Chapter one: A ' Warm' Introduction
Where should I begin? Well, I guess an introduction is necessary. My birth name is Xyro Donatus , However (If you don't mind) I would like you to know me as X.D.
Since you're here reading this, Let me explain to you the events that happened in my past, because if I don't, I'm sure you will all be confused.
Don't worry, this will only take....Wait, hold up....
Yeah, if I were you, I would go and grab a drink or something, because this is going to be a long haul!
Comfortable? Good! Now let me jump right on in and tell you the tale of my origins!
My life ended on the way to school.
(Yeah, I know, not exactly a good start to a story)
I "was" a normal sixteen-year-old, raised "almost" normally and had the same aspirations as any other student.
I would never had guessed that my everyday life would have taken another turn for the worst.
At the time of my death, I was almost entering the school grounds, when a loud screeching noise came from behind me. Before turning fully, a sharp pain emitted through my chest. Looking down, pieces of scrap had pierced clean through, leaving behind several or so holes.
I do sometimes wonder if I had kept on walking, if I ever would have ended up in this situation in the first place. Then again, we all do that at one point, hey?
Toppling over, I slowly bled out. Completely stunned from the shock, but feeling nothing.
The last memory of that day was a tall, gray figure, who stood above my corps. Before going into darkness he simply whispered “This one will do perfectly.”
Now, I don't know the ins and outs of what happened next (I really hope I don't need to explain why) but I eventually awoke on top of an operating table.
My initial thought was that I was in the hospital, getting treated for the accident.
All hopeful thinking was soon thrown out of the window, because when I looked down at my body, it wasn't there.
Well, when I say it "wasn't there" what I mean to say is that it wasn't my body.
It was a cold, metal husk. Made from metal, I looked human in shape, but not in appearance.
Yet, suddenly, I felt overwhelmed and blacked out.
The second time awakening, I became aware of a figure towering over me, then a loud shrieking sound of a drill.
This startled me and sitting up straight seemed to startle the man with the drill as well. After we had both recovered from our shock, he introduced himself to me in the crudest way possible.
His name was Steven I’jnh (pronounced I-jane) and he was a developer for international weaponry for extreme circumstances (IWEC). He was incredibly tall, taller than me at least, and had obsidian-black hair, which seemed to curl into a tip at the end. His facial features appeared to be very old, his nose protruding from his face like a dagger. Although everything about him seemed to be formed through a healthy diet and a constant participation in sport, something seemed… strange about his eyes.
Something must have happened to him before all this, as he seemed almost dead inside.
Nothing else could explain the soulless figure standing before me.
Anyway, he began to question me as soon as I arose from my seat, with a dark, very phlegmy voice:
Steven I’jnh: ‘Do you remember anything at all from your past, anything at all?’
He asked this in a very uncaring tone. More like a direct forced question then a caring one.
X.D: (Holding my head) ‘...no.’
I replied, quivering as a slight feeling of dread washed over me. I knew exactly what had happened to me, well, what I had thought had happened to me, but I felt as though sharing my past with this man was not quite a good idea....
Steven I’jnh: (Clasping his hands together, with a dark smile) ‘Good, then follow me.’
He walked over to a door to the left of the room, pressed a button, and the steel plates slid open. He then spun around with a harsh jolting movement.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Are you coming, or have you forgotten to walk?’
Without me having a chance to reply, he laughed, then walked out the room, leaving behind a sinister echo throughout the hallways outside.
The absence of this man seemed to bring me back to my senses. The sudden thought of ‘Where am I’ and ‘Why am I here’ sprung to mind.
Studying the room around me, my eyes widened. My body became motionless, paralyzed to the spot. Carelessly placed around the room where Rows upon rows of pre-built mechanical corpses. Some were stacked into high piles, each with red X’s marked across their face, each body with its own design.
Ripping my eyes away from the pile, I studied the rest of my surroundings.
The room itself was dark, cold, and there were no windows except for a solid metal sheet, which appeared to be drilled into the wall. With a plain concrete and metal mix, the walls seemed completely devoid of any kind of maintenance, leading me to believe that this wasn't exactly a very well looked after place. There was also a monitor in the middle of the room, weirdly placed on top of a book on a desk.
Curious, I stumbled over to the monitor, tripping over my own feet. It was weird to walk with such a huge weight on my legs, but somehow it began to feel natural.
After a few unbalanced steps, I arrived at the computer. It had a weird security lock on it, one which I had never seen before. Luckily, whoever had been using it last had left the password and username on the interface.
I don't really get the people who do this, but some do. It's pretty unsafe to leave passwords just lying around.
After signing in, I began to scan through text documents in an attempt to answer a few of my questions.
What I did find, left me in shock.
organs, muscle, and even bone were all removed. Every feature that made me myself was scraped or incinerated, and then replaced with almost indestructible versions. Everything about my new body had been made to be a huge improvement on any other human, however, this came at a price.
Everything about me had been weaponized. My arms concealed a number of different pieces of weaponry, which I would have never had thought would fit into such a small space. Same with the immense amount of weaponry inside of my back, which was activated using my thoughts.
I began to read more and more, but things started to become a blur. Soon after reading through these small modifications, I was blocked out of the system. Whoever was using the computer last didn't seem to have high enough clearance into the countless number of experiments done to me.
Then, Reality kicked in.
Turning around, I realised that all the bodies lying around me weren't empty shells. At one point, these were people.
Holding back my fear, I walked out into the hallway as the man had asked me too.
Just like the room before, it was a rather plain hallway, apart from the fact that any other typical hallway doesn't have mounted machine guns hooked up to each square section of the ceiling!
The points of the guns tracked my every step down the hall, twitching every time I stumbled slightly.
Arriving at the end of the hallway, I approached a similar looking door to the one in the room I was in, however, there was a sign with bright red writing written above it.
A sign which states that food is nearby would normally calm me down, since I was never really one to turn down a feast. But in my current situation, all I could hope for was some more answers.
Just like all the doors around, this one was button activated.
So, I slammed my fist against it. To my surprise, the button crumbled into shards onto the floor. I knew that this body gave an increase in strength, but not so much as to be able to shatter what I presumed was a metal button , with a slam of a fist. Nevertheless, the door slowly slid open, and I cautiously walked in.
Taken in by my new surroundings, I was pleasantly surprised, as the cafeteria was a counterpart to the rest of the facility that I was just in. The floor was made out of a rich mahogany, the walls tiled, and the tables aligned into perfect rows. The air seemed to be fresher in here as well, even though there were still no windows in here either. My eyes then fixated to the center of the room. Sitting at a table, with three chairs opposite to him, was I’jnh.
Steven I’jnh: (Grouchily) ‘Would you stop staring at the room and take a seat!’
He gestured at one of the small, grey chairs opposite to him. without retaliating, I did as he commanded. Taking a seat, I began to try and form a question.
X.D: (Speaking without confidence) ‘Where...’
Steven I’jnh: (Rolling his eyes, grouchily) ‘Please restrain from asking questions until the others arrive.’
X.D: ‘Others?’
As if on cue, the two doors on the opposite side of the room slid open. the first to step through was a small, pale girl, who gave an eerie presence as soon as she entered the room. Her hair was raven black, very well combed, and fell all the way down to her hips. She seemed to move with a slight grace, just like royalty would. she wore a full black dress, which frilled all over as if it was trying to get away. as she approached, I noticed her stained, red eyes, which shook me, as I had never seen anyone with red eyes before. She simply arrived, sat down, and with a blank expression, stared at the door she had just came from.
Then, the second person decided to make his presence know.
A tall, muscular boy waltzed in, singing what appeared to be a song about himself, as almost all the lyrics were a name, and “Is the best” was thrown in a bunch of times. He wore a pair of jeans and a tightly fitted white vest. His hair was such a deep colour of orange, that when he caught the light from the ceiling, it looked like it had been set alight. He walked over, pulled out a seat, turned it around, and sat backward onto it.
Steven I’jnh: (Ticking a checklist) 'That is all of you. Shall we begin?'
Before I could reply, the boy seemed to beat me to it.
???: (Shouting) ‘Yea, hurry up already, I want to get back to my song man!’
Steven I’jnh: ‘Calm down Dakota, this will only take a few seconds.’
He threw down three pieces of paper, one for each of us.
Picking up the sheet, I began to read. The paper was specifically a “fact file” about me. It had my name, age, gender and even hobbies. Although it didn't show much, it also covered the information I had found on the computer, going into detail about my modifications. Disgusted at the list which followed, I averted my eyes over to the other two, who were busily studying their sheets.
The first girl was reading over her papers with a small, steady smile to her, whilst the boy didn't really seem bothered. More to the point, he didn't really seem to be able to read properly, as he read each word aloud and stumbled over many of the words.
Steven I’jnh: (Standing up, walking away) ‘Well, I will be leaving you three now.’
Without a moment's hesitation, the girl next to me threw herself up off her seat and shouted angrily after him.
???: 'Where do you think your going? You haven't even explained to us how we got here!’
He simply turned his head and smiled.
Steven I’jnh: ‘There are instructions on the back of your papers….’
He replied, then carried on walking to the door. Just before leaving, he turned around once more.
‘...And good luck to you all’.
The metal doors slammed shut behind him, leaving the three of us with no more than a breadcrumb of knowledge about where we were, or what we were doing here.
Sighing, I leaned forward and clasped my face in my hands. I sat there silently for a while until the silence was broken by a soft voice.
???: ‘Well, I have no idea where we are or how we got here, but I do believe introductions are in order.’
When she spoke, her words seemed incredibly well formed. She paused and smiled with a kind of eerie, yet soft aura.
???: ‘Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Miu Shizuka.’
She evaluated us both, but seemed to take an instant dislike to the boy beside her.
Miu Shizuka: (Sitting down on the table) ‘I have a feeling that we are going to be trapped here for a while, so it's best if we get introduced to one another now.’
Agreeing to her statement, I began to introduce myself. But before I could even say a single word, a certain someone just had to make himself known again.
???: 'Well, if I'm going to be stuck here with you dweebs, then you best know who your awesome, new fre...fir...frie….'
X.D: 'Friend?'
???: ‘Hey dude, you said it not me! Look how desperate you are to become friends with me! Well, it can't be helped. I am amazing after all!’
Miu Shizuka: (Whispering) ‘Dumbass.’
???: (Surprised) ‘What did you just call me?’
Miu Shizuka: (Giggling) ‘Nothing!’
???: (Grumpily) ‘Then why are you laughing!’
Miu Shizuka: (Giggling) ‘I'm laughing at the fact that you are so vain and cocksure of yourself..' She stopped and took a glance at him. '..Even though your head looks strikingly like a giant, worn down traffic cone!’
Angrily, the boy began advancing towards Miu, fists at the ready. All Miu did was sit back and laugh. Noticing this, I decided to stand my ground to prevent any means of violence. After all, Miu was right. We all have no idea about where we are or when we will leave, so it's best to keep feelings mutual for a while.
???: 'So, you want to protect the little rat, hey? Or do you have a problem with me? Because I could just punch both of your faces in right now if that's the case!'
X.D: 'No! I'm just…'
???: 'You're just what? Trying to be a hero. Pfft, that's so weak dude!'
X.D: (Shouting) 'No! I'm just trying to help!’
???: ‘Haha, still weak.’
He sat down again, this time with a loud thump.
Dakota Way: 'Anyway, as I was saying before I was interrupted by “goth girl” over there, the names Dakota, Dakota Way, and it's best if you remember that tin man!'
Dakota shot his arm forward, clearly gesturing for a handshake. Staring at this brute's arm, I began wondering if he would just simply rip my arm off.
Reluctantly, I agreed to the handshake and put my own arm forward. But before my hand could touch him, he simply swiped his arm back and combed his hair with his hand.
Dakota Way: 'Ha! Too slow nerd!'
Pleased with himself, Dakota sat back, placed the sheet of paper onto his face, and began snoring.
(Somehow, I knew this was going to be a long day)
Chapter one: day one:
As predicted, a long day
With Dakota resting on the chair like a complete slob, I had to avert my eyes from the vast amount of saliva he emitted with each snore.
Turning my head, I noticed from the corner of my eye that Miu was staring at me expectantly.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Sooo..?’
She stared right through me, expecting a reply.
X.D: (Confused) ‘So what?’
Miu Shizuka: (Giggling) ‘Well, It's your turn to introduce yourself, silly!’
X.D: ‘Oh, right...’
I took a glance at Dakota, who was still sound asleep.
X.D: (Scratching my head) ‘Well, the names Xyro, pleasure to meet you...uh...two’
Dakota didn't move an inch, but Miu smiled.
Miu Shizuka: (Hand covering her smile) ‘Nice to meet you too!’
Slowly, Miu began to rise from her chair, pushing it out from underneath her in such a way, that it caused a loud, echoing shriek throughout the room. She was obviously attempting to wake up Dakota, but he didn't even flinch. Disappointed, she turned and picked up her profile sheet from the table.
Miu Shizuka: ‘It’s strange…’ Her eyes darted across the page. ‘...It says here that a number of “improvements” have been done to me, and yet I don't feel any different from before!’
Without hesitating, she began to investigate her arms, then her legs and then finally her face.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Hmmm, I can't feel anything new at least’
She kept on reading, so, for a few minutes, I decided not to mess with her train of thought. After a while, I noticed that she had found something on the paper that was much to her liking.
Her eyes grew large upon reading it, and a wide grin spread across her face. Attempting not to ask her what was so appealing, I decided it was safer to change the topic to something else.
X.D: ‘So, what do you think they want with us? I mean, they can't just…..’
A loud mumble cut into my sentence. Dakota sat up on his seat and began to stretch.
Dakota Way: (Stretching) ‘*Yawn* Yo, how long was I out for?’
Miu Shizuka: (Crossing her arms, with a glare) ‘You were only asleep for a few minutes you useless sack of flesh.’
Dakota Way: ‘Really?’ He pushed himself off his chair. ‘Awesome!’
Shoving his way past us, Dakota began walking towards the exit of the room, dragging his feet as he went.
Miu Shizuka: (Yelling) ‘And where do you think you're going!’
Dakota Way: ‘I'm hungry man. If I don't find food soon I'm going to die!’
Miu practically slapped herself in the face.
Miu Shizuka: ‘(Shouting Angrily) You're in a cafeteria, dumbass!’
Dakota turned his head and began to scan the room.
Dakota Way: (Only just realizing) ‘Oh, right. Yeah that's what I meant.’
With the walk of embarrassment, Dakota advanced towards the fridge, where he began to pillage food like a starved cave-man.
Miu Shizuka: (Sighing) ‘ His parents must be “so” proud.’
Dakota lifted his head from the fridge and gave us a mouthful of a smile. Miu shook her head in disapproval.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Since we are all acquainted, perhaps we should do as the doctor told us, and read our instructions. They may give us a clue as for what to do next.’
Remembering what I’jhn had told us before he left, I flipped the sheet of paper over to reveal the set of instructions that he had mentioned. On the back was written:
“Greetings! you may be wondering where you are and what you're doing here. Well, I can simply tell you that you are in a government facility, and you will be here for the rest of your life. Exciting, right! Well, it's not all fun and games down here. There are strict rules and regulations that you have to stick to in order to keep the peace. These rules are:
No destroying anything apart from training equipment in the gymnasium.
No killing your colleges (Violence against them is allowed, but death is not tolerated. it takes money to dispose of a body you know!)
No harming/ murdering staff
You have free will to roam around the facility at any time, but cannot leave the designated areas, ever!
Designated areas are the gymnasium, dormitories, and cafeteria.
There are garbage disposal units around the facility. Please do not throw trash on the floor. you can if you want to, but think about how much cleaner it looks when you don't throw rubbish on the ground carelessly.
These rules will apply to you at all times. Failure to stick to the rules will mean strikes! If you reach three strikes, then you will be dismantled and used on another project. So try not to get into any trouble. lastly, and this is very important so try to remember this, after every five days, everyone will get put through tests, just to make sure that you are all training. If you pass the tests, then you get upgrades and even prizes! If you fail, then you get a strike. So good luck everyone, and train hard!”
The jokey manner of the instructions hit me hard. Not only were we being bound here for the rest of our lives, but they had the audacity to joke about our lives as if we were nothing more than pet projects. The very notion of sending us to do tests and punishing us for failure was ridiculous.
Miu Shizuka: (Angrily scrunching up the paper) ‘Who do they think they are? What kind of people would lock me away like some kind of animal!’
I suddenly became aware of Dakota, who was standing behind me.
Dakota Way: ‘Yo, what's her problem, man?’
Miu stared hard at Dakota. If looks could kill, then Dakota would have been dead ten times over.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Don't you understand, you grotesque hunk of muscle! We are prisoners here!’
Dakota Way: ‘What do you mean?’
Miu’s eyes began to glow red. Her facial expression changed from despair into pure hatred.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Do I need to dumb it down for you?’ A large grin began to form on her lips, accompanied by the deep red glow of her eyes. ‘We...will...all...die...here!’
Miu slumped onto the ground, her back pushed against the table. She simply laid there, taking no notice of Dakota or myself. Trading uneasy looks with each other we both chose to back away and give her some time to calm down.
It felt like hours before anything else happened. We all just sat there, doing our own things.
Finally, after what felt like hours, a loud voice came booming out from one of the speakers.
???: ‘Welcome to your new home guys! Please begin making your way towards your dormitories. Hopefully, the others will give you a very warm welcome.’
The voice went silent.
A door at the end of the cafeteria opened, revealing a set of stairs leading down to a long, tight hallway. The three of us decided it was best to make our way through.
X.D: (Walking down the hallway) ‘Wow, this place loves to make you feel claustrophobic, doesn't it?
Miu shot me a glance, which although short, gave me the impression that if I said another word, she would murder me.With my life on the table, I decided to keep my mouth shut.
On the other side, We arrived at a set of double doors. Holding my breath, we pushed them open and entered the room.
This was the dormitories.
Door after door was aligned and nameplates were drilled into them. I counted twenty in total, ten for boys and ten for girls. However, only eight nameplates were filled in, three of them being ours. The dorms were directly connected to the gymnasium by a flight of stairs which led down to it.
It seemed almost luxurious in a way if it wasn't for the “Being imprisoned for the rest of my life” thing.
Before we could truly take in our surroundings, a loud scream filled our ears. The voice was male but very high pitched.
???: (Shouting) ‘Get off me you fat son of a bitch!’
Another voice, this time much deeper, shouted in retaliation.
???: (Shouting) ‘Then give it back!’
Peering over the edge, two boys were wrestling each other for, what looked to be, a sock. The first boy was slightly smaller than me, had light brown hair and brown eyes. He was thin but agile. His face was simple: Small nose, large brown eyes and a scar covering his left eye.
His brawler, to my surprise, was a mirror image of the other boy, but with the scar covering his right eye.
They were clearly identical twins.
The boy with the deeper voice began to yell.
