Xyro….Xyro!’



Day 2 (1/4)
Chapter ten: Day two: Part one: Negotiations suck



*Thud Thud Thud!*


I rolled over and sat up.


Although the morning light was shining through the cell window, I still felt that gastaldy cold wind seeping its way through me.


Shivering, I got up to answer the door.


X.D: ‘Yeah, whats up?’


Guard: (Calling from behind the door) ‘Andrack has requested you.’


X.D: ‘Alright, just give me a sec!’


I turned and looked around the room.


X.D: ‘(Whispering) ‘Jamie? You up?’


Jamie Eruu: (Right beside me, still invisible) ‘It's hard to sleep on fucking concrete.’


I took that as a yes.


X.D: ‘(Yelling out the door) ‘Yeah, I'm ready now!’


The latch on the door fell as the guards opened it. Leading me along a few hallways and down a few more flights of stairs, we were in what I assumed to be a celler.


Although the countless amounts of people in overcrowded chambers told me otherwise.


They had stored everyone in small cells with at least ten other people. It was horrible to say the least.


As I walked passed, I soon realised that these weren't even common criminals. These were families. Even kids.


Now, for me, it was not only a job of getting the other team out, but all of these innocent people as well.



It was a while before I got to my destination.


I was escorted into a fairly large, open hall, which was teeming with guards. And when i say teeming, I mean it was literally like a swarm. With both a mixture of human and mech, I watched as they all aimed at me as I entered.


Sat in the centre of this hall around a fold-up table, was Andrack. He was accompanied by Viro, who stood behind him like an obedient labrador.


Andrack: ‘Good morning Xyro! Care to take a seat?’


He kicked out an old wooden chair. Without a word, I sat. I had to fight my natural urge to say thank you. The bastard didn't deserve one.


Andrack: ‘Not much of a talker today? Is it because of what's happened in the past? Well, let me be the first to say….ermmm, what was that word again….’


Viro: ‘Sorry?’


Andrack: ‘...ahh! That's the one!’


X.D: (Repeating myself from the day before) ‘I'm not here to play around. Where are they.’


Andrack: ‘(looking back at Viro) ‘You weren't joking when you said he was being an impatient little prick.’


I almost went to lunge at him, but I was soon reminded of the hundreds of guards around me.


Andrack: ‘Geez, your a little more savage then I remembered Xyro. I thought we could sit here and have an adult conversation.’


X.D: ‘Adult conversation doesn't involve keeping people hostage Andrack.’


Andrack: ‘Hmmm, true, true…’


He paused, then turned all his attention to me fully.


Andrack: ‘So, down to the real business…. Let's do what I like to call a back and forth questioning system, hmmm? I ask one question and you answer, then visa versa. How does that sound?’


X.D: ‘That sounds like a normal conversation Andrack.’


Andrack: ‘Oh really, then I guess that means i'm not very experienced then.’


X.D: ‘May I go first?’


Andrack: ‘Certainly!’


X.D: ‘Where are they?’


Andrack: ‘Somewhere in this prison.’


X.D: ‘Give specifics.’


Andrack: ‘You didn't ask for them first, so, bad luck i'm afraid.’


X.D: ‘...fine…’


Andrack: ‘Well, when does your “leader” or whatever, plan to assault Russia?’


X.D: ‘Some time this year.’


Andrack: ‘....’


X.D: ‘I'm sorry, you didn't ask for specifics.’


Andrack: ‘Your turn.’


X.D: ‘Where are they in terms of this prison layout with exact details.’


Andrack: ‘Urghhhh, fine. Your group of “friends” are just down the hallway to the right in the private sector. As for the feline however….’


With a sickening smile on his face, Viro went over to the corner of the room and brought forth leilei…


With her arms and legs shackled, she stumbled as she walked.


Her face was covered with a cloth bag, although I could see the small trails of blood where she had obviously been beaten.


What got to me the most however was her tail.


X.D: ‘(Close to getting up and fighting) ‘....What have you done to her…’


Andrack: ‘Uh uh uh! It's my turn to ask the questions now.’


He leant forward a bit on his chair and clasped his hands in the old villain style pose.


Andrack: ‘Why do you care so much about these…. Pathetic excuses for soldiers.’


I remained focused on Leilei as I spoke.


X.D: (Beginning to get extremely agitated) ‘They're people Andrack. We all got forced into this Shit excuse of a war. And for what? Nobody has a fucking clue! You IWEC bastards are hurting people, and for what!’


His expression seemed blank, but the smile on Viro’s face behind him only made me worse.


X.D: (Fully shouting) ‘Answer me!’


Andrack: ‘Ok…. I'm feeling generous, I will answer both of those questions.’


He looked back at Viro with a rather disgusting aura around him.


Andrack: ‘I must say, I didn't have the thought initially, but watching this sorry excuse of a weapon fail to capture you made me really enjoy the idea of torture...’


I didn't even know that I could clench my lower jaw. However, in that instance, it tightened so hard that I could feel the drills inside colliding with one another.


Andrack: ‘....But, I had to go on shore for a little meeting. So, I left Viro here in charge. Would you care to do the honors?’


With a wide smile on his face, Viro lifted off the sack around Leilei’s face. Lifting her head upwards by her hair, he had beaten her so badly that one of her eyes had begun to change color.


As our eyes crossed, I could feel her pleading for help without any words.


Viro: (Showing her off like a trophy) ‘Well, I don't want to take all the credit. After all boss, you're the one who came up with the idea of snapping the bones in her tail on a day to day basis.’


That explained the disgusting zig zag pattern in her tail. They had been snapping a single bone every day, so that she now had nearly half of her tail protruding in different positions.


Leilei tried to speak, yet as she did so Viro went to hit her.


Before he could do so, his hand dropped.


Viro: (Im pain) ‘Argh, my wrist.’


Viro span around, yet nobody was there.


Andrack: ‘Quit complaining and get her out of here already.’


Grumbling as he left, I stared in anger at the boy I once knew, but now hated to the core.


Andrack: ‘As for the second question, why are we doing all of this….well, isn't it obvious?’


X.D: ‘Why would I ask the question if it was?’


Andrack: ‘Another good answer. You truly are a smart cookie Xyro. It's a shame we aren't on the same side you know. I mean, there’s always openings….’


X.D: ‘Go to hell!’


Andrack: ‘(Snorting before returning to the answer) ‘Well, we want world domination of course….but not in the way your pathetic human mind would think….’


He stood up and started to pace.


Andrack: ‘As it stands, this world is pathetic. People tend to live for such a short amount of time, yet are able to create such a huge amount of damage to the planet. Pathetic if you ask me. So, in the early stages, the IWEC worked hard every day to start finding a solution to their problem…’


He looked at me, then tilted his head, as if to have a huge grin on his face.


Andrack: ‘Option A: find a way to improve the whole of humanity or Option B: Destroy all humanity and replace them. Simple. So, our scientists worked ever so hard on making a solution. I mean, they did a pretty good job on you, but a damn side better on me.’


He raised his arm, then stabbed into it with the javelin at his side. As a rich white substance started to ooze out, it was only a matter of seconds before the whole wound sealed itself off.


Andrack: ‘These parasites, they are perfect for humanity. Yet, quite clearly, keeping a normal brain in there seems to be quite ineffective.’


I stood up from my seat to meet his gaze.


X.D: ‘What now then? What do you plan to do now?’


