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Chapter five: Day one:

Since Kiri had her orders, we were told to pack for the journey ahead.


Trust me, it was incredibly boring!


WHile we were waiting for our ship to come, we had nothing to do but prepare. I mean, we couldn't even go out, since we would draw attention to ourselves from the constantly patrolling IWEC drones.


So, let me try something a little… different.


You see, everything so far has been mainly from my perspective on things. Now, let's move into the third person….


...with a little twist…



(Are you ready, because I am!)



As the central tower of London stood still, the sirens sounded hard from the floors below. Task forces armed to the teeth were storming the facility underneath the tower, as claims of a terrorist group had been phoned in by local authorities. Since this threat had somehow managed to slip away undetected by the IWEC troops, the people who made a living in the tower were allowed back inside, to carry on with their daily lives.


The streets returned back to the way they were before. The noise of the city finally returned to its usual self.


Four hours passed.


Every room of the apartment building was bright from the lights within. People nervous over the looming threat were up late, anxious over the idea of the “terrorist” group returning.


However, in the very top apartment, the luxury sweet, things were different.


As this was the top floor, it was less of a single apartment and more of an entire house. With six different bedrooms (each with their own bathroom), four different living rooms, two kitchens, a game room, a small movie theatre and a personal bar, this sweet was definitely living up to its name.


But what was more amazing, was the view from the guest room. With six large leather sofas and a view of the surrounding city, it was truly a relaxing spot. The room even separated off into an outdoor jacuzzi on the roof of the building.


With all this, you wouldn't expect anyone to be able to resist.


The door to the balcony was open, letting a steady but calm breeze brush against the white and gold curtains.


With the view of the city down below him, a hooded figure rested against the balcony railings, his head tilted upwards at the stars.


The boy was wearing a dark, thick green hoodie, with the hood filled with thick, matted wool. His hair was messy, dark blonde, and spiked, coming off at a fringe near the front. His top, although not very visible, was a dark grey.


Resting on his back, was an old friend of his. His baseball bat. A


although originally very well painted, It had faded over obvious use, marked near the bottom in etchings. A skull was painted over the end of the bat.


As for his legs, the entirety of his lower torso was completely mechanical. Each of his legs was master crafted, shown clearly by the extent of dials and cogs which imbued them with the incredible power of movement. Two cylinders at the back of each heel and connecting joints of his legs were there to allow ease of movement and incredible power, providing him the ability to both jump high and run fast.


Tapping his fingers on the railing, Muco pulled down his hood, exhaling sharp, warm breaths into the cold night air, watching as the vapour arose from his mouth. His pale, grey eyes tracked the movement in the night sky, with the same, dull, angry expression he always had.


Looking down at the orders he had received, he read them out to himself in a bored, childish voice.


Muco Ufthen:(Sarcastic, childish tone) ‘Blah blah blah meet at destination blah, and expect for a briefing. *Sigh*.’


He scrunched the piece of paper into a ball, tossing it far over the balcony.


Muco Ufthen: (Angrily) ‘This better be worth my time. I have better things to do than wait around.’


Impatiently, Muco paced back and forth on the balcony. Since he was used to constant travel, with no time to relax, he felt alienated. With no ability to do his job, he was trapped to wait.


And he hated it.


Pacing a mark into the balcony, Muco’s impatient nature was put to the test. For what felt like hours, he kept to the same movement, waiting for the alleged arrivals.


A chime sounded at the entrance to the sweet. The elevator that acted as the front door had arrived on the floor. It held a single passenger.


Viro, who had received the same invitation, stepped wearily out of the elevator.


Viro: (Talking to himself, amazed) ‘I could get used to a room like this!’


Muco Ufthen: (Surprised) ‘Viro? What are you doing here?’


Viro: (Smirking) ‘Same as you, I expect. Seems like they are sending out these invitations to a bunch of us.’


Muco never moved from the balcony. He remained staring over the edge into space, tapping both his fingers and his toe.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Yeah, but why they mixing you higher tier pansies with us hard workers in lower ranks. This doesn't seem right.’


Viro poured himself a drink from the bar. A drink of water, in case you were wondering.


Viro: (Sarcastically) ‘Oh, sorry, were you talking to me? I didn't hear a “Sir” in that sentence.’


Muco, as a tier two unit, was bound by the code of conduct in the IWEC to treat anyone of a higher number as an official. Since Viro was tier four, Muco was supposed to use “sir” as a sign of respect…


Since Muco had none, it was hardly fitting for him to use the word.


Viro: ‘Ahh, this really is a nice place, though. And just look at that view! It's nice to be able to look at the world that is owned by us, hry?’


Muco gripped the railing of the balcony as hard as he could, trying not to lunge at Viro.


Muco Ufthen: (Regaining control) ‘Do you think others will be here too?’


Viro: (Sipping his water) ‘Oh, certainly. I'm just curious as to see what goon's they picked out of the boneyard. Ha!’


Muko began pacing again, as Viro placed his boots carelessly onto the table, dripping mud onto its polished surface.


Another ding from the elevator.


This time, the elevator had two people inside of it.


The first to step out was an incredibly tall, muscular man, covered in scars. The man was shirtless, covered in bulging amounts of muscle. The only clothing he wore was a pair of baggy, dark blue shorts, a pair of bright red shoes, and a woven cloth bag over his head, with two dark smudges to represent eyes.


With heavy breathing, he stepped into the room, dropping a large coil of rope onto the glass table.


Viro: ‘Ahhh! Xiil Hangingu! It's a pleasure to have you at this meeting Sir.’


Xiil stared blankly at Viro and Muco, before sitting on the sofa beside him.


Xiil was a tier six member of the IWEC, known for his brutal strangulation and hanging methods out in the field. The rope that was placed on the table had claimed the lives of thousands. Leaving haunting images in many generations minds.


The second, much smaller boy to step out, gave a huge stretch, before slamming his head straight into the wall beside him.


Viro: (To Xiil, disappointedly) ‘I see you brought Matchbox along.’


Slightly shorter than Atsuko, Matchbox was an extremely menacing, and almost inhuman boy. With bright orange hair and eyes, he seemed to be constantly alight with flames. His eyes flickered at the slightest movement or sound. A scar running right the way around his head, straight from one side of the lip right the way around to the other, made it look like the top half of his head was barely stitched onto the bottom half!


His clothes were nothing more than rags, showing no skin. He had a multiple of brightly colored patches and buttons sewed onto different parts, and his ragged trousers were the same, dull color as his shirt. The watch on his left hand was completely shattered, and yet he refused to remove it.


Silently, Matchbox made his way into the center of the room, before passing out cold on the carpet floor from his impact with the wall.


Viro: ‘Great! That's one less problem solved!’


Silently, Xiil picked up matchbox by the leg, before taking him over to the dustbin and throwing him inside of it.


Since Matchbox is Xiil’s assistant in… well… insanity...the IWEC have no care or worry about what happens to matchbox. He has no grade in the IWEC and therefore serves less purpose than a slave to them.


Before everything could settle, another ding sounded, this time with loud, girlish chatter.


As the elevator door swung open, a young girl stepped out of the elevator, speaking into what appeared to be a gaming headset. Although the same height as Miu, With short, bright green hair, pale pink eyes and pointed facial features. she was wearing an IWEC stealth suit, with built in jet boots, two semi-automatic pistols attached to the sleeves, and to top it all off… it was... purple and white, with red neon streaks going down the arms, legs and back.


Not exactly a stealth suit, but what can you do.


Speaking in a completely different language, the girl waltzed in, placing her pink rucksack on the sofa opposite to the two men.


After her conversation, she turned with a huge smile, waving at the others.


Kamy Falvey: (Excited) ‘Hi! It's nice to meet you all!’


Viro and Xiil said nothing. The two stared at her menacingly.


Viro: ‘This has to be some kind of practical joke. It's unlike them to pair us up with a bunch of lower recruits. I may place a complaint in!’


Kamy Falvey: (Jokingly) ‘Great to be working with you to sir!’


She scanned the room, eager to check it out.


Kami Falvey: ‘I could really get used to this!’


Suddenly, her attention dropped dead at the balcony.


Kamy Falvey: ‘Muco? Is that you!’


Muco, who was trying his hardest to stay out of her way, was now caught red handed.


Muco Ufthen: ‘What do you want Kamy?’


Kamy Falvey: (Excited) ‘Nothing! I'm just surprised to see you, dude! I love the new legs.’


Muco Ufthen: (Looking over the balcony) ‘...Whatever.’


Kamy ignored his negativity and went to unpack her bags.


The two knew each other from a while back, when they both grew up alongside one another in the old orphanage…


But that's a story for another time.


KamY Falvy: ‘Not sure about you folks, but I'm going to check this place out!’


Like a kid in a candy store, KamY set off around the sweet.


As you could imagine, another bing from the elevators arrival sounded.


Pint, who had been previously drunk with a toaster on the first floor, had made his way up to this one, still clasping the toaster under his arm. He was accompanied by another, taller mechanoid.


He was tall, his metal coating was a painted black, with blue stripes over the left leg and right arm, along with a skull white section covering the right side of his head. The mechanoids figure was far more different than the typical IWEC assault mechs, as his was way smoother, and much more lenient to sharp movements.


Even still, he had allot of similar, smoother characteristics to Pint.


Pint: (Talking to the mech) ...And so that's how I and my little misses here… *Hick*... met, and sparks flew…’


Metrol: (Pretending to pay interest) ‘Yeah, that's real great Pint.’


As Pint stepped out, the first thing he did was notice the bar. Just like the drunk he was, it took him less than a few seconds to make his way onto one of the stools, before pulling himself a drink from the tap.


Beer, obviously.


Viro: ‘Great to have you at least Metrol. At least you're not as incompetent as these idiots!’


Kamy Falvey: (Shouting from the other room) ‘Hey, you guys, tell me when the meeting starts. I will be in this room with the big screen!’


Excitedly, Kami slammed the door shut, eager to play on a games console she had brought with her.


Metrol: ‘Wait, I wonder if this place has a gym!’


The mech quickly dashed out of site down one of the hallways.


Muko, who was growing sick of these people, kept thinking about throwing Viro over the balcony.


The two were about as close as a shotgun to the head could get.


As Muko slowly paced back and forth, he stared intently at the moon. He hadn't noticed before, but he could see a small black speck on the moon's surface. Staring harder, he noticed that the spec was growing in size at a rapid rate…


...Because it was heading straight at him!


Ducking just in time, The black outline shot over his head, landing with a gentle thud on the balcony.


The figure that had just landed pushed himself up to his feet, dusting his arms and legs off.


The young man standing before Muco was rather striking. He had long, silky black hair, bright white eyes, and celestial features. He wore a long black scarf around his neck, covering the lower half of his face. This matched the tightly fit IWEC combat suit and his knee high boots. The most outstanding feature was his charred-black wings, which seemed as elegant as the wind.


The boy extended a hand to Muco. in a soft, deep voice, he spoke.


Kuro Chi: ‘My apologies, Muco. My wings have grown tired over the flight.’


Muco shook his hand, in a half-assed manner.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Don't worry about it Kuro.’


Although a loyal member to the IWEC, Muco couldn't stand the sight or company of anyone in any rank.


All accept Kuro.


The two had been friends since "recruitment".


Kuro Chi: (Taking in the surroundings) ‘I'm surprised that they have provided us with such a beautiful accommodation.’


Muco Ufthen: (Grouchy, tapping his foot) ‘Yeah, but it's probably only for the evening, so don't get too attached.’


Kuro began to laugh.


The others had noticed his arrival.


Viro: (Snarky) ‘Is this really just some kind of recruitment festival or something?’


Kuro Chi: ‘Oh, it's an honor, sir.’


Viro: ‘What's so funny, though? If it's just Muco, then you're late to the joke!’


Kuro noticed Muko grip the railing hard, so he placed his hand on Muco’s shoulder.


Kuro Chi: ‘That's not why I was laughing. I'm just amused at the fact that Muco had not read the letter thoroughly.’


Everyone stayed silent.


Kuro Chi: ‘...You have all checked the entire letter, right?’


Still no reply.


Kuro Chi: ‘I see. Well, it states that we will all be staying in this apartment for six days until they are able to transfer our new squad leader into the city. Until then, we must all wait in here until further notice.’


Viro:(Waving his hand passively) ‘Wait, wait wait! So you're telling me that they are drafting a new squad, out of us? That's ridiculous! Why would they team up such a ridiculous gap in ranking together! Errr, no offence Xiil.’


With his hand on Muko’s shoulder, Kuro could feel Muko slowly collapse onto the balcony railing in anger and depression.


Kuro Chi: ‘It gives us a full set of instructions on what we can do to pass the time. But more importantly, we have been set new rules, since we are all no longer ranked.’


Viro: ‘No...l..longer r...ranked! Are you kidding me!’


Kuro Chi: ‘I never joke around sir. It says it clearly in the instructions section below. We all follow the rules of our main leading officer only, who as it states, will be here in the next six days.’


Viro: (Sarcastic) ‘That's just brilliant then. All that hard work to move up the ranks, and it's now been thrown back in my face!’


Kuro Chi: ‘We should have ten members in total, which includes our sergeant, so we should have nine people here.’


Viro: ‘Metrol and Kamy are here, but they went off to do their own thing.’


Matchbox popped his head slowly out of the trashcan, stared at everyone, and then closed the lid again.


Viro: ‘...Xiil, how do you cope with him.’


Xiil made a short, deep grunt.


Viro: ‘*Sigh* Well, that leaves us with one member to go.’


On cue, all the boys stared at the elevator expectantly.




Pint: (Drunk) ‘What were you… *Hick*... idiots expecting? Ha ha ha!’


Viro: (Shouting) ‘Everyone else arrived in similar fashion you drunk fool!’