???: (Yelling) ‘ I swear to god Yuuki, if you don't let go of the fucking sock this instance, I will…
Yukki Ito: (Cutting him short, with a smile) ‘What will you do Yuuto? Because as far as I can tell, you haven't trained in weeks you lazy piece of shit!’
They were so caught up in their fight, that they both didn't notice us. To gather their attention, miu coughed in a ladylike fashion.
Both boys came to a standstill. Clearly out of breath, one of them began to speak.
Yukkito Ito: (Panting) ‘Who... are they?’
Yuuto Ito: (Panting) ‘They must be the new guys, idiot!’
Yuuto Ito: (Realising instantly) ‘Oh, the new guys!’
Both of the boys came rushing over to us. They stood assertively, then spoke at the same time in a very welcoming manner.
Yukki & Yuuto: ‘Welcome to the International weapons testing facility number 86021!’
With another sudden burst of anger, both boys turned to one another and clashed heads.
Yukki Ito: ‘We promised that "I" would be the one to introduce them to the facility!’
Yuuto Ito: ‘As if! We promised that "I" would be the one to introduce them to the facility!’
Both of the boys were about to get into another fight. Dakota decided to intervene.
Dakota Way: (Clearly tired) ‘Yo, fellas, would you mind saving the fight for later and just get these stupid introductions over with already. I need sleep man!’
Yuuto Ito: ‘Oh, Right, well my name is Yuuto, and this is my brother, Yukki.’
Yukki Ito: (Shouting, agitated) ‘I can introduce myself you know!’
Yuuto Ito: ‘Ok, go on then!’
Yukki Ito: (Sighing) ‘There's no point now.’
Yuuto Ito: ‘So don't bitch about it then!’
Both brothers exchanged filthy looks. Then, they began to speak with us again.
Yuuto Ito: ‘So you must be the new guys! I have seen allot about you all!
Miu Shizuka: (Curious) ‘Oh really!’
Yuuto Ito: Yeah, of course, we have! All your information files have been bobbing about the place. You three are supposed to be a breakthrough in technology! So yeah, we know a lot about you!'
The brothers began to evaluate us. Yukki then pointed at us excitedly.
Yukki Ito: (Rushed) ‘The one on the left is Dakota, middle is Miu and right is Xyro!’
He was correct.
Dakota Way: (Shocked, with a sudden burst of excitement) ‘NO WAY! How did you know that? Are you psychic?’
Me and Miu both rolled our eyes. The brothers didn't seem impressed.
Yukki Ito: (Sarcastically) ‘Uh… yeah that's the reason.’
Dakota Way: ‘Oh man! that must be an awesome power!’
The smile and excitement on his face obviously showed us that he truly believed that they were psychic.
This time, even the brothers rolled their eyes.
Yuuto Ito: ‘We were told by the Doctor to show you to your rooms, so let's do that now!’
Yukki Ito: (Whispered) ‘Shouldn't we introduce them to everyone first?’
Yuuto Ito: ‘Dude, it's three A.M! Everyone's asleep!
Yukki Ito: ‘Oh, right.’
Yuuto Ito: (Commanding) ‘I will take Miu to her room, and you take Dakota and Xyro to theirs.’
Yukki Ito: (Grumbling) ‘Fine, follow me you two.’
Darting off, Yukki gestured us to follow him. We walked past a selection of rooms, before finally stopping at a set of two doors. One had my name on it, and the other had Dakotas.
Yukki Ito: ‘Well, these are your new rooms. they have a bathroom and shower if you need it. Have a good evening both of you. Oh, before I forget, waking up time is between six and eight am, so be up and ready by then. It's kind of an unspoken time thing.’
He began to rush off. I shouted after him.
X.D: ‘Wait! You mentioned others?’
He turned and gave me a smile.
Yukki Ito: 'You're bound to meet them all tomorrow….if you're lucky….' He looked down in guilt. '...And besides, it's not worth getting close to anyone in here.’ He sighed. ‘Goodnight.’
He ran off into his own room, slamming the door shut. Me and Dakota simply nodded at each other and entered our rooms for the evening.
My room was actually very nice. It had a single bed, drawers and a small lamp for reading. The bathroom consisted of mainly a toilet and a shower, with the sink only containing a toothbrush and toothpaste. Exhausted from the day, I simply dropped face first onto the mattress. It was incredibly soft and smelled fresh.
As I closed my eyes, I began to wonder what Yukki meant by “It's not worth getting close to anyone in here.”
Pondering on the idea, I couldn't help but think more about sleep.
X.D: ‘Zzzz…’
Chapter one: day two: More boring introductions
Dakota Way: (Kind of muffled through the door) ‘Get up bone head! It's seven thirty man!’
I moaned as I raised my head from my pillow.
X.D: ‘Ugh...I'll be out in a minute.’
Sitting up, I pushed myself out of bed and began to stretch. All parts of my body felt heavy, but I knew this was because of that early morning feeling.
Reluctantly, I decided it was best to greet the new day head on, as opposed to tucking myself back into bed. Exiting the room, I found that Dakota was waiting for me intently.
Dakota Way: (Strangely peppy) ‘Morning nerd!’
He stood up straight. A huge smile spread across his face
Dakota Way: ‘Are you pumped for training! I know I am!’
X.D: (Sighing) ‘ Dakota, I just woke up. I'm grabbing some breakfast before I do anything.’
His stomach grumbled.
Dakota Way: ‘Actually, breakfast sounds like a better idea!’
He punched me in the shoulder, then began to walk towards the cafeteria.
Dakota Way: ‘Yo, you coming?’
I nodded as I rubbed my shoulder. We both began to head off towards the cafeteria, through the same long, obnoxious hallway.
Through the silence, Dakota began to hum the exact vain song he sung about himself earlier. To be perfectly honest, the song was actually rather catchy, but vein nonetheless.
Before we had even began to ascend up the stairs, the fresh scent of cooked food wafted its way toward us, accompanied by the sound of small talk.
Upon entering, I immediately noticed three new people.
One of them was sat near the back of the canteen. He wore a large leather jacket, and black boots. His hair was a dark green, and went to a point at the front. He was armed to the teeth with so many knives, that he glistened every time he moved an inch.
Closer to the front, and sitting besides Miu, was a very tall girl. The way she dressed was rather elegant. She wore a uniform, which seemed to fit almost perfectly and was a bright shade of red. I could tell she had some form of OCD, as she had a variety of long needles spread across the table neatly, all of which were arranged into size order. However, every time Miu picked one up and replaced it with another, the girl just simply shouted at her, and put them back into size order.
Miu seemed to be finding it entertaining, as she kept on doing it, laughing every time she rearranged them.
Lastly, was a small, shy looking girl who sat way at the back in a corner. She wore a dark green hoodie, and a dark blue uniform with a very long, smart brown skirt. her face was very innocent looking, as her features were very sharp and precise, however she had the constant look of doubt on her face. her hair was a very pale silver, but was very short and slightly messy. The look was tied off with light brown industrial worker boots.
The most noticeable thing about her, however, was her eyes. They were the color of pure gold! Every time she looked around, they seemed to glisten.
Suddenly, a quick, sharp pain formed from my shoulder, where Dakota had grabbed me.
Dakota Way: ‘Hey, I was talking to you man! Were you not listening?’
X.D: (Surprised) ‘Err, no, sorry’
Dakota Way: ‘Seriously man? Ugh, do you want to sit anywhere?’
X.D: ‘Oh...well..’ looking around the room, I noticed that Yukki and Yuuto were both sat on the same table, typing something onto a laptop. ‘Should we sit with them? I have a few questions to ask after all.’
Dakota Way: ‘Really? With those two nerds? You would fit right at home, wouldn't you! Naaa, in all seriousness , I'm going to sit with the ladies. Catch ya later, Dweeb!’
He smiled and began to walk over to the table. I decided to join the brothers instead.
X.D: ‘Morning guys.’
Both of them sat there, paying no attention to me. They just kept on typing. Instead of pestering them, I thought it was easier to take a seat opposite to them and wait. Soon enough, Yukki sat back and let out a large puff of air.
Yukki Ito: (To Yuuto) ‘Bloody hell, they've upgraded the facility security system allot since last time I checked.’
Yuuto Ito: (Rolling his eyes as he spoke) ‘Well, we did steal the plans and layout of the facility, what did you expect they would do?’
Yukki Ito: ‘They were dumb enough to do nothing about it last time!’
Yuuto Ito: ‘And that's the reason why we both got a strike! Because you couldn't remember to put up a fucking firewall to stop them from monitoring us!’
Yukki looked down in embarrassment and began to sniffle. Yuuto then went silent. I'm not sure if this was out of guilt or empathy, as his facial expressions never seem to change. I decided to join in on the conversation.
X.D: ‘So, you guys can hack into this places network with that laptop?’
Both boys stared at me, with a look of pure excitement on both of their faces.
Yukki Ito: ‘Of course we can! that's what we were brought here for after all!’
Yuuto Ito: (Arms crossed) ‘Well, we were forced here.’
X.D: ‘When you say forced you mean..’
Yuuto Ito: ‘I mean our family was slaughtered, all because we showed signs of intelligence. This twisted fuck of a facility murdered our family just to drag our asses here to be used as programmers!’
Yukki’s face went white, but Yuuto didn't even show signs of remorse. He just seemed aggravated.
Yuuto Ito: (Pushing himself off his seat angrily) ‘I'm going off to train. Leave me alone today.’
With that, he stormed out of the room towards the gym. Yukki slowly began to talk to me.
Yukki Ito: ‘Sorry, my brother gets easily upset by certain topics.’
X.D: ‘Listen, I'm so sorry about what happened to your parents.’
Yukki Ito:(Shrugging) ‘There's no need to say sorry. I didn't even get to know them that well. They died when I was very young.’
X.D:(Kind of confused) ‘How comes Yuuto can remember them and not you?’
Yukki Ito: (He shrugged again) ‘To be honest, I don't actually know. Every time I try to bring up the subject, he just blanks me and changes the topic.’
Without wanting to cause any more upsets, I decided to change topics.
X.D: ‘You said you've read everyone's profiles, right? If so, who is everyone?’
I gestured discretely to the three others in the room.
Yukki Ito: ‘Oh, ok...’
He began pointing towards people.
Yukki Ito:‘...You already know Miu and Dakota. I know that Dakota was brought in here for his extreme strength, but from what i have read his other implants are completely classified. I haven't really been able to get to those yet…’
He paused and stared at Miu.
Yukki Ito: ‘Miu is actually a mystery to me. Her profile says allot about her as a person, I mean, she was actually royalty!’
X.D: ‘Really?’
Yukki Ito: ‘Yeah, I know right! However everything else on her is incredibly encrypted. I can't quite understand what it's saying, but whatever it is it keeps repeating the words “Morph” and “parasite”. You can come up with whatever you want really, since your guess is as good as mine.’
He then pointed towards the tall girl, who was talking to both Miu and Dakota.
Yukki Ito: ‘Her name is Leona Ashima. By her description, I guess she’s meant to be some kind of human trap. Everything about her is toxic, from her skin to her sweat. I mean, she’s a really nice girl and all, but she really, really stinks. It's not her fault though, it's whatever they’ve done to her. Poor girl.’
He then turned and pointed towards the larger guy at the back.
Yukki Ito: ‘His name is Lewis Sterge. He may look like a pretty tough nut to crack, but trust me, he’s a big softy if you get on his good side. However, he does take some time to warm up to you, so try to get on his nice side. Makes life easier around here.
He scanned the room one last time.
Yukki Ito: (Smiling) ‘Whelp, that's about everyone!’
X.D: (Curiously) ‘Who is she?’
I pointed to the girl at the back.
Yukki Ito: ‘Oops. Sorry, I forgot about her. She rarely comes out of her room. That's Atsuko Viola. I mean, she has a profile and all, but she’s mostly here for the repair side of things. Like us really. she’s just here to be used as a tool.’
X.D: (Confused) ‘So, let me get this straight. We're all here to just be used as tools?’
Yukki gave me a stern look.
Yukki Ito: ‘That's precisely what I mean.’
He inched closer to me , and began to whisper into my ear.
Yukki Ito: ‘This place is a weapons testing facility. If you're not a weapon yourself here, you're just an easily replaceable tool. But don't think they won't replace you too. After all, they look at all of us as if we are just expendable.’
Yukki sat backwards in his chair. He let out a large sigh.
Yukki Ito: ‘It always end the same in here. People come. People train. People Die!’ His eyes began to tear up. ‘Just… promise me one thing, will you?’
X.D: ‘Sure, anything!’
Yukki Ito: ‘If we have a slight chance to escape, or if anyone in here, especially my brother, is under threat from anything, promise me that you will stand by our side, and not against us!’
His question didn't surprise me. "Will you stand by our side." Yukki must have had trouble with others in the past, otherwise he wouldn't have asked me to make a promise!
X.D: ‘I promise.’
He looked me in the eye, then nodded.
Yukki Ito: ‘Good. It's always a relief to know that we have someone on our side. Many people fall into the mistake of doing exactly what the Doctor orders, but even with their loyalty, they were still dismantled.’
Yukki let out a sigh of relief. I could tell that he had seen allot in his time here, so I was in no place to question or even deny his statements.
X.D: ’What should we do now?’
Yukki handed me a plate of toast.
Yukki: ‘Eat up! We all have allot of training to do today.’
I stared at the plate of food. My stomach rumbled with hunger. A sudden thought sprang into mind.
X.D: ‘Wait! I'm a robot! How can I even eat this?’
Yukki smiled.
Yukki Ito: ‘You're not a robot, you're a cyborg. You still have organs and stuff, there just… well… different from the ones that you were previously using!’
X.D: ‘Yeah, I know that! It's just that I don't have an actual mouth to, you know, eat things.’
I pointed at the metal plate where my mouth was.
Yukki Ito: ‘ Dude, that's a face plate! It's used as your primary mouth because it can still interact in ways with its surroundings. For example….’ He pulled out a long piece of paper. ‘This list tells me you can speak, and even simulate kissing…’ Yukki began to laugh. ‘I don't know why, but the idea that they added that just makes me wonder what they were doing in the lab!’
I must have stared harshly at him, because when he looked at me he stopped and went back to talking.
Yukki Ito: ‘Anyway, just pull the plate down. Your real mouth is under it’
I done as he told me. The plate slid down easily and stuck to my chin like a beard. Then I opened my mouth. I didn't know what shocked me the most: the fact that my mouth opened ninety degrees, or that every part of it was filled with Drills as teeth. The force and shock made me full backwards off my seat. Yukki burst out laughing, whilst everyone else sat there and stared.
Yukki Ito: (Laughing) ‘ I should have warned you about that, Huh?'
I sat back in my seat. Picking up the plate, I shoveled the toast into my mouth. In a few seconds, it was all gone. The sensation of eating without chewing or swallowing felt supernatural to me. But, I decided not to question the already Unquestionable. Attempting to look in control, a sat back and locked the face-plate back into place.
X.D: ‘Well. That was weird.’
Me and Yukki began to laugh.
We sat there and had back to back conversation about programming for a little while. After all, I was studying the topic before I was… Anyway, after a while, people began to cue out towards the gym. I watched as Lewis, Dakota, Miu and Leona left, one after another. Yukki decided to do the same.
Yukki Ito: ‘Everyone else is going off, I might as well go to.’
He picked up his plate and went into the kitchen.
I decided to wait for him. Resting my head on the table, I breathed in a large breath of air.
???: (Timidly) ‘E...Excuse me…’
The voice caused me to jump. I don't understand how, as it was very silent and soft. Looking up, I realized that the voice belonged to the girl at the back and that she was trying to get my attention. However, she began to tear up.
Atsuko Viola: (Timidly) ‘I'm...I'm so sorry….I….I didn't mean to startle you.’
She looked down with guilt in her eyes. Although I had first assumed that she was stuttering out of nervousness, she actually had a rather obvious stammer, which seemed to be triggered randomly throughout her sentences, getting worse the more nervous she was.
X.D: ‘Its ok! I'm fine. There is no need to be sorry!’
I tried to smile, then I realized that I couldn't. Well, I could, but she wouldn't see it as I had a bloody piece of metal in the way.
She sniffled, then raised her head.
Atsuko Viola: (Jittering) ‘I...was going to a...ask you for a pencil…’
I looked around the room for one, to no avail
X.D: ‘Sorry, there doesn't seem to be one around here.’
I tried to sound as soft as possible, as she was obviously in allot of distress to talk, and a very timid person.
Atsuko Viola: (Silently) ‘Oh….ok... thank you for ch….checking’
She stood from her seat, clutching a book in her arms.
Atsuko Viola: (Shyly, rushed) ‘S...s...sorry for w...wasting y...your t...time..’
She rushed over to the exit of the cafeteria. Before she left, she turned around and glanced at me. Her eyes were wet from tears, and shimmered when she blinked.
Atsuko Viola: (Silently) ‘B...by the way… what is your name?’
X.D: ‘The names Xyro. It’s a pleasure to meet you!’
I took a stand and bowed. Atsuko smiled slightly, then looked down at her book.
Atsuko Viola: ‘O...ok..my name’s Atsuko...I…’
The more she said, the faster and quieter she spoke. She stopped herself, glanced to the floor, and ran out crying. Yukki then returned from the kitchen.
Yukki Ito: ‘Hey, I just finished washing up! Let's go and do some training!’
On the way to the gym, I decided to ask Yukki about Atsuko.
X.D: ‘Just out of curiosity, what's the deal with Atsuko anyway?’
Yukki stood still and glared at me.
Yukki Ito: ‘Why? What happened?’
X.D: ‘Well, I was sat there, and she asked me for a pencil, so I…’
Yukki Ito: (Shouting) ‘WHAT! She talked to you?’
A pure expression of shock spread across his face like wildfire.
Yukki Ito: ‘Dude! That's huge news!’
X.D: (Confused) ‘Why she only asked for a pencil.’
Yukki Ito: ‘Xyro, this is the first time she has spoken to someone at all!’
X.D: ‘Wait, what?’
Yukki ito: ‘We all thought she was just mute, but if you're telling the truth, then she can speak after all!’
He then seemed to go off into his own train of thought.
Yukki Ito: (Whispered, to himself) ‘But why would she talk to you?’
We arrived at the dormitories and entered the gym. It surprised me at how spacious it was.
Everyone except Lewis and Leona seemed to be spread out. The two were throwing knives and needles at targets, Dakota was pounding his fists into one of the training dummies, Yuuto was using one of the computers, and Miu…. was sat there, doing nothing.
Yukki Ito: ‘I'm joining my brother. For you, I would advise giving the training dummies a go.’
Yukki ran over to his brother. I couldn't help but admire everyone else's dedication and skill, especially Dakota, who was completely decimating the training dummy. I decided to give it a shot to. I let out a few punches on the dummy. Nothing, not even a scratch. Its smile on its face almost seemed to be laughing at me. I swung harder this time. Still, nothing. The dummies stupid wooden smile began to make me agitated. Dakota noticed this, and began to mock me.
Dakota Way: ‘Aww, don't feel bad man. You probably hurt its feelings at least!'