Andrack: ‘Now? Hah! Now….Plan B!’


He pulled out a small holographic box, which showed a whole set of map coordinates for the bases globally. Each facility which had been overtaken by the A.C was marked with a small red dot, whilst those facilities still under IWEC control had a red dot.


I was less than surprised to see that the only facility controlled by the IWEC was the one in Russia. All others had been controlled by us.


Andrack: ‘You may not see it now, but like the old saying goes, don't back a bear into a corner.’


X.D: (Coming to a sudden realisation) ‘And why tell me this?’


Andrack: ‘Oh, partly because this is a conference, and partly because I don't plan on letting you leave here.’


I went silent. I knew this was his plan. I just knew it.


Andrack; ‘But don't worry, we won't keep you here. Oh no, we have other plans.’


X.D: ‘Other plans?’


Andrack: ‘My boss has demanded for us to take you back and remove that tiny brain of yours. That way, it will be so much better to watch you kill all of your friends and loved ones, starting with all the traitors we have here.’


I remained silent. Yet, as he went to talk again, I intervened.


X.D: ‘(looking down)....I will kill you…’


Andrack: ‘I'm sorry, what was that.’


X.D: (Looking down, through a gritted jaw) ‘...When the time is right. When I get my chance. I will kill you. I will tear out whatever kind of heart you have left. You will die. Thats a promise.’


Andrack: (With a laugh) ‘I would love to see you try. Guards, take him back to his room. He has a long journey to make tomorrow. ‘


With that, I was escorted out of the room by a squadron of six guards, as Andrack disappeared out into the other hallway.



I was locked in my room. Again.


As before, I sat down on the bed, stretched out, then punched downward so hard that it split the whole metal frame in two.


Jamie Eruu: ‘(Whispering) ….Your right. They are monsters.’


X.D: ‘....’


Jamie Eruu: ‘What do we do now Xyro?’


X.D: ‘....I have a plan, but it would work a bit better if we had some assistance.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘What do you mean?’


X.D: ‘I know you brought that radio device with you. I know you didn't trust this plan to go right, and I'm glad you didn't, but don't lie in a time like this.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘....I wasn't, I kind of just forgot I had it.’


I dismissed his forgetfulness.


I guess that's why I don't really remember…..Nah.


I had another short joke there, but I forgot it.


X.D: ‘Right, Well, for starters, here's the plan….’


I whispered it in detail for him. The plan was simple: Sneak out, Jamie gets to a place with signal to call an extraction squad, whilst I cover him and gather the others.


X.D: ‘Got that?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Right, got it. When do we go?’


X.D: ‘Plan starts immediately. Quick question though, do you have a knife?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Yeah, a stag knife.’


X.D: (Taking it from his hands) ‘Perfect!’


With that, I walked over to the door.



Day 2 (2/4)
Chapter Ten: Day two: Part two:Torture sucks



Standing in front of the doorway, I began to knock.


X.D: ‘Hey, anyone out there.’


Guard: (Opening the flap on the door hole, peering in) ‘Yeah, what do you want?’


X.D: ‘Want to hear a joke?’


Guard: ‘....’


X.D: ‘Come on, it's a good one!’


Guard: ‘*sigh* I don't get paid enough for this shit. Go on then.’


X.D: ‘Ok, so what do you call a man with a knife in his eye?’


Guard: ‘I don't know, what do you call a….’


In an instant, I shot my arm through the doorway, thrusting the stag knife deep into the guard's skull. As I pulled the knife out, slowly, the guards body fell backwards.


Making sure that he wasn't still alive, I moved my arm to the right, then stabbed the knife through a little box located on the outside wall. As someone who used to ….well….Know their way around a building alarm system, I knew that the door was bound to be attached to an alarm.


Jamie Eruu: ‘(Watching me open the door) ...That was awful…’


X.D: ‘(Handing Jamie the now bloody knife) ‘Had to be done. Besides, the IWEC aren't exactly…’


Jamie Eruu: ‘No, not the whole stabbing thing. I meant that joke. It was horrible.’


X.D: ‘*Shrug* I would like to see you come up with something better on the fly.’


Subtly, I slipped out of the doorway, then dragged the body of the guard into the room, and locked it shut behind me.


Jamie Eruu: (Holding up the blood stained knife, currently out of invisibility) ‘Why did you have to use my blade anyway? Couldn't you have used your goddamn arm blades?’


X.D: ‘Nope. The blades just good enough to kill him without leaving large amounts of blood everywhere. My hand blades would have ended up decapitating him.’


Jamie Eruu: (Rather awkwardly trying to put the blade back into his pocket) ‘Alright then. I will go this way and try to find a higher point. Good luck Xyro.’


X.D: ‘You too Jamie. Just keep that cloak on and don't do anything stupid.’


With that, the two of us parted ways.


Retracing my way back to the conference room, I tried my hardest to stay concealed in the shadows.


Darting from corner to corner, I swiftly made my way through the room and down the corridor that I last remember Viro taking Leilei down.


Moving swiftly, I began to realise that this was truly the private sector.


Unlike the other areas, this one was so dark that I found it incredibly hard to see, even with my keen sense of sight. Furthermore, the damp in the air was so overbearing that i had to use my air filtration unit built into my mouthpiece.


Unsurprisingly, I turned a corner to see a single cell, surrounded by mechanoid three guards. Inside, chained up to the wall, was Leilei.


I bided my time, waiting for the perfect moment.


When one of them turned to face the other, I took my chance.


Drawing my hand blades, I dashed down the hallway and leaped arm first at the one closest to me, who dropped before I could even deal a second blow. The others, who had been caught off guard, tried their hardest to aim, but it was too late. Unarming the first (literally) I took his gun and shot the two of them through the head.


Breaking the cell door open, I walked slowly over to leilei.


As I approached, the girl began to cry out, as her head was still covered with the bag.


Leilei Chiko: (Crying) ‘Please, I...I didn't do anything….please don't….’


X.D: ‘(Removing the bag from her head) ‘Shhhh, Leilei, it's ok now, it's ok.’


In the dark, Leilei’s cat eyes shon brightly. One was yellow, the other, a bright shade of purple.


Upon cutting off the restraints from her arms and feet, she leaped forward at me.


Trembling, she cried against my chest. The poor girl was terrified out of her mind.


Although I felt awkward, I patted her on the shoulder.


X.D: ‘Are you able to walk?’


She nodded weakly.


X.D: ‘Alright, then let's go get the others and get out of here. Any idea where they are?’


She shook her head.


X.D: ‘Alright….Well, keep close.’


As we started to walk, I couldn't help but look down at the poor girl's tail. Even with the sickeningly twisted bone, the biggest thing that angered me the most was that yet another segmant had been recently snapped.


X.D: (Whispering whilst walking, noticing her stumbling in agony) ‘Don't worry, once we get you out of here we will get you back to normal. I promise.’


Leilei Chiko: (Weakly) ‘Thank You...erm...sir?’


X.D: ‘It's Xyro, pleasure to be of assistance.’


Even With her pain, she gave a friendly smile.


Then, slowly, we continued onward.




Meanwhile, on the complete other side of the prison…


Kamy Falvey: ‘(Tapping the wall with her fingers) ‘....This sucks. Like, really, really sucks.’


Muco Ufthen: ‘...’