Pint: (Drunk) ‘Oh! What is ya gonna do about it, laddie? Swing at me with your skinny fists?’


Viro leaped to his feet angrily, charging at Pint.


The inevitable fight was halted by the sound of the elevator arriving.


The door slid open, revealing the final squad member.


Standing inside, was a short girl. Her hair was a bright shade of coral, which seems to fade to white near the centre and It was rather short and scruffy. Her cat-like ears had the same color fur. Although her facial features were exactly similar to a human's, her eyes were those of a cat: Sharp, vibrant and yellow. Almost expectedly, she was wearing a plain, white t-shirt, and a small black skirt, with bright pink shoes. Just like her coral tail, she was rather skinny. Although she had no fur on the rest of her body, she did have paws, which as you could imagine, meant that she had claws.


As she stepped out, she was clasping (Well, trying to clasp) A map in between her paws.


In a very soft, childish, but excited voice, she spoke to everyone through the map.


Leilei Chiko: ‘Excuse me! Is this the...errrr….errrrrr….’


Her busy eyes darted around the map, trying to pinpoint an exact location.


Kuro Chi: ‘Excuse me, ma’am’


Leilei Chiko: (Excitedly, grinning) ‘My name is Leilei!’


Kuro Chi: ‘I see. Well, Leilei, it appears that you have that map the wrong way around.’


Kuro took ahold of the map, turning it around the right way.


Leilei Chiko: (laughing) ‘Oopsie! My bad!’


Kuro Chi: ‘That is quite alright. Don't worry, though, If you're looking for the IWEC special task force, then this is us.’


Leilei, whose mind had already strayed, was now trying to rip the paper map with her mouth, similar to a kitten.


For the first time ever, Muco and Viro agreed on one thing.


They hated her already.


Viro: ‘Wait, IWEC special what now?’


Kuro Chi: ‘*Sigh* We are all now members of a special task force. Remember those terrorist attacks recently? Well, we are the ones who will be trying to eliminate them.’


A shot of excitement shot through Viro’s eyes.


Viro: (Excited) ‘Brilliant! Finally, I get a chance to end that leather-jacketed bastard!’


Kuro Chi: ‘Hey, revenge is not the code of the IWEC viro. Remember your duties are to secure the peace for the healthy future of the planet.’


Muco ufthen: (Under his breath) ‘...If you believe that bullshit…’


Xiil took a stand, making his way down one of the hallways.


Viro: ‘Where are you off to?’


he pulled Matchbox out of the bin by his leg and tapped the broken watch on the mini-man's wrist.


Viro: ‘Right, I guess it is late.’


Viro had the same plan.


Viro: (Yawning) ‘Whelp, night I guess. Just don't disturb me.’


Everyone seemed to be making their way to bed. In the end, only Muco was left, standing by himself on the balcony.


Muco was an insomniac. He couldn't stand the idea of being still for more than a few minutes. Instead, he stood on the balcony, pacing back and forth.


Leilei Chiko: (Happily, hyper) ‘Are you excited too, Mr Muco sir!’


Muco almost jumped from a heart attack. He never noticed the feline figure approach him.


Muco Ufthen: (Angrily) ‘What's your problem! Why did you sneak up on me like that you…’


Muco paused in confusion.


Muco Ufthen: ‘...Wait, how do you know my name?’


Leilei Chiko:(Giggling) ‘It's on your shirt, silly!’


She had noticed the small tag at the back of his neck. It had his name written in tiny letters.


As Muco tried to form words, Leilei cut directly into his speech.


Leilei Chiko: ‘You know, This is my first time out the lab. They told me to come here. So, here I am!’


She spread her arms, a huge smile on her face.


Muco Ufthen:(Grumpily) ‘Yeah… that's great, but could you go bother someone else.’


Muco turned his back to the girl.


He could still feel her beaming smile burning through the back of his neck.


Leilei Chiko: (Happy) ‘Oh, ok mr! I need to go to bed anyway…’ S


he checked her tiny little watch on her wrist.


Leilei Chiko: ‘..It's way past my sleepy time! Good night mr Muco, sir!’


Only then, did Muco notice the small, thin leather collar around her neck. It had a tiny, obnoxiously loud bell on it.


As soon as the girl disappeared, Muco rested his head in his hands.


Muco Ufthen: (Muffled) ‘This always happens to me. Why do they care if I'm in a group! I work better on my own anyway…’


A loud clang of thunder above signalled for lightning to split the sky, sending a torrent of rain down onto the earth below.


Muco Ufthen: ‘...’


Muco stood there for a few seconds. The rain began to seep into his hair and clothes.


Muco Ufthen: ‘....*Sigh* my fucking luck…’


Retreating inside, Muco slammed the balcony door shut.


In his mind, nothing could get worse…



Chapter five: Day two: the water shall not obey your command!

Day 2

The early morning streets of the city were alive with the sound of traffic. Loud beeping and heavy engine revving spread like wildfire from the roads, as citizens attempted to get to their morning jobs.


For such an early morning, the sun was up high in the sky, casting bright rays of sunlight down into the top floor apartment off London's central tower.


Slowly, the balcony door slid open.


Muco, who after the storm, had begun pacing on the balcony, was up all night. The boy never took any time to rest, as he refused to allow his mind the luxury.


Grouchily, he made his way through the apartment, and into the kitchen area. He was surprised to find that nobody was up yet. So, scrounging the cupboards, muco prepared himself a few slices of toast and egg.


His stomach growled menacingly as he prepared the meal. Commonly, as he was always either training or out in the field, Muco never had a large meal of any kind. This was the first time the boy was able to make anything sustainable to eat.


Happy with himself, Muco turned to pour himself a glass of water.


Then, he turned back around to place the water and plate on a tray.


But somehow, the plate was missing.


Confused, Muco’s eyes darted around the room.


Pint, who had snuck into the room, had taken the plate of food and was sitting at the table. The gannet had already eaten the plate load.


Muco Ufthen: (Angrily) ‘Pint! What the hell!’


Pint: (Burping) ‘What… you weren't eating it!’


The tiny mech pushed himself to his feet and threw the plate (Which was made of a fine ceramic) in the bin.


Before walking out of the room, he turned back to Muco a final time.


Pint: ‘By the way, you should really add a bit more pepper to those eggs lad. They tasted awful!’


Steam emerged from Muco’s head as the proud mechanoid walked away with a full stomach.


Muco refused to leave empty handed. He prepared himself a second batch of scrambled eggs (This time, he did add a little bit more pepper) and toast.


Again, Muco placed the plate and glass onto a tray neatly. As he was about to walk away with the tray, he remembered that he needed a fork. So, placing the tray down on the dinning table, he retrieved one…


...only to find the tray’s contents eaten by a half asleep Viro.


Viro: (Mouth full) ‘You know, these would taste a lot better if you didn't add so much salt to them.’


By now, Muco’s eggs were not the only things in the room which were too salty.


Viro finished by dabbing his face with a napkin.


Viro: ‘Ahh, for such a pathetic excuse for a person, your breakfasts aren't half bad. See you around.’


Viro left the room, leaving a burning red Muco to do the cleaning up.


However, the boy couldn't learn from his mistakes.


Preparing another batch, he guided his food around with extreme caution.(Adding a lot less salt this time round too.)


Finally, Muco was able to sit down at the table, egg and toast in front of him.


As he went to take a mouthful, he dropped his fork on the floor.


In the split few seconds, it took him to pick the fork up off the ground, Kamy had already eaten the lot.


Kamy Falvey: (Tired, but smiling) ‘You know..*munch*.. these are very nice Muco. have you tried adding a bit less Pepper and more salt?’


Muco pushed himself up from the table.


Muco Ufthen: (Shouting angrily) ‘I swear, are you all just lining up outside or something!’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Sheesh man, no need to yell!’


Pushing herself off the chair, Kamy darted peacefully to the door.


Kamy Falvey: ‘TTYL Muco!’


Muco slammed his head down on the table.


Muco Ufthen: (Muttering under his breath) ‘This is why I hate people. Why can't they just leave me alone…’


Muco closed his eyes for a few minutes, tapping his foot in stress.


He suddenly became aware of a tiny voice.


Leilei Chiko: ‘Cweam dud?’


Muco raised his head to find Leilei sitting with her head sideways on the table, her paw outstretched with a box of milk flavoured candy in its grasp.


Leilei Chiko: ‘You seem hungry Mr Muco sir. You can share a cweam dud with me!’


Muco Ufthen: (Agitated) ‘Those things are disgusting, how do you even stand them!’


Leilei Chiko: ‘I love cweam! And they are like little balls of cweaminess..ness...ness…’


She got caught up on the word, so to save herself from the embarrassment, she popped a dud into her mouth.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Yeah, well they taste horrible to me.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Ok mr Muco, sir!’


Muco went to rest his head back on the table. But he couldn't shut his eyes without feeling Leilei stare at him.


Muco Ufthen: (More and more agitated) ‘Why are you still here! Don't you have cat-stuff to do!’


Leilei Chiko: (Smiling) ‘Because you're my friend, sir!’


She made a small salute at him with her paw.


Muco Ufthen: (Shaking his head, angry) ‘ok,ok,ok. Let's make this clear from here on out. You are not my friend! got that!’


Leilei Chiko:(Smiling happily) ‘I know!’


Muco Ufthen: (Shouting loudly) ‘Then why are you still here!’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Because you're my friend! You may not see me as a friend, but your mine Sir!’


She made a soft purring sound.


There was nothing Muco could do. Although he tried, and tried again, Leilei wouldn't stop following him around the apartment. The only time she stopped following him was when he went into the bathroom, but instead she waited outside the door.


Eventually, after an hour of ignoring her, Muco turned to shout at her.


Muco Ufthen: (Shouting) ‘That's it you piece of….’


Leilei wasn't following him anymore. The young girl had made her way over to Kamy, who was playing a first person shooter in her room. Leilei, being the curious girl she was, had asked to play with her. The two were locked in a battle of guns, bombs, and campers.


Muco let out a sigh of relief. He had finally shaken her.


A softer Irish accent sounded behind him.


Metrol: ‘Yo, Muco, want to do some training buddy? I made a new regime a few days back that I need to try out!’


Muko ignored and pushed past him.


Metrol: (Shouting after him) ‘Suit yourself. Come by if you need training!’


Muko came storming around the corner. In his mind, he was trapped. Every corner he took, someone was there.


Circling the building, he couldn't find a place to hide away from people.


As Muco turned around yet another corner, Kuro stepped out in front of him.


Kuro Chi: (laughing) ‘Muco, trying the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, is the first sign of insanity. In this case, you have been trying to avoid people by walking in circles!’


Muco Ufthen: ‘I feel like I am! Can't everyone leave me alone!’


Kuro Chi: ‘Calm down! Take a walk with me…’


Kuro started walking peacefully towards the living room. Muco stood in place.


Kuro Chi: ‘I'm afraid that wasn't a question Muco. follow.’


With no other option, Muco followed by his side.


Kuro Chi: (Slowly walking) ‘Tell me, I know the reason for you being so “antisocial”, but why do you feel trapped?’


Muco Ufthen: (Stuttering) ‘I...I just, you know, I can't work together with people… you know what happens…’


Muco looked down to the floor.


Muco Ufthen: ‘...You know what has happened before…’


Kuro gripped Muco’s shoulder.


Kuro Chi: ‘And you think I will allow you to do that again? Look, Muco, these are highly skilled and trained professionals you talking about. They wouldn't have made us an anti-terrorist team for nothing!’


Muco Ufthen: ‘But why me! They already know that teams aren't my thing!’


Kuro Chi: ‘A true fighter has to learn to cooperate with others eventually. No one can go alone in this world.’


Kuro, with his hand still tightly on Muco’s shoulder, smiled.


Kuro Chi: ‘Come on, let's go join Metrol in the gym. I will introduce you properly!’


Muco, even with the terror in his heart, had to give this a chance.


Taking a deep breath, he followed Kuro along to the gym.


Arriving at the sliding glass doors, Kuro pulled them across and allowed Muco to step in first.


Although small, the gym had everything that you could need. With cardio machines in one corner, weights in the other, and other items such as mats and even wooden swords, this was the ideal place for them all to train. The walls were painted a bright blue, with many posters of different IWEC standard training protocols.


In the centre of the room, doing push-ups on a large purple mat, was Metrol.


Kuro Chi: ‘Hey Metrol, I was hoping to accompany you in your training, along with Muco here.’


Metrol: (Taking deep breaths) ‘ you have taken up my offer then mate? The names Metrol, by the way.’


The mechanoid shot his arm forward.


Almost reluctantly, Muco shook it.


Muco Ufthen: (Silently) ‘Muco Ufthen, it's, er, good to meet you…’


Muco gave Kuro a passing glance as if to ask if what he said was acceptable. Kuro nodded happily.


Metrol: (Clapping his hands together) ‘We all ready to start?’


The two boys noded.


Metrol: ‘Excellent! Let's get this show on the road!’


Without wasting any time, Metrol began to shout orders at the two boys. However, although he did it with a loud voice, he was screaming positivity. With every push-up, sit-up and weight lifted, muco was finding Metrol’s words rather boastful. Never had Muco experienced someone so hopeful and full of positivity.


The five hour, brutal workout, felt as if it had flown by. Almost drowning in his clothes from sweat, the two boys collapsed to the floor. Their muscles ached down to the bone. Muco feared that if he moved, his entire body would shatter.


Metrol, who was still standing, sighed as he stared down at the two boys.


Metrol: ‘I must admit, for two tier two members, you both have the highest stamina of any other members I have trained!’


Both Muco and Kuro went to thank him, but couldn't even lift their arms off the ground.


Metrol: ‘Hey, if you don't tell anyone…’


The mech knelt down beside them.