His laughter fueled my anger into rage. I swung at the stupid thing one last time. Its head went rolling across the gym floor. Dakota raised his hand for a high five.
Dakota way: ‘Yo, Dude! That was an awesome swing man!’
I calmed down and slapped his hand.
Dakota Way: ‘Keep it up, bro!’
Dakota may have see this as funny, but I didn't. I have never had such a high temper before, so i had no idea what had come over me.
Maybe it was just stress, or maybe even fear kicking in. Whatever the case, I couldn't let it get to me. Suddenly, a hand landed on my right shoulder. To my surprise, it was Lewis.
Lewis Sterge: ‘That was one hell of a swing!’
He walked over to the head, kicked it, then picked it up.
Lewis Sterge: ‘You do realise these things have a solid titanium core, right?’
X.D:(Shocked) ‘Really?’
Lewis Sterge: ‘See for yourself.’
He threw me the head. Catching it, I investigated the neck. He was right. The entire core of it was metal.
Lewis Sterge: (Jokingly) ‘For a run down android piece of shit, you really have a lot of kick in you, huh?’
I had no idea how to reply, because of the way he said it meant that I couldn't tell if he was being positive or just rude.
Dakota Way: ‘Who are you calling a piece of shit?’
Dakota walked over and stood by my side. At first, I thought he was trying to stick up for me.
Dakota Way: ‘Yo, Xyro doesn't look like a turd! I swear he is a robot or some shit like that!’
Then, I realized something: Dakota is a dumbass dumb-ass
Lewis looked at me and laughed.
Lewis Sterge: (Mockingly) ‘Your friend really is brain dead, isn't he?’
Dakota: (Agitated) ‘Alright, that's it!’
Both of the boys began to clash. Both swung fists and feet, but none of them did anything serious to each other. They were such an even match, that neither of the boys could out do the other. The fight was ended with an announcement from one of the speakers.
I’jnh: ‘Well well well, Looks like you’ve all settled in nicely. It's nearly been a day and you’ve already started fighting. How wonderful! Although it is technically time you can all retire, I won't stop you all from training if you don't want to. Anyway, tartar!’
I looked over at the time.
X.D: ‘7:30!’
It felt like I had only had breakfast a minute ago. I guess time flies when you're fighting mannequins.
Dakota and Lewis rushed off to their rooms, trying to see who gets there first. Both boys shot evil glances towards one another, then they slammed their doors shut behind them. Miu waltzed over to me and stood to my left.
Miu Shizuka: ‘It's funny, is it not?’
I stared at her.
X.D: ‘What is?’
Miu Shizuka: ‘Your little “promise” you made back in the cafeteria’
She smiled.
Miu shizuka: ‘I must say, you are quite the softy for a lethal weapon, aren't you?’
Knowing that Miu was trying to mess with me, I simply laughed.
X.D: ‘ I wouldn't have it any other way!’
Miu giggled.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Well, goodnight Xyro. Have a pleasant rest.’
She bowed, and then made her way to her room.
Being the only one left in the gym, I decided to call it a night. So, I tucked myself into my bed, shut my eyes, and went to sleep.
Chapter One: Day Three:
Mech-ing me angry
Another early morning. Rising from my bed, I checked the time.
It was fourteen minutes past six.
Although early, I felt influenced to start the day. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I slowly opened my door. Checking to see if any of the others were awake, I made my way into the cafeteria. On arrival, I found that all the lights were on, accompanied by the whirring sound of electricity. Although empty, Miu was sat at a table by herself.
Miu Shizuka:(Taking a sip of tea before speaking) ‘Ah, Xyro, it is a pleasurable morning, is it not?’
Her smile was very calming. She clasped a small cup of herbal tea in her hands.
X.D: ‘I guess so.’
Miu smirked.
Miu Shizuka: ‘You guess so, or, you know so?’
To me, her eerie smile now seemed friendly. Before responding further, I went into the kitchen to grab myself a drink of tea and some breakfast. then , I sat with her.
X.D: ‘How are you today?’
Miu cut me off.
Miu Shizuka: ‘What are your plans for escape?’
X.D: (Shocked) ‘What?’
Miu Shizuka: ‘You heard me.’
She continued to sip her tea.
X.D: ‘I don't have any plans… Not yet at least.’
Miu Shizuka: ‘Then you better hurry up and figure one out then. I for one intend on getting out this dastardly place as soon as humanly possible.’
She said as she was drinking warm tea in a very comfortable seat. Then again, her previously royal status may have been the cause of her current distraught.
Yukki Ito: ‘Were going to need more than brute force, you know!’
Both Yukki and Yuuto were stood at the entrance to the cafeteria.
Yuuto Ito: ‘We do have a plan, but we will need to discuss it in private with everyone.’
Yuuto stared at the camera in the corner of the room.
Yuuto Ito: ‘Don't worry, the security guards shifts don't start until six thirty, so we should be good to discuss it here.’
Both the brothers then gestured at the others, who were just arriving, to take a seat in the center of the room. Then, Yuuto stood at the front, with his laptop on the table.
Yuuto Ito: ‘OK, listen up everyone. We have figured out an escape plan!’
Yukki Ito: ‘The security in this place has been bolstered. They have begun setting up active defense systems as well as adding new robotic guards in all major facilities, including this one. This is going to be a thorn in our sides…
Yuuto Ito: ‘However, we have found a weakness in the system.’
Yukki Ito: ‘But, it will take us roughly fifteen to twenty days to get into…’
Lewis Sterge: ‘Fifteen days? That's way too long! The last time you two attempted to hack the system, it took you computer nerds two days to get in!’
Yuuto Ito: ‘Trust me, it's harder this time around.Besides, this time, we will open the doors in the cafeteria, not the gym.’
He gestured towards the one which I had originally came through.
Yukki Ito: ‘From there on out, we will need Dakota and Lewis to hold back security.’
Yuuto Ito: ‘Then, Miu and Leona need to distract or eliminate the engineers in sector 53…’
The boys gestured at the map on their laptop. The girls nodded in approval.
Yukki Ito: ‘Then, we need to go through this hallway, and turn right to get to the main elevator.’
Yuuto Ito: ‘Me, Yukki and Atsuko will hack into the elevators mainframe, bringing it down to us.’
Yukki Ito: ‘After that, all we need to do is hold off the guards, and we are out of here!’
Everyone began to talk in excitement.
Happy with the plan, people began to move out of their seats, to prepare breakfast.
X.D: ‘So what about me?’
Everyone went silent. Yukki and Yuuto shared uneasy looks.
X.D: ‘Well, what's the matter?’
Yukki looked down in embarrassment. Yuuto did not.
Yuuto Ito: ‘You're a cyborg. I'm still not sure if you are even trustworthy, and won't stab us in the back.’
Yukki Ito: (Stuttering) ‘I...It's nothing personal! It's just that...well…’
Yuuto Ito: (Sternly) ‘We have been burned by your type in the past.’
This time, everyone went red in the face. A feeling of embarrassment and anger spread across my mind. Before doing anything drastic, I walked out.
X.D: (Grumpily talking to myself) ‘Your type. Your type! What's that even supposed to mean!’
Once I was in the gym, I had a sudden urge to fight the dummies upon casting my eyes on them. Before long, with a few flashes of red, all five were sprawled across the floor in pieces.
Yet, looking down at my hands, I realized that a single blade on each hand had slid out from where my knuckles were located. But, as soon as I realised this, both slid back into my hands.
Again, I had lost control of my emotions.
Sitting cross legged on one of the seats, I tried my hardest to meditate in an attempt to calm myself.
Thinking back over the plan, I knew I would be alongside them, they just didn't trust me to be part of a major role.Although, something must have happened in the past involving a cyborg to make them see me as being untrustworthy.
I'm my concentration, I didn't notice that someone was standing in front of me until they spoke.
Leona Ashima: ‘Everyone's worried about you.’
Leona sat beside me.
Leona Ashima: ‘The brothers are just trying to keep everyone safe and making sure that the plan works this time around. Don't take it too personally.’
I sat up.
X.D: ‘I know, It's just what Yuuto said. I'm not just a cyborg, I am...well….was, a human!’
Leona Ashima: ‘Yuuto hates any kind of artificial intelligence, especially robots.’
X.D: ‘Why?’
Leona smiled.
Leona Ashima: ‘Watch…’
She stood up and advanced towards one of the metal doors. She began to swing at it with her fists.
X.17: ‘HALT!’
A huge mech dropped from the ceiling. It wielded a large sword and a gun. To be honest, I actually can't believe that I wasn't able to notice such a huge robot. But in my defense, it was on the roof!
Leona Ashima: ‘OK, big guy, I'm sorry.’
The mech then retreated back to its post on the ceiling.
Leona Ashima: ‘See what I mean, those pieces of tin are called extreme crisis mechs. They scattered around the place.’
She looked at me with dismay in her eyes.
Leona Ashima: ‘Yuuto still blames any robot for what happened last time…’
X.D: ‘last time?’
Leona Ashima: ‘You don't know? Last time we tried to break out, we had around twenty other people here. Most of them were experiments, but a few were just mechanoids. Long story short, a cyborg decided he would show his loyalty to the Doctor and tell him our escape plan, so most of them ended up dead. Everyone here is all that's left. Well….except for one guy, who….’
She was interrupted by Lewis.
Lewis Sterge: ‘Hey babe, the cameras are back online in a sec, so wrap whatever you two are talking about up! We don't want to get any “unwanted” attention from Doctor white jacket prick, don't we?’
Giving me a half smile, she and Lewis went over to the targets and began to simultaneously throw their weapons at them. Then, everyone else arrived.
Almost everyone tried to avoid eye contact with me, except Dakota, who came over and gestured for a fist bump.
Dakota Way: ‘Yo, dude, just ignore what they said, bro! You're trustworthy to me man, even if you are a little bit of a nerd!’
Although coming from a man with less brain than a goldfish, his words were at least soothing and gave me a boost of morale.
However, training wasn't an option to me. Seeing those blades made me realize that all training was doing to me was stripping me from myself. They wanted us to train, so that we will master our abilities, but lose ourselves in the process. That's what I believed at least.
I sat with Miu instead and watching everyone else.
We sat there in silence. Lewis and Leona were constantly hitting the center of the targets, the brothers were typing and Dakota was….erm…. Talking to one of the mannequins.
Suddenly, I noticed one of the doors to the rooms opened up. Atsuko cautiously walked out. She was clenching her book in her arms. The timid girl looked around, and must have got a glance of me looking at her, as she looked down and blushed, before walking off towards the cafeteria.
As I watched her go, Miu let out a muffled laugh.
X.D: ‘What's so funny now?’
Miu Shizuka: (Still giggling) ‘I find it rather adorable that your eyes change color when you feel different things. Earlier, your eyes were red when you got angry, but now, after seeing that young lady, your eyes are a bright shade of pink.’
She pulled out a hand mirror to show me. Unfortunately, she was correct. My eyes were the shade of a rosebud. Then they changed back to green.
Miu Shizuka: (Winking) ‘Don't worry pumpkin, I won't tell a soul about your feelings!’
Again, she was trying to get to me.
X.D: (Jokingly) ‘And I won't tell anyone about your feelings towards Dakota!’
With her pale white complexion, it was obvious that she was blushing.
Miu Shizuka: (Genuinely angry) ‘What! With that hunk of flesh! There's no chance in hell that I would fall for such a…..’
X.D: ‘Hey, there's no need to get so defensive over it!’
I winked at her. Calming down, Miu began to smile.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Please don't ever say that again. I can't stand that….thing..’
She stared at me.
Miu Shizuka: Oh my! It's already five thirty! I must be off to get some tea!’
She took a stand.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Would you like to accompany me?’
I followed.
At this time, the canteen was dark. Only a few of the lights were on, but that didn't seem to mind Miu or Atsuko.
Miu Shizuka: ‘I will go boil the kettle.’
She began to walk off. Before she went, she glanced at Atsuko, and then back at me.
Sometimes, I hate Miu. But she was right. I went over and sat next to Atsuko, who reacted by closing her book, and trying to avoid eye contact.
X.D: (Awkwardly) ‘ H...Hi..’
Somehow, trying to talk to her was harder than cutting through solid titanium.
Atsuko Viola: ‘H...Hello..’
We both sat there awkwardly for a while. Atsuko sniffled but swung her legs on her chair. Luckily, Miu came in with three cups of tea.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Well, here you go!’
She handed me and Atsuko a cup each. Noticing the awkward silence, Miu came up with a plan.
Miu Shizuka: ‘So, Atsuko, My name is Miu! It's a pleasure to meet you! I have heard allot about you from my friend here.’
She gestured at me with an incredibly disguised grin on her face.
Atsuko Viola: ‘Y...you...have?’
Miu Shizuka: ‘Of course! He's been nagging my ear off all day about you!’
Have you ever had that feeling where a friend is embarrassing you, but you can't do anything about it? Well, that's the situation I was in.
Even with Atsuko’s short hair, I couldn't tell how she was feeling, since her face was disguised behind her hair and her hoodie. Noticing that she had made the situation ten times worse, Miu then went silent. The three of us just sat there, drinking tea, in silence.
She looked like she had another plan.
Miu Shizuka: 'Well, that was a great discussion. Unfortunately, I'm out of tea. Goodnight to the both of you.’
She skipped out of the cafeteria.
Her plan was to abandon me.
Thanks, Miu.
Nervously, Atsuko looked up at me.
Atsuko Viola: ‘I...I'm sorry… I… I don't know what to talk about.’
X.D: ‘That's completely fine!’
At ease, Atsuko finally sat up straight and gave me the most adorable smile I had ever seen.
Atsuko Viola: ‘Tha...thank you for understanding….’
She pulled out a pair of headphones and plugged it into a small device in her pocket.
Atsuko Viola: ‘W...would you...like to listen to some music? I m...made it myself.’
X.D: ‘I would love to.’
I placed the bud into a small port on the side of my head.
We sat there for a while listening to a range of instrumental and techno music. Soon, I found myself drawn to the songs.
The amount of effort and time that went into them must have been painstaking to do in such an environment.
Eventually, We had to return to our dorms for the evening. I decided it was best to walk her to her room.
Atsuko Viola: (Timidly) ‘Than...thank you..’
She blushed
Atsuko Viola: ‘M...m...maybe we… should do this again sometime?’
X.D: ‘ Definitely!’
I gave her a nod.
X.D: ‘Goodnight Atsuko!’
Atsuko Viola: ‘G...Goodnight…’
She closed the door slowly. I felt so happy, that I didn't even notice Yuuto staring at me from his doorway.
X.D: ‘Have a good evening Yuuto!’
He continued to stare at me for an uncomfortable while. Then, he spoke.
Yuuto Ito: ‘Look, I'm sorry that I came across as being a twat earlier, it's just been very hard to come to terms with things in here.’
X.D: ‘Yeah, well you have your reasons. Apology accepted!’
Yuuto smiled at me. It was the first actual smile I had ever seen him do, and would be the last in a while.
Yuuto Ito: ‘Goodnight Xyro!’
He closed his door. I decided to do the same.
Once I was in my bed, I slept through the entire night like a baby.
Chapter one: Day four: Accidents happen!
With so much energy flowing through me from the night before, I found it hard to stay asleep. Raising up from my sheets, I began to stretch out.
A loud thump of a fist against my door startled me.
Lewis Sterge: ‘Hey, kid! Hurry up and get your ass ready! Everyone is waiting for ya!’
Checking the time, it had only just became six A.M. Curious, I went outside, to find Lewis tapping his foot outside the doorway waiting for me.
X.D: ‘What's everyone doing up so early?’
Lewis plunged his face into his palm.
Lewis Sterge: ‘Ahh shit, sorry, but we completely forgot to tell you. The nerds have decided to hold a meeting in the cafeteria at six from now on.’
He looked down at me in frustration.
Lewis Sterge: ‘So? What are you waiting for? Go!’
I rushed down the hallway and into the cafeteria. Everyone was standing around Yukki's laptop in the center of the room.Upon entering, everyone turned to face me.
Dakota Way: ‘Hey! Look who finally decided to wake up!’
X.D: ‘Good morning Dakota.’
Yukki Ito: ‘Hey, Xyro, check it out!’
He pointed at the laptop's screen.
Yukki Ito: ‘It says here that in fifteen days time, they will be shutting off main power supplies to do a maintenance check! You know what that means, right?’
Yuuto Ito: (Answering for me) ‘It means that hacking through security is going to be easier for us…’
Everyone began to chat excitedly.
Yuuto Ito: ‘...But…’
everyone went silent.
Yuuto ito: ‘They aren't foolish. During the downtime they are more then likely to have more armed guards around to keep everything in check..’
Yukki Ito: ‘Which means that in order to escape, we will need to get around them somehow…’
Yuuto Ito: ‘....Or eliminate them.’
Miu Shizuka: (Excitedly) ‘And by “eliminate” you mean, Murder!’
Everyone seemed worried about that statement. I guess when it comes down to it, some of us never thought about having to kill people before.
Lewis Sterge: (kind of being sympathetic) ‘Hey, everyone! Don't look like that! What do you think all this training is for? huh?’
X.D: ‘What are you trying to say?’
Lewis Sterge: ‘Don't look so surprised! Why would they be training us to fight if they weren't planning on using us? We are weapons kid. So as far as i'm concerned, it's kill to get out, or kill because your ordered too.’
Silence. Nobody wanted to break it. Lewis was right, In here, its kill to get out, or stay to make killing a living.
Funny to think back on that now, since my life isn't exactly far from that.
The ice was eventually broken by Miu.
Miu Shizuka: (Smiling) ‘Sorry to interrupt such a beautiful moment of tension, but it's nearly showtime peasants.’
Yukki changed the web page of his laptop.
Yukki Ito: ‘OK guys. Good discussion. Remember that we will be meeting daily to go over escape plans….’
He gave me a stern look.
Yukki ito: ‘...And please try not to be late.’
We all went and got breakfast. If Atsuko was around, I would have sat with her. But, she must have left after the meeting. So I sat with Miu and Dakota instead. Conversations went as normal until Miu brought up an interesting topic.
Miu Shizuka: ‘I'm curious. What are your abilities Xyro? Dakotas are obvious, same as Leona and Lewis's. But I can't tell what yours are?’
X.D: ‘(Shrugging) I'm meant to be a weapon of some kind. I don't know really, I guess just a cyborg.
Dakota Way: (Jokingly, with a mouthful of food) ‘Man,they weren't going on looks though, weren't they?’
Miu Shizuka: (looking at him in disgust) ‘Speak for yourself. Anyway, I for one find him extremely charming.’
She looked over and gave me a creepy wink.
After breakfast was over, everyone went back to training. It was the same typical routine. Everyone was perfecting their own thing. Even Miu was using the weights!
Well, to prop up a book. But that counts for something!
Typically, I was never one for hand to hand combat, although I found it soothing in that moment of time. Truth be told, doing the training actually helped calm my nerves in that situation.