Kamy Falvey: (To Muco) ‘No? Not even a “Yeah, your right Kamy! Like you always are!” or anything?’


Muco rolled over from his back to his side, facing away from Kamy.


Kamy Falvey: ‘....That's it!’


Kamy got up off the floor. She walked over to the other wall.


Kamy Falvey: ‘Hey, boneheads, let's get out of here!’


No responses were made.


In curiousity, Kamy peeked her head out through the bars to look into their cell.


Her eyes widened at what she saw.


The two boys had been silent for a while, since they had been creating explosives. Lining the doorframe with a thick wall of the grey substance.


Kamy Falvey: ‘Are you two mad? You will blow us all up!’


The two looked at her. Then, with a big smile across his face, Matchbox pulled a single matchstick out of his boot and lit a little wick hanging out the substance.


Diving for cover, Kamy rolled herself up into a ball and smothered her ears….


(Pathetic sounding explosion)


The blast was so small that it barely knocked the door off it's hinges. It needed a good push by Xiil to open fully.


Kamy Falvey: ‘ (Uncovering her ears)....I hate you guys so much…’


Xiil let of a rather deep chuckle, as he and matchbox walked out their cell.


Kamy Falvey: ‘Alright, now get me and Muco out too!’


Matchbox looked back and forth between Kamy’s cell and the incredibly small amount of explosive paste they had left.


Matchbox punched Xiil in the leg, then pointed at the cloth on the bed.


He had an idea.


Folding the bedclothes into a long thin line of rope, Yukkio wrapped the whole thing around a few of the bars, then began to twist. Slowly, the bars rattled and bent out of place, providing enough of a gap for her to squeeze her way through.


Kamy Falvey: ‘Why didn't you guys do that in the first place?’


Matchbox giggled, as he pointed at Xiil, then at his own stomach, which he began to pretend as if he was fat.


Xiil responded by punching him in the face, Hard.


Then, the two mimicked the same maneuver on Muco’s cell.


Kamy Falvey: (Squeezing through the gap) ‘Can you walk Muco?’


Muco silently tried to push himself up off the bed, but upon doing so, began to collapse onto the floor.


Holding him upright, Kamy Moved him out the cell and into the hallway.


Kamy Falvey: ‘Alright, let's get our weapons and get out of here. Any idea where we should start looking?’


Xiil Hangingu: ‘(Grunts that state that he had worked in this prison before as an old torturer, and knows where they store all the confiscated weapons and items from all the people.)’


Kamy Falvey: ‘(Taken aback by the idea of torture)....Ok….well…..lead the way.’


Walking ahead, Xiil showed the way, with his trusty companion at his side.


The two wandered along the hallways, offering no help to Kamy, who with her rather frail frame was struggling to carry Muco.


Arriving at a corner, the two peered around at a heavily guarded metal door. Bolted shut, it was surrounded by four mechanoid security guards, each holding a rifle.


Kamy Falvey: ‘(Peeping around the corner, whispering) FFS, what do we do now?’


Matchbox walked around the corner.


As he did so, Xiil grabbed him by the neck and pulled him back around, just as an array of bullets shot past.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Kamy, do you still have some of the wire?’


As soon as he had mentioned it, a wide smile spread across Kamy’s face.


(a few moments later)


Kamy Falvey: (From around the corner) Hey! Jerks! Bet you can't catch me!’


Angering the mechs, the four came rushing around the corner, fully armed and ready for combat…


….Yet, the line of cutting wire that Kamy had tied in the hallway sliced the four clean in half.


Kamy Falvey: (laughing proudly) ‘Hahaha, who said wire's aren't dangerous?’


Removing the wire and placing it back into her suite, the four took the keys from the guard then unlocked the door.


Entering, the team were immediately able to see their weapons. But, were also greeted by a hoard of items. Other weaponry, jewelry, armor, toys, clothing and other memorabilia covered the floor.


Kamy Falvey: ‘(Sticking her mini Uzi’s back up her sleeves, holding her guitar) It's so good to have you back! *hugging it*’


Although matchbox and Xiil didn't have any weapons on them in the first place, the two grabbed ahold of a gun each (Yukkio grabbing a pistol, and Matchbox wielding an AK47). Muco, who had retrieved his bat, checked it over for scratches, then placed it into the sheaf on his back.


Suddenly, the door creaked open.


Guard: ‘Hey! What are you doing in…’


His words froze as his head snapped to the side, before his body dropped limp.


X.D: ‘(Walking into the room) I see you were able to get out without any help.’


Ignoring me, Both Muco and Kamy looked at the timid girl behind me, who had now started moving over to the two of them.


Kamy Falvey: (Awkwardly hugging her in an attempt to try and not hurt her) ‘Oh my god! Kitten!’


Muco Gritted his teeth and gave me an evil stare.


Muco Ufthen: ‘What did you do to her!’


As Kamy started to walk closer to me, Leilei stopped her.


Leilei Chiko: ‘It's ok, Mr Xyro saved me. It was… Mr Viro who…’


X.D: ‘(looking at Muco) Trust me, if I get my hands on Viro or Andrack….’


Muco ufthen: ‘(In agreeance.) You and me both.’


I looked around the room and counted.


X.D: ‘Where are the other two?’


Everyone's silence gave me my answer.


X.D: ‘......’


Kamy Falvey: (Bringing the conversation back to it's original point to stop even more anger) ‘Well, Xyro, how are we going to get out of here? Also, where the hell is here exactly!’


X.D: ‘You're in a high security prison just outside Russia. This whole complex is an island.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Then what's the plan?’


X.D: ‘That's the part I haven't figured out yet.’


Just before she started an argument with me, the door once again creaked, yet closed shut by itself.


Jamie Eruu: (Coming out of invisibility) ‘Xyro, Captains on his way.’


X.D: ‘Wait what?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Turns out everyone expected you to go running off, so they organised the breaching party. We have Nessie and a squad of ships on their way. All the captain said was to make sure to remove any threats.’


X.D: ‘(Turning to Kamy) ‘Well, how about it? Want to go murder a few guards?’


Kamy Falvey: (With a bright light in her eyes) ‘It would be a pleasure sir!’


X.D:(To the room) ‘Alright, Please don't call me sir. It's just Xyro. I'm not a bloody teacher.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Ok Mr Xyro.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘(looking at Leilei and Muco:) what about leilei and Muco? They can't fight like this!’


Jamie Eruu: ‘I can stay here and protect them. And don't worry, we have a doctor….(looking at Muco’s legs) ….and a mechanic on their way too.’


X.D: ‘Atsuko and Lucia are coming?’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Everyone is. It's the final push Xyro. we need the whole team for this.’


I gave him a nod.


Kamy Falvey: ‘Well, come on, let's go kick some ass!’


Allowing Kamy, Matchbox and Yukkio to go first, I began to leave the room.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Hey, Xyro, one more thing.’


I stopped at the door.


Muco Ufthen: ‘If you see either of the two out there, make them pay.’


X.D: ‘I will Muco….I will.’


When I left the room, Leilei Curled up into a ball next to Muco, resting her head on the side of his legs. In return, a small relieved smile formed on his face. For now, his number one concern was eliminated.


As for me, my main concern was still as clear as day.


I had to secure this area.

I had to make it safe.

Day 2 (3/4)
Chapter ten: Day two: Part three: Fighting sucks

As expected, things were not easy.