Metrol: ‘...Viro didn't even last a single hour. He passed out after ten minutes of sit-ups!’


Muco and Kuro let out a small laugh, as it hurt their lungs to even do so.


Metrol: (Shaking his head) ‘What you two need is a shower, rest and food. I will let you get on with the showering part. Oh, what do you want before I go? I will order!’


He showed them a list of take-away foods. Both boys grunted the letter “four” which was chicken and chips.


Metrol: ‘Alright! I will get to it! Get washed up you two!’


Leaving the boys to it, Metrol jogged out the room.


Helping one another to their feet, the two boys made their way to separate bathrooms to shower.


(I know what your thinking, and no, there is no shower scene here! Shame on you!)


As the two boys washed away their pain, Metrol set off on the tedious task of collecting everyone's order. Armed with a pen and paper, he went to each of the members one by one, marking down each number.


As soon as everyone had picked, the mech rang up the local company to order the food. Collectively, the price for this meal added up to over two hundred pounds. (Matchbox ordered everything on the list.). Luckily for them, all expenses were paid for, so Metrol placed the bill on the IWEC.


Confirming the order, all metrol could do now was relax. Collapsing on one of the sofas, Metrol let out a large sigh of relief.


Pint: ‘You know, I could never train as much as you do lad. It's against my rules of etiquette and all.’


Pint entered the room, taking a seat on one of the sofas opposite.


Metrol: ‘A guy like you has etiquette?’


Pint: ‘Hey, everyone has in some way or another!’


He laughed, slapping his leg with his hand.


Pint: ‘ I watched you train those two sacks of meat earlier. To be honest with ya, they weren't half bad!’


Metrol: ‘That's what I told them!’


Pint: ‘They make me feel like an old man! I could hardly do what they are in that amount of time!’


Metrol: (Picking at the sofa) ‘Speaking of which, where have you been all day? You said you would stop by!’


Pint:(laughing) ‘Thing is, I found a firing range, so that was me for the day.’


Metrol: ‘A firing range? What doesn't this place have!’


Kamy Falvy: ‘Working showers!’


Kamy stepped into the room with her hair wrapped up in a towel. Following giddily behind her was Leilei.


Kami Falvey: ‘Why do the showers have to be digitised?’


Metrol: ‘Don't ask us, we don't shower!’


Metrol and Pint exchanged funny looks, before bursting out laughing.


Kamy took a seat on the sofa next to metrol. Leilei, who was darting around her, sprawled across the seat next to Kamy.


Leilei fidgeted in her seat, until she finally turned herself upside down, her feet up in the air.


Leilei Chiko: (Whispering) ‘Ms Kami, do you have any cweam duds left?’


Kami searched her pockets.


Kami Falvey: ‘Nope, sorry kitty.’


Leilei let out a tiny, disappointed moan.


Metrol: ‘Kitty?’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Ms Kamy says it my nickname! I love it!’


The tiny girl waved her sleeves around in happiness.


Viro: (Sarcastically) ‘And here we see the professionally trained killers, capable of wiping an entire team of “Highly dangerous terrorists”.*sigh* Metrol, did you order already.’


Metrol: ‘Of course! You watched me do it!’


Viro: ‘I know that! I'm just hungry.’


Viro’s stomach grumbled angrily at him.


Metrol: ‘I thought Xiil and Matchbox were with you?’


Viro: ‘Yeah, about that. Matchbox got his head stuck in an air vent, so Xiil is trying to pull him out.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘How did he manage that! I can't even reach the air vents, let alone get my head wedged in one!’


Viro: ‘Xiil “gently” shoved Matchbox into it in the first place.’


Kamy let out a rather large, unsympathetic sigh.


Kamy Falvey: ‘Does he need any help getting him out?’


Viro: ‘Not really. Xill will get him out eventually. one way or another.’


Muco and Kuro arrived, dressed in fresh clothes. Both boys had combed their hair.


Kuro Chi: ‘Has anyone else used the showers here? I for one find them too complex for my liking.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Same! I could only find the switch to turn them on.’


Viro snickered into his hand.


Kami Falvey: ‘What's so funny?’


Viro: (Going red with laughter) ‘it's just that… oh, let me catch my breath… those are voice activated showers. You're supposed to yell at them to change the temperature. That “Switch” your referring to releases the old water from the backup tank.’


Viro began to laugh at Kamy until he noticed the embarrassment on both Muco and Kuro’s face. Then, he almost started to cry from laughter.


Viro: (Calming down, wiping eyes) ‘Ahh…this is great! you should all embarrass yourselves more often.’


The loud bing of the elevator sounded. Surely enough, food had arrived.


So, all the members of the IWEC sat around the living room, consuming their favoured meals.


Just like any other newly formed group, conversation was kept at a minimal. The only words spoken were to either ask someone to pass the salt, or from leilei, who was having the time of her life making cute chicken noises as she played around with her chicken pieces, before making growling noises as she ate it.


By the time the entire group had finished, it was already late. With all scraps discarded into the trash, one by one, they retired to their rooms. (Muco, of course, pacing along the balcony outside.)


As Viro made his way back to his dorm, he was intercepted by Metrol.


Metrol: ‘Viro, I was just thought of something…’


Viro: ‘Well done you! Finally thinking up in that brain of yours, hey?’


Metrol: ‘ha...ha… very funny. But seriously, the showers here aren’t voice activated!’


Viro: (Giggling) ‘Yeah, I know!’


Metrol: ‘So why did you….’


The shot of realisation spread into his black, mechanical eyes.


Metrol: (laughing) ‘You're evil! I like it!’


Metrol slapped Viro’s hand, before making his way out of sight.


In no time at all, Viro tucked himself into his bed.


Suddenly, he could hear a faint voice from the room next doors.


Kami Falvey: ‘Hot water on!.... Hot water start!...  Go hot water!... this thing is bloody impossible!’


With his eyes closed, a smug, evil smile spread across his face.

Viro: ‘...Dumbass…’

Day 3

Chapter five: Day three: Hardwired Hiccup.

As the morning sun raised over the streets of London, Muco was seated on the balcony railing with his legs dangling freely over the edge.


He was admiring the vast amount of people below him.


Since a festival was taking place, the streets were teeming with thousands of individuals. There wasn't a single place around without dancing, music and laughter.


Although he was impressed, a large part of him felt nauseous, as the thought of being surrounded by so many people terrified him. In order to calm himself down, he made sure to maintain steady breathing, before holding his breath. After a large exhale, he pulled down his hood.


Muco Ufthen: (Deep in thought, talking to himself): ‘Hmm, that's one thing I will never get. I mean, how can anyone enjoy being around so many people. What do you even do, or say!’


Pint: ‘The idea is that you don't enjoy yourself, you don't need to do anything and you keep to yourself.’


Muco Ufthen: (surprised) ‘How long have you been standing there?’


Laughing, Pint slapped muco on the back, before joining him on the railing.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Then why do people do it? It seems stupid!’


Pint: ‘Well, mainly because they have no other choice lad. People are everywhere. No matter where you go, you will always have to face people. Now, imagine being an alcoholic! It's the same in bar’s lad! The looks on bar keepers face's when you order the hundredth shot!’


He chuckled heartily to himself.


Pint: (Still laughing) ‘Ha, it's a priceless look. I can never tell if they are concerned for me, or excited to be gaining a grand in their pocket.’


Again, he tapped Muco on the shoulder.


Pint:(Smiling) ‘That's life pal. Full of people and none of them care about anything.’


He pulled a tiny whisky bottle out from a compartment in his leg, emptying everything it continued down his gullet.


Muco Ufthen: ‘*sigh* Life’s weird…’


Pint: (Half arsed laugh) ‘You can say that again!’


The two sat in an awkward silence, watching as people marched to and fro. Eventually, a bored Pint pushed himself back off the railings.


Pint: ‘Right, enough of this. I have a little plan for today. Follow me, lad, everyone's waiting.’


Muco Ufthen: ‘Everyone's waiting? What's going on?’


Pint: (Grinning, rubbing his hands together) ‘Oh, you will see lad, you will see!’


Leading him through the balcony door and down the hallway, Pint stopped at a solid wall. Just like the rest of the building, the wallpaper was a plain white.


Pint: ‘Here we are!’


Muco Ufthen: (Confused) ‘How much have you been drinking this morning!’


Pint: ‘I ain't drunk lad… not yet at least!’


He walked over to the wall, jumped, and pulled down the protruding light. With a click, the wall slowly slid open, revealing another large room.


Pint: ‘Your pal Kuro knew this was here. He said that this apartment is only for IWEC, so they hid a few things around for us!’


Pint made his way through, with Muco on his heels.


Inside was exactly what Muco was expecting. A small section of the room was boxed off from a fairly large training room, protected by a glass wall. This control room was filled to the brim with panels, each of them smothered with buttons, levers, dials. It was almost unbearable to look at.


The other part of the room, however, was pitch black, with vibrant green checkered lines. Muco recognised the setup straight away.


Muco Ufthen: ‘This is a virtual reality room!’


Pint: ‘Yep. We get to use it as much as we like!’


The rest of the team were all standing together in the small room, overwhelmed by all the buttons.


Leilei was clearly trying her hardest not to touch any of them. This was enforced by Kamy, who kept staring at her when she went to touch one.


As Pint and Muco came over, Viro shouted at them.


Viro: ‘That's everyone then. Now…’


He started shouting.


Viro: ‘Why the hell did you wake me up at six in the fucking morning!’


Pint: ‘Ah, well, as you all know, none of us really know each other that well. But, we have all been put together in this weird team because we are all exceptional at fighting…’


Xiil grunted in agreement.


Pint: ‘So, I thought we might as well have a little bit of a contest!’


Kamy Falvey: ‘A contest? What kind?’


Pint: (Rubbing hands in excitement) ‘I have two in mind. The first, is a shootout, to see who is the most accurate with a gun. The second is a melee battle with one of the bots in the VR-thing! Sound cool, right?’


Viro: ‘You mean you're giving me the chance to kill things? Count me in!’!’


Kamy Falvey: (To Viro) ‘Hey, you think you could beat me in a VR fight?’


Viro: (Snobbishly, stuck up) ‘Of course.’


Kami Falvey: ‘As if! I play video games for a living! This is the exact same thing. Get prepared to get rekt, nerd!’


Viro: ‘W...what! I'm not a nerd!’


Leilei Chiko: (Flailing arms around happily) ‘Hehe, you look like a nerd mr Viro sir.’


Viro: ‘You can't say much! You filthy cat!’


Leilei Chiko: ‘I will have you know, I licked myself clean this morning, thank you very much!’


Viro’s body shook in disgust.


Leilei Chiko: ‘I'm sorry Viro sir... Do you want a hug?’


Viro put as much distance between the two of them.


Viro: ‘Touch me, and I will break every bone in your body!’


Leilei Chiko: (Disappointed) ‘Sorry, sir!’


Metrol: ‘This should be epic! I remember these from way back!’


Kuro Chi: ‘You used to have access to one?’


Metrol: ‘Hell yeah I did! I used to train the rookie mechs up using one.’


Pint: ‘Would you mind sorting out the controls on it then? I can't get the bloody thing to work.’


Metrol: ‘Alright then, everyone head inside the other room please.’


As soon as the team had made their way into the chamber, Metrol sealed the door shut. He began to type a few commands into the console, before flipping a switch to activate the intercom.


Metrol: (Through the intercom) ‘Right, if you can all spread out a bit. I don't want you all falling into each other.’


As soon as they had all spread about an arms width away from one another, Metrol hit a few buttons.


As he did, everyone inside the room watched as the walls unfolded into a completely open field, surrounded by miles and miles of bright green grass. They could feel the warmth from the sun, the gentle lapping breeze on their skin.


Leilei Chiko: (Confused) ‘How did we… get here?’


Kuro Chi:(Smiling gently) ‘Ahh, it's so nice here. Metrol, can you hear us still?’


Metrol: ‘Hearing you loud and clear guys.’


Viro: ‘How does this thing even work? I mean, if we walk about, aren't we still bound by the walls of the apartment?’


Metrol: 'It doesn't work like that. Now, don't quote me on this, since I'm not a scientist or an engineer or whatever, but the room releases a gas which paralyses your body in place, whilst the room itself projects hallucinations into your mind via magnetic waves.’


Viro: (Angrily) ‘Wait a minute. If we are paralysed in place, then why did you get us to spread out in the first place!’


Metrol: ‘*sigh* Look, this works a lot differently from what you're used to. To create a realistic image, the entire process uses your central nervous system. So, if the machine has to be suddenly cut off, your body still experiences the momentum of what you were previously doing, carrying it over to your body.’


Viro: ‘But the room is padded! *sarcastically* oh no! I bumped my head on the floor. Ohhhhh, the pain!’


Metrol: (Shouting) ‘It's just health and safety, so shut up!’


Pint: (Cutting in) ‘Hey, lad, start off the first training protocol.’


Metrol: (Busily) ‘Yeah, yeah. Give me a sec.’


Metrol inserted a small holo chip into the system, which activated the basic firearm training protocol.


As soon as he did so, a small section of grass gave way, forming a solid concrete set of firing ranges, one row for each member (except Metrol, of course). Each section had a mannequin at the end.


Pint: ‘Right, well, this challenge is a bit different than you would expect. We will take it in turns to shoot at our dummy with our weapon of choice, and in the end, we will all rank each other on damage dealt, skill used and accuracy. Sound good?’


The team nodded in agreement.


Pint: ‘Alright then! Who wants to go first?’


With expectant looks on their faces, the team turned to each other. Expecting one to volunteer.


Metrol: ‘look, if you're not going to pick,I have a random name generator here. So…’


Kuro Chi: ‘I'm curious, what website are you using?’