Eventually, after doing a few different exercises, Dakota asked if i wanted to join him for some training.
Even though the boy has less brain than a sponge, he was and always will be a brilliant trainer.
Time went by. Everyone kept training to their hearts content. Unfortunately, everyone's concentration was broken by a loud slam. Spinning around sharply, we both were horrified at what we were looking at. X.17 had dropped down from the ceiling, picked up Leona, and was repeatedly punching her. The sound of her muffled cries spread across the room.
Lewis Sterge: (Shouting) ‘Let her fucking go!’
Lewis charged at the mech and began swinging his fists at its leg. X.17 gave one huge kick, and Lewis went flying into a bunch of benches on the other side of the gym. The robot then looked down at Leona and threw her to the ground.
It then retreated to the ceiling. Without a moment's hesitation, everyone flocked Leona. Getting closer, I realized how bad her injuries were. She was completely bruised and bleeding from the mouth.
With the sheer size and strength of the mechs, i was surprised to see her still alive and able to move
Yukki Ito: (Trying to keep her still) ‘You don't need to say anything Leona. Just stay still.’
She just laid there with tears filling her eyes. Lewis rushed over.
He too was in a bad state, with a few cuts covering his face. However, he seemed completely fine in comparison to her.
Lewis Sterge: ‘Leona! A...are you alright?’
Although this question seemed rather stupid to me at the time, since she was obviously in allot of pain, I later realized that he was just trying to make conversation to keep her conscious. He feared more than anything in that moment that if she closed her eyes, she wouldn't wake up.
Looking up into his eyes, he gave a weak smile.
Leona Ashima: ‘Yeah, I'm *cough* fine.’
Lewis Sterge: (Placing his arms underneath her, talking softly) ‘You need to get some rest babe.’
Gently picking her up, he took her to her room, accompanied by Miu and Dakota.
Once they had disappeared inside, Yukki turned around to me with clenched fists.
Yukki Ito:(Angry) ‘See what I mean? This place is fucking ridiculous!’
X.D: (Also angry) ‘What the hell did she even do?’
I was staring at the small pool of blood which she left on the floor.
Yuuto Ito: ‘I can tell you exactly what happened!’
Although Yuuto’s facial expressions didn't change, Yukki’s face started going bright red.
Yuuto Ito: ‘She was doing the target practice when she missed one of her shots. The needle hit the door, which must have set off the E.C mech.’
Yuuki Ito: (Speaking through a clenched jaw) ‘It was an accident, yet she got punished with vandalism.’
Yuuto seemed to storm off, leaving his brother with me.
Yukki Ito: ‘*Sigh* Why is everything so difficult. In here, it's the same thing, over and over again. People, good people, come, train, die….’
He then began to tear up again. I placed my hand on his shoulder.
Yukki gave me a distinct nod.
Yukki Ito: ‘Do you understand why we must leave now. If we don't, then….’
X.D: ‘I understand. But we must stay calm, or we'll lose ourselves.’
Yukki wiped his tears away.
Yukki Ito: ‘Your right Xyro.’
X.D: ‘What should we do about leona? Shouldn't we get medical help?’
Yukki ito: ‘As if they would send any! They couldn't care less about our health.’
I didn't really have anything else to suggest.
Yukki Ito: ‘I'm going to check If Leona is OK. I would advise you to get some rest. After all, you will get tested tomorrow.’
I did as advised and went to my dorm.
But, I couldn't fall asleep.
Poor Leona. She was hurt badly, and yet no one could help her. I was more frustrated at myself, As I did nothing. This needed to change.
Out of everything, however, I was more concerned about the test. The haunting image of strikes turning into dismantlement terrified me. Would the test be related to our training?
I figured to myself the only way to find out for sure was to sleep.
Chapter One: Day Five: The first test
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘Xyro, get up! Tests start soon!’
For a split second, my brain acknowledged the word “test” as being like the ones I had in school, but I knew that was not the case. So, without thinking, I leaped out of bed, and went to open the door.
It was locked. I tried again. Yep, it was definitely locked. Confused, I shouted for Yukki.
X.D: ‘Yukki! My doors locked!’
Yukki laughed
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘Of course it is! You will get called out when they are ready for you!’
At that moment I realized that Yukki was actually talking to me through the wall of his dormitory.
X.D: ‘So, how do these tests work anyway?’
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘Well, everyone gets called out in alphabetical order. We then receive a number of tasks that we need to complete in a certain time limit. Apparently, The quicker you do, the better your reward. Don't expect much though, I’jnh is never impressed with anyone. And if you fail….’
X.D: ‘Strikes?’
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘Yep. Anyway, if you're interested in seeing everyone, you can watch them on the TV on the wall. There should be a button you can press on your bedside cabinet. Oh, and after your test, you can get food. Unfortunately, you are last on the list. I hope your not hungry!’
He chuckled at me through the wall.
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘Don't worry about it too much. Just do as he tells you and I'm sure you will be fine!'
I sat back on my bed and searched the cabinet next to me. Moving my index finger down the ridge of the wooden table, i found a small switch. Flicking it, the wall opposite to me started moving around, revealing a small screened TV. The picture on the screen showed the gym, with everyone's names going down the right hand side. The names, like Yukki said, were in alphabetical order,starting with Atsuko and ending with me. Leona's name had a small tick next to it.
X.D: (Shouting to yukki) ‘What's with the tick next to leona’s name?’
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘I’jnh is giving her a break because of what happened yesterday. Fortunately, she’s not receiving a strike either, since it was a mistake.’
He paused.
Yukki ito: Anyway, This shouldn't take too long. Me, Yuuto and Atsuko never get called out unless we need to fix something, so when it gets to us, we should just automatically receive ticks anyway.'
X.D: ‘What time does it start at?’
As if to answer my question, a familiar voice boomed through the facility speakers.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Atsuko, make your way into the proving grounds!’
Yukki seemed surprised.
Yukki Ito:(Muffled,shouting) ‘One of the mech's must be broken.’
I watched as she entered the camera's line of sight in the gym. She stood there, patiently.
Then one of the mech's dropped from the ceiling. Poor Atsuko stumbled back from the shock and force of the mech, which caused the ground to shake.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Now, X17 has broken a small part of its arm from yesterday's “incident”. You have two minutes to repair it. Get to work!’
His voice went silent. Atsuko looked down and let out a large sigh. She then climbed up the mech and began tinkering with its left arm. To my surprise, after a few small tweeks, she dropped down from its arm, wiping a small amount of sweat which had accumulated on her forehead. Her clothes were covered in oil, but she didn't seem to mind.
Steven I’jnh: (Shouting in aggravation) ‘One minute, twenty-seven seconds? That's disgusting! How can you even call yourself an engineer!’
Atsuko walked out of sight, with tears in her eyes. Seeing her so upset, and hearing what I’jhn had said to her caused my blades to slide out of my fists without me realizing.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Next!’
Dakotas name flashed on the screen.
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting): ‘Can't believe that bastard calls the gym the “proving grounds”. I mean, how lame is that!’
He laughed to himself.
Yukki Ito: ‘But yeah, once you're done with your test, go to the cafeteria. We will all be waiting in there anyway.’
X.D: ‘OK, thanks, Yukki!’
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘No problem.’
By now Dakota had entered the “Proving grounds”. He seemed pumped and ready to go. A training dummy then popped out of the ground.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Dakota, you have ten minutes to decapitate this training dummy, including the arms. So get going!’
I watched for eight painstaking minutes as he tried his hardest to tear the limbs of the dummy. Luckily, on the ninth minute, he was able to yank its head off.
Steven I’jnh: ‘What do you call this? nine minutes? You have to be kidding me! Get out of my sight now!’
A tick sprung up next to Dakotas name.
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘He's a harsh motherfucker, isn't he! Dakota did a really good job! I will have to tell him that when I see him. These things are made of metal after all!.’
Lewis's name flashed on the screen.
Steven I’jnh: (Shouting) ‘Hurry up! I don't have all day!’
Lewis stood in the center of the gym. Targets were suspended in front of him.
Steven I’jnh: ‘You know exactly what you have to do. Ten seconds. Go!’
Within a blink of an eye, all targets had a knife buried deep inside it.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Come on! I've seen you throw better than that!’
His voice became deeper.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Maybe it's because of that failure, hmm? Distracting you, is she?’
He let out a blood-curdling laugh. Lewis stormed out, rage covering his face.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Who's next?’
Just before her name could flash up, Miu was already standing directly center in the gym. I don't understand how she did it, but she was able to pass through her locked door without even disengaging the locks themselves.
The doors around her in the gym opened, revealing ten armed guards. Each one had a shield and a rifle, yet even with firearms, they seemed completely terrified of the young girl standing before them.
Steven I’jnh: ‘These are a few of the guards we caught taking un-registered breaks on the job. Well, your task is to kill them before they kill you. Good luck!’
Miu simply looked towards the surveillance camera and smiled. Her eyes began to glow red. Then, the screen went black.
The constant male cries of agony and gunfire accompanied by miu’s psychotic laughter led me to believe that she was doing alright.
Eventually, the camera switched back on.
Miu, who was still standing, had a big smile on her face. Although she seemed unharmed, her hands were covered in allot of blood.
Meanwhile, the room around her was disgusting. With huge puddles of blood, all that was left of the men from before where their guns and shields.
Their bodies were nowhere to be seen.
Steven I’jnh: (Stuttering) ‘Well….that was...uh….something…’
Miu skipped out of the gym with an innocent grin on her face.
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘Me and Yuuto are up next!’
X.D: ‘Good luck!’
Their names flashed onto the screen. Both brothers then appeared in the gym.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Ahh, you two. Your task is really simple!’
A computer raised out from beneath the floor.
Steven I’jnh: ‘You have three seconds to enter the true meaning of life.’
Both brothers stood there. Stunned.
Steven I’jnh: (Laughing) ‘Ahh, I'm just messing with you. You have thirty minutes to complete the tasks on screen, so get your arses to work.’
They began typing. Ten minutes later, they were done.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Not bad, but not good! Try harder next time!’
The brothers both walked out.
Steven I’jnh: (Sighing, talking to someone behind him) ‘Everyone's been such a disappointment today! Can I get some working weapons! *sigh* Next!’
My door clicked open. I stepped out, and made my way to the gym. I couldn't even put into words how nervous I was. It felt like my heart was going to implode.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Ahh, Xyro. I have been waiting to see you in action. I have a very “special” task for you!’
Suddenly, X17 dropped from the ceiling. This time, he was wielding a sword.
Steven I’jnh: ‘You have to destroy the mech. Good luck!’
At this point, I knew I was boned.
Without warning, I was sucker punched halfway across the room, landing flat on my back. I was unable to get up, as X17 picked me up, and through me against the wall. The pain was almost unbearable, but somehow, I was still alive.
Steven I’jnh: ‘See what I mean? They are useless. Completely, useless!’
My heart began to slow. Everything around me became red. I couldn't control my body.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Look at him! He's pathetic! Just get out of my sight!’
X.D: ‘No….’
Everything went silent for a while.
Steven I’jnh: ‘What do you mean, no!’
X.D: (Shouting) ‘I said no!’
I felt a sharp warmth spread across my body. With a sudden burst of speed, I charged so fast at X17 that it didn't have a chance to retaliate. I burst straight through its chest, leaving a large circle in its torso. The lifeless shell dropped to the floor, sparking.
I’jnh said nothing for a while, but instead, he clapped. When he did start speaking, he had an excited tone in his voice.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Impressive. Maybe you are a worthwhile weapon!’
X.D: (Shouting) ‘I’m not a weapon!’
Steven I’jnh: ‘Is that so? Your hands say otherwise!’
Looking down, I realized that my blades were sticking out of my fists.
Withdrawing the blades, I walked towards the Cafeteria.
On my way to there, I couldn't help but doubt myself. I would never have wanted to be a weapon, and yet I have no control over my own anger. I felt like a disappointment.
Entering the cafeteria, everyone stared at me. Some in excitement, others in disbelief .
Dakota Way: (Excitedly) ‘Yo dude, that was awesome!’
Miu Shizuka: ‘I agree, that was quite a show!’
Both of them smiled at me. I didn't respond. Although I was worried about myself, My brain could only think of one person at that moment in time. Atsuko sat near the back of the room. By the looks of things, she had been crying for a while, as her sleeves were wet from dabbing her eyes. I sat beside her.
X.D: ‘Hey….’
She sat up when she heard my voice. She looked at me but tried her hardest to avoid eye contact.
Atsuko Viola: ‘H..h..hey…’
She sniffled.
X.D: ‘ I watched you do your test. You were absolutely amazing!’
Atsuko looked down.
Atsuko Viola: ‘N...No, I didn't, I’jhn…’
X.D: ‘I don't care what the doctor says, you fixed that mech’s arm in under two minutes!’
She began to cry again.
Atsuko Viola: ‘I...it's not that…I...am so sorry….I didn't realize he was going to...u...use the robot to fight you…’
Without thinking, I brushed her hair out of the way of her face.
X.D: ‘Its fine Atsuko. I'm fine, so you don't need to feel bad! You did what you had to, so don't blame yourself at all!.
She looked up at me. I brushed a tear from her cheek.
Atsuko Viola: ‘X...Xyro...I…’
She was interrupted by Yukki.
Yukki Ito: ‘Listen up everyone! There is good news and bad news.’
Everyone stood around the table which he was seated at.
Yukki Ito: ‘The good news is that no one has received a strike today!’
Yuuto cut into the speech.
Yuuto Ito: ‘The bad news is that Leona won't be leaving her room for some time. Lewis's orders. So, someone has to take food to them. I for one, don't want too.’
Miu Shizuka: ‘I would be delighted to make them tea, and Dakota would be honored to deliver it, wouldn't you?’
She stared hard at Dakota.
Dakota Way: ‘Why me man? Can't you do that?’
Miu giggled.
Miu Shizuka: ‘You are the one who is most likely to get along with Lewis. You both are, after all, friends.’
This was her angle. To use the offer of friendship between him and lewis to get him to take them food so she didn't have too.
Dumb enough to fall for it, Dakota smiled.
Dakota Way: ‘True. Ok man, I will do it!’
Yuuto Ito: ‘So, before we eat, does anyone want to add anything more.’
Yukki Ito: (Cutting in) ‘I do.’
He stood from his seat.
Yukki Ito: (With a small grin) ‘Ten more days guys. Ten more days!’
He then sat back down smiling. Everyone else did too.
The rest of the day was filled with laughter and eating. When it came to going to sleep, I walked Atsuko back to her room again. We didn't say much, but she didn't really have too. I was just happy to see her smile.
After she and everyone else retired to their dorms, I did the same.
I found it difficult to sleep. The idea of my rage taking over me kept flashing in my mind. What if I killed someone on accident? Then what would I do!
If I couldn't control my own rage, then how was I supposed to help everyone!
But, even with the constant recurring thoughts, I was able to finally fall asleep.
Chapter one: Day six: Two guns are better than one
Another dawn, another day.
Well, I tell a lie. It wasn't exactly dawn when I awoke, but instead was around five thirty in the morning.
I felt drained, yet somehow, I couldn't fall back to sleep.
After a few failed attempts at drifting off, I got out of bed and went to the cafeteria to get an early breakfast.
Although this was a theoretical prison, it was rather peaceful. With the combination no lights and the quiet atmosphere, I almost forgot where I was.
Walking into the cafeteria, I was greeted by a pair of red eyes, that pierced their way through the darkness.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Oh my! Your up early, aren't you?’
X.D: (Jumping slightly) ‘S...Seriously,What time do you wake up at!’
Her white smile seemed to also gleam in the dark light.
Miu Shizuka: ‘I never sleep!’
Her eyes traced my every step as I moved around her towards the kitchen.
For such a small person, Miu scares the shit out of me at times.
One there, I began to make myself breakfast. I grabbed a couple pieces of toast and some tea. Then, I went to accompany Miu.
For a while, we simply ate our breakfast. After eating, Miu sat back on her chair and cracked her knuckles.
Miu Shizuka: ‘We have about nine days until we attempt to escape. I'm curious, what are your plans for what to do afterwards?’
Her question left me deep in thought. Before now, I never thought about what to do after we all got out.
Miu Shizuka: ‘As far as I am aware, we can't go out in public. I don't think people will simply Dismiss a bunch of weapons waltzing on by them.’
X.D: ‘Well, what are your plans then?’
Miu Shizuka: ‘I'm not entirely sure, but I do know that we need to get to somewhere safe, then…’
We were interrupted by a loud, obnoxious voice.
Dakota Way: ‘Hey dudes! Why are you both up so early?’
Dakota flicked a light switch next to him. The lights seemed so bright.
Covering our eyes,Miu and I both let out loud, painful groans.
Miu Shizuka: (Covering her face with her hands) ‘What did you do that for, dimwit!’
Dakota Way: (Really confused at her reaction) ‘It was dark in here!’
He strolled over and sat beside us.
Dakota Way: (Gesturing back to the hallway) ‘When do the two dweebs get her anyway?’
Yukki Ito: (Jokingly, with a smile) ‘We would prefer it if you call us nerds.’
Yukki, Yuuto, and Atsuko entered the room.
Yukki Ito: ‘Since everyone is practically here, let's just start!’
Yuuto dropped a large parcel onto the table. It made a loud thump.
Yuuto Ito: ‘This came in yesterday. It's for Xyro and Miu.’
Miu Shizuka: (Confused) ‘A parcel? From who?’
Yuuto Ito: ‘You both must have impressed I’jhn Yesterday. Don't think that you will get anything good though! It's normally just junk to motivate you, or something horrible…’
Me and Miu began opening the box. Inside was two split sections. One had my initials on it, and the other one had Miu’s.
She opened her side first.
Inside was a small doll of one of the guards she had faced during her test. It had a note on it.
She began to read it. Her normally happy expression seemed to change to one of pure despair.
Without warning, she tore the head of the doll clean off. Grabbing the doll in a fist, she brought it down hard onto one of the table, breaking it in two.
At first, I looked up to see if any E.C mechs dropped down, yet apparently they didn't have any in the cafeteria.
She then sat with her head between her knees and began to cry.
Dakota Way: ‘Hey, are you OK man?’
Yukki Ito: ‘What does it say!’
Miu handed the note to him.
It was a picture of her standing around a bunch of people.
Her family.
Each face had a red X across it, just like the robots from the room I woke up in. Underneath, in red letters, was simply:
“You know what you did. We took their lives for your actions. Enjoy your stay in hell.”
With looks of disgust, we all separated. Dakota and yuuto whent other to comfort Miu in an attempt to stop her anger fueled tears.
What worried me the most, however, was that her tears were pitch black, and left stains on her face.
Yukki noticed it too. Looking closer, we both saw that it was blood. She was crying black blood. It didn't drop. Instead, it floated upwards. Yukki gestured me over to him.
He took me over to the corner of the room, away from everyone.
Yukki: (Whispering) ‘Listen, I figured out about the whole genetics thing. Truth is, her blood, along with yours and Lewis’s, have been replaced with parasites.’