Upon walking down the first hallway, I found myself struggling to keep the others from darting head-on into combat.


Removing a set of twelve guards (all human) without as much as a single response from them, I realised that my input as a leader was unnecessary.


They wanted combat. They knew their way around their weapons.


I knew to sit back and let the kids have fun with their toys.


Bursting into the armoury, Kamy cackled as she sprayed hell across the room from her mini uzi’s. Dropping bodies everywhere, she rushed deeper in, then unsheathed her guitar. Flipping it so that she was holding its neck, she tugged hard at one of its chords, activating the chainsaw blades.


With an arcing swing, the chainsaw teeth crunched through the body of a mech troop.


Once she was done, she held the chainsaw over her shoulder and deactivated it.


Kamy Falvey: (Wiping a bit of sweat from her head) ‘This was just one room. Let's go fight the next wave of enemies.’


Xiil Hangingu: (Grunts that say he and Matchbox will be right behind her.)


Kamy Falvey: (Reloading her guns, shrugging) ‘Your loss. Come on Xyro! Let's go!’


She rushed down the hallway. I plodded along after her.


Arriving back at the stairs leading up, I followed her out into the courtyard.


Walking casually out into the open, she held both uzi’s up into the air as all the guards on patrol pointed guns her way.


Kamy Falvey: ‘Good evening y'all! Are you all ready for the late evening entertainment?’


Most of the guards looked at each other in confusion.


Kamy Falvey: (Turning her head to me, whispered) ‘Xyro, this is your cue dummy! Light em up!’


X.D: ‘(Shrugging) ‘All yours Kamy. Ladies first.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘(Turning to me) Really? Awh, Xyro, that's so sweet, thank you!’


She turned to them with a massive grin on her face.


Then, she threw herself behind the cover of an old concrete wall and opened fire.


Taking down all nearby guards, she ducked back around in order to reload.


I didn't really feel like getting too involved, so I sat behind the cover and watched her have fun picking off the guards one by one.


Kamy Falvey: (Eventually ducking back around again, holding her guns out to me) ‘I'm out of bullets. Go on lazy bones, your turn!’


X.D: ‘*groan* fine.’


I stepped out from behind the cover.


I know I hadn't mentioned it before, But in my spare time I had been mastering the gift that Atsuko had given me.


Three slots on each of my arms opened, pushing out the tri-linked chain guns.


Each barrel began to spin. As the rain of black and white death sprayed out from my arms, they laid out complete and utter devastation to not only the guards, but the structure itself.


In the spur of the moment, I may have gotten a little out of hand.


Completely annihilating all opposition, I returned the chainguns back into my arms.


Kamy Falvey: ‘(Punching me in the shoulder like Dakota) That was awesome! GG!’


Viro: (Shouting) ‘Well, would you look at that! Andrack owes me some money after this!’


The boy was sat on top of one of the snipers nests. After shouting, he dropped down into the courtyard.


Viro: ‘(Walking towards us) ‘I made a bet that you would all attempt to escape. But funnily enough Andrack said you would be smart enough not to bother, considering your all stranded, alone, surrounded by enemies, blah blah blah blah blah. I'm not sure who’s the biggest fool. You or him.’


He drew both of his black blades. Each hissed as he swirled them around in the air.


X.D: (Drawing my hand blades) ‘You don't want to do this Viro.’


Viro: ‘Oh, but I do. I want to kill you. You and your little friends. Every last one of you.’


He began to clasp at the mechanical part of his head. As he did so, the bright green robotic eye shifted to a much brighter red.


Viro: (Voice changing to be deeper and mechanical)  ‘I will kill you, then I will make the others suffer for my own amusement.’


Kamy went to prepare her guitar, but I lowered her weapon and walked forward.


Viro: (Watching me walk towards him) ‘Look at you. Are you truly pathetic enough to think you can make me change my mind? After I’m done with you Xyro, I will….’


X.D: (Cutting im off, violently) ‘Just shut up already.’


Viro was Caught off guard. So, he remained silent as I approached.


X.D: ‘ of my biggest faults is having too much patience with people. I understand now why Yuuto said to all of us that you were no longer his brother. Because you're not. You never were Yukki. You were just in his shell, using it to play a sickening twisted game with all of us.’


I was now standing only a few steps away from him.


X.D: ‘...For that, I won't make your death fast.’


Strifing to the side, I swung hard at him.


Just barely dodging out the way, he came to a sudden stop, then did the same to me.


In a back and forth strike and strife, we darted around one another in an attempt to land a hit.


Noticing his movement pattern, I brought my arm down into the side of his leg, cutting a wide gash across his lower thigh.


Leaping back in pain, he dropped to the floor for a second, but in his anger he got back up to his feet in sheer anger and adrenaline.


Viro raised both of his blades over his head and brought them down hard into my left arm.


For the first time in a long while, I felt pain.


As each blade sank into the metal, It burned it's way through. Pulling my arm away, Two large gashes were left open.


Because of the way the metal blades were designed, the black metal stoped the parasites in my blood from healing the gashes.


Viro took a second to laugh at me.


That was his first mistake.


Taking the opportunity, I dashed to his left, then delivered a brutal kick into the side of his hip.


His second mistake was to try and block using both swords at once.


Placing my hand blades in between the two, I cut outwards, removing both the swords from his hands with force.


Defenceless, With a dislocated hip, Viro fell backwards onto the ground.


Viro: ‘(Looking up at me with a huge grin across his face) Go on then Xyro, I know you won't do it.’


His last mistake was giving me the option.


X.D: ‘Of course I won't…..’


I looked behind me, as Xiil and Matchbox started to approach. Each of the boys was carrying huge bags filled with many different types of torture devices, weapons, and even explosives.


X.D: ‘...but I have a few friends here who have a couple of things they want to talk to you about.’


I turned my back on him and walked away.


Standing above Viro now was Xiil and Matchbox. Cracking his knuckles, Xiil started rummaging through his bag, then pulled out a hacksaw, a hammer, a bunch of different sized nails, and a whole bunch of different acids.


Viro: (Slowly beginning to panic) ‘H...hey guys….I was you know, just messing around…. guys? ….No, please!’


Ignoring his pleads, I went to go back inside.


X.D: (Walking past Kamy) ‘Hey, come on, let's go secure the area.’


Kamy Falvey: (Not paying attention to me, looking over at the others) ‘Yeah yeah, just….let me watch a bit of this…’


X.D: ‘Kamy, I really don't think you want to do that…’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Oh really, how bad do you….’


From behind me, I heard the sound of a hammer being struck, accompanied by a hacksaw cutting into something. Then, the hollowing cries of agony from Viro.


Kamy’s face started going bright green as she tried to hold back gagging.


Kamy Falvey: ‘(Covering her eyes)....Yeah, alright, let's go…’


Day 2 (4/4)
Chapter ten: Day two: Part one: Negotiations suck

Once we were back inside, we made sure to not only deal with any stragglers (Either by eliminating or imprisoning them) Whilst setting free all the hostages.


My suspicions were correct. All the prisoners were in for defying the IWEC.


After situating everyone and tending to them by providing food and water, we also went through all the confiscated goods, providing everyone with exactly what was confiscated (luckily, each item had a label and a number dictated to the prisoner, so it was fairly easy to give back the correct items. Although a few items did seem to go missing, yet strangely Xiil and Matchbox were able to “Find and give back” The items.)