Metrol: ‘Actually, this is just one I made in some spare time. I figured we would eventually argue over something, so I added everyone's names, just to make life easier.’


Kuro Chi: ‘I see..’


Metrol: ‘Pretty cool, hey?’


Viro: ‘Look, shut up and start it already!’


Metrol: ‘Right, well…. The first person to go is…’


His silent pause left everyone on the edge.


Metrol: ‘Well, fittingly, Viro, your up!’


Muttering under his breath, viro made his way to his firing lane.


Viro: ‘Guess it's up to me to set you, rookies, an example. Metrol, could I get a standard issue rifle.’


In no time at all, an IWEC standard rifle materialised on the floor beside him. These types of rifles were similar to any other rifle but fired the same black metal that was used to make their blades. This black metal was strong enough to even cut the hardest of metals.


With the rifle firmly in his grasp, Viro took aim and fired.


One shot after another, he fired. And fired.


Every bullet was fired, and before long, he was finished.


It was only after he had turned to take a bow, that he realised that none of the bullets had missed its mark. In fact, every shot missed the target entirely.


Viro: (Angrily) ‘What you guys looking at? I’m just not feeling up to it today, that's all!’


Most of the team shook their heads as they jotted down notes on his performance onto notepads. Leilei, however, was too busy chasing a butterfly to take part.


Pint: ‘Right, who’s next then?’


Silence fell as metrol generated another name.


Metrol: ‘Kuro, it's you!’


Kuro took his position on his lane.


Kuro Chi: ‘i'm more of a close quarters fighter, but I might as well give this a try. I will take a standard pistol if I may.’


The pistol materialised in his hand. This pistol also fired the same black bullets.


Unlike viro, he took aim with both hands on the gun and fired. He hit all his shots, but not all were directly on centre.


Kamy still gave a round of applause.


Kamy Falvey: ‘well done Kuro. not bad at all!’


Kuro Chi: ‘Why thank you!’


Viro: (muttering under his breath) ‘...Show off…’


The team jotted down their thoughts on their notebooks.


Pint: ‘You know what, I'm going next!’


Pint set himself up on his lane. However, he was too short to see over the side, so he had to ask metrol to make a chair for him to stand on.


Pint: ‘Right lad, I need an LMG and an Ak-47!’


Metrol: ‘I thought you said a weapon of choice, not an armoury.’


Pint: ‘Just give me the big guns!’


Both weapons appeared in his arms. With more yelling than the team had ever heard in their life, Pint hammered the trigger, sending wall upon wall of bullets into the dummy. Each weapon started to smoke from the shear heat generated, until eventually the barrels melted entirely.


Pint: (Yelling happily, throwing weapons on the ground) ‘WHOOOOO, YEAH! Take that!’


Both guns were left in a pile of steaming metal.


The mannequin was in, well, more pieces than an impossible jigsaw puzzle. And let's face it, so was his firing lane.


Pint: ‘Well? What do y'all think?’


The team wrote down their thoughts on their notepad.


Viro: (Jotting down notes) ‘...accuracy doesn't count, since you destroyed everything anyway….’


Kamy Falvey: (Jotting down notes) ‘ least he hit it…’


Viro: (shouting) ‘You know what, how about you try then if you're so good at it!’


Kami Falvey: (Peppy) ‘Ok then, move out my way, nerd!’


Pushing the boy aside, Kamy casually stood by her lane.


But before Metrol was even able to ask for her weapons of choice, two uzi-like machine guns emerged from the sleeves of her suit. showing off as much as she possibly could, she shot rapidly and consistently at her mannequin, tearing each part of its limbs off with immense soon as its legs, arms and head had fallen to the ground, Kamy blew the smoke off each gun, before holstering them back into her clothes. Everyone erupted in a round of applause. Even Xiil gave a small, respectful clap.


Viro: ‘...’


Kamy Falvey: (Showing off) ‘Well? Aren't you going to say anything, loser?’


Viro: ‘....... don't talk to me…..’


Kamy, out of respect, gave him a large hug and rubbed his head with her knuckles.


Kami Falvey: ‘Come on grumpy pants, cheer up!’


Viro, with steam rising from his head, stormed off away from the firing range. As soon as he reached an acceptable distance, he took a seat on the grass. He was muttering under his breath, like a child.


Metrol: ‘Well, in case you're all interested, Yukio’s up next.’


The large guy granted and took his place in his lane.


Xiil Hangingu: ‘*Series of questioning grunts*?’


Metrol: ‘Really?’


Xiil Hangingu: ‘*Grunt of guarantee*.’


Metrol: (Unsure) ‘Well…. Ok then…’


A heavy duty chaingun materialised right in the giant's arms. Taking no time at all to take safety precautions, the brute let the lead fly. Even with such a large weapon, he held onto it with one arm and showed no signs of being affected by the recoil.


As soon as the dummy was completely obliterated, he placed the weapon down carefully on the side.


As soon as he turned around, the team hastily made sure to jot down as much as they could.


Pint: ‘You need to show me a thing or to Xiil!’


Xiil stared silently down at Pint.


Pint: ‘...’


Yukio Hangingu: ‘......’


Pint: ‘....*Clapping hands together* R...right, well, who’s next?’


Metrol: ‘Muko, it's you, man. Good luck!’


Muko set himself up on his lane. He felt everyone's stare on the back of his neck. Self-doubt took over him.


Muko Ufthen: (Silently) ‘Standard issue…’


The weapon generated in his hand. His palms began to feel sweaty.


Trying to focus, he aimed the barrel directly centre to the mannequins head.


Slowly, his finger began to squeeze the trigger.


But no shot fired.


Muco had flashbacks to his childhood. The blurred figures. The screaming. The gunshots.


And then, the look of panic in his mother’s eyes.


Then, one last gunshot. Followed by the loud thud of a body onto a wooden floor.


Breaking back into consciousness, the boy screamed as he shot up from his bed. His body was covered in sweat.


Kuro, who was seated at the end of his bed, made sure to calm muco down.


Muco Ufthen: (Clenching his head) ‘Urgh…. What happened?’


Kuro Chi: ‘You had one of your….“fits”.... before passing out.’


Slowly, Muco moved his mechanical legs out onto the floor.


Muco Ufthen: ‘ everyone ok?’


Kuro Chi: ‘Of course. It was a simulation after all.’


He smiled.


Kuro Chi: ‘And if you're curious to know the results, Matchbox won.’


Muco didn't care.


He kept staring at his hands, at the scars that marked them.


Muco Ufthen: ‘did I…. Lose it?’


Kuro made sure that the door was closed, before whispering.


Kuro Chi: ‘You were about to, but I made sure to knock you out before you acted.’


Muko Ufthen: ‘...Thank you…’


Muko rested his head back onto the pillow. His eyes stared blankly at the wall opposite to him.


Kuro Chi: (Standing up) ‘It's late Muco. get some rest.’


Muco didn't reply. His blank, empty stare didn't move to meet Kuro's outline at the door.


Kuro made his way out, slowly closing the door behind him.


As soon as he was gone, muco’s eyes began to swell.


Although he wanted to get up so badly, his body felt too weak to even consider walking.


For the first time in years, muco decided that it was time to rest.


Muco Uthen: ‘...  goodnight…’


He closed his eyes and began to dream....

...and two minutes later, he was back to pacing the room again.

Chapter five: Day four: Part one: the clouds cry with no purpose.

Day 4 (1/2)

Small drops of rain trickled down the apartment window as the heavens opened above.


The rain showered down onto an almost abandoned street, littered with banners and rubbish from the parade the day before. The wasteland of concrete was only disturbed by heavy gushes of the wind and the poor individuals who had to go to work at this hour of the day.


It was four thirty in the morning and all was silent and dark in the apartment.


Following each raindrop with darting eyes was Leilei.


For the past few hours, the young feline had been fascinated by the people and cars passing beneath her, until eventually the rain caught her interest. This was the first time she had ever seen water fall from the sky.


Full of excitement, she pranced over to the other side of the room to wake up Kamy.


Leilei Chiko: (Whispered) ‘Kamy….Kamy wake up.’


Leilei started to paw at her until the tired Kamy stretched out her arms and yawned.


Kamy Falvey: (Tired) ‘*Yawn* what is it kitten?’


Leilei Chiko: (Excited, silently) ‘Quick, look at this!’


Dragging Kamy by the hand, Leilei pulled her excitedly over to the window.


Leilei Chiko: ‘What is it?’


Kamy stared out of the window in confusion.


Kamy Falvey: (Rubbing eyes) ‘What's what?’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Why is the sky crying?’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Oh, that's rain Leilei.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘b..but how does it fall from the sky?’


Kamy Falvey: ‘*groan* they come from clouds Leilei. Now go to bed.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Clouds? But why are the clouds upset? Are they ok?’


Kamy Falvey: ‘*sigh* go back to sleep! It's too early.’


Kamy crawled back into bed and placed her pillow over her head.


Excited still by the rain, Leilei rested her head softly onto the window ledge. She followed a few drops of rain with her paw, as they slowly slithered down the window.


Meanwhile, in the room just down the corridor, Muco was still pacing. Hand on his chin, he was deep in thought. So deep in fact, that he hadn't even noticed that he had worn the carpet down over the night.


With only a dim amount of light in the room, the faint yellow glow of the fluorescent fluid in his robotic legs danced as he moved. Each step making the fluid glow brighter, before dimming with the next step.


The boy's thoughts began to grow unbearable. He was sick of the apartment already.


He had to leave for a bit.


Slipping on his jacket, and holstering his bat onto his back, Muco tiptoed his way out of the apartment, making sure to close the door to his room silently. With one push of a button, the elevator slowly made its way down to the bottom floor.


Making sure to avoid eye contact, Muco darted as fast as he could through reception, and to the front doors.


As soon as he was outside, the rain began to fall hard. Everyone who was in the open now rushed to find shelter.


Muco couldn't care less. The empty streets were exactly as he had wanted it.


Slowly, Muco made his way down the abandoned roads, staring hard into store windows to just find anything he could use to clear his mind.


After an hour’s walk, the rain had started to seep deep into his clothes. The boy was now drenched to his core.


Without a care, Muco took a seat on a public bench.


Muco ufthen: ‘*Sigh* Why can't I get it out my head…’


Slowly, he leaned backward. The rain fell hard onto his face.


Muco Ufthen: ‘ ...There has to be some way…’


Leilei Chiko: (Cheerfully) ‘Some way to what, Mr Muco?’


Leilei, who had been following Muco from afar, was now standing beside him in a tiny, pink coat. The hood was just enough to cover her ears.


Muco Ufthen: ‘It's nothing, ok! And why were you following me?’


Leilei Chiko: (Looking down at the ground) ‘Well, Kuro said not to leave the apartment, but you left the apartment, and I wanted to leave the apartment, so I thought it would be ok to follow you!’


She went to sit beside him, but didn't want to sit on the wet surface of the bench.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Look, I'm fine, just leave me alone.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘No! I'm not going back until you go back, Mr Muco sir. We are a team, and team’s stick together! Well, that's what Kamy tells me anyway.’


Accepting the fact that she wouldn't go away, Muco sighed , before clutching his face with his palms.


Leilei Chiko: (Extending arm) ‘cweam dud?...’


Before she could force a milk dud into his hand, leilei let out a weak sneeze.


Muco Ufthen: (In a softer tone) ‘Are you ok?’


Leilei Chiko: (Wiping nose with her sleeve) ‘...yeah, I'm fine, I'm just…’


She sneezed again. The young girl was taking in the effects of the cold weather.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Look, if you're sticking around with me, then let's get out of the rain.’


Muco guided Leilei around the city streets, eager to look for a shelter from the rain. Unfortunately, the only place they could find was a small coffee shop.


Pushing the glass door open, the two made their way inside.


Removing their wet jumpers and coats, they decided to take a seat at a small table in the corner next to the window.


Leilei Chiko: (Sniffling a little) ‘it's nice in here.’


Muco Ufthen:  ‘Yeah. It is.’


Awkwardly, Muco remained silent, staring out into the rain.


???: ‘It's really coming down hard today.’


The two turned, to find an old lady standing next to the table. She had a tray in her hand with coffee cups on them.


Leilei Chiko: ‘Why are the clouds so upset today, Misis?’


The old woman gave a small, throaty laugh.


Old lady: ‘I bet they are just having a bad day love. We all do.’


She pulled out a small notepad.


Old lady: ‘You kids are soaked! Let me get you a nice warm drink on the house.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Really? Thank you!’


Muco Ufthen: (Awkwardly) ‘...thanks…’


The old lady slowly made her way to the counter, and began to make their drinks. A coffee for Muco, and a warm glass of milk for Leilei.


Leilei Chiko: ‘She’s nice.’


Muco was still staring out of the window. His mind was not in the right place.


Leilei Chiko: ‘Mr. Muco, what are you thinking about?’


It was silent for a while until finally, Muco answered.


Muco Ufthen: ‘I don't want to talk about it.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Ok then…’


There was another long pause until Leilei finally spoke again.


Leilei Chiko: ‘Pint said to us that today we are doing another contest, but this time for…’


Muco Ufthen: ‘Melee?’


Leilei Chiko: (Happily) ‘Yeah! It’s going to be fun!’


Still, Muco continued to stare blankly. His cold, emotionless eyes remained fixated to the falling beads of water.


Leilei Chiko: ‘...Well, I was wondering, Pint said we need to be in partners today, so will you be my partner, Mr Muco?’


Muco Ufthen: (Suddenly turning around to her) ‘Me? Why not Kamy?’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Kamy said that she is partnering with Viro because nobody else will go with him…’


she rubbed her arm nervously.


Leilei Chiko: ‘ I thought you would be my partner.’


Muco raised his head to decline, but as he gazed at her, something changed his mind


He couldn't quite pinpoint it, yet….