X.D: ‘Parasites? But….how would that affect her tears?’
Yukki Ito: ‘Miu has what the scientists like to call the “X” parasite. It latches onto the blood, causing it to simulate red and white blood cells in the body, eventually spreading until it completely takes over. The parasite is a shade of pitch black, so it changes all the blood in her body to black.’
He looked over at Miu, who had stopped crying, and was now talking to everyone else.
Yukki Ito: ‘Dont worry about her though. The parasite also causes the water in your body to turn black too, so her tears are also that color. The reason it's floating is because the parasite is lighter than air outside the body, which means it evaporates easily.’
X.D: ‘That also explains why she’s so fast.’
Yukki Ito: ‘Exactly. The parasite seems to increase the hosts speed and regeneration rate as well. It's truly a perfectly made parasite and a half.’
X.D: ‘Man made then?’
Yukki Ito: ‘Precisely!’
He paused for a second.
Yukki Ito: ‘Oh! You haven't opened your side Xyro!’
With rather limited expectations for the packages content, I tore it open.
Peering inside, I was surprised to find that it was a pair of revolvers. Placed with both barrels in opposite directions to one another, the barrels seemed to be rather long, with counterweights on the ends. I wasn't sure why, but I didn't question it.
As soon as I took the guns out, Yukki’s eyes widened.
Yukki Ito: ‘In all my time here, I have never seen I’jnh give anyone a gun!’
Yuuto Ito: (looking at one of the revolvers) ‘What does that note say Xyro?’
There was a small note tied to the handle of one of the guns. Untying it, I began to read:
“You will need these for your next test. After all, what's cooler than a weapon with weapons? Am I right?
Note: Please restrain from shooting the lights or the cameras.
Signed: Steven I’jnh”
I scrunched up the note and threw it across the room. The doctor's sarcasm was beginning to kill me.
Yuuto Ito: ‘What did it say?’
X.D: ‘Some rubbish about a weapon wielding weapons.’
Yuuto took one of the guns out of my hand and began to examine it.
Yukki Ito: ‘Strange, they even have counterweights so that you can spin the guns easily. You know, like cowboys do.’
He tried, but failed.
Yukki Ito: (Embarrassed) ‘....See this little switch on the bottom?’
I peered at the hilt of the guns handle. There was a very small switch.
Yukki Ito: ‘Well, if you flip this, then the gun releases fuel so that you can set your bullets on fire. It's more for armor piercing, since the fuel is rather corrosive. Just try not to use the fuel too much. The smell is pretty disgusting.’
X.D: ‘Don't worry, I won't.’
Yukki handed me both guns back. I flipped them in my hands. Unlike Yuuto, I did it with ease.
Strangely enough, doing so seemed to trigger a reaction in my arms. Opening up, both sides swallowed the weapons into them, just like a storage space. On command, I reopened them, yielding my revolvers again.
Yuuto Ito: (Shocked, confused) ‘How did you do that?’
X.D: ‘I have no idea!’
With my new-found ability, I started sheathing and unsheathing the weapons like a child, flipping the revolvers then storing them with skill.
Ignoring my childlike gestures and show off moves, everyone had breakfast.
Once they were all finished, we headed on out to the gym.
Miu Shizuka: (Rushed) ‘Xyro, could you do me a favor please?’
Before I could reply, she handed me a tray of toast and tea.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Could you take this to Lewis and Leona please. I hope that they accept my offering.’
She rushed on ahead. Without another option, I went to Leona's room.
Trying to balance the tray on one hand, I knocked on the door. Lewis answered.
Lewis Sterge: ‘Ahh, it's about time someone brought us food!’
X.D: ‘How is she holding up?’
Lewis Sterge: ‘See for yourself!’
Peering through the doorway, I saw Leona lying in bed. Although she seemed to be healing relatively well, she still showed a few bruises here and there.
X.D: ‘She seems better.’
Lewis Sterge: ‘I know right! She’s just very tired right now, so i'm trying to help her get some rest.’
Something about Lewis seemed off. It wasn't due to the way he was acting, but more to do with the bandage which was wrapped around the palm of his left hand.
X.D: ‘Is your hand OK Lewis?’
Lewis looked down at his left palm.
Lewis Sterge: ‘Oh, the bandage? Yea, I accidentally cut my hand on one of my knives. Don't worry about it.’
He stared at me coldly.
X.D: ‘OK, well I hope your both doing well.’
Lewis Sterge: ‘Yeah, we will be fine kid. Now go train!’
He slammed the door shut behind me as I left.
Walking down into the gym, everyone seemed to be getting on with their typical routine.
However, Atsuko had also joined in. sitting up on the benches, she had her book rested onto her lap and was jotting something down into it. Her head kept bobbing slightly, but I could tell that she was listening to music.
I decided not to disturb her.
Knowing now that my next test would be in four days, I went over to the targets.
I unsheathed my new guns and began to firing. I hit with every shot.
Although I had forgotten a lot about my past, since I was very young when I moved over to Alaska, I do still remember the times me and my father would go out hunting together.
He was a brave man and my biggest role model. In order to survive the harsh Alaskan winters, He would go out hunting with me. We commonly came back with a hull of venison. We would only hunt what we needed, as it wasn't our place to take away so much from the wilds around us. He had trained me with a gun from the age of six, which I mastered at eight. My mother wouldn't let me have my own weapon, but my father did sometimes sneak out with me at night and we would shoot cans off the wall out front as a treat.
I still miss him. All of them.
It was a few minutes before Yukki came over to me.
Yukki Ito: ‘Were did you learn to shoot like that?’
X.D: ‘My father taught me when I was young.’
Yukki Ito: ‘Oh, well I hope he is OK Xyro. I hope that your family hasn't come to the same fate that Miu’s has. I mean, I know the pain of…’
I cut him off.
X.D: ‘Its OK Yukki. My family died years ago.’
I took aim and fired. I hit my mark.
Yukki Ito: (Stammering, guilty) ‘I...I'm so sorry. I didn't know…’
X.D: ‘*Sigh*it's fine, it's all in the past anyway…’
Yukki stood silently for a while.
Feeling awkward and guilty, he apologized, then walked away. I couldn't blame him. It's a hard topic to delve into after all.
I kept training for a while. It was a few hours before everyone began to retire for the evening. I didn't really feel tired, so I stopped my firing practice and moved over to the dummies in an attempt to be quieter for the others.
Miu also stayed behind. She watched me from across the room, before finally coming over and sitting next to me.
Miu Shizuka: ‘I must say Xyro, you are quite the marksmen, aren't you?’
I didn't reply.
She caught onto my act rather quickly.
Miu Shizuka: ‘You know, keeping things to yourself won't solve any problems. Tell me what's wrong?’
X.D: ‘Nothing…’
Miu Shizuka: ‘Come on! You have been blanking everyone today. I'm not going to let you off that easily!’
She gave me puppy dog eyes and held her hands together near her cheek.
Miu Shizuka: (With her corny acting) ‘Please tell me pumpkin! You can trust me.’
I turned and took a seat in front of her. The ground was incredibly cold.
X.D: (Making sure to speak in whispers)‘Miu, after we escape, i’m going back to nothing.’
Miu Shizuka: ‘Nothing? How come?’
X.D: ‘ I have no family, no friends and no home. I was practically living on the streets before this. And now, I'm not even a person. I'm just some weapon on legs...’
I started tapping the barrels of my revolver’s on the ground. I found it hard to speak my mind, but I did so anyway.
X.D: ‘...I have no place anywhere.’
Miu Shizuka: (Showing a genuine smile for once) ‘Hey, pumpkin, it's ok to feel out of place sometimes. Besides, i'm in the same situation as you…’
She locked eyes with me , then seemed to drift off.
Miu shizuka: ‘...I have always been seen as a reject in my family. As you could probably tell, i'm not exactly one to treat others with allot of courtesy and i tend to get a little bit out of hand at times. My father hated me for it.’
She paused.
Miu Shizuka: ‘He always wanted a son. I guess no matter how hard I tried I couldn't fill that gap. My mother was the only one I truly cared for in my family, as she was the only friend I ever had growing up…’
She paused again, then smiled at me.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble on about myself. How unladylike of me.’
X.D: ‘No, it's fine Miu. Please go on.’
She seemed taken aback by this. I guess she never really had anyone who found any interest in what she was saying before.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Well, as you could imagine, it's actually a rather lonely life being a member of royalty. You get placed in private schooling, have no true social life outside of the family security and servants, even my spare time tended to be filled up with my father complaining about my attitude and apparel. When my mother would contest him he would…..’
Stopping herself, she almost began to cry, but noticing my gaze she instantly stopped and went back to speaking with a strong smile.
Miu Shizuka; ‘What i'm trying to say Xyro, is that we all have those moments of doubt in ourselves, but we just have to get through it, you know. After all...it's nice knowing I have someone to talk to after all.’
She pulled out a small flask and two teacups from her waist bag.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Tea?’
I nodded.
She poured me out a small glass of the brown liquid.
X.D: ‘(Taking a cup) Thank you.’
Miu Shizuka: ‘Xyro, how about we make a pact? When we leave here, we stick together.’
X.D: ‘And do what?’
Miu Shizuka: ‘I don't know. Travel the globe, explore exotic places, take in the beauty of the world. Beyond that, I don't really mind if it's just the two of us, since….’
Atsuko Viola: ‘E...excuse me…’
Atsuko had been listening in on the conversation. She walked over and took a seat next to us.
Atsuko Viola: (bashfully, with a bright red face) ‘I...I didn't mean to cut in, b...but I have an i...idea of what we c...can all do…’
Atsuko seemed to be in allot of distress talking to us. She pulled out a small piece of paper from her pocket.
Atsuko Viola: ‘Th...there are m...more facilities across the world than just th...this one…’
She laid the piece of paper across the floor. It was a small map of the world, but it had small blue markers on certain parts.
Atsuko Viola: ‘I...I know it's a s...stretch but I f...found out a while b...back that this facility s...shipped a set of teleportation d...devices over to one of t...these facilities...
X.D: ‘Teleportation?’
Atsuko Viola: ‘P...precisely. I have a s...small idea of where t...the facility that t...they are sending them too could be, but I n...need to work on p...pinpointing where it is e...exactly…’
Miu Shizuka: (With crossed arms and a red face) ‘And how will this help us when we get out? I don't think delving back into another one of these facilities is entirely a smart idea.’
She took a sip of her tea.
She seemed rather agitated that this younger girl had interrupted her conversation with me.
Atsuko Viola: ‘W...well, m...my p...plan is that we s..should go into the facility, st...steal the technology, and u...use it to leave earth…’
Me and Miu both looked at each other in excitement
X.D: (Shocked) ‘leave earth!’
Atsuko Viola: ‘E...exactly. I...if I can get my h..hands on them, t...then I m...may be able to c...change it to travel long d...distances across space. If so, then it will t...take a while, but we m...may be able to find an i...inhabitable planet that we c...could call home…’
I couldn't truly believe what she was saying, since it seemed almost impossible. However, even the simple chance to explore space sparked a fire in my soul.
X.D: ‘Atsuko, that's amazing! Why haven't you said anything before?’
Atsuko looked down in guilt.
Atsuko Viola: ‘W...well, I was going to t...talk about it to a f...friend once we g...got out but...he...
She began to break into tears. Miu handed her a handkerchief. Atsuko dabbed her eyes lightly with it.
X.D: (Gently) ‘So, what happened when you all tried to escape?’
Atsuko Viola: (Sniffling) ‘W...well, e...everyone w...wanted to get out so b...bad, that we rushed into our escape p...plan. The b...brothers went to h...hack the e...elevator, and left me in control of the r...robotic troops. I h....had them under c...control with my l…laptop, But I was b...betrayed by Andrack.’
She stared hard at me through tear filled eyes.
Atsuko Viola: ‘He was the c...cyborg before you Xyro. He s...swore allegiance to I’jnh, and a...attacked me. I didn't s...stand a chance to f...fight back. He released the mech's, and l...let them attack e...everyone. H...he w...was my friend and...and…’
Her eyes swelled with tears.
Atsuko Viola: (Sniffling) ‘A...after everything, I c...couldn't talk to the o...others. It w...was all my fault. I'm j...just so w...weak. I…..I'm just…’
She began crying again. This time, there was nothing we could do. She picked herself up from the ground and ran off towards her room.
Miu Shizuka: (Staring off after her) ‘The poor girl…’
Miu stood up too.
Miu Shizuka: ‘She has the right idea though. We should really retire for the evening.’
X.D: ‘Well, have a good evening Miu.’
We both began to walk our separate ways.
Miu Shizuka: ‘One more thing, Xyro.’
she turned to me and smiled.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Is our pact still on?’
I laughed back at her.
X.D: ‘It certainly is Miu!’
She stepped towards me and extended her little finger.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Pinkie promise?’
X.D: ‘Pinkie Promise!’
The two of us wrapped our pinkie’s around each others.
Yep, this was now official, because a pinkie promise is a real deal!
Breaking, we both headed inside our dormitories.
I sat in my bed. Just like the last two nights, I couldn't sleep. I was too excited about what Atsuko and Miu had said. If we could get technology like that, then we could explore the distant reaches of space. Well, that's what it sounded like at least.
Even so, if what Atsuko had said was just a misguided judgement, then at the very least I would have the ability to travel the world with someone at my side.
The irony of looking back on all this now. i'm happy I made that pinkie promise.
But, at the end of the day, we all know that sleep is a necessity. I shut my eyes and began to dream of the future ahead...
Chapter one: Day seven: Duelists desire
By now, every morning always felt the same inside the facility.
Again, the time was only a few minutes past five, so I went out into the cafeteria.
None-surprisingly, Miu was up too, but she seemed distracted by the book that she was reading.
Although the room was pitch black, she seemed to read the book with no trouble at all. Since I wasn't hungry, I sat beside her.
Without looking away from her book, she spoke to me.
Miu Shizuka: 'Xyro, may I ask you a question?'
X.D: (Sitting backwards) 'Go ahead.'
Miu Shizuka: 'How did your family end up….passing on?’
She took a sip of her tea.
I questioned myself for a while. However, I guess it was about time I told someone…
X.D: 'When I was eight, I was arriving home with my father. Whilst we were tying up the sled, I heard screaming coming from inside my home…’
My eyes felt heavy.
X.D: ‘My father went inside and told me to stay where I was. He went in, but didn't come back out for a while…’
Miu Shizuka: 'And?'
X.D: 'T...they were all hanging in the middle of the living room...My dad, my mum...even my sisters...'
Miu Shizuka: 'Xyro....'
X.D: (Stammering) ‘I saw a note on the fireplace...it was from a bunch of mercenaries apparently. I...I can't remember what exactly was written, but it was meant for the person who ordered my family to die.’
Reaching out, she grasped my shoulder.
Miu Shizuka: ‘What did you do after that?’
X.D: 'Well...'
Just like her, my eyes began to glow red
X.D: '...My father taught me to hunt my prey. Even if you lose them once, it's best to keep pushing for them, since you never know when you will be able to strike again.’
I looked away from her.
X.D: ‘I traced their tracks back to a house up in the mountain ranges. While they were all sleeping, I locked all the doors and windows from the outside and set the building alight. None of them escaped.’
I clenched my hand into a small fist.
X.D: ‘I let my rage get the best of me…’
Miu Shizuka: (With crossed arms) ‘Don't feel bad Xyro, they slaughtered your family. They had it coming.’
X.D: 'It's just that I promised my father that I would never use a weapon against anyone. I broke that promise.’
Miu and I sat in silence. My brain was beginning to ache. It's as if my head was being compressed by an invisible barrier.
After a while, I couldn't take it anymore.
X.D: 'I'm going to go train. Just….tell the brothers that I will be missing this morning's meeting.'
I stood up and began to walk out. Dakota was walking up to the cafeteria. he gave me a small smile and waved. I ignored him.
Brushing past, I went into the gym, where the targets had already been set up. Taking aim, I kept on firing for a few minutes.
The time reached six thirty and everyone began to accompany me.
People seemed to be trying to keep their distance from me, especially Miu.
Then,to my surprise, Leona was beginning to train again. she made her way to the gym but was limping.
Lewis was supporting her so that she didn't fall over.
The couple was throwing blades at the targets next to me. I decided that it was best not to become antisocial, so I began to speak with them.
X.D: 'It's nice to see both of you are out training again.'
The two of them smiled at me.
Leona Ashima: 'Thank you Xyro! It's nice to see you too.'
Lewis Sterge: 'Thanks, kid.'
They both continued their training. It was nice to see that Leona had made a recovery. What was nicer, was the smile that Lewis had on his face. The couple, at that moment in time, seemed like they could overcome everything.
Returning to their usual routine everyone seemed happy. Miu, who was normally pretty distant from everyone, started throwing small pebbled chunks of loose cement at the twins when they weren't paying attention. Each time she did it, the boys seemed completely clueless about where the chunks were coming from.
She was enjoying herself.
Atsuko Viola: ‘X...Xyro, do you h...have a moment, maybe?
I was so focused on everybody else, that I hadn't noticed Atsuko, who was standing beside me with a wrench and a screwdriver in hand.She stood next to me, wielding a wrench and a screwdriver.
X.D: ‘What do you need?’
Atsuko Viola: ‘W...well, I was w...wondering if y...you would let m...me have a l...look at those…’
She was staring at my revolvers.
Atsuko Viola: (Flustered) ‘I...it's just that the...they're not firing at full c...capacity, and the counterweights are off b...balance and….’
X.D: ‘Sure, I guess.Thank you!’
I went to hand her the guns, but she shook her head.
Atsuko Viola: ‘N...no, I...I need you to come w...with me…’
The expression on her face was serious. It's as if something was troubling her. We both began making our way into the cafeteria. Inside, she peered through the door down to the gym, to ensure that no one had followed us.
Atsuko Viola: ‘X...Xyro, w...we have a problem…’
She laid out the small map onto the table.
Atsuko Viola: ‘I've been t...thinking about the plan, and I...if we were to p...proceed w...with it then we s...still need to find the r...right facility with the t….teleportation device…’
She pointed at one of the small points.
Atsuko Viola: ‘W...we are here. If w...we were to l...leave, then we will h...have to t...travel across the w...world to thousands of these facilities.'
X.D: ‘If it's time you're worried about, then i'm willing to spend my life looking. It's not like I have anything else to do.’
Atsuko Viola: ‘It's not t...time, it's just that w...we need to find someone w...who can access all of the fa...facility networks. M...most of them have a h...higher s...security than this one, so w...we will need someone who can get t….through.’
X.D: ‘Do you have a plan yet?’
Atsuko Viola: ‘W...Well, I know s...someone who can help us, but...’
She looked down to the floor and began to tap the ground with the front of her boots.
Atsuko Viola: ‘...We should really w...worry about this when t...the time comes. Just k...know that it's g...going to be d...difficult when we l...leave here.’