Then, I gathered everyone up into the courtyard.




It was a while before Nessie appeared off in the distance.


Trust me, it was a sight to see.


The giant boat spread the ocean in two as it sailed towards us, accompanied by a trail of other ships, that all looked like millions of tiny bits of shrapnel bobbing along in the ocean.


Upon arriving, the whole group of boats stayed motionless as Nessie came alongside the prison. I had almost forgotten the sheer scale of the ship, which towered over the whole island.


I waited for the side panel to drop, which allowed for the Capt’n, along with Kiri’s group, to all walk across into the courtyard.


Standing at the ready, I was with Jamie, who seemed incredibly nervous as the captain approached.


Capt’n: (with a wide smile) ‘Well well well! You boys did good here. Everyone seems safe, and we have a perfect safe house that we can use as an external waypoint. Great job you two.’


X.D: (Nodding at Kamy and the others) ‘Couldn't have done it without their help though.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘Does this mean we’re not in trouble?’


The Capt’n laughed for a few seconds. Then, his face took a serious tone.


Capt’n: ‘No. You are on toilet scrubbing duty for a week.’


Jamie Eruu: ‘B...but… Xyro was the one who…’


X.D: (Holding up my hands) ‘Wasn't my fault Jamie. Should have obeyed orders.’


Andrew, who appeared behind the captain, had a huge, smug grin across his face as he handed Jamie a plunger and a bucket.


Andrew Webber: (Smugly, with the tone of an annoying brother) ‘Just saying Jamie, floor three has a blocked toilet soooooo…. Get to work.’


Jamie grumbled as he plodded along slowly up the ramp into the ship.


Capt’n: ‘Xyro, a word please.’


He took me away out of earshot.


Capt’n: ‘...Look, Xyro, you know what i'm going to say, don't you.’


X.D: ‘I know.’


Capt’n: ‘And you understand the risks you're taking by keeping them on your team?’


X.D: ‘I read through their profiles. I Know what they're capable of…’


I looked back at the group.


X.D: ‘....Even if they aren't aware of it themselves.’


Capt’n: (Putting his hand on my shoulder) ‘Well then, whatever happens on their account is on you Xyro. I won't try and interject anymore.’


With a nod of the head, the Capt’n then started going back into the ship.


As he went through the doors, others started coming out.


Miu Shizuka: ‘(Calling down at me) Ahhh, Pumpkin, Kill anybody?’


Kamy Falvey: ‘(Cutting me off before I could answer, rushing in front of me) Yeah he did! He took out a whole group of them! It was awesome!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Oh, well hello again Kamy.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Good to see you too Miu!’


Turns out that on the day that they tried to take back the Paris facility, When Miu and Kamy went to fight, the two went to engage in combat, but instead stood around complementing each others clothes instead. In other words, the two were now “Besties”


Leaving those two to talk about things, Lucia ran over to me.


Lucia Ais: ^I heard that there are people in need of urgent medical care!^


X.D: ‘Yeah, they're over here Lucia.’


I lead her over to Muco and leilei, who were sat side by side on a crate.


Upon seeing leilei's state, Lucia would have dropped her jaw if she could, but her eye grew wider then ever.


Lucia Ais: ^The poor thing!^


Leilei Chiko: (Staring intently at Lucia’s hands, Giddily even in pain) ‘Mr Muco sir, what is she doing?’


Muco Ufthen: ‘(Looking at Lucia, then back at Leilei) ‘Sign language.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Sign….language?’


Muco Ufthen: ‘*sigh* She’s talking with her hands.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Really???’


Leilei looked down at her paws and wiggled them. She then, with a rather happy smile, raised her paws at Lucia and wiggled her “fingers” in an attempt to talk with her hands.


Lucia laughed from under her faceplate at the small girls silliness, then politely gestured for leilei to follow her back into the ship.


Muco Ufthen: (Waiting for the other two to go inside, then talking to me) ‘Did you find the other two?’


X.D: ‘Only Viro. Andrack must have gone back to Russia.’


Muco Ufthen: ‘What about Viro?’


As they passed, Matchbox and Xiil smiled and pointed over to a grave on the other end of the courtyard. Made with two old pieces of wood for a gravestone, it had a rather touching label.


(This was the label. Are you ready?)


“Here liez Viwro,

He was gowd up until the point he trie to kil uz.


P.s: Witen by matchbogz”


Couldn't have written it better myself.


X.D: ‘....Well, there’s your answer.’


Muco ufthen: ‘....’


X.D: ‘...We will get Andrack. Don't worry about that Muco. I made him a promise and I don't intend to break it.’


Muco gave me a silent nod, but added nothing more until Atsuko arrived.


Atsuko Viola: (At first, excited to see me, then immediately into concern)‘X...Xyro, what h...happend to your arm?’


I had almost forgotten about the slash wounds in my arm. Still indented, my parasitic blood started to reform the metal again, although it was taking a long time to return back to it's normal effectiveness.


X.D: ‘It's nothing Atsuko. Muco here’s the one who needs your attention.’


Atsuko immediately saw Muco’s legs and cringed at the crude slices made in the metal.


Atsuko Viola: (Nervously, silently) ‘I can m...make them back to n...normal, but it will take s...some time to w...weld shut the whole f….frame and get e….everything connected p...properly.’


Although Muco still does hate people, he tried his hardest to show his gratitude.


So, with Muco and leilei being treated, I spent a few moments gathering up groups of people and boarding them onto the rescue boats that were going back to Paris.


It was a long job, but in the end we managed to get everyone off the Prison island and on their way back to safety. Although to be fair, with the help from Lewis and Ryu, everything went smoother than expected.


Once complete, it was nearly night time.


Still sitting in the courtyard, I looked up at the sky.


Resting on the same crate that Muco and Leilie were sat upon, I tried to spot every star that I remembered from Alaska, although the stars seemed to be mostly absent from the night sky.


Dakota Way: (Walking over to me) ‘Yo, Xyro, there you are dude! How have you been?’


X.D: ‘*sigh* everything’s fine Dakota.’


Dakota Way: ‘Cool cool.’


He sat beside me on the ground, then laid down so that he too was facing the sky.


We sat in silence, until eventually Dakota spoke.


Dakota Way: ‘Life’s weird, you know. I mean, like, you're sat at home doing study, then you wake up in a weird research place and have to face big robots and stuff.’


X.D: ‘...Yeah…’


Dakota Way: ‘.....then you have to hurt people. I mean, bad people, but still people. You know?’


X.D: ‘....Yeah….’


Dakota way: ‘....Life sucks dude….’


X.D: ‘...........Yeah…….’


Dakota way: ‘........Yeah?’


I turned onto my side and faced Yukki’s grave.


X.D: ‘........yeah.’



Day 3
Chapter ten: Day three: Training sucks

Sitting up on the wall with my legs dangling over the ocean, the early morning sea breeze wafted around me. The refreshing coolness and smell was enough to keep me awake.


I still don't understand why I get so tired. I know it's something to do with the parasites in my blood, yet nobody has truly been able to explain it yet.


I sometimes get jealous of Miu though. She never gets tired.




That morning on the wall, Lewis clambered his way up and sat beside me.


Lewis Sterge: ‘It's a nice view up here kid.’


X.D: ‘Yep. The ocean looks nice in the morning.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Agreed.’


A moment of pause passed.