Going against his initial thought, the boy broke his natural cycle and smiled at her. Faintly, but still a smile nonetheless.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Sure.’


Leilei laughed silently and smiled.


Old lady: ‘Here you go kids, enjoy!’


She placed the two drinks onto the table. They were both piping hot.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Thank you very much.’


As the two began to take small sips, the old woman smiled and laughed.


Leilei Chiko: (Smiling along to the woman's laugh) ‘What's so funny ma’am?’


Old lady: ‘Oh, it's just that… you both remind me of another young pair that was in here this week.’


she stroked her chin.


Old Lady:‘ was a small, petite girl, and the other was a robot of some type. Never seen his make before.’


Muco Ufthen: ‘What did he look like?’


The old lady shook her head.


Old lady: ‘Sorry dear, my memory is not quite what it used to be. And my eyes can't exactly pick up small details.’


Again she laughed.


Old lady: ‘Who knows, maybe you will see them about. I'm sure you will make good friends.’


She looked at the two, smiled, then walked away.


Leilei Chiko: ‘She’s nice. I like her.’


The two sat drinking their warm beverages for a while until the time reached eight AM. The rain was finally giving up, and the sun began bearing its face down onto the city streets.


Slipping on their now dry coats, and thanking the old lady once again, the two rushed back to the central tower.



As soon as the elevator arrived on their floor, the two were greeted with less than a silent entry. Because standing by waiting, was everyone. All with angered looks on their faces.


Kuro Chi: (slightly angry) ‘What did I say on the first day you two?’


Viro: ‘You're not allowed to leave the apartment morons! That was our only order! Do you have shit for brains or something? ha?...’


As Viro began laying into Muco about IWEC law’s, the boy seemed to melt away into his jumper. He was trying desperately to hold back. He wanted desperately to lash out at him, even though Viro’s words had turned into a silent, droning slur to him. Leilei could see it too.


Leilei Chiko: (Violently shoving Viro back) ‘Leave him alone! All Mr Muco wanted was some time to think that's all!’


Viro’s mechanica eyes began to glow.


Viro: (teeth clenched) ‘Shove me you little brat!’


His arm raised, aimed directly at Leilei’s face.


But a rather large hand wrapped itself around his wrist, preventing him from swinging.


Xiil Hangingu: ‘(Disapproving grunts)’


Viro calmed slightly, so Xiil released his grip.


Xiil Hangingu: ‘(Grunts explaining that since they aren't being monitored, it's safe for them to leave the apartment as long as they aren't out by the sixth day.)’


Metrol: ‘Well, why don't we all go out tomorrow then? If we are traveling a lot on this mission, then it's safe to say that this may be our only shot of having some kind of epic evening.’


The whole team nodded with agreement.


Pint: ‘Hey! Before we go off partying, we have a competition to do! Leilei, you told Muco about the partner thing, right?’


Leilei Chiko: (Cheerfully) ‘Yes sir!’


Pint: ‘Good, then let's get a move on!‘


The team followed Pint into the simulation room. Just like before, the team went inside, spread themselves out, and waited for Metrol to activate the machine.


As soon as the machine started, the team was sent back into the same realm that they were in for the shooting contest. But instead of the small firing range, in its place was a rather large arena. It was about the size of a football stadium, with the same setup. In fact, to this day Muco still believed that it WAS a football stadium and that Metrol just couldn't be bothered to program a proper arena.


Pint: ‘Right, rules time!’


Pint pulled a sheet of paper out from his arm.


Pint: ‘The aim is that first, we all train with our partners with the weapon of our choice. Then, each of us will take it in turns to fight an enemy of our chosen difficulty, and we will all judge the same way we did before. However, you will be ranked depending on you and your partner, so don't let your other half down, got that?’


Viro: ‘Great! Don't you dare weigh me down Kamy!’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Dude, i'm the one who chose to partner up with your pathetic ass!’


Kuro Chi: ‘And how do we win each match?’


Pint: ‘isn't it obvious? We fight the enemies until we die!’


His words travelled hard. Everyone glanced worried looks.


Pint: ‘We are in a simulation. If we die in here, we simply wake up in the real world. Metrol has a monitor you can watch the victor’s fight on.’


Still, the group couldn't help but feel nervous.


Metrol: ‘Word of warning, though, you will ache afterwards, so try not to deliberately harm yourself, or you'll ache for a while after.’


Viro: (Pointing at Leilei) ‘That's just great. I'm just hoping I get to watch the little rat over there get squashed!


He unsheathed both of his black blades and swung them slowly in the air. The dark metal vibrated and hissed as it moved.


Pint: ‘Right, you have half an hour lad’s, so get to it!’


Splitting off to opposite sides of the stadium, everyone began ordering their weapons and training. But just before everyone could start, metrol quarantined each group off with large walls. It was to prevent the others from seeing each other's skill in combat.


Leilei Chiko: ‘So, should we start fighting Mr Muco?’


Muco drew his bat from its sheath.


Muco Ufthen: (Bluntly) ‘No.’


Muco sat on the ground and began to polish the end of the bat with his sleeve.


Leilei Chiko: (Confused) ‘b...but aren't we supposed to...?’


Muco Ufthen: ‘Save your energy. Training will only make you feel tired. After all, it's not as if a few swings here and there will actually help us out all that much.’


A slightly disappointed Leilei sat on the grass beside him and started to paw at a few flowers that were growing wildly.


As Muco polished the bat, he kept on scraping the etchings on the bottom with his thumbnail. The number of etchings added up to fifty two. Each one was added after the weapon took a life.


In all his time of service, Muco knew that the IWEC was bad. From the very first mission he went on, he was made to kill an innocent father and son who simply couldn't pay rent.


Yet, when the time came for the mission to go through, Muco lost his mind in one of his “fit’s” and killed all his team members, slaughtering all five of them in an uncontrollable rage.


In his mind, he was a bad person. Nothing could change that.


And yet, somehow, every time he took a glance at the young girl, he found himself unable to even imagine hurting her.


Half an hour past, and before long, the walls disappeared. Each team was covered in sweat, ready and armed.


Pint: (Out of breath) ‘Right, well, let's get this…. Going then! Take a seat, relax, and let's enjoy the show!’


Following the tiny robot, the team seated themselves in the viewing areas. The chairs were the exact same that you get at a football stadium, which only furthered Muco’s suspicion.


Metrol: ‘Is everyone ready? The first person to go is….’


Matchbox began drumming the chair in front of him to try and build up suspense. His effort was greeted with a swat to the head by Yukio.


Metrol: ‘Kuro, your first!’


The boy took a step out of the chair and made his way down to the field.


Kamy Falvey:(cheering at the top of her lungs) ‘Wooooooooooooo! Go Kuro!’


He smiled and waved at her, before taking his position in a small, white box on the floor.


Kuro whispered a simple word, and a pair of falcon blades appeared in his hands.

Silence fell as the first enemy began to materialise on the field….

Day 4 (2/2)
Chapter five: Day four: part two: kicking off with a good start

Kuro’s first opponent was a set of simple IWEC patrol units, armed only with light tasers.


Almost immediately after they spawned, the boy lowered his head, locked eyes with his targets and dashed forward, lunging each of the blades towards their throats. One by one, the troop's robotic heads slowly slid from their bodies, crunching on impact to the ground.


Cheers from half the audience sounded, whilst others remained unimpressed. (Won't give you a hint as to who.)


All was not over. The whole point of the challenge was to increase the difficulty after every victory until eventually the challenger was defeated.


Kuro’s next challenge was a set of three armed Dizor’s, each armed with a dark sword and heavy machine gun. Although the same size and shape as a typical mechanoid trooper, Dizor's were distinct because of their forward pointing head. Moreover, the mechs had smoother, more humanoid features, just like Metroll.


Each taking their stances, both the mechs and Kuro raised their weapons, before charging head on at one another. Swinging as hard and as fast as he could, kuro destroyed two of the mech’s in one swing. The other, punctured his arm with its sword, before clasping his neck with its cold metallic hand. Just before it could squeeze the life out of him, the boy stabbed upwards, sending the falcon blade through the mech’s skull.


Out of the Dizor’s grasp, Kuro dropped to his knees, taking deep breaths of air.


Everyone rushed down to him, all except Viro and Yukio (matchbox followed, as he was unsure about what everyone was doing, so he just wanted to be involved)


KamY Falvey: ‘Are you ok? Do you need a glass of water?’


Kuro Chi: (Gasping for air) ‘No….i’m….fine….thanks…’


Taking a stand to his feat, he prepared himself again in the white box.


As soon as everyone was seated, Metrol resumed the challenge.


The third and final competitor that Kuro would face were a familiar, and formidable foe.


It was one of the heavily armored extreme crisis mechs. Similar to the ones found in facilities, but a bit bigger, and way stronger.


Unlike the other Mech’s, this one remained still. Analysing the situation. Analysing Kuro.


As the boy rushed forward to strike, it was already too late. The mech had foreseen his attack and strifed out of the way, sending the hilt of the sword hard into the back of Kuro’s neck.


With a loud thud and a role, Kuro laid on the ground unconscious.


The mech gave a bow and disappeared back into code. Before the team could rush down to check on kuro, his body also vanished into nothing more than numbers.


Metrol: ‘Don't worry, Kuro’s safe with me out here. Just do what you do best, then you’ll be out here, high and dry!’


Pint: (Folding arms) ‘I see how it is a lad. Scrap my idea just to make things easier. Hmph!’


Ignoring Pint, Metrol called out the next person.


It was Kamy.


Taking her position in the cube, she armed herself with something surprising. She brought out of her bag her electric guitar.


Only, this was no ordinary guitar. It crossed as a chainsaw as well.


The teeth went right along the main frame, until going through the base of the neck and out the other side. It was a bright red one, with little fruit bats painted on parts of it.


Tugging at a small coil of string on the tip of the guitar, it revved fiercely until the teeth began to rotate menacingly.


With the jittering weapon in hand, Kamy’s head dropped slightly, her eyes full of murderous content.


Once again, Metrol spawned three basic troops. Each wielding the same weapons.


Instead of charging at them, she started walking towards them in a childish, playful manner. That is, until she slammed the guitar hard onto one of their heads, the teeth crunching through its metal, sending it into two halves down the middle.


Violently, she turned, slamming the two mechs to the ground with such force, both of their frames shattered.


With a happy grin on her face, she leaned against her faithful weapon, pulled at her hair and sighed.


Kami Falvey: (Giddy with excitement) ‘That was too easy Metrol, crank it up a little!’


Again, Metrol summoned the three Dizor’s.


Unlike Kuro, Kamy laid waste to the three advanced fighters. Their crumpled chassis laid jumbled on the ground, almost beyond recognition.


The girl simply flicked back her hair.


Kamy Falvey: ‘*yawn* come on! This is boring now!’


Now, overconfidence is something you should never mess with, especially when facing a large robot designed to kill without mercy, but swiftly.


As soon as the unit spawned, it charged headfirst at the girl, sword in hand.


Although she leaped over it the first time, her confident bow made it quite easy for the mech to drop an unexpected shoulder slam into her, sending her body colliding hard against the solid earth.


She tried to get up, but it was already too late.


Raising the sword over its head, the mech brought it down with force, separating the girls top half from her bottom.


Soon, the two dispersed into nothing more than numbers of digitized code.


Pint: (Cringing) ‘That's gotta sting!’


Leilei Chiko: (Concerned) ‘Ms Kamy? Are you OK?’


Kamy Falvey: (Over the intercom, in allot of pain) ‘Yeah, I'm….fine. It just stings a bit.’


Pint: ‘You know what, I’ll go next. And then volunteer the next person.’


Pint pushed himself off his seat, hobbling his way down to the square.


Viro: (Whispering to Yukio) ‘He’s going to pick me next. I know he is. Great!’


The team watched in confusion as Pint readied himself with a  few bottles of whisky.


Metrol: ‘Aren't you going to want something? You know, a weapon?’


Pint: (Drunk) ‘You see lad…*hik*... a real man doesn't need weapons to fight. A real man uses a bottle!’


Rolling his eyes, metrol summoned the first three units.


The drunk pint ran with all his might at his opponents….before soundly passing out. He rolled onto the floor in a deep sleep.


Let's just say that an unimpressed metrol allowed the three basic security guards to get their fill of a kill.


Once Metrol forgave Pint, he released the dwarf mech from the simulator.


After a few minutes of unrecognisable shouting, Pint’s voice spoke through.


Pint: ‘Yeah, sorry about that. I choose… Xiil to go next.’


Letting out a small sigh, Xiil made his way into the square. With a tight grip on his noose, he grunted in readiness.


Three of the basic mech’s appeared, and one by one, the boy broke them, twisted them, snapped them. All that was left was a pile of parts.


Next, the Dizor’s.


Without showing almost any effort, the boy roped one of them by its neck, swinging it high above his head. Then, he slammed it hard into the other two, sending them shattered to the floor. He never even broke a sweat.


Without taking a moment to rest, Xiil grunted an order to signal Metrol to summon the last mech.


The newly summoned mechanoid glared at Xiil, sword in hand. But the boy did something rather….honorable.


Dropping his weapon, he raised his fists an invitation to a noble punchup.


IWEC mechs, especially those of high power, are designed to not only kill with precision and perfection, but also honour. When challenged, they commonly oblige to their enemies wishes, as it is seen as a respectable thing to do before tearing each of their opponents limbs apart.


Charging like angry cattle, both man and machine collided. Blood and shrapnel were sent flying in all directions after every pounding strike.


Nonetheless, even with Xiil inhuman strength, he was no match for the mechs power.


Raising the boy over its head, the mech brought his body crushing down onto its knee, snapping Xiil’s spine, and his body.


Just like the others, the two dispersed into simple code.