X.D: ‘Atsuko, why don't you tell everyone about this! Why just me!’
She began to tear up slightly. Whenever she does, I feel like such a horrible person.
Atsuko Viola: (Sniffling) ‘I...I just...t...trust you m...more than the others…’
For the first time, she looked me directly in the eyes.
Atsuko Viola: ‘E...everybody else…. I'm j...just not good with p...people Xyro. I never h...have been...and…’
Tears began to roll down her face. She gripped her hair to try and hide them.
Atsuko Viola: (Crying) ‘I j...just want to h...help everyone!’
I couldn't understand why the girl was so emotional. The smallest things seemed to trigger an emotional reaction with her. Then again, I understood that people take different situations their own way, and this may have been Atsuko’s way of dealing with life.
X.D: ‘Please stop being so harsh on yourself Atsuko. Everyone knows that you're trying to help us.’
Atsuko Viola: ‘R...really?’
X.D: ‘Of course! Why else would the brothers involve you in the plan? We need you Atsuko.’
I wiped the tears from her cheek away. She gave me a half smile.
Atsuko Viola: ‘X..Xyro...thank you…’
But, even with her plastered on smile, I could see that something else was troubling her.
X.D: ‘Is everything else ok Atsuko?’
She sat motionless for a while.
X.D: ‘You can tell me anything.’
Atsuko Viola: (Changing the topic around) ‘Y...your guns s...still need to be m...modified!’
She took them out of my hands and placed them on the table.
Atsuko Viola: ‘T...this will t...take a while, so you s...should go see everyone e...else.’
She placed a pair of goggles over her eyes and then began to hammer away at the guns with her tools.
Even if the weapons turned out horribly, at least they would be an improvement to I’jnh’s Heartless offer.
On my way back down the hallway to the gym, I passed Lucia, who stopped me halfway.
Leona Ashima: ‘Hey Xyro. How have you been?’
X.D: ‘I'm fine, just training for the next test. You?’
Leona Ashima: ‘Im fine…’
She looked towards the cafeteria, and more specifically, at Atsuko, who was smiling as she was whacking the revolvers.
Leona Ashima: (Looking at Atsuko in the other room, but speaking to me) ‘You know Xyro, no matter what anyone tells you, whether they're your best friend, or your worst enemy, just always remember one thing. Your one of the kindest people I have ever know, and I have seen allot of people come and go in my time. Treasure that fact, and never doubt yourself.’
She nudged me on the shoulder with her fist. Then , she left.
Her words seemed out of the blue, but stuck in my mind. I still to this day remember those words.
After all, isn't that what life's all about? Being kind to others? Living on the things you enjoyed from your past?
Hell if I know!
Anyway, after getting back into the flow of things, I went over to train with Dakota. However, I caught him at a bad time, since he was talking with his new found “Accomplices”, the training dummies.
After making him jump, the boy shouted at me for a while, but eventually calmed down and joined in with laughing.
It seemed like only a few minutes later before everyone retired for an evenings rest.
Except for me of course. I was too fixated on trying my hand at learning a fighting technique Lewis had showed me.
I trained until around seven thirty and was about to go to bed too. But then, Atsuko came rushing in from the cafeteria with a wide smile across her face. She had her hands behind her back and was covered in grit and dirt.
Atsuko Viola: (Giggling, with a small smile) ‘Hehe, g...guess w….what I have!’
X.D: (Sarcastically) ‘Oh, whatever could it be?’
She grinned and revealed the….
I gazed at them in utter awe. The guns had been completely transformed into relics of utter beauty. With incredible craftsmanship, Atsuko had shaped the metal in such a way, that the very revolvers themselves seemed as if they were alive. This was topped off with the bright fluorescent veins of orange that ran through parts of the barrel and handle.
Atsuko Viola: (Happy with her work) ‘W...well, what do y...you think?’
X.D: ‘I...I just….’
I took the guns out of her hands. They seemed lighter than before.
X.D: ‘How did you even do this?’
Atsuko Viola: ‘I t...took out a few u...unnecessary bits to make them l...lighter and used some of the f...fuel to make the orange bits. D...do they feel l...lighter to you?’
I spun the guns in my hands. Atsuko seemed happy with the display.
Atsuko Viola: (Excitedly) ‘Oh, also, look on the b...bottom of the handle!’
Etched across the bottom of each gun was a set of music notes which seemed to flow into a spiral pattern. Like a musical vortex.
Atsuko Viola: (Excitedly) ‘I e...etched them m...myself! They are n...notes from a s...song I made. D...do you l...like it?’
X.D: ‘These are incredible Atsuko! Thank you so much!’
Atsuko stared at the floor. She was bright red from blushing.
Atsuko Viola: (looking at her clothes) ‘W...well, it's late, and I n...need to get c...clean for bed. Have a g...good evening Xyro.’
X.D: ‘Have a good evening Atsuko!’
She began to walk away.
X.D: ‘And one more thing…’
She turned to face me.
X.D: ‘Again, thank you so much. These are just amazing.’
Turning with a smile, she happily skipped off to her room. With with a courteous smile, I went back to my room too.
Let me tell you, It's weird going to sleep using a gun as a nightlight, but awesome at the same time..
I slept without a care in the world.
It felt like nothing could possibly go wrong.
Chapter one: Day Eight: The best laid plans of mice and weapons
Invigorated, I sat up out of bed. The time was fifteen minutes past seven.
X.D: (Staring at the time) ‘What the…’
I was late. Normally, people came to knock for me, but this time I guess they were occupied with other things.
The moment I stepped out of my room, I realized that something was not right. The lights to the gym were off, and the only ones on were the cafeteria lights.Cautiously, I went into the cafeteria. The only people I could see were Miu, Yukki and Yuuto.
The moment I laid eyes on them I knew something had gone horribly wrong. Miu seemed to be staring into oblivion, whilst the two brothers were having rushed conversations. As per usual, Yuuto seemed unfazed, but Yukki was red faced with his eyes full of dried tears.
X.D: ‘Hey, guys, what's wrong?’
Yuuto didn't say anything. He just gestured for me to take a seat.
Upon taking a seat, he spoke.
Yuuto Ito: (Silent, emotionless) ‘Earlier this morning we…*sigh* we were about to start the meeting, when Lewis rushed in…’
Yukki Ito: (Crying, stuttering) ‘He told us that….he said….’
Yuuto Ito: ‘Leona passed away in her sleep…’
I didn't really know what to think. My brain just didn't expect it.
I felt utterly crushed.
X.D: (Shouting) ‘How? How could this have happened? She was doing fine yesterday!’
Yuuto Ito: (looking down) ‘She must have died from internal bleeding…’
I thought back to how she was moving the day before. Every step she took was a limp. She must have been in so much pain.
And yet she said nothing.
X.D: ‘Why didn't she say anything to us! We could have…’
Yuuto Ito: ‘Do what? Do any of us look like a fucking doctor? Xyro, we could have done nothing to save her.’
He was right. I hated him for it at the time, but he was right.
X.D: ‘What happens now?’
Yuuto Ito: ‘Her body has already been removed. Lewis didn't even get to grieve before they removed her.’
Yukki Ito: ‘But we have to stay on task. If anything, we can't just give up now.’
The young boy raised from his seat. Although he was also utterly torn in thought, he was staying strong in spirit.
X.D: ‘Agreed. We need to keep going, not just for us, but for her.’
All three of us exchanged hopeful looks, then disbanded from the table in order to speak to the others.
While the brothers were tending to Miu, I set out to the dormitories. Firstly, I checked Dakota, who was sitting against his door.
He must have heard the news, as he was softly rocking back and forth in the doorway, staring into the abyss.
X.D: ‘Dakota, you OK buddy?’
Dakota nodded.
I knew he was lying.
X.D: ‘Hey, you can't knock yourself down like this. Do you think Leona would have wanted us all to just abandon hope?’
He looked up at me.
Dakota Way: ‘I...I just don't understand why…’
X.D: ‘Why?’
Dakota Way: ‘Why she died! She looked really happy yesterday!’
X.D: ‘Dakota, she died from internal injuries. There was nothing we could do, and she knew that. That's why she tried to be happy, to protect us…’
Dakota let out a large sigh, then stood up.
X.D: ‘If she was strong for us, then we should be strong for her. Don't give up hope man, we still have allot of fight in us!’
I nudged his shoulder. He smiled weakly.
Dakota Way: ‘Thanks nerd. Sorry for being such a downer man. Just...you know.’
X.D: ‘No need for apologies. Just go and talk with the others. We need to be together in times like these.’
As Dakota walked away, I heard a small creak behind me. Atsuko had been listening in to the conversation. The outside of her eyes were red from crying.
Atsuko Viola: ‘X...Xyro…’
She was trembling all over. I had never seen anyone so upset before.
X.D: (leaning on the doorframe) ‘Atsuko, it's fine. Leona wouldn't have wanted us to all lock ourselves away. Please, come out.’
She pushed her door open slowly.
Atsuko Viola: (Trying to be strong) ‘I'm f...fine now Xyro. p...please d...don't worry about m...me. If a...anything, i'm more wo...worried about Lewis. Pl...please check on him.’
She rushed off into the cafeteria. She was right. I had to check on Lewis.
I walked over to his door, and knocked. Nothing. So, I kept on knocking.
Lewis Sterge: (With a hoarse voice) ‘Hey, Kid, I know you're worried about me, but don't be. I just need time to...think. Go be with everyone else. They need you more than I do.’
That's all he said.
Although I tried to talk more, he just wouldn't answer.
Returning to the cafeteria, everyone was huddled around one table. Some were crying, others were attempting to comfort each other.
X.D: ‘Listen, everyone. We can't beat ourselves up about this. Nobody except Leona knew that this would happen. Now, more than ever, we shouldn't look at the negatives, but instead, we should look at the positives!’
Yukki Ito: ‘He's right!’
He took a stand with me.
Yukki Ito: ‘We can't let this get to us. When I look around, I only see strong individuals. We need to overcome this, and not let Leona's death count for nothing. Who else is with us!’
Everyone took a stand. I could feel the determination from everyone radiating across the room. We stood together in this moment, not apart.
With new found determination, we all moved in to train. But this time, each of us were focusing on one thing.
Our escape.
The brothers began to train on hacking, Atsuko alongside them.
Miu was actually training for once. Her and Dakota were punching dummies in rhythm, and I was practicing my shooting.
Lewis remand in his room for the whole day. Although we provided some food for him, we didn't hang around for small talk. He needed time to recover after all.
Everyone was so fixated on training, that time wasn't ever a focus. Soon, it was time to rest.
The day had felt rather short.
After everyone went to bed, I decided to stay up and train. I just couldn't get Leonas words out of my head.
“You know Xyro, no matter what anyone tells you, whether they're your best friend, or your worst enemy, just always remember one thing. Your one of the kindest people I have ever know, and I have seen allot of people come and go in my time. Treasure that fact, and never doubt yourself.”
The time reached tem PM, and I was still training. I moved on from shooting, as I didn't want to disturb anyone whilst they slept.
I was pleasantly surprised by Miu, who had brought me a tray of tea. She placed it calmly onto the floor, and sat beside it. She called me over.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Today was rather rough.’
X.D: ‘Yeah… I still can't believe it.’
Miu smiled at me.
Miu Shizuka: ‘You know, Xyro, We would have all been moping more if it wasn't for you and Yukki. Yuuto tried to cheer everyone up, but the way he comes across at times is not very, comforting.’
X.D: ‘I'm just trying to help everyone out. Because after all, we all need to get out together. We don't stand a chance if we are split apart.’
Miu pulled out a small, black book from her boot. She was clearly searching for something else, but that was the first thing she pulled out.
X.D: ‘What is that?’
Miu Shizuka: ‘Oh, it's nothing. It's just a book that my mother gave me when I was little.’
She placed the small book back into her boot.
In the end, she gave up on searching her boots.
Miu Shizuka: (Holding her cup in a toast) ‘On behalf of everyone today, I give a toast to Leona.’
We both raised our cups into the air and drank the liquid in one go.
Miu Shizuka: ‘The day seems to have come to an end quickly. I guess I should go to my room for a while. I would advise you to do the same, pumpkin.’
She took a stand, curtsied, and made her way to her dorm. I did the same, minus the curtsy of course.
With a thump, I threw myself back onto my bed.
Leona was such a nice person. I just wish I had more time to get to know her better.
Then again, I keep wishing that kind of thing, even now. People tend to come and go all the time, yet even the better ones tend not to stay in my life for long.
With these thoughts in my mind, I drifted off into a gentle slumber.
Chapter one: Day nine: Box of ginger
The morning couldn't have come sooner for me.
I brushed my eyes and checked the time. It was around five thirty.
Just like any other morning, I made my way to the cafeteria. Yet, my brain felt completely restless.
I just had so much on my mind. The escape, Leona’s death….it was all too much for one time.
So much that I forgot to check my surroundings and walked straight into Lewis.
X.D: ‘I'm so sorry Lewis, I....’
He stopped me mid-sentence.
Lewis Sterge: ‘Hey kid, I need to speak to you.’
He said it so sternly. It was obviously something important to him, which scared me the most.
We went into his room. He closed the door quietly in order to make sure that no one woke up.
Lewis Sterge: ‘Kid, I need you to promise me something. But, you can't tell anyone else about this, OK?’
I nodded.
Lewis Sterge: ‘When we are about to escape, I’jnh is sure to show himself. When he does, no matter what is happening, and no matter what he says…’
Lewis pulled out one of his knives and buried it deep into the wall.
Lewis Sterge: ‘...We kill him, with any means necessary. Escape is one thing, but avenging Leona is another. If you have a chance, then please, take him out.’
I had to think it over in my head. I thought back over avenging my family, then came to a conclusion.
X.D: ‘...For Leona, I promise.’
We shook hands on the deal.
Lewis Sterge: ‘I knew I could really on you Xyro. Now, I have to get changed before the escape meeting. Go on ahead and grab some breakfast. You will need it.’
I made sure to do just that.
Like every morning, Miu was sat at her table, Drinking tea. We both waved, but said nothing more. I grabbed my breakfast and then sat beside her.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Good morning Xyro, I trust that you didn't get any rest last night?’
X.D: ‘Some, but not much.’
We sat in an uneasy silence until everyone else showed up.
Yukki Ito: ‘Listen up, we're going to take it easy today. We have tests tomorrow, so we need to make sure that we are all on top of our game.’
He looked over at Yuuto, who nodded at him.
Yukki ito: ‘I guess that's all we have to say. Let's all get to work.’
Everyone broke off to grab breakfast.
I guess that Leona’s death was a subject nobody wanted to bring back up.
While walking into the gym, a voice called me back.
Atsuko Viola: (Shouting) ‘X...Xyro, w...wait up!’
She ran down the hallway after me.
X.D: ‘What is it Atsuko?’
She halted in front of me.
Atsuko Viola: ‘Y...you f...forgot your gun!’
She handed me one of them. I felt like such an idiot. How could I have forgotten an item, which for the record, shines bright orange!
X.D: (Embarrassed) ‘Oh, thank you Atsuko. I can't believe that I forgot this!’
I took the gun out of her hands and holstered it into my arm.
Atsuko Viola: ‘Y...you're w...welcome...’
She smiled.
Atsuko Viola: ‘W...would you mind d...doing me a f...favor?’
X.D: ‘Sure, I don't mind!’
Atsuko Viola: ‘Could you b...bend a piece of m...metal in my room? I can't r...reach it, and I n...need it for… something.’
X.D: ‘Lead the way.’
I followed her into her room. Inside, she pointed to the piece of metal she wanted me to bend. It was attached to a beam on the ceiling. It was fairly large, but not too difficult to carry.
Atsuko Viola: ‘I...need y...you to bend it so t...that it is perfectly s...straight.’
I did as she said to. It was surprisingly easy to do, as the metal felt like a flimsy piece of plastic to me.
X.D: ‘There you go!’
I handed it to her. She placed the long strip of metal onto a workbench in her room.
Atsuko Viola: ‘T...thank you Xyro…’
X.D: ‘Out of curiosity, what are you planning on doing with that?’
Atsuko Viola: ‘It's a s...surprise! You w...will see when I'm d...done with it!’
She hinted at me to leave, so, I did. I have never come across someone so shy, and yet so bossy in her own way.
Anyway, after that, I went to train with everyone else. Lewis was training at the targets, so we were trying to outdo each other when it came down to landing each shot directly center. I even began to do some finesse in my shots, by flipping the guns before I fired. Lewis eventually gave up.
Lewis Sterge: ‘You got a real good shot there, haven't you kid!’
He began to laugh. I did the same. It was so much nicer to see him smiling as opposed to him being so down.
We all broke off for something to eat. This was the first lunch that I ever attended during my time in the facility. Normally, no one wants to go to it, but we all decided that we should really take a rest.
After all, It was tests tomorrow, so why wouldn't we stock up on snacks whilst we waited for everyone to finish theirs.
Me and Miu began raiding the cupboards for chocolate. Unsurprisingly, someone had already taken the majority.
Miu Shizuka: ‘*Sigh* You know, my mother said life was like a box of chocolates…’
She turned and stared hard at Dakota.
Miu Shizuka: (Shouting) ‘Some ginger haired bastard steals them all!’
Dakota stopped shoveling chocolate into his mouth. He began to slowly place the bar down onto the table. I watched as Miu chased him out of the cafeteria. Me and the brothers couldn't stop laughing. The two ran back into the room. Miu was armed with her shoe. She kept swiping the air after him. Dakota didn't stand a chance at retaliating.
We all watched for about ten minutes of Dakota and Miu running around. Unfortunately, the time came where we had to go back to training. But, I had to bring Atsuko some food. She had locked herself in the room for the entire day. The least I could do was to bring her a snack and some water.
I knocked on her door and waited for a while. Eventually, she answered.
Atsuko Viola: ‘H...hey Xyro. W...what is it?’
X.D: ‘I brought you some refreshments. Everyone decided to have lunch, so it was the least I could bring you!’
I handed her the tray of food and water. She seemed happy with the gift.
X.D: ‘So, How's your project going?’
I tried my best to take a peek behind the door. She simply wedged herself outside and closed it.
Atsuko Viola: ‘N...no peeking! It's a s...surprise, r...remember!’
X.D: ‘Ok, I won't look. I'm just making sure that you are ok, that's all.’
I really wanted to see what she was making. After all, she did make my weapons look amazing, so whatever she was making was bound to be good!
Atsuko Viola: ‘W...well, if it's a...alright with you Xyro, I r...really need to get b...back to w...working. Thank you s...so much for t...the food.’
X.D: ‘No problem.’
She retreated into her room, so I got back to training.
Like yesterday, the day seemed to fly by. I wanted to be in good strength, but just like before, I wanted to push myself. I trained throughout the evening.
The time reached eight forty-five, and I was beginning to perfect every shot I took. Since the guns reload through my arms, all I have to do is retract them to reload. All of this, although weird, started to feel completely natural to me. I even blanked on the idea that I had unlimited bullets, and yet, how were they generated. It was something I had to look into.