X.D: ‘What happened last night anyway? I remember going to sleep, but I woke up to Pint storming off into the prison.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Oh, right, well, after you fell asleep, everyone decided it was best to go back inside and leave you to rest. Long story short, Pint was happy to see the others, but he got angry when they told him about the other two, so he started drinking. Anyway, this morning he was still fairly drunk, so I think he’s just blowing off some steam or something. I don't really know kid.’


X.D: ‘Want me to go talk to him?’


Lewis Sterge: ‘*Shruging* Couldn't hurt.’


X.D: ‘What’s everyone else doing?’


Lewis Sterge: ‘Just things around the ship. Oh, and we have another briefing at lunch. The Capt’n wants to go over a few plans before we head on into Russia.’


X.D: ‘Ok. Thanks.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘No problem.’


I picked up one of the bricks beside me and tossed it into the waves below. It made a tremendous splash, before it sank out of sight.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Something playing with your mind kid? You seem pretty distant.’


X.D: ‘No, no, it's just….. Well, you know.’


Lewis was smart enough to know what I meant.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Kid, he wasn't the guy we once knew. Even Yuuto isn't hung up on him, and he was his brother. It's sad and all that everything had to end this way, but we don't have any other option but to move on.’


X.D: ‘'re right…sorry.’


Lewis Sterge: ‘For what?’


X.D: ‘For being so low.’


Lewis Sterge: (Patting me on the back) ‘If you wasn't upset about anything, you wouldn't be human.’


He laughed for a moment, then stared out at the sea.


Lewis Sterge: ‘Ahhh, I sometimes wonder what it would be like to live in a boat. Me and leona had plans to buy a decent size one.’


He took a deep breath, then sighed.


Lewis sterge: ‘Guess plans rarely turn out the way you think, hey?’


X.D: (leaping off the wall back into the courtyard) ‘We should really stop making plans then.’


Lewis Sterge: (Calling down to me) ‘That's a good idea!’


Leaving him up there, I headed on down into the prison to find Pint.


The search didn't really take long, since the mech gave his position away rather easily with the amount of vulgar swearing and gunshots.


He was inside the meeting place that I had encountered Andrack and Viro. With a few sets of IWEC armour nailed to the wall, he was using them as target practice. Still obviously drunk, He had a huge array of weaponry in front of him. From LMG’s to pistols, he kept picking weapons and firing, swearing up a storm with ever bullet fired.


X.D: (Standing in the doorframe) ‘Let me guess, blowing off some steam?’


Pint looked at me, shook his head in anger, then returned to firing at the targets.


Pint: (Through an angered voice) ‘They were good people Xyro. Good people. Now they're dead.’


Pint shot a few more times, then placed the gun down on the table with a thump.


Pint: ‘I knew I had a bad feeling when we left that place lad. I just knew it in my gut.’


He sat down on the same chair I did from before, then covered his face for a few seconds with his hands.


Pint: ‘....If we had just turned around, we could have done something. Gargh, this is all my fault.’


I leant against the wall.


X.D: ‘It's not your fault Pint.’


Pint: (Starting to raise his voice again) ‘Look lad, you can say that all you want but…’


X.D: ‘....But what? What did you think you could have done? Rushed back around and tried to get through that metal door? By the time we had gotten that thing open they would have been dead, or worse, we could have all died.’


Pint went completely silent.


X.D: ‘.....Look, Pint, I know it's hard not to blame yourself. Trust me, I know. But we have to eventually realise that there was nothing we could have done. It's not your fault.’


Pint gave me a blank expression, but nodded slowly.


X.D: ‘(Trying to cheer him up and take his mind off things) ‘So, I bet you ten pounds I can get more headshots with this LMG then you can.’


With me throwing down a bet, a small smile returned to the mechs face and with it, his upbeat personality.


Pint: ‘Woah now, that's a crap bet. Let's lay down a hundred, then call it a bet!’


X.D: ‘You're on!’




It was coming up to lunchtime when the results of the bet where in.


Pint: ‘Look lad, I can't get you a hundred pounds right now, but I will get around to it! I promise ya!’


I shook his hand as we ascended the stairs. Then, After going up the ramp into Nessie, we both went back to the conference room where I had first met the Capt’n.


Inside, everyone had taken a seat around the conference table, although when I did a headcount, I noticed that Atsuko, Muco, Leilei and Lucia were all missing. I knew that the surgery and repairs were going to take allot of attention and work, so I didn't bring their absence up at the time.


Although there were small conversations and chatter amongst everyone, the Capt’n raised his hand to put an end to it.


As soon as there was complete silence, He began to speak.


Capt’n: (Pacing around the table slowly) ‘As you are all more than aware, with dedication and persistence, our forces have been able to take over every country across earth and reclaim the land from the IWEC forces. Although we have been able to secure and rehouse most of the civilians, we are now faced with the bigger and final threat of moving in and reclaiming Russia from the IWEC.’


The Capt’n turned to a screen behind him, which quickly turned on to show Yuuto and an aerial map of Russia.


Yuuto Ito: ‘Our scouts have came back negative for any kind of suspicious activity, however we have been able to pinpoint the base of operations, since they have moved all of their troops into one major city.’


He showed the city and the rout we had to take to get there. To be honest, I completely blanked on the name, since I was more focused on the tiring journey that we had to take to get there.


Miu Shizuka: (Raising her hand, then speaking anyway) ‘Yeah….but are we taking any form transport there or…?’


Yuuto Ito: ‘All of the troops will be taking the roads in, since we need easy access for all our vehicles. However, Miu, You are needed to go around the other side so that we can raid them from all directions.’


Yuuto pointed out another position on the map.


I think my brain almost malfunctioned when I saw the sheer amount of hills we had to traverse just to get to the place we were needed.


Miu Shizuka: ‘(Angrily) Well, Yuuto, I hope you have a pleasant time. You know, staying stationary and all.’


Yuuto ito: ‘(Ignoring her, obviously more angry than usual) ‘Xyro, it's up to us to act as the breaching squad.’


X.D: ‘We?’


Capt’n: ‘I have decided that it's best for you all to go in first as a breaching squad whilst my troops take the flak on the frontlines. Inside, we hope you will be able to make your way into the core and destroy it. In doing so, you should be able to destroy their satellite links and win this god forsaken war.’


X.D: ‘Sounds about right. But can I ask for one simple request?’


Capt’n: ‘Hmm?’


X.D: ‘Can I ask that a few of my members stay with the troops?’


Everyone in the room looked at me in confusion.


Capt’n: ‘It's your team Xyro. Do as you will.’


I nodded to that.


Capt’n: ‘Any other questions?’


Ronnie Manning: ‘Yeah, could I join Xyro’s team? Kiri is mean to me.’


Capt’n: (Sighing) ‘Sure….any other questions?’


Nobody had anything to ask.


Capt’n: ‘Very well. We depart in a few days once the rest of our troops get here. Until then, get some rest, train and enjoy the comfort while it lasts. We will win this war ladies and gentlemen, no matter what the cost may be.’


With that, everyone was excused.


Raising from my chair, I started to go and find Atsuko. I wanted to talk to her about a few things.


However, when I went to the medical bay to find her, I was told that both her and Lucia weren't to be disturbed, as they needed serious concentration to get the work done.