Pint: “(Sarcastic tone) Great! Nobody can defeat tier three yet. Goes to show how amazing we are, hay?’


Xiil Hangingu: ‘(Disappointed grunts of pain)’


Pint: ‘Yeah, it is, isn't it? Right, Viro, your up, pal!’


Viro: ‘(Sweating with fear) let's get this over with…’


Centering himself in the square, Viro unsheathed both of his pitch black blades, swaying them gently in the air. Both seemed to ripple with a weird pattern, before returning back to their coal black state.


As Metrol summoned the first set of basic mechs, the team could see the stress in Viro’s eyes. Standing his ground, Viro quickly dispersed the three mechs, decapitating each one with his blades. But everyone could see that his movement was sluggish. Something wasn't quite right with Viro, but nobody could put their finger on it.


Releasing the second level of mechs painted a greater picture of Viro’s problem. Without giving the mechs a chance to fight back, he tore into them, tearing their limbs from their bodies. His eyes began to glow bright green, his teeth clenched tightly. Muco was the only one who had seen that kind of pain before. Something was on Viro's mind. Something that burned deep in his soul.


The boy was breathing in harsh, quick breaths as the last mechs body collapsed to the floor sparking.


Metrol: (Concerned, calmly) ‘Viro, is everything OK?’


The boy jerked his body forward, pounding his swords deep into the earth.


Viro: (Speaking through clenched teeth) ‘Just shut up and spawn the next one…’


Metrol looked at Viro through the monitor of his screen with a blank look on his face. Almost unwillingly, he spawned the last mech in.


Staring madly at the robot, Viro’s breathing began to quicken.


He spoke in a way that sounded almost as if he was no longer there.


Viro: ‘After…..*gasp* long...I will take away more than you did from me!’


Hastily, Viro darted to the mechs right, piercing his sword through its right leg. The mech retaliated, kicking Viro back. With no signs of giving up, he pounced directly onto the mechs back and began ripping wires out from its neck.


Unfortunately, like the others before him, he misplaced his leg, ending in him being flailed around violently.


The mech knocked the boy out cold with one final slam against the ground.


Muco: (to Leilei) ‘This is it….’


Muco could tell that it was his turn, so he sat prepped to go.


Pint: (Over the intercom) ‘Viro’s gone to have a lie-down, but he said that Leilei is up next…’


A loud crackle burst through the intercom, mainly because Kamy shoved pint out the way.


Kami Falvey: (Enthusiastically) ‘Go kitten! You can do it!’


With a little smile on her face, Leilei began prancing down to the square.


Leilei chiko: (turning to Muco) ‘Wish me luck sir!’


Setting up on the square, leilei crouched in position. Her ears folded back, claws primed.


As the first three basic mechs were summoned, leilei couldn't resist herself.


Striding with all the elegance a feline could, she hunted her prey with elegance. One by one, her dark black claws sliced easily through the metal chassis of the robots. Just like a warm knife through butter, their remains were spread out across the grass.


Happily, she ordered metrol to spawn the next set of prey.


Before the troops knew what hit them, Leilei pounced.


Although the Dizor’s tried to hit her, they just couldn't match her skill and elegance in movement.circling the three troops, she bunched them together, before slicing the three of them in half.


As leilei stood there smiling at her oil drenched claws, the only noise that could be heard was an over-excited kamy, screaming with joy at leilei’s skill.


Muco still couldn't believe that such an innocent girl had such immense killing capacity. Then again, what did he expect? She was a member of the IWEC taskforce.


Metrol: ‘Are you ready for the next one Leilei?’


The small girl looked down to the ground and began kicking a stone with her shoe.


Leilei Chiko: ‘...Actually, I was wondering if you would let me out now Mr metrol.’


Kami Falvey: ‘What? Why! You're doing so well kitten!’


Leilei Chiko: ‘it's just…. I don't want to get hurt…’


Pint: ‘Don't be ridiculous! It's just a simulation. It doesn't even hurt that much.’


Leilei Chiko:(Embarrassed) ‘I didn't mean that kind of hurt Pint sir.’


Pint: (Confused) ‘What do you mean?’


Leilei looked down at the ground, trying desperately to find an answer.


Luckily, Muco knew what she meant.


Muco Ufthen: (Aggressively) ‘Even though this is a simulation, you still feel and witness what happens at the moment of death. That's what she is afraid of Pint. Now let her out.’


As Leilei began dispersing into code, Kamy spoke over the intercom.


Kamy Falvey: (Jokingly) ‘Wow, Muco, when did you get so caring and affectionate.’


Muco Ufthen: ‘Just… shut up and let's get this over with….’


Standing in the white square, Muco held his bat in one hand.


Muco Ufthen: ‘You know what, just skip the first two.’


Metrol: ‘Really? Are you sure?’


Muco noded.


Within a few seconds, he was being stared down by the advanced mechanoid.


Just like before, something clicked within Muco. but not the same, constricting sensation. This time, it was the sensation of burning in his legs.


The florescent yellow liquid in his legs began to glow brightly, before the boy's legs pushed him forward with immense speed and power. Before the mech could acknowledge and scan his movements, Muco pounded the mechs chassis hard with his bat, sending parts flying.


With a hard swing, the mechs arm collided with Muco’s body, sending it sprawling on the floor.


Unlike the others, Muco pushed himself from the ground.


That's when his anger surfaced.


Yelling, he rushed forward, jumped, and stomped down. The powerful enhancements in his legs shattered the mechs head, sending the fragments deep into its chest.


The mechs body slumped onto the ground.


An uproar of cheering sounded from the intercom, as well as clapping.


With that, a relieved Muco was transported back to the safety of the apartment, where everyone greeted him with excitement.


Pint: (Patting Muco on the back) ‘I knew you had it in ya lad.’


He raised Muco’s hand in his.


Pint: (In an announcer voice) ‘I declare Muco the winner!’


Everyone cheered, except one.


Xiil Hangingu: ‘(Grunts explaining that Matchbox is still left)


A slight bit of embarrassment spread through the crowd.


Metrol: ‘...right, erm, Matchbox, let's do the same as what Muco did. Good luck.’


Matchbox ran excitedly down the stadium stairs, before falling face first onto the cube. Pushing himself up, he pulled his weapon out from under his shirt.


He wielded a fairly small fire axe, adorned with hundreds of different smiley faces. Not only that, but it was strapped with highly explosive grenades.


As soon as the mech had spawned, in no more than three seconds and one fairly well landed hit with the axe, the mech exploded violently, sending metallic parts flying for miles.


The happy Matchbox ran on the spot excitedly, before passing out on the floor.


The now confused and weirded out team brought Matchbox back, who was dragged away by Xiil.


Although Muco had won the little contest, it was already ten in the evening.


Since the team was exhausted, nobody had the stamina to even talk to one another.


Everyone retired to their room, except for a single person. Pint.


The tiny mech had made a makeshift bed on the minibar floor. He began talking to himself as he stared up at the hundreds of different bottles on the shelves.


Pint: ‘You know, it's funny. I joined this team thinking that for the most part, it would get me free booze and a few laughs. But now that I think about it, I think that the best thing I can do here is make a few more friends in this world.’


He rolled onto his side.


Pint: ‘After all, I'm not exactly the most lovable fella. Besides, it's nice to have a team anyway, even if we don't get along. Gives me the opportunity to not fuck up so hard when I'm drunk…’


Stroking the sheet next to him, he folded it down, revealing the same toaster from the bar before laying beside him.


Pint: ‘Well, at least I have you. You're a great listener, and your warmer to snuggle up against at night then a bottle of whisky.’


Laughing, he dimmed the bar lights, before hugging the toaster in a loving embrace.

Pint: ‘*sigh* I have a feeling that everything will turn out fine. I just know it….’

Day 5 (1/2)

Chapter five: Day five: Part one: Suited up

A warm ray of sunshine pierced its way through the dark, ashen clouds. The ray traveled directly to the streets, where it glistened brightly off the remaining raindrops from the day before. The bright beam of light soon grew larger, as the thick sheet of cloud dispersed into smaller, lighter pieces.


The welcome morning sun appeared suddenly from behind the grey covering of clouds.


The time was nearly six-thirty in the morning, and the sound of boiling water filled the kitchen.


Kamy, who had been up all night, was boiling the kettle to pour herself a cup of coffee.


She had been too excited to sleep. The idea of going out and partying was enough to spark an uncontrollable amount of energy inside of her. It had been nearly a year since the last time she had been to a party before, so this was finally an opportunity to just simply go out and enjoy herself, even if she was doing it with colleagues


After pouring out her beverage, the girl took a seat on the chair opposite the window in the guest room. Taking small sips, she melted back into the cushions of the soft chair, before letting out a satisfied sigh, accompanied by a rather subtle smile.


The sound of footsteps outside caught her attention. Standing on the balcony was Viro. he was leaning against the balcony railing with his hand pushed up against his cheek. The boy was staring out at the morning sky.


Kamy Falvey: (Sipping coffee) ‘I never expected it to be this nippy outside. It looked rather warm out in the kitchen.’


As she said this, Viro jumped.


Staring blankly at her, he returned to the same position as before.


Viro: (Silently) ‘*Sigh* it's not that bad. Just wish it was a little bit warmer.’


Kami Falvey: ‘So, what brings you up this early in the morning? Even Muco’s still in his room.’


The boy remained silent, before turning slowly to Kamy.


Viro: ‘*deep intake of air*... look, you're ok. To be fair, you guys aren't that bad. I still hate that weird cat and circuit legs, but at least I can tolerate them.’


Kami Falvey: ‘Wow, that's one-half arsed way to say that you're sorry for being so stuck up.’


The boy went silent again.


Kamy Falvey: ‘Well, thanks, I guess. *wink*’


Leaving Viro to it, Kamy made her way back indoors, rinsing out her cup in the sink.


After drying and placing the cup back into the cupboard, she returned to her room.


Inside, her young feline companion was staring into a mirror. She seemed eager to talk to Kamy.


Leilei Chiko: ‘Ms. Kami, can you help me please?’


The young girl was dressed rather elegantly. In the place of her casual clothes was a rather smart blue shirt, which was accompanied by a blue skirt. She would have looked rather innocent and smart if it wasn't for the rather high cargo boots.


Leilei was trying her hardest to tie up a small red bow made of a ribbon. Her paws made it almost impossible for her to do so.


Lending a hand, Kamy sat behind her and began tying a perfect bow.


All the while, Leilei kept rocking slightly in her chair, her boots swinging back and forth. She seemed rather giddy.


Kami Falvey: (Smiling) ‘What's gotten you into such a good mood kitten?’


Leilei Chiko: (Flailing arms excitedly) ‘I'm just, really, really, really excited about the party. It's my first one!’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Well, it should be fun. Metrol said he will be buying since he has the credit card they gave him with the hotel keys and the contract.’


The two returned to silence as Kamy focused hard on every knot she made.


Kamy Falvey: ‘There we go! It looks lovely on you.’


Leilei stared with joy at the bow in the mirror.


Leilei Chiko: ‘Thank you so much Ms. Kami!’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Any time kitten.’


Sitting down on her bed, Kamy started playing a soft tune on her guitar. She watched as leilei twirled slightly in the mirror.


After confirming her look, the young girl sat beside Kamy on her bed. She watched in amazement as kamy played one of her favourite, soft tunes she had written in her spare time.


Note by note, she played. Each time she strummed a chord, she felt at peace.


As the song rounded off, Leilei tried to hide her disappointment that the song had ended.


Leilei Chiko: (Excitedly) ‘Where did you learn to play like that?’


Kamy Falvy: (Smiling) ‘I self-tutored. Turns out you don't need a tutor with the number of tutorials online.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Your amazing Ms Kamy!’


A slight wave of embarrassment spread over Kamy’s face.


Kamy Falvey: (Shrugging) ‘Thanks, I try my best.’


Kami began to gently strum out a new song.


Regaining her excitement, the tiny feline sat beside her, awestruck at the melodic tune.



(Meanwhile, in the gym.)


Metrol: (Huffing) ‘Come on, only two hundred more pushups guys!’


Kuro Chi: ‘My...Lungs….Burn…’


Muco Ufthen: ‘Can't… breath…’


The three boys pressed against the floor as hard as they could, until each of them collapsed.


Staring up at the ceiling, the three of them gasped for air.


Metrol: (Recovering fairly quickly) ‘Well, that was a pretty good workout.’


As Kuro and Muco attempted to reply, all they could do was collapse internally as they tried to mutter words.


Metrol: (Smiling) ‘I guess it was good enough then.’


Standing up, the Mech stretched out his arms.


Metrol: ‘Right, I got to go and fix a few things up before we go out later. I think the two of you should do the same.’


Still, out of breath, Muco raised his thumb.


Within two hours of Metrol leaving to spruce up, the boys were finally able to roll themselves off their backs. Standing haphazardly, they both stumbled back to their dormitories.


Although both boys took a shower, each one took a rather different approach to getting ready for the evening ahead.


Kuro, like any other gentleman, picked out exclusively a dark green shirt, which ended stiffly at the color. Accompanying this was a set of black jeans, as well as a pair of black trainers. He made sure to brush both his hair and his wings, making sure that they were clean and silk-like.


After freshening himself up with deodorant and aftershave, the boy was ready to go.


Muco, on the other hand, took a more...lazy approach.


After pacing his room for another hour, browsing the internet, throwing a small rubber ball against the wall and staring out the window, Muco finally decided it was time to get changed.


Swapping out his grey shirt for another grey shirt, and his jeans for another pair of the exact same type of jeans, muco put on his hoodie and he was ready to go.


Both boys left their rooms at the exact same time, closing their doors behind them.


Kuro took a single glance at Muco and sighed.


Muco Ufthen: (Confused) ‘Problem?’


Kuro Chi: ‘Why are you wearing the exact same clothes?’