Anyway, After a while, I was distracted by a loud creek. Atsuko had left her room and was her way to the cafeteria. Fighting my urge to peer inside of her room to look at what she was working on, I went over to find her. She was seated on one of the tables.
She had a book laid out, and her laptop up. She was listening to music again, but I still went over and sat next to her. She took one of the nubs out of her ear.
Atsuko Viola: (Jumping a little upon seeing me) ‘I d...didn't think you w...would be up at this t...time of night.’
X.D: ‘I'm just trying to put a little more into training.’
She let out a large sigh and closed her laptop.
Atsuko Viola: ‘Xyro, I k...know that e...everyone wants to get out so b...badly, but if that's the case, t...then why do you train so h...hard for the tests.’
X.D: ‘It's just a way to release stress. I don't really care for the tests. I mean, if we are going to get out, then strikes don't even matter anyway. I just want to learn more about….you know….this.’
I gestured at my body.
Atsuko Viola: ‘Ok….it's...the only reason I a...asked is bec...because I was w...worried that you w...would…’
She stopped herself. I knew what she was about to say.
Atsuko Viola: (Tearfully) ‘I...im so s...sorry, I di...didn't mean…’
X.D: ‘No, I knew exactly what you meant. I know.’
My blade slid out of my hand. I didn't mean to, but The thought of that monster made me angry. Atsuko sat back in fear.
X.D: ‘I...i'm so sorry Atsuko, I didn't mean to.’
Atsuko Viola: ‘I...It's fine Xyro. J...just r...remember not to do a...anything stupid. We n..need you…’
I felt like a complete idiot. My own anger was getting the best of me, yet again.
X.D: ‘I think I should go to bed. I'm so sorry Atsuko…’
Atsuko Viola: ‘No, i...it's fine Xyro. I'm t...tired too. H...have a good e...evening.’
She and I went seperate ways.
I felt like such a failure. I still couldn't control my rage. I put my fist straight through the table. Why was I such a failure, why?
I went back to my room and placed the covers over my head.
I didn't sleep that night.
After all, why did I even deserve it?
Chapter one: Day ten: Two is a crowd.
I felt rough that morning.
I hadn't slept at all, since I was too distracted by my own mind.
Why was I always so harsh on myself. Everyone goes through stress, and yet, somehow, I find it easier to place blame for everything onto myself. I really should just learn to move on with things.
After a few more minutes of self loathing, I got up and checked the door. Like before, it was locked.
I sat back down on my bed, flipped the switch, and watched the screen of the TV slide out from behind the wall.
(Knock, Knock)
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘Hey, Xyro, are you up?’
X.D: ‘Yep, I'm up.’
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘Good! Just remember to do your best today bud. Hopefully, it's as easy as it was before, am I right?’
I took that with a slight pinch of salt. If “easy” is being pounded against a wall by a giant mechanoid trooper, then what was difficult?
X.D: ‘I hope it's easier. I can't be arsed with this anymore. I just want to get out already…’
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘Tell me about it! Don't give up hope just yet, we still have five days.’
He laughed. Yukki was always such a positive person. He was always trying to strive people forward.
Just like before, the loud boom of a voice came through the speakers.
Steven I’jnh: ‘I hope that you lazy pieces of junk are all up!’
He let out a phlegm-filled cough over the microphone.
Steven I’jnh: ‘I only want to see four of you today. So the rest of you are all free. For now.’
I heard the sound of clicks from the others doors. The screen ticked off the names of Atsuko, Lewis, and Dakota. I knew something was wrong, so I shouted for Yukki.
X.D: ‘Do we have a problem?’
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘I think we have a big problem!’
I could hear the nerves in his voice.
Miu’s name flashed up on screen.
I watched intently as she entered the gym.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Ahh, I noticed that last time you turned off the camera. I guess you didn't want anyone to see your “Gift”. Well, this time, you won't be as fortunate!”
The carcass of, what looked to be, a cow dropped from the ceiling. It was suspended by a rope by its legs.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Do what you do best, weapon. Get to work!’
To my surprise, Miu did the opposite. She took a seat on the floor and began to pour herself out a cup of tea.
Steven I’jnh: (Shouting) ‘What are you doing! Failure to do as I command does result in a strike you know!’
Miu stood up and walked out. I admired her ability to outright refuse his orders.
Steven I’jhn: ‘Fine, run you useless piece of dirt. That's an instant strike!’
She disappeared from sight. I’jnh let out a large sigh.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Next!’
Yukki Ito: (Muffled,shouting) ‘Whelp, I guess we are up now. Maybe we should do the same!’
He laughed.
Yukki Ito: ‘Wish me luck!’
X.D: ‘See you in a bit buddy!’
The brothers walked out into the middle of the gymnasium.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Oh, you two! I have a bone to pick at!’
His voice turned deeper.
Steven I’jnh: ‘I noticed that the two of you were able to hack through my firewall a second time. Well, what do you have to say about that?’
The brothers stood there in silence.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Exactly what I though. That's your second strike.’
The two began to walk out.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Hey, where do you think you two are going. You both haven't completed your test yet…’
Another one of the mech's dropped from the ceiling. This one was labeled X.16
Steven I’jnh: ‘You have thirty minutes to hack into this robots mainframe. If you don't…’
The mech seemed to spring to life suddenly. Two chain guns emerged from its arms.
Steven I’jnh: ‘...Then its death for the two of you!’
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I sat back onto the bed.
The fear in both of their eyes was clear to me.
I watched as the brothers got hard to work. Questioning one another in back and forth conversation, they typed away as fast as they could.
They weren't done after twenty minutes.
The two brothers were rushed for time. The twenty-ninth minute struck, and the two were desperately typing at the computer. Their fingers frantically touching keys. I’jnh began to count them down.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Ten…’
The brothers were beginning to tire.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Nine…’
I felt a warm sensation gushing up behind my neck.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Eight, seven, six…’
He seemed to be counting down faster. I was routing for the two.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Five, four, three, two…’
The concentration on their faces was killing me.
Steven I’jnh: ‘One….’
The brothers slammed the enter key. The mechanoid shut down.
I had never felt so relieved. I thought for sure that they would have lost.
In that brief time, I had subconsciously moved over to the door. I guess i expected myself to try and barge my way out if necessary.
I watched as the brothers hugged each other. Yukki was in tears from the stress.
I’jnh began to clap.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Very good, very good!’
A loud shriek caused me to stand still. I watched in horror as the robot came back online, and aimed at the two brothers.
Steven I’jnh:: ‘It's just such a shame that you were a second over. Otherwise, you would have passed.’
The awful sound of continues gunfire filled the air around me and Smoke enveloped the screen of the camera.
In rage and panic, I forced my way through the door.
I was too late. The smoke dissipated.
laying on the ground unscathed, was Yuuto.
Yukki had pushed him out of the way and was now riddled with bright red holes.
With no tears left to cry, he gave one last weak smile.
we watched as his lifeless body slumped to the floor.
I didn't feel anything. I just couldn't do anything…
Steven I’jnh: ‘Nawh, isn't that a shame. I only got one of you! Oh well, we will let you slide. Just don't think you will get away so easily next time.’
I watched in pain as Yuuto crawled to his brother. He held him in his arms, yet the boy's face only showed anger. He seemed to want to cry, but couldn't.
Yuuto Ito: ‘Why….why!’
Yuuto stood his ground. Anger and rage filled his face.
Yuuto Ito: (Shouting) ‘Why not me. Why won't you kill me as well!’
I’jnh let out a despair filled laugh.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Well, why would we waste such perfectly reusable parts…’
Yuuto remained silent, but was met by a new message on the screen of the computer the two were previously using.
Once he opened the message, his eyes widened.
Yuuto Ito: (Stunned) ‘N...No….I...it can't be...I...I!’
Peering over his shoulder, at first glance the message that was open was simply a set of mechanical diagrams.
Then, once I got a better look, I realised that the diagrams were all about Yuuto’s body.
He was an android.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Your banished to your cell until tomorrow yuuto. Then, I will get the dismantlement ready for some of those pretty useful parts in that pretty useless body of yours.. Don't even think of stepping a foot outside that room, or you will end up like your useless mirror image over there. Got that?’
Yuuto clenched his fists. But, there was nothing for him to do now. I watched him stumble into his room. Every few steps he looked back at his brother, but didn't dare to look into his cold dead eyes.
Steven I’jnh: ‘I didn't even need to call you out Xyro. you must really enjoy my tests!’
I’jnh was really beginning to piss me off. The idea of that inhumane “thing” made me feel sick to the core.
X.D: (Angrily) ‘Let's get this over with!’
Steven I’jnh:(Impressed) ‘Eager. I like it!’
X.16 sprung back to life. The heavy trooper turned in my direction. Before I'jnh even gave the command, I put three bullets into its head. The mech crashed to the floor, and didn't get back up this time.
As Andrack went to speak, I raised my middle finger up at the camera, then walked on out.
I wasted no time in checking on Yuuto. He had locked himself in his room. I knocked a bunch of times, but he just wouldn't answer.
Atsuko Viola: ‘I….Is he ok?’
Her face was red. It was obvious that everyone had to watch Yukki’s death, so I had expected her to have cried.
X.D: (shouting, stressed) ‘Of course he's not! His brother’s dead Atsuko!’
I realized too late that I was shouting aggressively at her. Everyone had come out from the cafeteria and were staring at me.
Atsuko broke into tears.
Atsuko Viola: ‘I...i'm s...so s...sorry….’
She ran off again. Everyone shook their heads in disapproval at me. This time, I knew I had gone too far. She was only trying to make sure that we were OK, and I yelled at her like a maniac!
I was so disappointed in myself, that I hadn't noticed Miu, who came over and placed her hand onto my shoulder.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Xyro, a quick word, if you may.’
She pulled me over to the computer and pointed at the diagram.
X.D: ‘Yeah, what about it?’
Miu Shizuka: ‘Look closely.’
I stared at where her finger was hovering. She had pointed out a small computer chip located in the back of his neck. On the diagram, it simply had “Brain” Written next to it.
I knew exactly what she was hinting at.
X.D: ‘But what if we…’
Miu Shizuka: ‘It's the only way Xyro. He will die tomorrow anyway.’
She turned and left me without another word. I knew what had to be done.
X.D:(Knocking on the door) ‘Yuuto, open the door now! We need to talk.’
I heard the locks on the doors click.
I entered his room. Yuuto was sitting at a small table next to his bed.
Yuuto Ito: ‘I can't believe, after all, this time… he's dead…’
Yuuto was holding a small picture of him and Yukki.
I went over to him.
X.D: ‘Yuuto, I need you to understand that…’
Yuuto Ito: ‘No, you listen to me Xyro!’
He stood beside me. At first, I thought he was about to swing at me. Instead, he handed me a small knife, that he had stashed in his draw.
Yuuto Ito: ‘I trust you to do the right thing. I don't want to be disassembled into some parts to make yet another servant. Please, just….end all this.’
My hands began to shake.
He was asking me to kill him.
It's an impossible task to do you know. Killing a friend is something I never hope to do, no matter what the circumstance.
More to the point, it's something you should never put into another friend's hands.
X.D: ‘Yuuto, listen to me, I have a plan.’
Yuuto Ito: ‘what, like the escape plan? Look how this all turned out Xyro. It's useless.’
X.D: ‘No. But just trust me and lower your head so i can get a clear shot at the back of your neck.’
Yuuto did as I said in silence.
Yuuto was always a strong guy, who never seemed to change emotion. It killed me to see him in such a sorry state of mind and body.
Without any more words, I stuck the knife deep into his neck. But, I knew what I was doing. I dug the knife under the chip, and cut the wires loose. I placed the chip inside of my arm. Although I broke Yuuto’s promise of killing him, I didn't feel bad.
I knew that once we got out of here, I could help him out. After all, we needed him more than I ever would have imagined.
Lifting his body onto my shoulders, I brought him next to his brother. A certain someone noticed and was outraged.
Steven I’jnh: (Shouting) ‘What have you done! We could have used those parts! Did he put you up to this, is that it? Pfft, what a coward. Unfortunately, you do know this means a strike, right?’
I ignored him.
I didn't have the courage or the gut to face anyone else that day. I just passed everyone, grabbed a drink, and went to bed.
This place was getting to me. First Leona, and now Yukki.
I doubled down on my pledge that day.
To kill I’jnh at all costs.
Chapter one: Day eleven: Escape plan V2
When morning finally came around, I didn't even check the time as I left to go to the cafeteria.
I hadn't really slept the night before. I just couldn't get the thought of Yukki’s death out of my head.
Once i entered, I found that everyone was crushed. Sitting as far apart from one another as possible, there was almost no talk at all amongst them all. Everyone just sat there, staring out into nothing.
But, I hadn't gone this far and lost so many new friends, just to sit and mope in my own despair.
X.D: ‘We can't give in this easily!’
No one replied. They just sat there.
X.D: ‘Please, everyone, we can't give up! We need to get out!’
Lewis Sterge: ‘*Sigh* What's the point…’
He sat up.
Lewis Sterge: ‘...First Leona, and now the brothers…’
Lewis punched the table with his fist.
Lewis Sterge: ‘If we had a chance of escape before, we don't have one now. We should quit whilst we are ahead…’
Dakota and Miu seemed to be agreeing with him. They had well and truly given up.
X.D: ‘Guys...Please…’
I wasn't winning anyone over. Everyone had fallen into I’jnh’s trap.
Atsuko Viola: ‘...X...Xyro's right…’
Atsuko stood up from her seat.
Atsuko Viola: ‘...W...we can't g...give in! Not yet. We s...still have each o...other, and t...that's all that m...matters. I b...believe we ca...can do t...this, but o...only if we w...work together!’
A burst of confidence spread across her face. Forcing down her self pity and timid nature, she stared everyone down.
I watched in awe as one by one, everyone stood out of their seats, and put their glasses in the air. I did the same. Atsuko blushed, but still had a focused look on her face.
Everyone agreed to try their best to escape. Even without the brothers, we came up with a plan.
We all stood around the main table in the cafeteria. Atsuko brought out her laptop and showed us the map of the facility.
Atsuko Viola: ‘S...since we don't h...have the b...brothers anymore, it's g...going to be much harder to l...leave, but I'm sure that we c...can do it soon.’
Lewis Sterge: ‘How soon ?’
Atsuko Viola: ‘I...in the n...next two days…’
Dakota Way: (Excitedly) ‘So what are we waiting for dudes! Let's get ready to go!’
X.D: ‘Hold up Dakota, she has more to say.’
Atsuko Viola: ‘....We s...still need to get p...prepared. I will be in c...charge of hacking the d...doors, security sy...systems and the elevator. Ev...everyone else has the same jobs as b...before. Xyro, you need to h...help out wherever you c...can.’
X.D: ‘Got it.’
Miu Shizuka: ‘So, shall we train, or do you have other plans?’
Atsuko Viola: (Shyly) ‘N...no, I think it's s...safer if we a...all train in the day, and pr...prepare at n...night. T...the cameras tu...turn off at eight pm, but the door se...security is still on, s...so whatever w...we do, we can't t...touch any of the doors.’
Lewis Sterge: ‘So I'm guessing that escape meetings aren't a thing anymore!’
X.D: ‘We won't need them. We can discuss plans at night.’
Lewis Sterge: ‘Whelp, that means I can get a lay in for once. No more waking up at six in the fucking morning!’
He laughed and slapped me on the shoulder.
Atsuko Viola: ‘I...I think we s...should s...start training n...now....’
We all agreed, packed up, and made our way to the gym. Atsuko split off from the rest of us and went into her room. We all done our usual, except me. I decided to sit with Miu and do nothing but talk.
Miu Shizuka: ‘You know, I find it amusing to watch Dakota train. For such a strong person, he still runs the risk of dealing more damage to himself than others.’
We watched as he took a swing at one of the training dummies, and pinned it to the ground. It then swung back up and knocked him flat onto the ground.
We couldn't stop laughing. After a while of talking about Dakotas lack in intelligence, we moved on to a more suitable topic.
Miu Shizuka: ‘About Yuuto. I told everyone about the...’
She pointed at the back of her neck, trying to symbolise the computer chip.
X.D: ‘He's going to hate me for this.’
Miu Shizuka: ‘He will. He is a stubborn one. Oh well, he is much more useful alive than dead I suppose.’
She was right. Although Yuuto was an incredibly cold person at times , It would be much nicer to have him around.
Miu Shizuka: ‘I would like to ask you another thing, Xyro…’
She looked down at the floor.
Miu Shizuka: ‘When we do eventually get out of here, would you mind training me to fire a weapon?’
I gave her a puzzled look.
X.D: ‘Why when we get out? I can teach you now if you want!’
Miu Shizuka: ‘I don't trust myself with a gun in an enclosed space…’
X.D: ‘Oh, I don't think you're that bad of a shot!’
She giggled, then stared hardly at Dakota.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Yeah, that's what I meant!’
We were interrupted by Lewis, who came over from the targets, and sat on the bench with a thump. He was sweating allot.
Lewis Sterge: (Panting) ‘...Man, I'm unfit!’
He took a bottle of water from his pocket and poured a bunch over his head.
X.D: ‘No kidding!’
He gave me a stern look. Me and Miu broke out into laughter. He did too.
Everything was coming up positive today. It was such a counterpart to what I was expecting in the morning. Out of everyone, I was thankful to Atsuko. Without her, I think that I wouldn't have been able to pull the team together.
We all enjoyed the limited time we had to train (aka, Mess about with Dakota all day long.)
Eventually, we all retired to our dorms.
Obviously, I didn't go to sleep. I kept checking the time, waiting for eight pm.
I waited.
And waited.
I hate waiting!
The time eventually came around. I heard someone knock on my door.
Atsuko Viola: ‘X...Xyro, are y...you up?’
X.D: ‘Yeah, I'm coming!’
I grabbed my drink and walked out of the room. Everyone was up, and standing in the middle of the dormitory area. Atsuko gathered everyone together.
Atsuko Viola: ‘O...ok, so ev...everyone n...needs to get ready. W...what will h...happen, is that Xyro and m...me will be in the c....cafeteria. Lewis and D...Dakota will be lo...located in the gym, and Miu ne...needs to be in the dormitories. Wh...when I give the s...signal, all the power to the f...facility will shut off m....momentarily. L...Lewis and Dakota can exit b...between the doors in the g...gym. Miu, you will go th...through the air vent in your r...room. Me and Xyro will go out th...through the doors in the c...cafeteria…’
Lewis Sterge: ‘Ok, then what?
She pulled out her laptop and placed it on the banister. The screen showed a map of the hallways outside.
Atsuko Viola: ‘... it's b...better if we sp...split up and m...meet at the ele...elevator. Dakota and Lewis, you w...will go through the east wing u...until you get t...there. Do w...what y...you must go th...through. M...me and Xyro will d...do the same on the w...west wing. Miu, you're re...really important. We need y...you to go through the a...air vents, and turn off all the gas pipes. Otherwise, th...they will attempt to put us all to sl...sleep.’