I didn't know it at the time, but here’s why:


Muco’s legs:

They may have sounded easy to fix, but trust me, they weren't. With the liquid inside the legs being made from a concoction of many different irradiated liquids and metals, Atsuko had to precisely try and replicate what a team of twenty scientists and engineers would have had to do by herself without the use of heavy machinery apart from her robotic arms. With all her attention focused on creating the liquids, she also had to act fast enough when sealing them since even a second more could cause the liquids to neutralize and become ineffective if left exposed to open air (more specifically, oxygen).



Like all kinds of surgery, Lucia was trying her hardest to realign the bones, whilst also checking the young girl over for any more internal injuries. Luckily, she found none whatsoever apart from the breakages in her tail, which she got to work mending by using a stretcher to place the bones back into position, then using bone marrow over the breakage points to encourage the growth again. Although this would have normally taken weeks or even months to mend, Lucia used hypersonic waves to amplify the process. Still, it would take a while for the bones to heal to the point where she could use her tail again.


With me being unable to talk to Atsuko about my plans, I decided to wait until everyone was available before I had another group meeting.

So, instead, I trained for the rest of that day, accompanied by a rather energetic and annoyingly talkative Dakota….

Day 4
Chapter ten: Day four : Waiting sucks…

Well, I have labeled this part of the chapter day four, however this was three days later.


But, just to be on the safe side and to stop any confusion, I will just keep this as day four.


Happy? Good!


As you can already tell, the three days of waiting were about as boring as watching paint dry.


My daily schedule consisted of training, lunch, training, diner, sleep, wake up, repeat.


That is until the third day.


Although I wasn't there at the time, Kamy was teaching Miu how to play a game on one of the mainframe computers in the captn’s office. (You know, the computers that were for top secret things of great importance. Yeah, well just to put it in perspective, Kamy deleted all the files from that computer to download the game.)


Kamy Falvey: ‘Alright, now press the W key to move forward’


Miu Shizuka: (Staring at the keyboard) ‘Ok……*pressing the key* Oh, i'm moving!’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Ok, now use the mouse to look around.’


Miu picked up the mouse and moved it around in the air.


Miu shizuka; ‘I think it's broken.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘You have to move the mouse across the tabletop Miu, otherwise it doesn't work.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Right. I knew that.’


From behind them, the doors slid open.


Entering the room with a huge smile across her face was Leilei.


With her tail now completely fixed, she had also changed into a much fresher pair of clothes.


Leilei Chiko: ‘(Pouncing at Kamy) Ms kamy!’


Leilei tackled Kamy to the ground and rubbed her cheek against hers. She purred as she did so.


Kamy Falvey: (With a smile across her face) ‘Good to see your healthy again kitten.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Yep yep! Ms Lucia fixed my tail! She’s super nice and she talks with her hands, like this!’


Leilei wiggled her paws around in the open air with a smile across her face.


Kamy Falvey: (Stroking her head) ‘Well that's good to hear.’


Again, the doors opened.


Atsuko Viola: ‘ they f...feel fine?’


Muco Walked through the door. His movement seemed a little rigid, but appart from that his legs seemed to be completely fixed.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Yeah. Thanks again.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘ p...problem.’


Leilei Chiko: (Pouncing at him) ‘Mr muco!’


Even though all the joints in his legs were still stiff, he was able to move just quick enough to the side that Leilei pounced passed him, landing on the floor.


Still, she sprung back up onto her feet and hugged him.


Leilei Chiko: (Speaking super quickly) ‘Are you ok Mr Muco? Are your legs ok? Did it hurt? Are you fine?’


Muco Ufthen: ‘(Trying to hold back a smile like the moody tenager he was) I'm fine leilei. How about you?’


Leilei Chiko: ‘I'm better too! Lucia fixed my tail, see!’


Leilei flicked her tail into muco’s face, poking him in the eye.


Muco ufthen: (Wiping his eye) ‘Yeah….I can see.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘I'm sorry to interject, but Xyro said that once you were all out of surgery, he wanted everyone to gather for a meeting.’


Miu then looked specifically at Atsuko.


Miu shizuka: (Winking) ‘He’s outside in the prison courtyard, if you wanted to go get him.’


With a blush, Atsuko nodded and headed on outside.



In times of great boredom, I normally end up turning to my imagination.


Laying on the dusty ground in the courtyard, I stared up at the open blue sky above. With very few clouds, the sun seemed to shine brighter than ever before. Either that, or I had forgotten how nice sunlight was.


Exhaling, I closed my eyes.


Atsuko Viola: ‘X..xyro, are awake?’


Opening my eyes again, Atsuko was standing above me.


X.D: (Happy to see her) ‘Hey! How did everything go?’


Atsuko: ‘Oh, g...good I guess. W...we didn't really much, so it w...was pretty awkward. B...but his legs s...seem to be working a...again at least.’


X.D: (Patting the ground next to me) ‘Care to join me?’


Atsuko Viola: (Blushing a little) ‘S...sure.’


Laying down beside me, Atsuko placed her hands behind her head and stared up at the sky.


X.D: ‘I missed you.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘R...really?’


X.D: ‘Of course. It's been boring without you!’


She smiled.


Atsuko Viola: ‘...I h...haven't been o….outside in so l...long. The air is so f….fresh.’


We both took a deep breath in, then exhaled.


After a few moments silence, Atsuko then awkwardly moved a little closer to me.


So, I reached down and held her hand.


Although she went bright red, she smiled. Then, with all the courage she could muster, she went to place her head against my shoulder.


Miu Shizuka: (Standing in the doorframe to the ship) ‘You really do take your time darlings.’


Atsuko instantly let go of my hand, sat up and covered her face with her sleeve.


X.D: (Still laying there with closed eyes) ‘....What is it Miu….’


Miu Shizuka: ‘(Proud of herself) You said to get you when the others are out. So, here I am!’


X.D: ‘Alright, I will be in there in a minute.’


Happily, Miu skipped back inside.


X.D: ‘I hate her at times.’


Atsuko Viola: ‘(With a smile) too.’


Standing up off the ground, I dusted myself off, then helped Atsuko up.


Once the two of us were inside, I headed on into the meeting room.


With everyone seated around the middle table, I made sure that everyone was silent before I began to speak.


X.D: ‘(Clasping my hands together) ‘Whelp, as you all know, we have been put in charge of going in as a side assault in order to take down the final facility. Correct Yuuto?’


Yuuto ito: (From the laptop in the center of the table) ‘Correct. You will need to go in there, plant explosives on the core, then get out.’


X.D: ‘Right. So, I have decided to split up everyone into groups.’


Yuuto ito: (Surprised, looking at me with confusion) ‘Wait, what? Why!’


X.D: ‘Does sending seventeen people as a stealth mission sound suitable to you?’


Yuuto ito: ‘....true…’


X.D: ‘So, I have made a list of those who will be joining me in the side assault, those who will be joining Kiri’s team at the frontlines and those who will be in the backlines supporting the fighters.’


As soon as I said this, everyone started chatting amongst themselves.


Lewis Sterge: ‘(Shouting over everyone) Hey, quiet!’


X.D: ‘Thank You lewis. Right, as I was saying, here is the list of teams:...’


I Placed the list up on the screen behind me.



Side Assault squad:

Xyro + Muco

Miu + kamy

Dakota + Ronnie

Matchbox + yukio


Frontal support:

Kiri’s group

Lewis, Davis, crystal, pint.