Muco Ufthen: ‘These aren't the same! I changed!’


Kuro Chi: (Smelling the air to confirm) ‘I can tell, but why do you have two pairs of the exact same clothes?’


Muco ufthen:(walking down the hallway) ‘Nothing else suits me.’


Kuro shook his head and followed Muco into the living room.


Gathered inside, was Pint, Metrol, and Viro. the three were all dressed in casual, but smart clothing. (and Pint was carrying a toaster with him, but everyone refused to acknowledge it.)


Viro: (Smiling) ‘I guess a peasant like you can't afford more than one pair of clothes, right Muco?’


Muco clenched his fists in retaliation but said nothing.


Metrol: ‘I think you will find Viro that they are just similar looking clothing. If they were the same clothes, they would smell strongly of sweat.’


Viro mumbled to himself, before taking a seat on one of the many sofas.


Viro: ‘How long are the others going to take. It's been an hour!’


Metrol: ‘The girls are done. They are just waiting for the other two to hurry up.’


Viro: (Sarcastic laughter) ‘Seriously?!? Why would those two take so lo…’


Just before he could complete his sentence, both Xiil and Matchbox appeared at the door. Everyone was speechless at what they saw.


Both of them were wearing trendy, black suits. Although Xiil’s fitted him like a glove, Matchbox’s sleeves were way too long. Even so, both of them looked a counterpart to their scruffy old selves.


Silently, the group stared with mixed emotions.


Xiil Hangingu ‘(Grunts of confusion as he tries to fix his sleeve.)’


Pint: ‘(Whispering to Kuro) ‘Tell me lad, are those two in suits, or am I just drunk out of my mind?’


Unable to answer using words, Kuro nodded slowly.


The girls arrived from around the corner. As soon as their gaze hit the two boys, both girls couldn't look without an awkward smile spreading across their faces.


Before Kamy could make a comment, Viro slapped his hands together to gain everyone's attention.


Viro: ‘Listen up! I know this is supposed to be a kind of stupid party, but remember that we are still IWEC officials, so don't do anything stupid. Alright?’

Nodding in agreement, the team took the elevator down to the main floor lobby. There, Metrol handed the apartment key over to the receptionist for safe keeping, whilst the others made their way out the front doors into the cool night air of the city.

Day 5 (2/2)
Chapter Five: Day Five: Part two: Alaskan stars are better then yours.

The night sky was adorned with a light blue haze, generated by the light from the city. Each star was drowned out by the city’s flame, leaving the sky an empty void of darkness.


Still, the only member of the group to notice this was Muco.


Trailing behind them, Muco kept kicking a stone as he walked along at a slow yet steady pace.


For once, he actually felt relaxed.


Metrol: (Stretching) ‘Arghhh, the streets aren't as crowded as I thought they would be.’


Kuro Chi: ‘It's strange, but rather pleasant.’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Where are we heading Viro? Please don't say it's somewhere lame.’


Viro stopped suddenly in front of them.


Viro: ‘Wait, you all think I know where we are going? I thought that was Metrol's job!’


Metrol: ‘Me? Why the hell would I be looking at bars!’


Pint: (Excitedly, rubbing his hands together) ‘Right….. if we don't have a destination lads and ladies…. follow me!’


Taking charge, the half-height tin man led the way.


Although the group trailed along silently behind Pint, Leilei was having the time of her life.


Humming the songs that Kamy showed her, she tried hopping between the slabs on the walkway, avoiding the cracks in the pavement. Her elegance allowed her to jump slab by slab, avoiding even the narrowest cracks.


Even a cobble path was no match for her!


Soon, the group started wandering further into the city, until they reached what appeared to be a huge casino.


The building was rather high and appeared to be surrounded by solid marble. The top was adorned with a giant poker chip.


Pint: (Extending arms) ‘This, ladies and gentlemen, is a place I like to call home!’


Kuro Chi: ‘Aren't some of us too young to be gambling?’


Pint: ‘Nahhhh, relax. Just follow me.’


Taking the group down a rather tight alleyway around the back of the building, Pin was met by a rather large, tall man.


As soon as he saw Pint, the guard went straight up to him. He spoke with a very deep voice.


Security guard:(Assertively) ‘Hey, this is an exclusive club. You can't just bring anyone here you know Pint. Boss's orders!’


Pint: (Calm) ‘Relax, they are IWEC too.’


Security guard:(Cautiously, a little bit unsure) ‘Oh, right, my bad. Come on in.’


Shifting to the right of the door, the guard welcomed the group in with a friendly smile.


The inside was greater then everyone had first expected. Both the floor and walls were adorned with patterned marble. Although rather open for a dance floor and bar, a large section was filled to the brim with slot machines, pool tables and many other forms of gambling tables. Even with the size of the place, there didn't seem to be many people inside, even with the gargantuan queue outside.


Pint: (Walking backward with open arms) ‘Welcome to my little slice of paradise!’


The whole group stared in amazement. In fact, matchbox began to cry!


In happiness, I think.


Viro: (Crossing arms,unimpressed) ‘How does a drunk rook like you get privileges in a place like this?’


Pint: ‘(Smiling, sarcastically) ‘I don't know, It's probably my charming personality.’


The group could see that Pint was slowly backing his way towards the bar.


Pint: ‘Right, if you guys need anything at all, just speak to one of the staff about the place. If you feel like gambling, go ask for some chips at the front desk. And hey, metrol, don't worry about the payment. It's on the house for IWEC staff. Just….don't get too greedy, alright?’


Before he was able to finish his sentence, Pint was already set up on a bar stool.


With no words to say to one another, everyone split off into small groups.



Kamy and Metrol both wondered over to one of the many gambling tables in the whole casino.


Although the table was void of people, the banker was a young, friendly fellow.


Table banker: ‘You're with Mr Pint, right?’


The two nodded.


Table banker: ‘Excellent! Please, what will you to be playing tonight?’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Well, I only know twenty one’s, so I guess that will do me. Metrol?’


Metrol: ‘I have never played a card game before.’


The banker simply laughed.


Table banker: ‘Whelp, allow me to be of assistance.’



While Kamy and Metrol began learning an assortment of card games, Kuro and Viro purchased a bunch of chips to use on the slot machines.


Taking a seat next to one another, the two began slotting the tokens in one after another.


Each time the dials sped around, the faint glow of excitement faded from the two boys eyes,as their bets one after another failed.


Viro: (slamming fist into the machine) ‘God fucking damn it!’


Kuro Chi: (Slotting another token in) ‘Be patient with them Viro. it's a one in ten chance of getting a small reward let alone a jackpot.’


Still, in anger, Viro’s frustration grew more and more after every token he placed inside.


Kuro Chi: (Calm excitement) ‘Oh, nice!’


A few hundred tokens fell into the bowl that kuro had beneath the machine. He had just won the highest jackpot available on the machine.


Viro: ‘(Muttering under his breath) Stupid fucking machines won't fucking work for me….’


Kuro Chi: (Smiling) ‘Cheer up Viro sir! I'm sure you will get a reward eventually.’


Kuro took all of his tokens and went to the front desk to cash them in.


As he walked away, viro looked down into his bowl.


One token left.


The boy breathed deeply, and with faith in his heart, slotted it into the machine.


All three parts began to spin.


Then, the loud noise of winner!


This would have been grand for Viro…. If it wasn't for the fact that he had won two tokens.


Let's just say that the machine wasn't made to have a fist sent through the front of it.



Whilst The manager was having a “word” with Viro, Leilei and Muco were relaxing at the bar.


I say relaxed, yet Muco was finding a hard to to concentrate when all he could feel was Leilei’s piercing gaze.


Muco Ufthen: (Looking at her in slight frustration) ‘Firstly, can you stop staring at me. Secondly, why do you keep following me all the time?’


Leilei Chiko: ‘I would go with Ms Kamy, but …. she seems kind of busy…’


Both of them turned to see a drunk Kamy flirting rather aggressively with the table Banker, whilst Metrol tried to keep her from pouncing on him.


Barkeeper: ‘What are you two having?’


Muco Ufthen: ‘Oh, just a pint of anything please…’


Leilei Chiko:(Cutting in excitedly) ‘Could I have a bowl of cweam please?’


The barkeeper gave her an odd look. However, he gave in to her order.


He served Muco a small pint of beer, and a tiny bowl of milk for Leilei.


As the young feline sipped her milk, Muco was focused more on the lack of people.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Why's it so empty in here?’


Bar Keeper: ‘It's actually one of the busiest nights of the year kid. Have ya seen the que’s outside?’


The two nodded


Barkeeper: ‘Exactly! Yet, none of em are allowed to get in, since the IWEC are only letting their guards, workers and the straight up rich in. That goes with every stinking bar around here!’


Muco Ufthen: (Pointing at Pint with a disdain face) ‘Why’s Pint so well known?’


Barkeeper: (Chuckling to himself) ‘Well, he’s one of the biggest drunk’s we have. It's good for business, you know?’


He turned towards Pint.


Bar Keeper: ‘Need a refill?’


Pint: ‘Yeah, go ahead's good for me know... *hick*...stuff....’


He waved his glass in the air before faceplanting onto the table in front of him.


Bar Keeper: (Laughing, talking to Muco) ‘Thats profit right there!’


As the keeper walked away to tend to the drunk robot, Muco returned to taking small sips of his drink. Leilei did too, and her little ears wiggled ever so slightly after every sip of her cream.


Leilei Chiko: (Out of the blue) ‘Mr muco, what happened to your legs?’


Muco’s entire body froze. Her question took him by surprise and sent chills down his spine.


Muco Ufthen:(Incredibly uncomfortable) ‘I….Don't want to talk about it…’


Muco shifted quickly into an uneasy position on his seat as if to collapse from his own sorrow.


Leilei Chiko: (Feeling guilty, ears flopped down) ‘M...Muco, I didn't mean to…’


Viro: (Walking over with authority) ‘This place is dumb. I can't believe I let Pint drag us to this dump!’


Placing himself on the stool between Leilei and Muco, Viro rather quickly demanded a drink, which he gulped down hastily.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Where did Kuro go?’


Viro: ‘Oh, him? He flew back to the apartment. Said he doesn't drink, so he cashed in his chips and left.’


Again, Viro ordered another drink, quickly dispersing of the liquid.


He drank more and more until eventually, the alcohol hit his system.


Viro: (Drunkenly) ‘You know, you two aren't that bad. I mean, you're all trash, but at least you're all cool!’


Muco ufthen: (Stirring his beer with his finger) ‘Yeah, thanks.’


Viro: ‘Nooo, I mean it, man! You are both …..*Hick*.... awesome. Come here!’


Giving the two of them no time to escape his clutches, viro wrapped his arms around them and squeezed in a loving embrace.


Leilei was fine with this, but Muco wanted to burn his skin in a vat of acid.


Even with the void of people, a few came over to the bar every so often. One in particular man wearing a green hood took a seat on one of the bar stools. He simply raised his hand and ordered a drink of tap water.


Viro: (Drunkenly) ‘He’s got the same colored hoodie as you do Muco, isn't that amazing’


Muco rolled his eyes and continued to sip his beer.


Leilei finished off her drink with a loud slurping noise, then a tiny hiccup.


Leilei Chiko: ‘Num num num. That was nice!’


Muco at this stage must have only realised how out of hand things were getting, as he had a glare of frustration on his face.


Muco Ufthen: ‘I think I might call it an evening. See you all back at the apartment.’


Muco stood from his seat and forced his way out the front entry point to the casino.


Leilei Chiko: (Faintly, rushing after him) ‘Mr. Muco, wait!’


Leilei rushed over to him through the crowds of people at the entrance.


Leilei Chiko: ‘I wanna go home too! I mean, Mr Viro is scaring me and Ms Kamy seems like she’s made a new freind…’


The two watched as a drunk kamy chased the poor table banker around and around the table, trying her hardest to get him in her grasp.


Muco Ufthen: ‘*sigh* fine…’


The two strolled back towards the sky scraped. At that time of night, the stars align themselves perfectly in the sky, despite the radiant light from the city streets. Although dim, Leilei’s eyes sparkled at the mere thought of seeing them.


Muco Ufthen: (Awkwardly making conversation) ‘… you like stars then.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Of course! They're so shiny and small... ‘


She smiled at him.


Leilei Chiko: ‘I only ever heard about stars in books when i was at the fac...faci...faccc….’


Muco Ufthen: ‘Facility?’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Yeah! But now I get to see them! They're so tiny and pretty!’


Even with his incredibly uptight and snobbish attitude (Sorry Muco), he couldn't resist feeling at ease due to Leilei’s tiny smile.


???: ‘Excuse me!’


A voice from behind startled them. When they turned, it was the guy with the green hoodie.


???: ‘Hate to disturb your night out, but you kind of forgot something.’


He threw a rather small object towards Muco. As he caught it, he realised that it was his wallet.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Oh, thank you. I could have sworn that I had it in my leg compartment, though…’


The guy simply nodded.


???: ‘No need to thank me…’


He turned and stared up towards the sky.


???: ‘You know, on nights like these it makes you think of what the stars have witnessed in order to remain shining so brightly. The warmth that they radiate, and the hope that comes with it. And yet, when you look deeper into it, many of these stars have died, and yet their radiance still travels far and wide, bringing hope to those before it.’


The two looked at each other in confusion, then back at the stranger.


Muco ufthen: ‘Well, thank you very much… err…’


???: ‘Please, just know me as a friend.’


The green hooded figure began to part ways with the two of them.


???: ‘Oh, and one more thing. If you ever want to see the stars in full brightness, visit Alaska. Take it from me, the stars are great out there.’


Whistling as he went, the hooded figure soon disappeared out of sight.


Leilei Chiko: ‘He seemed nice. Where is Alaska Muco?’