Miu Shizuka: (Harshly, with her arms folded) ‘Great! Do I look like a scuttering rat to you?
Atsuko Viola: (Awkwardly) ‘I...is that a p...problem?’
Miu Shizuka: ‘Not really, I just wanted something more...exciting!’
We all sighed.
X.D: ‘Focus Miu, we don't have time to be mucking around!’
She smiled at me and winked.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Anything for you, pumpkin!’
X.D: (If I could roll my eyes, I would have) ‘Please, continue Atsuko.’
She looked down in guilt.
Atsuko Viola: ‘Th...that's all I have to s...say, really. Once w...we get to the elevator, it's p...pretty self ex...explanatory from t...there.’
Lewis Sterge: ‘Well, that seems easy enough! When will we put this plan into action?’
Atsuko Viola: ‘A...as I s...said, In the n...next two d...days.’
Dakota Way: ‘Guys, we should really get some sleep. It's already eleven, man!’
Everyone turned around in confusion. He was right. The clock said 11:00 in big green numbers on the wall.
Miu Shizuka: ‘We shall continue this discussion tomorrow. Have a pleasant rest everyone!’
We all retired to our dorms.
I was relieved to get some actual shut eye for once.
Chapter one: Day twelve: Everyone loves spiders!
Do you know that awful feeling, when you wake up in the morning, and the first thing you want to do, is fall back to sleep?
Well, I didn't have that. Instead, I had a headache from the constant and obnoxious banging on my door.
The banging was way too repetitive, so in the end I had to answer it.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Good morning Xyro, I trust that I didn't disturb you.’
X.D:(Sarcastically) ‘No, not at all!’
She smiled.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Good, then follow me!’
Leaving me with no other option, I followed. She lead me over to the targets.
Miu Shizuka: ‘You were right yesterday Xyro. This would be the perfect place to learn how to fire a weapon.’
She pulled a very small gun from her boot.
Miu Shizuka: ‘And you promised that you would help me, so, what better time than early in the morning!’
I was still half asleep at this point. I was more interested in her boots. I mean, seriously, the amount of stuff that she stores in them is beyond me!
Miu Shizuka: ‘Xyro, were you paying attention!’
X.D: ‘Yes….’
She stared harshly at me.
X.D: ‘No…..’
Miu Shizuka: (Hands on hips) ‘I said, show me the basics, please.’
X.D: (Still tired) ‘*Sigh*, first, hold the gun with both hands, with your right hand on the handle and left hand cupped underneath for handling.’
Miu Shizuka: (Trying, but failing) ‘ like this?’
X.D: ‘Not quite. More like this…’
I demonstrated with one of my revolvers.
Miu Shizuka: ‘I can't quite get the positioning correct. Xyro, could you aid me a little bit.’
She said this with an incredibly wry smile.
X.D: ‘but i just showed you.’
She wasn't going to back down. She gave me the puppy dog eyes.
X.D: ‘FIne then. You hold them like this…’
I showed her how to hold, aim and fire a gun. She struggled at first, but eventually got the hang of it. She was getting into the zone, until…
Dakota shook Miu. He must have snuck behind us whilst we weren't looking. Miu jumped, and fired. Luckily, the bullet hit none of us, and instead dug itself into one of the training dummies.
Miu Shizuka: (shouting, with her eyes glowing red) ‘Dakota! What the hell are you doing you piece of human scum!’
Dakota Way: (laughing) ‘Ha, got you, nerd! You should have seen your face!’
He fell on the floor. He had tears in his eyes from how much he was laughing. Miu simply folded her arms, then turned her back to him as she walked out.
You know, she never even said thank you.
That's what I get for helping out, I guess.
We all packed up for the morning and had breakfast. Everyone sat together around the middle tables.
Everyone except Atsuko, who was still in her room. Once we had all finished, I took it upon myself to take her a tray of toast and some warm milk.
(Knock, knock)
X.D: ‘Atsuko, breakfast!’
Atsuko Viola: ‘Oh! O...one s...second!’
I heard a lot of banging and rustling. She eventually opened her door.
Atsuko Viola: ‘G...good m...morning Xyro.’
X.D: (Handing her the tray) ‘Good morning. Here you go.’
Atsuko Viola: (Taking it, with a smile) ‘T...thank y...you.’
X.D: ‘Hey, don't keep yourself cooped up for too long. Take a break for once!’
Atsuko Viola: (With a smile) ‘I...I am t...taking a b...break. I'm talking to y...you!’
She giggled a little bit.
X.D: ‘Seriously though. Take it easy Atsuko, you work too hard for your own good.’
Atsuko Viola: ‘S...says you!’
She got me there.
Atsuko Viola: ‘I n...need to get b...back to work. Talk to y...you later Xyro.’
She closed the door slowly.
Dakota Way: (Walking up the stairs to me) ‘Hey, X.D, you up for some training man?’
I had never been called X.D up to that point, but to be honest, I kind of liked it.
X.D: ‘Sure thing Dakota.’
We had a couple of rounds of circuit training.
We would switch from the training dummies to running, to boxing, and then to shooting. After about five hours of intense exercise, we called it quits, and went into the cafeteria to grab a drink. Lewis accompanied us.
Lewis Sterge: ‘You guys have really worked hard today, haven't you!’
He was focusing more on Dakota, who was drenched in sweat.
Dakota Way: ‘Of course we have man! This place is brilliant for training.’
Lewis and Dakota began talking about training and bodybuilding stuff. I didn't really listen, as none of it was interesting to me. The two seemed to be getting on better now. Everyone was.
I heard a sudden, blood-curdling scream come from the gym. It belonged to Miu. Without a moment's hesitation, I rushed back to check if she was OK.
Miu was standing on one of the benches, shaking in fear. But, I couldn't see what the problem was.
X.D: ‘Miu, are you OK? What happened?’
She pointed at the floor. And there I saw it. The most *terrifying* creature that had ever existed.
X.D: (unimpressed) ‘Miu… it's just a spider.’
Miu Shizuka: ‘Kill it! Kill it!’
I picked up the tiny little bug.
X.D: ‘Look, it's harmless!’
Miu Shizuka: ‘Get it away from me!’
I did as she asked. I would have never thought that she would be the type to have arachnophobia. I put the little spider into a small crack on the wall.
X.D: ‘It's gone Miu, you can come down now.’
Miu stepped off the bench and acted as if nothing happened.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Why are you looking at me like that? It was a terrifying little thing.’
X.D: (Poking fun) ‘Did it give you a look to kill?’
Miu Shizuka: ‘Exactly! did you see it too!’
Unfortunately, she was being serious.
X.D: ‘Miu, it was a penny spider. They are completely harmless.
Miu Shizuka: ‘I know that! I just...don't like the way they move…’
X.D: ‘Hey, that's understandable. But if you stay away from them, then they will stay away from you.’
Miu Shizuka: ‘OK. W...what should I do if I see any more?’
X.D: ‘Do what you always do with Dakota then. Just ignore them.’
She gave me a smile.
Miu Shizuka: ‘OK, I will keep that in mind.’
I went to join Dakota and Lewis. Miu decided to stay in the gym and fight off the small spider army.
When I got to the cafeteria, I noticed that the two were happily laughing, and enjoying a conversation about something.
In my mind, it was great to see that everyone was in such high spirits again. After all that's happened, i'm surprised that we were all able to stay positive.
I guess everyone just has a different way to reacting to these kind of situations.
Lewis Sterge: (noticing me) ‘Hey, Xyro, take a seat kid!’
He pushed out a chair with his leg. I obliged.
Lewis Sterge: ‘So, what was the shouting about?’
X.D: ‘Oh, Miu just encountered a spider. Nothing much.’
The two stared at me in horror.
X.D: ‘What?’
Lewis Sterge: ‘Spiders?’
Both boys had the same look Miu had.
X.D: ‘Oh, come on! You're both scared of spiders too!’
Dakota Way: ‘I'm not scared of them bro! I just….don't like the way they move…’
Typical. A bunch of super weapons, all scared of one tiny spider.
Then, I had an idea.
X.D: ‘OK, follow me you two.’
I gestured them to follow, then brought them to the gym.
Miu Shizuka: ‘Oh, is everyone going to start training again?’
X.D: ‘Not exactly…’
I went over to the wall and took the penny spider out.
All three of them stood still in fear.
X.D: ‘OK, so, who wants to hold it first?’
It was funny watching three people try to jump up onto a small bench at once.
X.D: ‘Lewis! You should set an example.’
I walked over and placed the spider into his hands.
At first, he squirmed in fear. But, after a few minutes, he actually calmed down and began to admire the tiny spider.
Lewis Sterge: ‘This little guy is so cool…’
Dakota Way: ‘Oh, let me see, let me see!’
The two boys began to admire the tiny bug. The visual of two men looking at a tiny spider like children made my insides hurt from laughter.
Miu, however, wasn't too intent.
Miu Shizuka: ‘I'm not going near that thing. You can't make me.’
Lewis placed the spider onto her hand.
Miu Shizuka: (static, in fear) ‘.....’
She stared at it for a while. Silently.
Miu Shizuka: (Smiling) ‘...This isn't that bad, actually…’
Happily, she placed the penny spider on the floor. Then stepped on it.
Miu Shizuka: ‘That wasn't bad at all. I don't know what I was worrying about!’
The three of them were proud of themselves. Atsuko came running into the gym.
Atsuko Viola: ‘X...Xyro…’
She stood next to me, her face was red from running.
Atsuko Viola: (Panting) ‘I...I found t...this in the air vent…’
I noticed what she had found, and the expression on everyone else's faces was priceless. Sitting on Atsuko’s shoulder, was a spider like robot. With a tarantula size body, it seemed to move rather similarly to a spider, but was clearly made up of mechanical parts.
I turned to face everyone else. They were all hiding behind the bench.
Atsuko Viola: (looking at the others in confusion) ‘W...what's wrong?’
X.D: ‘Just ignore them. I'm just puzzled at what this thing actually is.’
We looked over the small robot. Eventually, something seemed to fall in place, as Atsuko’s bright expression dropped to a more sinister one.
Atsuko Viola: ‘I k...know exactly w...what it is….’
Just like Miu, Atsuko placed the spider onto the floor.
Atsuko Viola: ‘X...Xyro, w...we need to d...destroy it.’
X.D: ‘Why? What is it?’
Atsuko Viola: ‘It's a d...drone. I think t...that it has been sp...spying on us…’
Upon her finishing the sentence, I stepped on the tarantula-robot-thing. It made a loud crunch when I did. Not surprisingly, bits of metal flew in every direction.
Atsuko Viola: (Picking up the crushed robot) ‘I c...could have u...used a few p...parts from this…’
She kind of shrugged, then placed it back on the ground dismissively.
Lewis Sterge: ‘This is very bad…’
X.D: ‘I know. I’jnh is probably expecting us to leave in the next two days…
Atsuko Viola: (Whispering) ‘...So we sh...should leave t...today!’
X.D: ‘That's not exactly what I was about to say, but that's a good idea too.’
Lewis Sterge: (Hinting) ‘It's six at the moment. We should retire to our rooms now guys.’
I nodded.
X.D: ‘Everyone knows the drill.’
We all went into our rooms. Our escape was about to go down.
I waited….
Chapter one: Day twelve: 8:00 PM
The time reached eight p.m.
I was simply sat on my bed, preparing my rifles.
My heart kept racing. The simple thought of trying to escape was an adrenalin rush in amongst itself.
Although I have never been the senseless violence type, deep down, I was hoping for a fight. All this training and this facility had made me want to get my own back at I’jnh.
After all, he has done to people in here, I think getting our own back was justified.
Lewis Sterge: (Whispering) ‘Hey, kid, you up?’
I rushed out of the room instead of answering.
Lewis Sterge: ‘Well, someone's intent on getting out, aren't they!’
He laughed and patted me on the shoulder.
Atsuko Viola: ‘OK, s...so everyone r...remembers th...their places?’
Everyone nodded in sync. Atsuko handed each of us a small headpiece.
Atsuko Viola: ‘W...we can use th...these to co...communicate. Just t...try and keep them pr...protected.’
X.D: ‘Alright, Is everyone ready to go?’
We all nodded. Me and Atsuko rushed off into the cafeteria. She set herself up next to one of the doors.
Atsuko Viola: ‘I have told e...everyone what to do. O...once the doors o...open, we have a few se...seconds before they close, so w...when we start, there is no g...going back…’
X.D: ‘Don't worry, we can do this. I know we can!’
Everyone gave out a silent cheer through their headpiece.
Atsuko Viola: ‘W...well, h...here goes nothing…’
She began to type out a long code on her laptop. All of a sudden, the metal door slid open.
X.D: ‘Let's go!’
Atsuko an I began to run down the West wing of the facility.
I could see the cold, empty room that I woke up in. Luckily, all the guns on the ceiling were inactivated.
We kept on running until we saw a sign, which said sector fifty three
Atsuko Viola: ‘OK, we n...need to wait for M...Miu to get r...rid of the engineers…’
We waited for a while. Nothing was happening. I went to check with Miu.
X.D: (whispering, through headpiece) ‘Hey! What's taking so long?’
Miu Shizuka: (Through headpiece) ‘We may have a problem…’
X.D:(Through headpiece) ‘What is it?’
Miu Shizuka: (Through head piece) ‘Well, the thing is…’
She let out a large sigh.
Miu Shizuka: ‘...there's a spider's nest on the gas activation…’
X.D: (Through headpiece) ‘Miu, I know that spiders are terrifying to you, but we just don't have time for this. Please, hit the switch!’
I waited for another two minutes and kept peering in through the door to sector fifty three. Suddenly, a large amount of yellow smoke began falling from the roof.
All the engineers began to rush around and scream in panic. Yet, in their hopeless attempt, they all fell to their knees in a matter of seconds, completely unconscious.
Once the gas had dissipated, Atsuko started running again.
Atsuko Viola: (Pushing through the doorway) ‘Quickly! W...we d...don't have much t...time!’
We raced through the room, and out through the main hallway. The elevator was in sight, and so was Dakota and Lewis.
We were going to actually make it.
The elevator wasn't activated. But that didn't seem to mind Atsuko, who slid onto her knees and kicked open a panel, revealing the circuit board.
Atsuko Viola: ‘This will t...take a s...second…’
Dakota and Lewis arrived and were panting.
X.D: ‘You made it!’
Dakota Way: (Panting) ‘Yeah, we did it!’
We all stood guard of Atsuko, who was working on the circuit. A sudden and loud screech was heard from above us.
Atsuko Viola: ‘It's working!’
The moment was ruined by sarcastic clapping. We all turned around. Unfortunately, we all knew who it was.
Steven I’jnh: ‘For a bunch of super weapons, you aren't very intelligent, aren't you?’
He was accompanied by a huge number of mech's, who decided to make their presence known.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Well, I will admit, the plan you all came up with was rather...interesting. I love the way you all thought that we weren't listening every time you all had conversations.’
He pulled out a bunch of tapes. Each one had us talking about the escape plan. My voice was the most apparent though, which made me look really bad. However, placing blame wasn't important at that moment in time.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Hey, don't feel bad. In fact, you should all be happy. I'm allowing you all to leave…’
Dakota Way: ‘Really?’
Steven I’jnh: ‘Yes Dakota, I am. You're all free to go…’
A large grin spread across his face.
Steven I’jnh: ‘...In pieces!’
All of the mech troopers pointed their guns at us.
Steven I’jnh: ‘ But, since im a nice guy, you all have the option to return to the facility, and work for me! Your choice…’
The mech's seemed to be getting more and more trigger happy.
We all stood in silence for a while. None of us wanted to reply. We couldn't have gone this far, only to lose so easily.
Steven I’jnh: ‘...One push of this button and they all shoot. You wouldn't want to end up like Yukki, would you?’
His laughter was getting to me. I wanted to shoot him, there and then, but He was behind a shield of mech troops. My aim is good, but not that good.
Atsuko Viola: ‘We w...won't accept…’
We all turned to Atsuko. She stood up and walked in front of me.
Atsuko Viola: ‘We don't w...want to live our li...lives like this. If we tried to get out, t...then why would w...we ever want to go b...back!’
Lewis Sterge: ‘She's right. If we have made it this far and lost, then why would we ever want to return. Face the facts I’jnh, we don't want to be part of this anymore!’
Dakota Didn't say anything. But, he still stood beside us. We all stood in unity.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Ahh, isn't this sweet. You all make me feel so bad. Not!’
He snorted.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Well, look at the time! It's almost midnight. What a coincidence! Let's count down the time, shall we. Hehehe’
His finger was buzzing over the button.
Steven I’jnh: ‘Ten…’
In that moment of time, I’jnh wasn't given his little count down.
Just above him, Miu kicked her way through the air vent. In doing so, she landed directly on top of I’jnh.
Now, I knew her ability was dangerous, but I didn't expect her to morph into what i saw in front of me.
Her entire jaw line had snapped out of place to become a set of jagged teeth, which were aligned so close to one another that I couldn't tell the difference between her lips and teeth. Similar to a bear trap in that sense. All of her fingers were stretched out into large claws, which she raised into the air upon landing on top of him.
Kicking the remote out of his hands, She attached herself to his back and began to tear him apart, limb by limb. I watched as she took bites out of him, leaving gaping holes in parts of his shoulder and neck, which shot out steady streams of blood, accompanied by his wild, agonising screams.
Although she saved us all that day, she could have introduced us all to her other form with a bit more courtesy.
After a while of screaming and flesh tearing, Miu eventually pinned him down and finished the job with a clenching bite across his neck. With her head jarring from side to side, I heard the sickening sound of his neck snapping multiple times before she loosened her grip. She got up from the floor and strolled towards us.
Her face was back to normal as if nothing had happened. Yet, the vast amount of blood covering her face told another story.
Miu Shizuka: (Wiping the blood off with a handkerchief) ‘Well, aren't we supposed to be leaving?’
We all nodded, frozen with fear.
Getting onto the elevator was amazing. Once the doors closed, Everyone gave out sighs of relief.
We had made it out.
Arriving at the surface, we were greeted by a bunch of armed guards, and a small room, which had a ladder leading up.
Dakota and Lewis dealt with the guards easily.
But, it comes to a point where I was actually annoyed. Everyone got some action in the escape, Except me!
Lewis Sterge: ‘Well, this is it. We finally get to leave this fucking hell hole!’
Atsuko Viola: ‘I...I wonder what the w...world looks like n...now!’
I was wondering the same thing. I wondered how long I had actually been in there, since there wasn't really any clear time measurement apart from that clock. For all I knew, it could have even been the wrong time.
In the end, I wanted to answer that question myself once I was out.
Miu Shizuka: ‘What are we standing around for, let's take a look!’
I was given the honor of going first. The ladder was rather old but was sturdy enough to support my weight. Reaching the top, I opened the hatch and the blinding light enveloped my eyes...
(End of Chapter one)