Back line support:

Lucia, leilei, yuuto, atsuko, Ryu



Taking in the team compositions, I had a mixed ball of opinions around the room.


Over all though, everyone seemed happy with the team setup.


Leilei Chiko: ‘Ermmm, Mr Xyro! Why am I a back line support?’


X.D: ‘You just got out of surgery Leilei. We can't afford to have you overwork yourself and damage your tail again.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘(Saluting) Ok!’


Lewis Sterge: ‘What exactly are we doing then?’


X.D: ‘Everyone working on the frontal support will be following the Capt’ns orders and supporting as much as possible. But please don't do anything stupid.’


Everyone in the frontal support team nodded.


X.D: ‘As for everyone going with me, I will assign jobs once we are there. So, anyone have anything else to add?’


Nobody did.


X.D: ‘Right then! I'm not sure how long we have to prepare, so….’


Yuuto ito: ‘Xyro, We leave tomorrow.’


X.D: ‘What? When were you planning on telling me!’


Yuuto Ito: ‘Xyro, I have literally been trying to tell you the whole time, but you muted me.’


X.D: ‘Did I?’


Yuuto Ito: ‘You have your arm on my fucking keyboard you idiot!’


X.D: ‘(Removing my arm from the keyboard) Oops, sorry. Well, in that case, we have a day to prepare everyone! Let's get to it!’

For the rest of the day, we prepared our bags for the journey ahead, making sure to get an early night's sleep in the process.

Day 5
Chapter ten: Day five: ….But in the end, you just have to get on with it!

Nothing beats a nice early morning then waking up to…….


Leilei Chiko: (Shoving me, repeatedly) ‘Mr Xyro sir! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro sir! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro sir! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro sir! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro! Mr Xyro!’


X.D: (Groaning) ‘....Yeah….I'm up….’


Slowly rolling out of bed, I landed on the ground with a giant thud.


Looking up, Leilei, Kamy, Miu and Kiri were standing above me.


Miu Shizuka: ‘You sleep like a brick Pumpkin.’


X.D: ‘.....What are you all doing in my room?’


Kiri:  (With crossed arms) ‘Getting your lazy ass out of bed.’


X.D: ‘Well…...Im out of bed!’


Kamy giggled, then helped me up.


X.D: ‘Right, how long do we have?’


Kiri: ‘We leave in five minutes Xyro.’


X.D: ‘........oh….’


I had just realised at that moment that everyone was standing outside my room, fully clothed and geared up.


X.D: (Acting naturally) ‘Well, let's get going then! What are you all standing around for! Let's go!’


With a few sighs, we all made our way down into the lower deck of the ship. There, we boarded a patrol cruiser, piloted by the same man that took myself, Miu, Ronnie and Lewis to germany.


The ship Pilot: (As we were all boarding the vessel)  ‘Hey, it's great to see you kids again. Is that everyone?’


I double checked, then confirmed.


As the ship took to the open waters, a huge wave immediately washed over us, spraying saltwater in everyone's face.


Although everyone seemed pretty miserable about the trip, both Kamy and Leilei seemed to cheer after going over every wave, which brought everyone’s spirits up.


Yes, even Moody Muco and Depressing Davis too.


In the end, I joined in with them, along with Dakota and Ronnie. Matchbox went to join in, but Xiil simply sat Matchbox back down.


Eventually, we arrived on the beach.


As I had expected, other troops were also arriving. The beach itself was completely covered in vehicles, troops and weaponry.


After thanking our driver, I took the group over to one of the local team sergeants, who told me to assign everyone to the correct convoy.


X.D: ‘(To everyone) Well, those who are with the capt’n will be waiting here. Everyone who’s with me, we need to start walking now.’


Miu Shizuka: ‘But we just got here!’


X.D: ‘Well, I would like to say good luck to everyone. And, well, if anything happens, I just want to say it's been more than a pleasure working with you all. I mean, you’ve all been there for me, and to that I'm thankful.’


Dakota Way: (Punching me hard in the arm) ‘Awh, dude!’


Pint: ‘I will say the same lad. Whatever happens, it's truly been a blast!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Yeah. It's been a pleasure knowing some of you I guess. Maybe not you, traffic cone.’


Dakota Way: ‘Oh yeah, well you're not cool anyway Miu.’


The two folded their arms and walked away from one another.


Ryu jianar: ‘(Walking over to me) Xyro, I….well, if anything happens, I wanted you to tell my mum that…’


I placed my hand on his shoulder.


X.D: ‘Don't worry Ryu. You will be fine. Thats a promise’


Even though Ryu Hated to show it, as his brother, I knew he was terrified.


But, that's as it should be. This is war after all. The only reason the others were taking it so well I guess was because they had done this all before.


Sometimes, if doing something hurts, you tend to push that pain away, so the next time you do it the pain is no longer as apparent.


That's how it felt anyway.


All of a sudden, I heard a large whistle, as the convoy of vehicles started to go.


X.D: ‘Crap, we should have started moving a few minutes ago. Right, let's move!’


With everyone beginning to split, I heard my name from behind me.


Turning around, I was met by a glassed eyed Atsuko, who wrapped her arms tightly around me.


Atsuko Viola: ‘P….please stay s….safe Xyro.’


X.D: ‘I will Atsuko. I promise.’


With her arms still wrapped around me tightly, she smiled.


Atsuko Viola: ‘....I love you.’


X.D: ‘....I love you too.’


Slowly, her grip around my body faded. Yet, just before returning to the convoy, she kissed me lightly on the cheek.


Leilei Chiko: (From behind me) ‘Ms kamy, why did that girl try to eat Mr Xyro’s cheek?’


Kamy Falvey: ‘it's called a kiss Leilei. It's a sign of affection towards someone you love.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Oh…...Mr muco sir!!!!;


Sprinting on all fours, Leilei pounced at Muco, then took a big bite into his cheek.


Luckily for him, the bite wasn't able to draw blood.


….this didn't stop him from getting angry though.


Muco Ufthen: ‘(Rubbing his cheek) Leilei! What the hell!’


Leilei Chiko: (All giddy) ‘Hehe, bye Mr muco sir!’


Muco Ufthen: ‘(Waving his hand at her dismissively) Go with the others already, or you will get left behind!’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Ok!’


With that, the small girl was off like a shot after the slow moving vehicles.


Miu Shizuka: (As we were walking up the hill) ‘So pumpkin, When do you two plan on kissing properly for a change?’


X.D: ‘Do you have other things to worry about other then my love life?’


Miu Shizuka: ‘Pumpking, There is nothing in the world that I care about more than watching yourself and Atsuko on dates. It's like a romantic comedy gone wrong!’


X.D: ‘....Thanks…’


Kamy Falvey: ‘I for one think it's adorable.’


Miu Shizuka: (With a smile across her face) ‘Adorably tragic.’


Ronnie Manning: (With a serious tone) ‘I remember my first date….although I will say that raisins are allot better.’


Miu rolled her eyes.


X.D: ‘Well…...anyone have any songs we can sing?’


Ronnie Manning: ‘I brought a radio along with me!’


Miu Shizuka: ‘....please no….’


He immediately turned the station over to the jazz channel.


Kamy Falvey: ‘Ohhhhhh, I love this song! Turn it up!’


With The blurring sound of jazz, the eight of us grooved our way over the hill.

(End of chapter ten)

© Copyright 2016-2017 james Coventry
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