Muco wasn't paying attention to her. Instead, he was shifting through his wallet.


Muco Ufthen: ‘I swear I had over a thousand pounds in her earlier… now I have eight hundred…’



The two arrived back at the apartment, where Kuro was waiting in the lobby.


Muco Ufthen: ‘What are you doing down here Kuro?’


Kuro Chi: ‘Oh, don't mind me. I’m just waiting to see if the others need assistance into the elevator when they get back. After all, with all that alcohol consumption, they may be unable to work the elevator.’


Muco Ufthen: ‘I don't think they will be able to get home without guidance Kuro.’


Kuro Chi: ‘Are they that bad?’


Muco Ufthen: ‘Yep.’


Kuro Chi: ‘I see…’


He stood up from the chair.


Kuro Chi: ‘Well, I will go and gather them. Have a good evening you two!’


Saying goodnight, both Leilei and Muco took the elevator up to the apartment.


Although leilei tried to speak to Muco again, she still felt terribly guilty about mentioning his legs.


So, without words, the two retired for the evening….


….Swiftly followed by a horde of drunken young people.



Kuro thought everyone was back in the apartment now.


yet, two were missing.


(Back to the casino, in a poorly lit room at the back)


Four fairly hefty men were sat at a table, each sweating intensely as their eyes darted back and forth at the gun holder.


Xiil had the gun in his hand, pointed straight at his head. Slowly, he squeezed the trigger.




No shot.


Without sighing for relief, he handed the gun to the gentlemen on his left.


You see, Xiil and matchbox may be IWEC officers, but at heart, they are nothing more than bandits. You see, they were now taking part in a street match of Russian roulette with a group of local Thugs.


All bets were placed on the table, and the gentleman to Xiil’s right took aim at his own head.


Slowly, his finger squeezed the trigger.





*Bang! bang! bang!*


Holding the unloaded pistol in his hand, matchbox started emptying the gentlemen's pockets into a pretty pink unicorn bag he had brought with him.


Although Xiil may be the backstreet ringleader type with a sense of etiquette, Matchbox will shoot you dead for a fair sum of money…


...or for fun.

With their loot in hand, the two made sure to dispose of the bodies, before returning to the apartment for a good night's rest.

Day 6

Chapter five: Day six: Straight to command

The time was closing in to midday in london. Every part of the city was alive with the sound of advertisement, simple chater and work.


Muco, exhausted from the night before, had fallen into a heavy sleep against his bedroom wall. His face was pressed up tightly against it, leaving small drool marks.


Leilei Chiko: (Urgently) ‘Mr muco sir, wake up! Wake up!’


Leilei started tugging at Muco’s arm. Still half asleep, he stirred, peeling his face away from the wallpaper.


Muco Ufthen: (Rubbing eyes) ‘Yeah, what is it?’


Leilei Chiko: (Still tugging at his arm urgently) ‘Quickly! Something's wrong with Ms Kamy!’


Slowly, Muco was dragged all the way to Kamy’s room.


Laying on her bed, Kami was dazed. Her body seemed completely limp. The only words she muttered were slurred.


Leilei Chiko: (Incredibly concerned) ‘What's wrong with her? Is she dying?’


Muco picked up her arm and let go. With a small, grouchy moan from Kamy, she rolled over onto her side.


Muco Ufthen: ‘She's hangover Leilei.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Oh no! Will she be ok?’


Muco only then realised that this was the first time Leilei had seen the effects of alcohol on people.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Leilei, remember yesterday that Kamy was drinking a lot of stuff from the bar?’


Leilei nodded.


Muco ufthen: ‘Well, when someone drinks a lot of alcohol, it makes their brain go cloudy. Kamy drank a bit too much, meaning she’s…’


He pointed at the weirdly positioned girl, who seemed like she was on death's door.


Leilei Chiko: ‘Then why would people drink alchemohol!’


Muco didn't want to go deeper into the rabbit hole of alcohol-related conversation.


So, he poked Kamy again. She moaned loudly and very weakly slapped him.


Muco Ufthen: ‘She will be fine. Kamy just needs allot of water and rest.’


Leilei nodded, before rushing out the room. She returned a few seconds later with a glass of water and a book.


Muco ufthen: ‘What's the book for?’


Leilei Chiko: ‘Well, when I want to sleep, Kamy plays me music and reads me a bedtime story. But… I can't play music, so I hope she likes a bedtime story.’


Rather hastily, Leilei Pushed Muco out the room.


Every time he tried to ask her why she shushed him.


Metrol: ‘Hey, Muco, we have…. a bit of a problem.’


In the front room, Viro and Pint were passed out on the floor. Kuro was tending to the two of them.


Matchbox and Xiil were seated on the sofa, counting up individual wads of money.


But, the more pressing matter was the two hung over people laying helpless on the floor.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Kamy’s in the same boat to Metrol. Just give them some rest and a glass of water and they should be fine.’


Metrol: ‘That's not the problem…’


He handed Muko a note. As he read it, his eyes widened.


Kuro Chi: (Observing Muco’s face) ‘Yes, I do believe that, if you allow me to say, “shit has hit the fan”.


Muko Ufthen: ‘Great! So he's definitely getting here today then. What the hell are we supposed to do about this!’


Metrol: ‘Whelp, I guess we stick them in bed, give them a lot of water, and hope for the best.’


He went over to Viro, picking the boy up onto his shoulders.


Metrol: ‘You take Pint. Then, I guess we just do our own things until our captain gets here.’


Metrol walked out of the room with Viro across his shoulder.


Yet, when Muco went to pick up Pint, he found the task next to impossible. For such a small mech, Pint weighed so much!


In the end, Muco, Kuro, and Matchbox had to drag him by his legs to his bed (Which was located behind the personal bar in the house. I know, it's the best place to take someone suffering from a hangover!)


Leilei entered the living room. She had overheard their conversation.


Leilei Chiko: ‘Our boss is coming today then?’


Muco Ufthen: (Slumping on the sofa) ‘Yep. Great timing.’


Leilei Chiko: (Sitting beside him, giddily) ‘I hope he’s nice.’


Everyone who was conscious in the room gave a small snicker.


Leilei Chiko: (Ears dropping) ‘What's so funny?’


Metrol and Muco exchanged the “Which one of us is going to explain this to her” look.


Metrol: ‘Look, Leilei, the thing is, most… well, all IWEC captains are basically drones. Once you get to the stage where you can get promoted up to that level, you are basically mind washed into doing absolutely everything you are ordered to. So, as far as being nice is concerned, a boot up your arse is the nicest thing you will get from them.’


Muko could see the disappointment in her eyes.


Muko Ufthen: ‘Don't worry about it though. As long as we all stick to his rules we should be fine.’


Metrol nodded in agreement.


Xiil Hangingu: ‘(Grunts to confirm Muko’s statement.)’


Matchbox finished off counting his money and placed it all into a pink bag on the ground.


Metrol: (Confused) ‘Where did you both get that much money from?’


Exchanging casual looks, both Matchbox and Xiil simply shrugged their shoulders.


Metrol: (Dismissing them) ‘Right, well, about these guys…’


Kuro Chi: ‘Leave them to me. You prepare an excuse for…


Pint: ‘Ya don't really need an excuse for the drunk lad.’


Pint was now standing on his feet, with no sign whatsoever of maintaining his hangover.


Metrol: ‘Wow, is your body that used to alcohol…’


Pint: ‘Naa, Check this out.’


Pint pulled out a small syringe from a compartment in his arm, walked into Viro’s room, and injected it into his leg.


Within a few seconds, Viro shot quickly out of his bed.


Viro: (Angry) ‘What the fuck is wrong with you! You just stabbed me!’


He did the same to Kamy, however, she remained in bed.


Metrol: ‘Did it not work or something?’


Kuro Chi:(Shrugging) ‘No, she's just super lazy.’


Kamy rolled slowly out of bed. Thumping against the floor.


Viro: (Rubbing his leg) ‘What's in that stuff anyway? I don't exactly trust a liquid that just got pumped into my leg by an alcoholic robot.’


Pint: ‘It's just some stuff to keep ya walking after a good night out.’


He winked at him.


Viro: (Agitated) ‘If I start seeing bright patterns I'm going to turn you into scrap metal!’


Kami Falvey: (Still half asleep) ‘Ok, ok, I'm up, stop talking….*snore*...’


The guys let her be, returning to the living room. Leilei was no longer seated on the sofa. In fact, she had disappeared entirely from the room.


Muco looked around until the open balcony door caught his eye. As Metrol and Kuro were talking with Pint, Muco went to investigate.


Although Leilei was not on the main balcony, Muco could hear her humming from the roof. Using the banister, he pulled himself up.


Leilei was looking out towards the city, humming softly whilst wiggling her shoes. Her ears were still down.


Muco Ufthen: ‘Is everything ok?’


Leilei Chiko: (Silently) ‘Yeah, everything's fine.’


Muco took a seat beside her.


Leilei Chiko: ‘I mean, Mr muco sir, we’re all going to be hunting another group of people, right?’


Muco Ufthen: ‘Yeah, why?’


Leilei Chiko: ‘But… why are we hunting them?’


Muco Ufthen: ‘They are terrorists Leilei. They are dangerous people.’


Leilei Chiko: ‘But aren't we also dangerous people?’


Muco had to think hard about this one. He couldn't really say that they weren't, since many of them had taken countless lives for the IWEC.


Muco Ufthen: ‘It's just our duty Leilei. Remember the IWEC rulebook?’


Leilei noded.


Leilei Chiko: (Happily, flailing her arms around)‘We could all just be friends though! It would be nice!’


Becoming rather cheerful once again, leilei got to her feet, and returned back to the apartment.


Muco sat back and sighed.


Kamy Falvey: ‘She will learn soon enough. This is her first time out of the lab.’


Muco Ufthen: (Taken by surprise) ‘You get changed really quickly!’


Kamy Falvey: ‘Yep. It's one of my specialties.’


By now, the sun was slowly coming down. The sky started fading into a deep orange.


Kamy Falvey: ‘Hey, listen, about what happened back at the orphanage…’


Muco ufthen: ‘It's fine Kamy. It was never your fault to begin with…’


Silently, the two were stuck for a few minutes with nothing but the city sounds to fill the void in conversation.


Kamy Falvey: (Awkwardly, but with a smile) ‘Right, I'm heading back inside. You coming?’


Muco Ufthen: ‘Yeah, just give me a second.’


Kamy also returned to the apartment. Muco followed.


Yet, as he was about to drop down, a flash of green passed his vision. Looking around, he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary.


Everything was silent in the apartment. Everyone was standing still in the main room.


After tracing them all, Muco could see what they were all staring at.


The elevator was raising to their floor.


Taking a deep breath, the team all stood to attention.


The elevator arrived.


As the doors slowly slid open, a metal leg clunked through the door. From head to toe, the figure was fully robotic. He was painted with a thick black and grey paint, with a knight-like mask covering the part where his mouth should be. (imagine me, but more Knight-like with different shaped eyes and two individual horn’s)


He spoke firmly with purpose, but with a cynical air about it.


Andrack: (Shouting)  ‘Right, listen up! You are all now under my order. Move out of line, and there will be consequences. Step into my line of sight, and I won't hesitate to strike you down. This will be a very dangerous task, so we will not hesitate to leave anyone behind if they are not capable of keeping up and support themselves. Even so, you do not disobey my order, no matter what you think. Do you understand?’


Everyone stayed silent.


Andrack: (Shouting much, much louder) ‘You say “Yes Sir” when I speak to you. Understand?


Viro: ‘But the slip we got said that there is no ranks anym….’


Andrack took no time to grab Viro by the throat, pushing him up against the wall.


Andrack: (Harshly, in his face) ‘I said, do, you, understand?’


Everyone: (Choking) ‘Yes Sir!’


He dropped Viro, who collapsed on the ground, taking in deep breaths of air.


Muco glanced over to Leilei. He could tell that she was terrified from where he was standing. Her ears and legs were shaking in fear.


Slowly, Andrack walked over to inspect his new “team”.


Andrack: (After checking his team) ‘Great, this is all they can give me? A group of teenagers, a dumb cat, a wannabe sergeant and a pair of tramps?’


He shook his head.


Andrack: ‘I guess this will have to do, wont it?’


Andrack moved quickly out of the room, and into the only remaining bedroom available.


Andrack: ‘We leave tomorrow at dawn. We already have an idea on where the group will be heading.’


He slammed his door.


Timidly, the team slowly moved to their rooms too.


Again, as Muco was walking towards his bedroom, he noticed something green move at the window. But as soon as he went to look, there was nothing there.


Muco Ufthen: (Under his breath) ‘*sigh* this is going to be hell.’



As the team shut their bedroom doors for the evening, the sun came down past the horizon, casting a veil of darkness onto the city.


On Top of the main tower of London, a figure in a green hood was seated directly above the IWEC apartment.


He took out a small pendant out from his hoodie. Opening it, the boy stared down at a picture of his family.


Xyro Donatus: (Talking to myself) ‘You know, it's funny how things work out. One moment you're kind of stuck in a useless life, where nothing looks like it will work out, and then the next moment you're trying to leave the planet whilst fighting a corrupt government who thinks they're doing a good thing.’


I laughed.


Xyro Donatus: (Still talking to myself) ‘I mean, now we have this group trying to get us. This is going to be a fun chase, hey?’


I placed the pendant onto the radio pole on the roof so that the photo in the pendant was facing out towards the city.


Xyro Donatus: ‘There you go mum. I'm sorry I couldn't have done more for you…’


I stared hard at the photo.


Xyro Donatus: ‘... I will make sure I will make you all proud, I promise.’


I turned and smiled.


Xyro Donatus: ‘....I promise.’

(End of chapter 5)

© Copyright 2016-2017 james Coventry
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